I'd rather they implement effective anticheat like Battleeye. I've never played a round of conquest and thought "I would love to have some talents like World of Warcraft". I've played plenty of rounds where I thought "I'd love for that damage hack using aimbotting piece of ^%%# to get banned already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The cheating is so bad EA has gone full 1984 with their forum moderation forcing any conversation about cheating into one thread and banning anyone who posts video proof of it, for "Name and Shame". That's right if you post a video showing a hacker in the game they will ban you from the forums for sharing that hackers name!
F$%k your MMO talent system, I want anticheat!!!!!!!
"They were as easy to get as a loaf of bread at the supermarket. You could walk into a bodega and pick up telekinesis. In a lot of ways, it's an allegory for the gun issue in our country right now but through the lens of DC superheroes and superpowers."
Wait a minute is DC making a pro Gun comic book? Clearly they are going to make Grayson have a change of heart and end up fighting with the oppressed powered people to topple the authoritarian Government. The oppressed in this allegory would be the gun owners, and they would be the ones fighting for freedom.
@julittok: Yeah we have had multiple years of AMD not being competitive anywhere. Have to go back to the 7970 for the last time they really competed with Nvidia. And what has it gotten us? Higher pricing, maybe, though that could mainly be the Miners. The biggest change is likely that Nvidia does not even bother to release its BIG footprint product in the same year it launches the new architecture. They now have a tick tock of new architecture X80 on the tick, and BIG version of that architecture as Titan and then Ti later. Nvidia has definitely slowed down since AMD collapsed.
@rabih55555: Exactly, we only have the AMD numbers, which likely are cherry picked, so the end result will be worse. But at the end of the day this thing is sucking down 285 watts to match Nvidia's 180 watts of performance by AMD's own claims, that is phenomenally bad.
Every issue these progressive media outlets have with Iron Fist is an issue every other Marvel Netflix show has, so it makes it very clear the problem was his race. Which apparently they can't let go and will continue to whine about in Defenders reviews, in the season 2 of Iron Fist, and so on and so forth, because Marvel TV didn't cave to their racist ideology and change the characters race to appease them.
@wanderz: That is because Google gave up on it. What I am mainly referring to is Comcast's roll out of DOCSIS 3.1, which enables 1 gig over the cable lines already there. They are rolling it out now, have it many cities, and should finish nationwide deployment before too long. At the same time, even though Google gave up, AT&T and other fiber providers are expanding still.
Industrialized areas with small land masses and centralized populations have the fastest internet.... SHOCKING. Its almost as if wiring up everyone with fiber is really easy when you don't have far to go.
Most US cities will have 1 Gig over Cable or a 1Gig + Fiber Option by the end of the year. Won't be cheap, but it will definitely be fast.
stm1185's comments