@catsimboy: You owe your existence to those atrocities happening. That is a fact. People need to stop acting as if history screwed them, when it created them.
@catsimboy: If their ancestors were not slaves they would not exist today. They exist because history occurred as it did. Change that history and you kill them, and yourself. Which is why basing policy around the 'suffering' of ones ancestors is downright stupid. Everyone benefited from what happened, simply because you WOULD NOT EXIST if it HAD NOT HAPPENED.
Double Standards are not equality. You cannot say a word 50 times a day and then get upset when someone else says it, only because of the color of their skin. You cannot listen a song that has that word in it 100 times, then get upset when someone else says it once because of the color of their skin. That is deciding that skin color, not context, not intent, is what is important. That is racism.
You can have racial equality or you can have racial animosity, and your SJW way of thinking only stirs up animosity.
@gr4h4m833zy: You STFU, you are the problem. Whose getting offended here? Does anyone really believe anyone who was offended by that is not a professional victim?
You think the average black guy watches that and gets bent out of shape over him calling some random guy in a game the N word. Get real.
So this SJW Dev is going to abuse the copyright system and file false copyright claims to try and enforce his language policy on another person.
These totalitarians are the next great evil western civilization will have to overcome, it beat fascism, it beat communism, and now it will beat these so called 'progressives' which stand against every enlightenment value.
stm1185's comments