@gamingdevil800: Kitchen Irish, The Slavers, Man of Stone... adapt any of the Ennis stories, or even do a couple of them. Most of these Marvel shows lag mid season, they could likely do two stories instead of 1, and make it feel more lively as a result!
Woot! Progressive media critics get BTFO! Netflix went with the viewers who have given it a 90% User Rating, tied with only Stranger Things on IMDB for streaming shows. Not the progressive critics who admit it has great acting, great plotting, great characters... but then knocked off 40% of the score for having guns!
@dlCHIEF58: If you paid for the Beta $30 and you will never have to pay again, and millions of people have been playing it for months... Yes.
Every game now routinely has post launch patches and content updates. PUBG is no more fluid in its development state than half a dozen 'released' titles. Practically every online game never stops development until the servers go dark now.
This idea that you have to have a formal launch of a product to judge it is stupid. Millions of people are playing it. For months. The product launched. They can call it whatever they want, money exchanged hands, the game is being played, it's released.
Glad to see the characters that tanked comic books sales finally will be put on TV. As their failure there might actually make Marvel Comics realize why they sell 20-40k comics instead of the 500-705k they did in the 90s!
Millions bought, millions played it, and yet you can't render a verdict on if its the best game that came out this year...
Because of its development status...
Sorry this is just dumb. The game is out, its widely available, and its the most played on Steam. Its released to the public. It should be a challenger just as much as Destiny 2, which also continues to receive regular updates and changes.
What's the difference really? A level of polish, a level of content. Grade it based on whats there.
I absolutely loved the game until I got to the last act. That act was so arcane in its design that I fumbled around for hours until I found the hidden doorway you have to find without any real clues by randomly walking past it.
That is not good level design, and ruined the end of the game for me.
@Jinzo_111887: Or they simply dont say anything since that video was almost 2 years old. Who was going to connect them to PewDiePie in a negative way, which evil scumbag would think to go through PewDiePie's old videos and start harassing developers because he streamed their game once.
@esqueejy: Guilt by association that you support is evil and stupid. The idea that a racist streaming your game reflects upon you is insane. Only a partisan zealot would hate Firewatch because PewDiePie streamed it.
stm1185's comments