The point of the copyright law was to protect commercial viability, and as such it has been changed over the years to allow for new uses of copyrights that aren't a challenge to that commercial viability. Like when Google sprang up and started using copyright images in search results.
If PewDiePie took this to court and spent the money, he'd win. Because he can show that streaming benefits the game developer, that the game developer themselves have admitted this, that streaming can even turn a game into a massive hit like with PUBG, and that his usage is not what was envisioned to be prevented by the copyright laws as it does not harm the copyright holder.
The copyright system was setup so people who make content can be protected commercially. It was not created so that you can control who can and cannot stream your game based on your moral code.
@Bowser05: Yeah organically as part of the show, not as a dog whistle for the progressive left with such stupid garbage as naming the female lead Michael.
The Orville has diversity too, except they didnt have to be stupid about it, and it works well!
@drnknnmd: But typically when that happens someone who is not high all day realizes it and returns things to normal. They have done several resets of characters, and even the entire universe before.
Marvel is now 2 years past when that needed to happen, and its killing the industry.
stm1185's comments