@troyhoward70 Equality is that everybody has equal rights and chance to get a job. Hiring a certain % of people based on race is not equality. It is only the appearance of equality. Sometimes yes, there will be more minorities, sometimes less. If you really weren't a racist, you would see everybody as the same and not even think or look at what their skin colour is.
This could've been a great product. But it seems Sony only released this due to perceived demand and they really didn't put much time or effort in to realizing it's potential. This should've been a product that would crush Roku, Apple TV, etc... With the bonus of GAMES !
@max_inferno2110 It deserves an 8 because it has potential????? No! When and if that potential is realised, then it will get another review and updated score. You can't grade something on what it might be, someday.
Havent got a new console yet. Basically waiting until product is complete with all promised features, it needs to do more than last gen. Also hopping for bigger HDD installed. And really, there's no need to rush, products are incomplete and there are no absolutely must have games. They will all be there later, for cheaper.
Most likely will get a PS4, since I love my PS3. But thinking I may get an Xbox since my friends are 360 players who are unlikely to change to PS. We shall see....
straightcur's comments