@oscardayus: I agree, EA doesn't deserve credit when it's undue. They made a lazy port for a new system. Just because it's portable does not excuse the lack of content, for the same price. Maybe the frostbite engine isn't as great as advertised? Maybe they didn't use it because it wouldn't run on Switch? ID tech 6, on the other hand, is proving it's quite capable of scaling assets up or down, however the developer needs to make the best product possible on any system. If they can get Doom and Wolfenstein running decently, with all the bells and whistles, FIFA's developer could too--if they cared to. Just to be clear, I have the Switch, and really like it, but I'm not going to go full fanboy for a lazy port. I'll save that for Mario.
I wish there was a demo. I'm not sure if there's enough new to warrant a buy. I'm not a hardcore racing gamer, and these games are starting to remind me of the Madden series, with small incremental changes. All the previous games are great, so maybe I'll just wait a bit. I'm sure it's a solid game.
@burnedandfrozen: I've never been a big fan of Seth's animated shows. I did enjoy a couple of his films, and the Orville is cool so far. I'm more of a Futurama, ATHF guy.
@chano880: Yeah, you're right. I really just wanted to make a Jaguar joke, lol. Pikman proved (to me at least) that PC style games could work on console--even though I used to play Command and Conquer on the Saturn.
@Barighm: You're going to need that Atari Jaguar controller with 57 buttons on it though. I know it's possible to use a keyboard on a console, but developers usually design console games around the standard controller.
@frosty988: Yeah, I like the sims, but I never spend as much time playing as I plan to. I get bored quickly. Burnout is my favorite arcade racer of all time. Criterion worked on some of the Need for Speed games after Burnout, but they just didn't feel as good. I don't know, maybe this new one will be good though.
streetmagik's comments