@xantufrog: Exactly. I watched a bunch of videos and read articles about the Witcher before it launched. It was what I expected it to be and there were surprises along the way, but nothing to make me think I was going to buy an MMORPG dancing game. Hello Games was not vague or misleading about the game. People read between the lines things that don't exist and then get mad the developer didn't read their mind.
The guy that got the game early was streaming Saturday and defending the game. He not only finished the game, but earned the Platinum trophy and said he still could not put the controller down. He gave some honest objective opinions that mostly came down to, NMS is an exploration game, not a space action multiplayer game. Funny, that's what Hello Games said from the beginning.
@Sgt-Damain: they (hello games) didn't create the hype train. If you look at all the trailers then play the game you will realize it's exactly what was explained multiple times, an exploration game. Some will be bored, others will be like me. I've always wanted to play a game like this. It's a childhood dream to explore the universe.
@nervedamaged: The first video is from June. The article is basically taking things from multiple articles to kinda put all the basic info in one place.
@sev2010: The planets were not crafted by the designers. They wrote an algorithm with a specific set of rules based on their created periodic table. So, the same way life is here on Earth and not on Mars, the system randomly throws elements together and then takes into account things like, the distance from the sun. If certain criteria is met, the program creates life forms. Depending on types of plant life and atmosphere determines types and sizes of creatures that are on planets. Some planets will have life, others will be uninhabitable because of conditions. It's simple yet complex and allows for the game to have the absurd amount of planets it does.
@Zombie8814: wait for the nx to come out and probably get one cheap. WiiU is already dead, but prices haven't dropped yet. There are a good number of great games too. It's funny, you know the system isn't as powerful as the ps or xbox, but a couple of games look and play so smooth, I questioned how they were running on the system. Yes, a lot of games run 60fps. Mario 3d world, mariocart, Pikman, wonderful 101, bayonetta, smash bros, etc. The tablet controller is kinda neat too. You can use it as a touch screen tv and cable remote without turning the system on, or use the screen instead of the big screen tv. If someone else is playing a game or watching tv it's cool to play on the tablet like a portable.
@GregoryBastards: he did win an Oscar, but I wouldn't put him in the same league as Morgan Freeman, DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Daniel Day-Lewis, etc. Even though the movie is getting bad reviews, Leto has been getting some praise from what I read. This isn't going to hurt his career.
@calamityo: that's what I'll do. Probably rent it on Vudu like BvS. It's got to be better than that sloppy mess and I still gave it a shot. Just like green lantern, ff4, and all the other poorly reviewed comic films.
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