This game looks so cool. I cannot wait to get this, but when does it come out? It seems like I've known about this game since the xbox1 released. Still can't wait.
@louixiii: I didn't realize anybody else liked Gunvalkyrie. This seems like a simplified style of what GV is. That was a tough SOB game. Some of the time limits were brutal, but I beat it multiple times. Smilebit was amazing on the original Xbox. Jet set radio future and Panzer Dragoon Orta are classics.
Don't hate me. I obviously haven't played this yet, but everything I've seen makes this look just, ok. Nothing about this game grabs me. I'm not going to judge until I play, but, uuuhhhhhgggggg. Well, wait and see.
I'm sorry, but how can you call a system backwards compatible when less than a quarter of the 360 games are playable? Luckily I still have a 360, but it would be nice if I could play the other 95% of those games I own on my xb1. My Wii U and 3ds are actually backwards compatible.
@henrycharles: what's your deal man? How is this article (that you didn't have to click) ruining the game? I have played a ton of nms and haven't seen any of these creatures. Maybe something similar, but with options this vast it's fun to see what others are experiencing.
No doubt it looks and runs smoother. Not an insane difference. If your not running a beast rig, the ps4 version is still great. If you have that beast rig, well duh, get PC version.
@Grenadeh: Are you just trolling? It's hard to tell if your actually this dense. What he wrote is almost word for word what Sean Murray wrote, which is the game. Like it or not.
streetmagik's comments