@translucent17 @raddys2001 Also lack of a good standard DEFAULT controller that comes with the package. Gotta buy the useful pro controller separately, and it might not be usable for some Wii U games.
If only it could fold to a more compact size and had better placement of its buttons. It's backwards compatible too, dammit...such a potentially great product. I would actually get a 3DS if it were backwards compatible; I dunno about this weird looking thing though.
@godofwarbfcodfa @swyg I mostly like PC for the emulators, but steam does have some other big hits that I dig. Bastion and Mark of the Ninja (was initially hard to get into) surprised me a lot.
I'm probably going to take the next gen much slower than this gen. Really just waiting on KH3 and FF15. MGS5 will be the next and maybe the last big game I get for a long time.
@godofwarbfcodfa @swyg I know it was kind of cryptic, but I was agreeing with you. There have been and probably still will be times that I will decide to not play games on PC simply because the computer would take forever to start up, and then waiting on steam to start up, then play the game.
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