His excuse is ridiculous. Sony and Nintendo have their Virtual Console / PlayStation Classics services, which run games via emulation. If they can do it, Microsoft can too.
Backwards compatibility is a great way to catch up on games you missed without having a ton of consoles plugged into your TV. Plus it makes the transition to a new console much easier to bear. Nintendo knows this very well, which is why they put BC in the Wii U and 3DS.
I still play plenty of PS3 games, and I'd love to play them on my shiny new PS4... Streaming through Gakai won't be as reliable as direct emulation, simply because of latency issues and poor broadband speeds.
The standard launch price for consoles has always been $250 - $350, depending on how high-end the hardware is. The Xbox 360 and PS3 will likely have price cuts at the end of the year, just in time for the Next Xbox and PS4.
The only reason the PS3 cost $600 at launch is because of all the high-end tech it used (Blue-ray, CELL processor). PS4 is using more standardized PC tech, which will bring both the manufacturing and consumer costs down. And Microsoft will likely follow a similar route.
The only people that care about the tech are fanboys and graphics whores. All I know is that the games will look amazing, and the streaming features and social features will be great.
All in all, AMD wins because all 3 console manufacturers are using their chips.
tendoboy1984's comments