Apparently my last log on was January of 2011. That...was a long time ago. Drop in hello and say hello if your still among the living. Or don't. ;) Either way, take care.
theunloved Blog
Why I Adore Bear.
by theunloved on Comments
A video of my dog Bear teasing my parents cat. This was when I brought him over for a visit. Watch his paws carefully, and during the end. He's such a fun dog lol.
On a side note, I got alot of games to get soon. Dead Space 2 is a must. Then there's Bulletstorm, Killzone 3, Homefront...and....and....Pokemon!!! So busy Jan, Feb and March for game buys.
Greetings Everyone
by theunloved on Comments
I've been gone awhile. Just finished up moving into my new house so that kept me busy. Christmas was good, got myself a PS3 and a couple of games. Family got me a new coat. Bear got a super built tennis ball that was supposed to be invincible, but he destroyed it within an hour. Bought myself an Alienware Aurora Desktop today. Hoping I can use it for college later this year. Anyways, short blog. You all take care.
Most Wanted Game for 2011?
by theunloved on Comments
Hey all! As the holiday season is upon us, and the year 2011 looming suddenly, what game are you most looking forward to next year? There are a huge number of big hits and small titles coming out, so what do you want?
I'm actually looking forward to Homefront the most. Even over Gears 3 and all. Mostly because it looks like the first FPS that actually has a legit story in it. Probably in close second is Dead Space 2. If I could, I'd probably get a ton of games, but I must watch the budget of course lol. A few others I'm looking into are Bulletstorm, Two Words II, the new Batman game, Gears of War 3, Rage, Beyond Good and Evil 2 (Which sadly doesn't come out till Dec of 2011. If you haven't played the first, your missing out on one of the best games ever made. And I don't mean that lightly). There are tons more, but I can't even remember half of them now.
Recently played Black Ops, which is just another Call of Duty to me. I usually only play them for the single player. I beat the new Assassin's Creed game and most of Fallout New Vegas. Both of which are amazing. Still waiting for Enslaved to arrive. Rather annoying having to wait for it. But I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. Any of you play the Force Unleashed II? I want to know if I'm the only person who thought it was the worst, shortest sequel ever made.
Here's a new picture of Bear with his toy. Take care now.
New Things
by theunloved on Comments
Greetings all,
Hope your all doing well. If not, then get better!! Not like I can order that, but one can try. I finally got a job. It isn't an amazing job, but its a job. Though, no offense to Mexicans, its difficult working when your supervisor can't speak English. But I guess thats what I get for be a floor buffer lol. Through an amazing use of my skills, I was at least able to get two new games. Fallout New Vegas and Fable III. So that was some fun. And I move to a new house in January. My brother is going to the Marines, so I'll be staying and helping with the rent with his preggers girlfriend. She's awesome, so it all works out. And Bear will get a new friend there too. A dog named Moose. Though....I'm sure in the real world, Bear's and moose's aren't the best of friends. I haven't been logging onto gamespot much anymore, so sorry to all I missed when it comes to blogs and unions. Take care.
Tiny things, and other things!
by theunloved on Comments
I've been having a bad habit of staying away from here. I can't really explain why. But I am....but anyways, for those who are still
I finally signed up for facebook....again. I used to have one, I got all the way past the sign up stage and then quit. Never been one for signing up for these things. Mostly since Myspace. I had like 60000000000 friends for no reason lol. So if you want to see me whine, complain and do pointless things, then feel free to send me a friend request. So you can look me up with my email I believe...I hope. so feel free to friend request me. Also so I don't feel like I'm friendless lol. Right now my picture is of my ugly face against a door. I'll have one up later of me and Bear. But yesh...enough of that.
Other then that....hope your all doing's Bear.
Back for a Tag
by theunloved on Comments
Yep. Been quite a few weeks since I ventured back here. So I was informed by the lovely Naomz that she had tagged me, so I have returned to grant that tag. From what I understand, there's a music tag thing going around. But sadly, my ears were torn off in a fight with an evil monkey so I shall do the regular one. (Mostly cause I only listen to instrumental music. lol)
Ten random and mostly useful facts about me.
1. I finally got my car fixed, which means I can drive.
2. I saved a kid from drowning on Saturday at my brothers apartment while everyone stood there and watched him.
3. Bear sheds so much that I'm making a wookie outfit.
4. I haven't played my 360 for a long time.
5. I still need a job lol
6. My mother is trying to get me to join the airforce.
7. I ate so much ramen this past month I get sick looking at the package.
8. However, I still manage to buy soda.
9. I'm very boring because I'm already out of things.
10. I'm still unloved :P
More New Things!
by theunloved on Comments
Hey everyone!
Hope your all doing well. I'm better now. Thanks for all your comments.
After Naomz started up a deviantART account, I remembered I had an old account sitting around. So I went and finally started putting up pictures. All are of my puppy though lol. I'll probably post drawings when I get a working scanner. My account can be found here. But be sure to check out Naomz's as well. Her drawings are really cute.
I ordered a new game for my 360. Called Death Smiles. Never heard of it...ever. But it comes with a faceplate, a artbox, and a music cd. So I'm sure that'll make up for it. Comes out on the 29.
Bear is being his usually self. But the biggest news with him is he saved me from another dog. We were out walking and this big brute dog came running up. Short fur, and had big over hanging lips. He starts lunging at me, and barking and snarling. And the next thing I see is Bear leaping between me and the dog and going insane with his own barks. He snapped and growled and the other dog left. He got spolied that night lol
Oh...and for those who follow FIFA, he's apparently supporting Germany. Or eating them. Not sure which. You can see why here...
(Thats the FIFA Germany Ball for the World Cup)
Depression = Unfun
by theunloved on Comments
I think I might be a tad bit emontional. I'm sitting here, minding my own buisness when my phone rings. I don't know the number, so I ignore it. Calls again, I ignore it again. Voice mail. Alright, I pick up my cell, listen to my voice mail. Who do I hear? My ex who destroyed my life. She leaves a message talking all normal like, saying she hasn't talked to me in ages. Thats nice, thanks for making my heart go splat again. Sigh. I need to throw away emontions or something. Come to think of it, posting a blog about it has no point. Oh well.
Same old, same old.
by theunloved on Comments
Hey fellow Gamespotting friends.
I thought I might just update you all to what I've been up too. I beat those two games I got myself for my birthday. (Btw, thanks to all who wished my a happy one. Appericate it).
They were two titles that slipped by everyone pretty much. Darkest of Days was pretty bad, but to be honest, I enjoyed it. I just gave it a chance. And nothing beats opening fire on a group of Southerners with a 22nd century assault rifle. No offense to those in the south of course.
Jurassic The Hunted gave me a slight headace as I played. I guess just the movement of the FPS just threw me off. It was so werid, felt very...very jumpy I suppose. First time it ever happened. But it was really fun fighting dinousars. Just wish it was longer or had more varity of dinos to kill.
My buddy Bear is still growing. I thought he'd stop by now. I've been working on teaching him tricks. So he knows sit, shake and down and almost understands the spin around command. But in a ironic sense, he doesn't come when I call him half the time, or the command stay. Guess he still has alot of puppy in him. But he knows how to pose for the camera.
Asides from that, everything else is pretty much normal now. Take care.
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