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theunloved Blog

Happy Holidays To You All

Happy Holidays

Hope your spending your time with family and friends.

And if this isn't a holiday for you all...then...have a happy day!

I'm spending Christmas alone. Poor me. :(


I like this song. I'm playing it when I go fight in the war on Feb.

Europa Link

From Agincourt to Waterloo
Poitiers and then Anjou
The Roses War, the Hundred Years
Through battlefields of blood and tears

From Bosworth Field to Pointe Du Hoc
Stalingard and the siege of York
The bloody turf of Gallipoli
Had no effect on the killing spree

Bannockburn to Austerlitz
The fall of France and the German blitz
The cruelest of atrocities
Europa's blood is borne of these

Heaven help in all our battles
Heaven see love, heaven help us

Bolshevisks and feudal lords
Chivalry to civil wars
Fascist rule and genocide
Now we face the rising tide

Of new crusades, religious wars
Insurgents imported to our shores
The western world, gripped in fear
The mother of all battles here

Heaven help in all our battles
Heaven see love, heaven help us
Avant hier, avons être
Déja demain, (nous) sommes éclairée

All glory, all honor
Victory is upon us
Our savior, fight evil
Send armies to defend us

Empires built, and nations burned
Mass graves remain unturned
Decendants of the dispossessed
Return with bombs strapped to their chests

There's hate for life, and death in hate
Emerging from the new caliphate
The victors of this war on fear
Will rule for the next thousand years

All glory, all honor
Victory is upon us
Our savior, fight evil
Send armies to defend us
Europa, Europa
Find better days before us
In kindness, in spirit
Lead us to a greater calling

Europa, Europa
Find better days before us
In kindness, in spirit
Lead us to a greater calling

Lennigrad, Berlin wall
March on Rome, Byzantium's fall
Lightning war, Dresden nights
Drop the bomb, end this fight!

Never again!

The ODD World Of Pokemon Part II.

The Odd World of Pokemon

Part II

The world of pokemon can be charming, beautiful and though brutal, has a part in most gamers hearts. Take one look at this picture, and I'm sure you can't tell me that doesn't bring back memories. (On that note, I really wish they'd release a full 3-D adventure just like the handhelds on the Wii. I'd buy that...) But anyways...


#1. Your trainer smells. Don't deny it. Not once in the entire adventure does the trainer take a shower/bath. And the rain doesn't count.

#2. The Elite Four have no lives. They stand there and wait...and wait....and wait...and you get the point. And apparently in all regards, your the only one to ever reach them. Travel Victory Road and you'll see tons of trainers. They must have their maps upside down.

#3. Pokemon is more cruel then you realize. Of course in battle, your more the likely to use a pokemon that can exploit the weakness of the other. But attacking a Magikarp with a Zapdos? Fair. So fair.

#4. Your rewarded for break-ins. Walks into someone's home and they'll usually give you helpful items, TMs, HMs, etc. Maybe its a bribe?

#5. Nurse Joy makes no sense. She'll scold you for mistreating your pokemon, but not for making it battle days on end. "Here Nurse Joy, I just sent out my level two Pikachu against a level seventy five Golem. Please heal him. What? He looks underfed?" You get the point.

#6. What ever happens to the trainers on routes never traveled? Say I avoid Route 87. Do they just die? ....they....they consume their own pokemon I think.

#7. On many occasions a man/woman will block the path of a place you want to go. So for a strange reason, your trainer becomes a pacisfist, and decides to travel forty billion miles out of the way just to appease said blocker. If I wanted to go that way, and someone was blocking me. I'm sending a pokemon after his ass. Dinner time.

#8. People who have a team full of cute pokemon are not cute. When you send a Pichu out on the battlefield, its hard not to run over there and punt it. (I say this as I have a team full of Eevee's)

#9. Are the trainers abused? Look at their rooms. They have a PC, Nintendo Wii or Gamecube. (Some kind of system) A nice big bed and in some cases, you can decorate it as you want. Then all of a sudden, you bolt like a bat outta hell. As if the trainer wanted to get away from his/her mother very quickly. They'll even go to great lengths to build a house underground. Underground!!!

#10. Trainers are better then any athlete in the world. They can walk, run, and bike without ever stopping. (Or bathing....eating....) Robots...they are robots. Lol.

Spot the SPY!!!


Hope you enjoyed. :)

Destroying A Speices, To Save Your Own?

It's an interesting subject, and its very hard to approach. (Take this as a fantasy world topic). I've always been very pro-good/neutral supporter. Meaning I support the forces of good that include humans, elves, dwarfs, etc. And have a distaste for the forces always viewed as dark. Orcs, Goblins, demons and so forth.Though I have been known to side with the dark when necessary to further my goals.

Now here's the question. If you had the chance to end the war for good and ensure the survival and stability of your own kind, would you eliminate and commit genocide against your enemy? Regardless of the start of the war. Be it for land, food, simply because of centuries of hatred. (A good example is the game Ninety-Nine Nights. When playing as humans, you have a chance to not only attack the goblins homeland, but kill women, children and the old in retaliation for a similar attack against humans).


The idea of killing innocents has always been a touch and go subject in our society, but if it comes down too it, one has to choose. Them or yourselves. Put yourselves in the shoes of such actions. Your family is huddled back in your small town, your sword in hand and another wave of marauding Orcs are heading your way. The knowledge if you die, your family does as well. Battle after battle, constantly keeping them at bay. Now if information happened to come your way of where these orcs lived...would you not wish to go there and destroy them? To protect your family? Your children? Loved ones?


Keep in mind that these orcs and goblins are not the mindless, slobbering races that they are always cut out to be. They have familes and culture themslves...and the fact that peace between such will more then likely never come to be.

If you don't want to look at it in a fantasy type fashion, then take it as a real world situation. War is a constant here. Its part of our nature even if you don't believe it. There will always be conflict over food, water, religion and just for different political views. Both sides want to win, and war can drag on for years. So if you could end it, by destroying all of them, to save your own...would you?

The threat of constant war? Or peace through destruction? What would you do?

A Short Story

Revenge served Short

The crackle of flames, sparkling up into the darkening ebony sky snapped her back awake. Shimmering emerald orbs, dotted with soft brown flakes peered out from swaying dark locks that fell across her soft features.

"Good job Rin," She snapped at herself, irritated that she had dozed off once again. That's all she needed. To fall asleep and get mauled by a marauding shiva wolf or bug bear. She stood up, stretching her legs and feeling the tender muscles strain, bones popping in the cool night air. She crossed over, past the fire and knelt beside the small broke beside her camp. She dipped her slender fingers into the crystal water and slapped the cold droplets across her face.

Shaking her head, she shivered at the sudden rush. Enough to wake her up she thought, satisfied. She strolled back to her fire and sat cross legged before it once more, sighing as she watched the fire. Poking at it, Rin wondered if she was even justified at being here.

Rin was a thief and assassin. Well, for the past few days she had been. Her family had been thrown out from their home, simply because they weren't human. Rin was a halfing, though often times she was being mistaken for a gnome or hobbit. The thought of having hairy feet made her gag and she had to take a sip of wine to cool her nerves. No, she was a pure blooded halfing. A three foot beauty that turned heads wherever she went. It was almost as if a mage had used a spell upon a human and shrunk them down in size. That...was her.Who she was.

Example of a halfing next to a war dog, a halfings favorite method of travel.


And tonight, she was sneaking her way toward the man who had ruined not only her, but her family's lives. She knew not where they were, as she was far too consumed with rage burning within her bosom. She pulled out the rusted knife tied to her hip and stared at it, her fingers shaking at the memory that was flooding into her mind.

He was a large heavy set man, flanked by two of the most meanest leering humans she had ever seen. One toyed with the blade of his axe, while the other made lued jestures toward her and her younger sisters.

"This home is meant for....HUMANS." The heavy man laughed, his belly jiggling. "And that means...we have no room for your KIND." He grinned down at them, huddled fearfully together. No one stopped to help. Nobody cared. The other non humans knew better then to step in.

The man wouldn't even allow them to gather their things. It was a further blow as both sides knew that the new family moving in would have no use for miniature furniture. No use at all. The man reached into the house and mocking threw something at them. It was a rusted kitchen knife, the only one they owned. It slide neatly across the dirt toward their feet.

"Here" The man laughed. "Use this to hunt rats. I am not a unkind person." He added to the laugther of his men and several of the watching humans...

She shook her head. She hunted a bigger rat this night. She strapped the knife back into her belt and returned to watching the fire once more.

Morning came and all that remained of the fire was a few ashen logs neatly stacked in a hollowed pit. There was no sign of whom was behind the camp fire. The guards who had come by it decided to say nothing about it to their boss. It was a waste of breath and it didn't seem to have any danger to it. Only an amateur would light a fire in the first place.

Rin raced easily along the forest grounds, no fear of hitting the branches overhead. She leaped over a log and then almost slipped as she landed. She held onto the trunk of a tree and caught her breath. Through the distant branches, she could barely make out the mansion where that devil of a man lived. It sent fire down her veins once again. She redoubled her efforts and found herself standing at the base of a large wall that completed dwarfed her. She gulped, her fingers beginning to shake.


"" she told herself. "You can do this Rin." She held the knife between her teeth and removed her tiny boots. Wiggling her toes she looked up to the top of the wall. Then she began to climb, digging her fingers and toes into the creases of the wall and pulling her light body higher and higher.

It felt as if many hours had passed and she finally pulled her strained body over the top and let herself drop down to the other side. She smiled as she neared the first window. Humans were always so careless as she opened the unlocked window and climbed in. Holding the knife, now in her hands, she set the foul smelling bag she carried on the ground. Time to get to work.

Gerald laughed with his guests, pinched some ladies and made a fool of himself the entire day. But he could afford too. He was rich. He was powerful. And he was in charge. As he waddled toward his room, he thought of grabbing a maid to bring with him, but decided against it. He opened his door, shut it, and was instantly hit with a foul scent that wafted up his nose. He turned and stared at the source. A rat was nailed to the back of his door, its rotting corpse making him wrench in disgust.

"What? Who dares?" He snapped, wondering who was foolish enough to prank him.

"I dare" A soft voice said and he turned to see a beautiful little girl on his bed. No...not a little girl. A wretched little nonhuman. How dare she! How dare this filth he thought.

"Why are you here?" He demaned, straighting up. After all, he was a human. He was superior.

"To hunt a rat" she said with a smile, showing him a familiar rusted knife in hand. And then she lunged...

The End

(It was a silly, no actually plot story, but I hoped you all enjoyed it)

(Was inspired by soolkiki and mprezzy to throw this together!)

The Beauty Of A Fantasy World

The Realms of Fantasy. A wishful Reality.


I will admit right now. I wish I was not born into this world. As a highly imaginative person, I'm a firm believer of other worlds out there. Not just in ours, but in different planes, where fantasies of our world, exist as reality in theirs. I've never been truly happy here, and many times I just blame it on myself. I imagine too much. What it would be like to live every day where you could say good morning too a beautiful elf, or run into a dragon. Even the most simple things like going to a market and using coins to barter for goods and items.


There are so many possibilities in a world like that. Role Playing Games can only capture so much of that wonder, of that feeling of walking into a forest and seeing sights that one would think impossible. Maybe wishing to have a life of adventure is silly, but to me, strapping on a sword, lifting armor over my shoulders and leaving for sights unknown...makes me more happy then you can imagine. I crave stories, I write stories, watch movies....I'm addicted too it. How can the idea of majestic towering cities of ivory and splendor, hand carved by beings thousands of years ago, not poke at you? I for one, would love to live in a city like that. To wake up, throw up the shutters and breath in fresh air. That's right. Candles for your light. No video games. No such things as cars and planes. Just horses, steam powered inventions, and every magical creature of the air that you can think off.


Play a online game, and you'll notice the most curious things about players. Some are the type always rushing for adventure, that thrill of the unknown. Others are content to sit in the cities and sell their wares. Others travel to learn all about their world. Without even knowing it, we automatically play how we'd want to live. To use magic and heal, to hit a target with a bow...everything! Now I'm just going by my ideal world, which drips with fantasy. Harpies, dragons, unicorns, Naga, and so on. Elfs, dwarfs, haflings, orcs and goblins. The list can go on forever. A perfect world in my eyes...


* * * * * * * *

Look at this picture. Now tell me this. If you came over a crest and saw this...would you not want to go explore it?


And thats the feeling. Its so hard to describe. Hopefully so far you won't think I'm insane. Even if I may think I am. If I had the chance to live in the world like that. I would drop everything and go. Even leaving my family behind. Sparkling lights in a green dew forest, dripping caves lit by stunning ancient magic, breath taking valleys of bright greens, etc. But sadly, I'm stuck in this world for now. There's always hope, and thats always something. So please tell me. Have you ever wanted to have a world that you would truly come to love? A place where you could be who you wanted to be? Tell me. I truly would like to know. Write as much as you would like!




The Unloved And Snow

Tis the season to be snowed in,

La La La La La La, I'm snowed in.

But Iiiiiii have popcorn,

And my xbox,

So its kay, not that g@a@y,

I'm sooooo cold,

If you want, send me presents

Because I'm a brat....I kid you not

Actuallllly I just lied to you,

This is the worst hiiisssstttttoorrrry!!!!!

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Hello my dear fellow gamers,

It seems its snowing all over the place these days. I like snow, as long as its not on the road, where I can slip and slide. When I worked at the state park, it had a very downward steep drive. Now add ice. Now add my old Honda with aging breaks. I went down the road, then off the road and ended up in a ditch. In a ironic twist, my friend was ahead of me in his sports car, so he ended up right in front of me, also in the ditch lol.

Its snowed before, but this is the first time me puppy Bear has had a real chance to play in the snow. So of course, I had to snap a picture of him and share it. What can I say, I lovers my puppy! :)


Bear likes snow.

So how are you all going to celebrate the holidays? I'm just staying with my parents for this Christmas. My dad has cancer, and has five weeks of chemo therapy everyday for those weeks. Crazy stuff. Anyways, I have one more thing to share. See below. :)

And please watch this. Its a ten sec video of my puppy dreaming.

Bear Dreaming

How Do You Play?

How Do You Play?

All gamers have a unique personality set up when it comes to games. We get different kinds of games ranging from first person shooters to role playing games that take up hours of our lives. We are picky about certain systems, and in some cases will venomously defend such system regardless. Furthermore, we all set up our gaming area in different ways. Some put their games in alphabetical order, some have cases strewn apart. We have surround sounds, tiny TVs, and so on. Its our world in every sense.


Now here's my question for you all. How do you play? Flop atop of the couch? Lay across the floor and crane your neck in awe of the flashly lights across the screen. Grab some hotpockets and a soda and plop on a bean bag? For me, I sit in a floor based rocking chair with my laptop to my left, my dog next to me and the TV in front. And yes, hotpockets and soda. My collection is in my room, neatly arranged on a shelf. My collection has varied in size over the years, from three hundred plus games to a minor twenty or so. Which is what I have right now.


So how do you play? Tell me.

Post-Turkey Report (Updated)

Hello fellow gamers,

Hope all your thanksgiving fun went well. Did you eat alot? I ate just the right amount. Though truthfully, I've never been that fond of turkey to begin with. But the pumpkin pie was more then enough to seal the deal! My family fought with each other, with was no surprise, but it was certainly mild. So at least it wasn't enough to destroy the holiday.

I recently wrote a review on Left 4 Dead 2. I rarely write reviews, unless I'm bored or just for fun. So please read it and let me know how you think I did. Thumbs up on it would be nice. Thumbs down if you think I'm terrible! ^_^ (Is terrified of thumbs down lol) Update: Sigh, already two negative thumbs down on my review. Probably cause I gave it a ten. I decided to knock it down to a 9.5. Oh well. I recently reviewed UP as well, so please check it out.

Click here for link


UP Review is here


I'm working on a new blog, another one that's supposed to make you think. But I want people's opinions before I do. Its about the merger of video games and reality. How sometimes the human mind will take something from a game, like a place, person, or weapon, and subconsciously we believe its real and here in the real world without ever realizing it. Would you all like to see that?

And in closing, here's a picture of special forces soldiers. Whoever guesses the correct country they are from wins a cookie. I'm just curious to see if anyone can figure it out.


Anyways, take care everyone. Please vist my review, but most of all, let me know if you want to see that blog.

Happy Thanksgiving!



I guess I'll throw this up since everyone else is too lol. But at the same time it does give me the chance to wish everyone a happy holiday, whether you celebrate it or not! I'm having Thanksgiving with my family, first time in years, so I hope it goes well. Whats your favorite meal of Thanksgiving? Mine is probably stuffing and also pumpkin pie! Yum yum.


Its going to be Bear's first Thanksgiving, so he'll probably get fat some what lol. He's growing up so fast. Look at him. The punk stole my crappy chair lol. But how can you ask to have it back when he looks like that lol. Cheers everyone. Enjoy yourself and stay safe. If your shopping on Black Friday, do be careful. It gets crazy.


I've been tagged!

Yes. Four years have passed since I first joined Gamespot. Four years of never being tagged! Content in the knowledge that I would be safe from being tagged. (Sounds like I'm being taken away to a mind wipe center or something lol) And today, Naomz tagged me. So, I will make a list that will hopefully give you insight into me! Or at least keep you entertained in the short amount of time you'll spend in my blog lol. So here you are, the list from the unloved, four years in the making.

#1. My ex-fiance of two years left me because I was short. But I do believe most of you know that already. She still insists that we be the best of friends.

#2. Depending on how the economy goes, I could be in a combat zone as early as January. Funny how no work equals war.

#3. I'm quite convinced my dog is the smartest I've ever met. I taught him the command sit in an hour. Really!

#4. One of my fondest meals is flat eggs and rice. For those who don't know what flat egg is, its simple. Take two eggs, beat them (In a bowl of course), add what seasonings you want, pour in frying pan and cook. Tada!

#5. I wanted a family, but now I'm not to sure. Alot of people say there's lots of fish in the sea, but I sold my fishing pole. lol. Maybe one day. I love kids. I'm very protective of children. So who knows, maybe one day I'll be a father.

#6. I hate politics. I understand we need different parties, but all they do is point fingers at one another and accuse each other of things. Nothing ever gets done.

#7. When I was little, I owned a tank of ten gold fish, with my favorite named Bob. This was when I lived in Maryland. I was allowed to purchase two new fish. So I picked two awesome looking black silver stripped fish and took them home. They promptly ripped off Bob's head and killed the other gold fish in a bloody battle of death. Then turned on each other. I lost twelve fish in a minute. Advice, never buy tiger fish.

#8. I wanted to be a snake catcher when I was growing up and to teach the world about them. Every adult, including my parents, poked fun of me and called me stupid for my dream. To this day, I don't like snakes as much as I used too. Shattered dreams of a child. I then wanted to be a cop and help people, till everyone said cops are stupid and I'm stupid. I didn't become a cop. I joined the military and then a security combat firm. They don't make fun of me now.

#9. My largest dream, which I still have, is to open a orhpange for girls. Here's why. When I lived in Europe, I learned that many, many brothels in eastern europe have kidnapped underage girls being forced to do the unspeakable. I want to save those girls, take care of them, give them clothes, education and happiness. And show them not everyone is evil. In short, give them a life. Ironically, I've been made fun about that too. But I'm not going to give up on this one.

#10. Back to politics. I love how they say video games are training us to be killers. Take a gamer, and hand him a AK. There's a large difference between holding cold metal and wood in your hand, that has weight, that has kick when you fire in, thats effected by so many things in the weather. And then send him to war without any other training. Yeah politicians, he sure lasted long. lol. Sorry, things like that annoy me lol.

Well, thats my list. Hope you enjoyed. I have no idea who to tag lol. Maybe later huh? ^_^ You all got off easy.