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theunloved Blog

I got a scare today...

So today I was asked to take my brother to and from surgery for his wisdom teeth. I've been trying for some time to patch up the rifts between my family and I, so I agreed to do so.

I took Bear, my puppy, and placed him in his fenced in lot. Being the worried parent I am, I gave him his favorite stuffed teddy and some treats. Of course, I'm already unhappy since he cries quite loud for me.

But as soon as I left him, I took my brother to the dentist. An hour an a half later, I placed my now drugged brother in my car and took him home.

Then I headed back to my place. Upon getting home, I open the door and headed to the basement. The top of the cage is knocked off, and no puppy in sight. Already, images of him hurt, thoughts of him chewing electric cables cross my mind, etc. I'm already cursing myself to hell for not being a better parent. (Yes I think of myself as his daddy lol).

Panicked, I race upstairs where I hear the tiniest whimper. Which doesn't help my already shattered mind. I run to my living room where I spend most of my day. My puppy....had crawled under the leg rest where I always sit by. Waiting for me in fear to return home. Upon seeing me, he crawled out, and raced to me crying his eyes out. So Bear knew where he could wait for me. Touched my heart. After it was done racing lol. And now he's asleep next to me, content! ^_^ Thought I'd share the story with everyone! Take care.


Helping ourselves, or others?

Time for a serious blog for once. A side I normally don't show. I just got done reading a report about how one in seven familes here in the U.S has trouble putting food on the table. (49 million Americans) Considering the rather tough times we're living in, it comes as no surprise. But it made me think. Now don't take this in the wrong way. But for as long as we've been able too, we send tons and tons of food shipments to poor countries around the world to feed people who can't feed themselves. We send medical supplies to these countries, when people here can't afford medical themselves. And so on and so on. While I'm all for helping the world, shouldn't we help our own people first. We make such a big deal about sending aid abroad when we have our own problems here at home. All that money we spend on these life missions and then we don't have any to help our own citizens. Now, even if you live in another country, I'm sure it has some form of foreign aid it gives out, and hence, the cycle continues.

I must sound like a cruel person, but I guess it comes from past experience. If I'm fighting for my country, it bugs me that my own country isn't taking care of its own people. Its just not enough honestly. They've closed down several homeless shelters where I live, and what now? Can't we redirect the thousands for the homeless in another nation to help our own? Why can't we? Now tell me if I'm sounding evil, but really? We are a powerful nation, and ironically, many of that nations we aid hate us. So they hate us, and we feed them and give them medicine. And here in the U.S, we have homeless who fought for our nation, bled for it, some who are just down on their luck, who won't eat tonight, won't get medical care...and for what? They are our own people. Our people. We are not a united nation in anyway, and as bad as it is, that's the beauty of it. You can believe what you want. You can get up each morning and vote? You can love. You can go to the store and buy things. We live in the beauty of freedom. And while we enjoy that when others can't, it enables us to help. But that help isn't directed toward ourselves. Maybe that's why our nation is how it is. We help others before we help our own, but is that even right? I'll keep this short, but please let me know how you feel. Help ourselves first. Our help the world first.

The Odd things...

So I'm bored. Waiting for the UPS to show up and give me my MW2. So I decided I might as well make a blog about some of the odd things I've seen in the internet. And I know we've all seen some crazy things. Just logging onto Facebook and seeing the odd stuff people post is reason enough. The internet will always be a source of entertainment, until we run out of internets and are forced to flee to where there is some. (South Park Reference lol)

For instance, can you imagine buying this off Xbox live? Can you even have that amount of Microsoft points at one time?


Thats like $1,250 dollars I think. I wouldn't mind having that many points floating around. Now of course, I could flood this blog with the thousands of pictures out there, but I won't. I found the xbox one to be too funny not to show. For those interested in funny sites, there's quite a few of them. Lamebook, and peopleofwalmart to name a few.

So yes this blog is quite pointless, but I'm killing time. So forgive me lol. And a shout out to mprezzy. Hang in there buddy! ^_^

[Update 1: Still not here lol. 2:32 PM]

Its Almost Here...Among Other Things

Hello everyone. I know this is a rather too soon blog, but I like to write blogs. :P So please bare with me. I had a scare earlier, involving Modern Warfare 2. So I decided to treat myself and got the set that comes with the night vision goggles. (Which by the way are nothing compared to my old job lol). So when I logged onto my account for my bank, imagine my shock when I'm missing a rather large sum. I was freaking out, thinking I got wrapped and how I wouldn't be able to see in the dark anytime soon. Turns out they withdrew the money already. This early!!! I guess they getting ready for the huge shipments they gotta send out. But at least I know its all set to come out.

I traded in ODST. As much as that game was fun, it got too boring for me. Firefight was the only thing I really liked, but I can only handle playing that for so long since the matches last forever. So I headed to Game Crazy and traded it in for three games since they're running the buy two, get one free for the more less liked games. Oh, and a controller. So I picked up...



Condemned 2 Bloodshot




Not the best out there, but enough to keep me happy till Modern Warfare 2 is released. And since I got a new controller, I don't have to worry about the A button not working or the joysticks sticking. I hope I'm not boring you all lol. My puppy is doing well, he's sleeping as we speak. I show you picture. And this is how he sleeps. ^_^ Take care everyone. Cheers! (And now I just realized that I didn't return Borderlands like I was suppoed to. Ugh. Later everyone.) ^_^


The long wait of waits....

Hello my dear friends of the Gamespot universe, I thought I'd grace you all with a blog in hopes you'll read it! ^_^ I've been much better now, having come to grips with what happened previously, so I'm glad to say I'm smiling now. Though I have to admit, getting a puppy did help. Even though he enjoys waking me up at 6 AM everyday. I found out recently if I get my puppy trained and K-9 certified, I can bring him with me if I go back into my security work. Though, the negative side is that he could end up in a combat situation with me. And I can't bear to imagine that cute puppy suddenly being a war dog! On that note, thats his new name by the way. I renamed him Bear.

I've been waiting for Modern Warfare 2 and Left 4 Dead 2. I so can't wait for those games to come out! ^_^ I'm normally very patient, but its so hard to have to wait. I rented Borderlands and thats a fun game, though the only downside is playing alone. I've had a hard time working out a good time to play with others, but I've had rotten luck with that. Regardless, its an amazing game worth a look at, if you enjoy a FPS RPG. That sounds like a gun lol. I have it till Friday. I also traded in some games for that Capcom triple game pack. Got all the way home with it, opened it up and found that two of the three discs where damaged. Luckily, they let me return it, though for store credit. But its better then nothing. At this very moment, I'm downloading the L4D2 demo, since forever. Taking way too long. Anyways, take care everyone.


Quote of the day:

Not every disaster
is caused by nature.
Some are designed,
for the world to watch.
When order collaspes,
the only way to survive
is to fight together.


CAMO BEAR! (I stuck some old camo on him. He seemed to like it)


I Got A Puppy!!!!

I did! ^_^ I went all over today, and at my brothers suggestion, went to the human society. They were a litter brought in at noon that day! He was among the last too be adopted! And I got him! ^_^ He's two months old, a german shep mix. I named him Coco. He's quite shy, but I hope he opens up soon. It cost $158, but it was so worth it. I'm just glad I was able to get him. The original dog, named Paul, was who I wanted to see, but he was already taken. Then all the rest of the litter, all expect "Jerry" which was what they called him. But its Coco now! He's my buddy and I totally lovers him already! ^_^



Learning to Survive!!

So I've been barely hanging in there, haven't smiled for awhile now. I feel so blah inside, but that's life for you. I actually sat outside in the rain for awhile and just pondered life. After I felt too emo and my cold was worse, I went inside lol. I've thrown myself into video games to get my mind off things, and its worked too a point. I've played Brutal Legend, Wanted Weapons of Fate, Wet, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, and Dead Space. Now, I'm going to center on Dead Space today. I hate horror movies. They terrify me. When I got dragged to Dawn of the dead, whatever its called, it deeply effected me. I kept a loaded pistol next to my pillow and bolted my door shut. I have a very active mind! So why would I play Dead Space? I don't know. Well, the game was scary. Very scary. For me at least. But it was very good and I pushed all the way through it. Now here's the thing I realized. I'd be horrible at trying to survive. Not because I'd die early, oh no. I'd steal all the good things and hide or run away in the only escape vehicle. Or do this...




You wouldn't live very long around me. The fear would push me to be rather insane lol. Resident Evil 5 was not scary to me, but I tended to horde all the medical supplies and ammo. Even for the guns I didn't own. My reasoning is that I'd pick up a weapon that uses it eventually. My team mate was not amused. But at least its a surivial skill. While everyone else is busy re-grouping, comparing supplies and such, I'm dragging a massive machine gun down the hallway in full armor with the pass card clenched in my teeth whimpering. Only stopping to steal even more stuff. Which also brings up a good point. For the survivors following my path, at least everything bad will be dead. Just don't plan on finding anything use full. Unless it was just too heavy for me. lol. Anyways, take care...and of course. A puppy.


Its Final

To be honest, I don't know why I feel like always blogging my problems here. I suppose its cause I feel most of the people here are rather mature then elsewhere I suppose. So for those who followed my two earlier blogs, you learned about my trip and all the heart break I've run into it, and supposedly fixed. Well, tonight, at 12:02 AM, I was officially broken up with for one reason. I'm short. (I'm 5'5) Two years of being engaged, and all of that gone because of a difficulty I've been having to deal with since birth. I understand where's she's coming from as I know too clear most women prefer a man they feel can protect them, but still. I would die for her and would jump into a pack of feral wolves to protect her, but simply because of my height....sigh. Its 1:22 AM and I'm playing Beatles Rock Band because I'm so lost. I keeping messing up on easy. And I'm trying to figure out how to make this blog longer, but I'm at a lost of what else to put. Anyways, enough of my sad story. I keep tossing my crap at you all so I'm sorry. Rough year. Anyways, I hope your all in the best of health and doing well. If I find a good pic of a puppy, I'll throw it up.

A look at me and updates.

Updates first. Well, my xbox comes back tomorrow. I can't wait. Funny thing is this. When I sent it off, it weighed alittle more then a pound. According to the tracking info, it weighs 12 pounds coming back. Maybe I'm getting something nice from Microsoft? That would be nice. I finished selling the rest of my anime, which netted me $400. Which is good since I need more cash to survive the trip out there to Cali. Money is going to be tight, but I've been in worse situations. (Homeless anyone? :shock: )

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I thought I'd take the time to give people a glimse into my past. Since I think it'll help people understand me better! Or bore you to death.

I was born in Western Germany, back during the cold war. The 'war' itself was starting to end anyways, so I guess it isn't that big of a deal. I grew up in a strict family houseland, but I wouldn't say my parents didn't care. If I wanted something I had to get it myself since money was something I was always hearing about! I lived there awhile before moving to the States. (FYI, dad was Air Force)

Went through High School and life was better. I kept a summer job so I could buy myself things. The only game systems I ever got was a nintendo, bought by my uber rich grandma, and a N64, back when the PS2 and dreamcast had already been out. I got into trouble very little and was the only one in my group of friends who stayed away from drinking, drugs and making babies. I still do. I don't touch that stuff.

After high school, I enlisted in the Navy to work in Submarines and shiped of on a sunny day in August. By the way, don't ever hold your piss before the famous urine collection moment. I held it for hours...hours. I swear I damaged myself. Reason is I was so scared about not being able to go, I made darn sure I would be able to go. So from plane ride, to bus ride, to briefings....till I finally got to go. I put a hole into that cup lol. I was in Divison 369, a joint male and female unit. I was an E3. Called...a seamen. Sadly though, the Navy didn't want me around and discharged me around the grounds something was wrong with my blood. Never figured it out, even now.

After I came back, I worked at Wal-mart and hated it. But work is work and I needed a steady income. But the lure of more money dragged me away. How could it not. I had bills to pay and crappy health coverage. So I signed up for a private security firm. As I have stated before when I mentioned working with them, I won't go into too much detail. But in the one year I stayed with them, I ended up taking a few human lives. People that were opposed to us and had to be elimanted. I regreted joining after that. Don't get me wrong, I can take a life to protect a loved one, or to protect my country, but that left a bad after taste.

When I returned, I quickly made my way back into the civilan world. I worked for CEA Technologies, working on medical equipment and got to see some classified MRI cables! I wore a clean suit and stayed in a closed off room testing all sorts of equipment. But the place had many Koreans working in it, who were like a pack. So I later found out that I was laid off in order to hire a Korean who was a friend to all of them. I wasn't happy, but I did get a nice reveange. Without even meaning too. Since the computer is tied to the user, I locked it, per company rules when I was called away. When they handed me my last pay check and 'fired' me, I quickly left. An hour later, I got a call to come and unlock it. I named a price and they then pleaded with me. I'm normally a nice guy, too nice, but my co-worker had already texted me about the new replacement worker. So I didn't go. They ended up paying alot to unlock it.

I worked for Lowe's afterwards, from 4 am to 1 pm. I loved that job. Got laid off from there. Then worked for the government at a park for 6 months. Laid off. Hurray huh? And as of now, I'm still unemployed as there is little to no work here. I leave this 28th of September to go be with the love of my life. I can't wait to be with her. Without her, I wouldn't be here. Thats all I have to say to that. She saved me. So I'm selling all I can, loading up the car and hoping life goes well over there.

But anways, I wrote alot so I'll stop. let me know how you all are doing. And thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you enjoyed my life lol.

As always...puppy.


Update...and PUPPIES!!!! ^_^

Greetings my Gamespotter comrades. How's everyone doing? ^_^ I'm good, I'm glad because my xbox finally made it to the repair station. Two days after Mr. Microsoft delayed the deliver date from UPS. Why? I don't know, but its there now, so it pleases me. I sold half my anime collection today (Is sad) in order to make more money for my move to Cali so I can live with my future wife. I was hoping for at least $150 but the store gave me $374 which really made me happy. I have to take the rest of the dvds up there on Tuesday to make a final sale. Then its on to trying to sale the figures I own! So for those who saw my earlier blog about my anime collection, most of gone. :cry:

*Two hours later* But anyways, for those who know me...I likes puppies. I really do. I lovers them. So here, since I like puppies, please like these pictures too.

This is either a very friendly nip or a get in line nip lol.


Another Awww moment.


And finally. If I were a puppy....this is how I would be.


I really hope you enjoyed the pictures, because I stayed up late trying to find these. (Also my girl went to sleep so I kinda was very bored) Have a great weekend by the way when it gets here. Game on everyone! *Scampers away to go get a puppy*


ODD THING OF THE DAY: There are pandas that are brownish gray. Very rare. Like less then 400! ^_^