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theunloved Blog

The Terrible E47 and Pandas?

Perhaps one of my more random blogs, I thought I'd just let the world know my poor dead once again. No red ring this time, but this strange E47. I got hella lucky though. My warranty expired last year, but since this E47 is a problem, I don't have to pay anything. But its still unfair that it broke again. So for the second time, its going back to Texas. And since microsoft makes you pack it yourself, I had to find a box. The bum outside was quite upset with me lol. Now some interesting facts about the E47 that I dug up. The E stands for Enigma. A paradox of sorts, dating back to the year 1530. Its stands for problem, puzzle, etc. Hence the E in E47. An 'error' enigma in the xbox. The number 47 actually is a number that occurs more often then other numbers. Its also a Keith number, meaning the number happens in sequences. Meaning that this error was bound to happen, the xbox simply had to work its way through 4, 7, 11, 18, 29 till 47. Now how those numbers are processed through the xbox is to be pondered. Crazy huh?

On a more silly note, please notice my new avatar is now a panda since I love pands. Their so cute. So please awww at it and enjoy. Take care everyone.

By the way, its the E74. Not E47, so by now, you should know I lied about all that crazy stuff lol. But the 360 is still broken! :(

Photobucket The panda

Life in the post apocalyptic world....and prizes?

So I randomly got my account back on Xbox live, so I was finally able to download all the expansions for Fallout 3. Which has been a blast trying out all the new weapons and playing dress up to see how each gear looks on my character. Which is funny because I wear whatever outfit I have on because it looks cool. Not for the protection it provides. So if there really was a great war and the world turned into a barren wasteland...I probably should be wearing an armored suit instead of running around as a ninja. Nina + Wasteland = death. Though with my small size I think I at least would be able to sneak around alot easier then everyone else. So while they get ate by ghouls and dragged away by super mutants, I can giggle from the vent I crawled into. Or be stuck inside as they fire a minigun down into my 'safe' home. Sigh, the wasteland can be so unforgiving. I hope they release more for Fallout, but from what they said, there isn't going to be anymore. So I guess I have to either get fallout 3 for the PC and download user made content, or just be sad. So if you all were survivors in the post-apocalyptic world, where would you want to be a survivor at? Weapons? Animal friend? You don't all have to answer if you want, just curious what people would do.


The ODD world of Pokemon.

Pokemon is FUN. You can't really deny it. But as fun as it can be, there's a lot in the pokemon world that doesn't make much sense.

Here are a few that I've noticed.


1. You can have the strongest team in the world, yet your still the weakest trainer out there. When your team of level 100 legendary pokemon get knocked out, you always faint, black out, fall over, etc. Your the only trainer in the entire world that does that. Trainers you beat can hand you cash, and talk just fine.

2. You should be arrested for pokemon genocide. Think about it. You run out there knocking out countless pokemon to level your own. You need a pokemon center to bring them back to fighting power. So there's thousands upon thousands of pokemon lying dead out there.

3. Everyone is rich. Really. Defeat the school girl twins and they hand you a thousand bucks. If only life was that easy.

4. And on that note, parents in the pokemon world are the worst ever. They let their children run out into the wild and fight. All day, all night.

5. They need to update their police. Officer Jenny must only be around for her looks. (No offense meant to the ladies) How many evil groups have sprung up. From the simple team rocket, to evil people that want to change the surface of the world, all the way to a madman wanting to change how people think. If your trainer just happened to sleep in one day...

6. The news people are stalkers. Think about it. In the latest three installments of pokemon, the news channel will tell the world when your egg hatched, where you caught your latest pokemon and so forth. HOW? I was out in a cave, hiding in a corner and they knew the egg I was holding hatched. It could be worse. This just in. Trainer Ashely got frisky with her Growlithe on Route 34. Well, I'd hope that last part wasn't true...

7. You need a single mother to achieve greatness. Another odd thing, unless I'm mistaken. The trainer never has a dad. (A few installments did. I believe one had the dad as the champion or what not) But still. Why is this mother, who is sweet enough to do anything for her child, (Like letting you run off into the world) alone? WHY?

8. The trainer only has rivals or annoying friends. Need I say more?

9. The trainer is selfish. Well, in a sense. You go out of your way to capture legendary pokemon. One of kind pokemon that the world will never get to see. Unless in a fight.

10. Oh. And trainers can only jump in a certain direction. If the shadows are just right. I'm sure you'll understand that.

Well, I'd put more, but I want to see what people think about it. If you enjoyed it, I'll put more up. Tell me anything you noticed and I'll include it. Enjoy

Return of Me...Again

Greetings once again, as I have returned...again. I seem to be taking quite the few trips away from Gamespot. Very odd of me. Mostly just dealing with the same old stuff. But one was a big thing...since I'm a gamer.

Me and Microsoft are no longer friends lol. And because of that, I shall never be on xbox live ever again. Here's what happened for those that are curious. Awhile back, I used a credit card to purchase a year of life. Time passes by, and I get a message saying something wrong with the card. So, being the good guy I am, I called to fix the problem. Well, it becomes a bigger problem. First they wouldn't let me do anything with my account since I'm not the card holder, and that said card holder is no longer around. Then, they tell me I have to pay them to unfreeze my account. But here's where I win. In order for them to freeze your account, you have to be hooked up to live. I had my everything unplugged when I left on a trip. So I can forever use my account as long as I never plug it back in. So its a stalemate that isn't going anywhere lol. Since they weren't very helpful to me, I'm just sticking to playing offline for awhile I guess. lol.


Haven't really been playing much of anything. Since my DS broke and I can't play pokemon, I decided to take apart the DS and are using the parts to create a Gundam. I picked up Velvet Assassin and then quit that when it decided not to save my progress in the last level. Im sure a lucky guy. Anyways, I'll keep this short. I'll check out everyone's blogs when I can and I'm sorry for being all late. Let me know how you all are and take care.

And like always....puppy.


Collaspe of the world and I'm back.

Well, the world isn't that close to falling apart just yet, but I can blame it for the reason of my very extended absence. Been busy, very busy. I haven't had much time to play video games as much as I would like. *Insert sad face here* I've been thinking about getting back into the PMC (Private Military Contractor, mercs pretty much) for money since I can't find a job here to save my life, but my girl has threaten to dip me in a vault of acid if I no go on that. lol. I guess the way the world seems to be going can be depressing. There are more wars, just much smaller in scale, more killings and shootings. Like two major cop killings weeks apart. Riots, no one has money, like me!! :P But I guess I can't complain, I do have my girl and so its not all that bad. Expect for this poor guy.


Anyways, for video games I picked up Prince of Persia and Eat Lead The Return of Matt Hazard, which by the way is a very funny game if you understand all its puns. Finally beat vet on Call of Duty World at War. The funny story about that is I died about a billion times on the second to last level, but on the last level itself...I died four times. Odd how those things work out. I've been thinking about starting a quote of the week kinda thing. Like every monday, I'll send a quote out through the email thingy and let everyone read it. (I know some people do this in their blogs, like the awesome Katsuri.) Let me know if your interested or not. For those who read my blog lol. And for those who do, thank you. ^_^ I do my best to comment everyone's blog, but this month I've been rather behind. *Is trying to blame someone else* Well, still no puppy yet. Breaks my heart. But if me and my girl can't afford a baby right now, it would be pointless to have a puppy too. Let me know how your doing in this world. ^_^ And like's a puppy. Who's got his poor nose stuck in the ground. That looks painful. :shock:


Its The Fear

Greetings my fellow game spotters. Once again, the unloved has pulled himself out of the pits of Hades to post a new blog, as we do not have internet there as of yet. Being a fan of the F.E.A.R series, I was quick to go out and pick up a copy of Project Origin, the second F.E.A.R game.


The story continues the history of Alma, whom I feel sorry for, though you have to play the game yourself to understand. It has its scary moments, mostly with Alma herself trying to consume your poor little self. I couldn't blame her though, since your an unstopable machine of death. How couldn't a telepahtic dead chick not want, everything?


I finished it, and wished it was longer. The ending blew my mind though. I was like no. Alma, Alma, Alma. *shakes head* Anyways, everything is going well with me. Spending Valentines Day all alone since my future wife is visting her mom. *Sigh* As always, enjoy the pic of the puppy I still want!


Greetings Once More...

Hello once again to all my fellow friends here on Gamespot. I haven't been on much of late, posting a few comments here and there. Much trouble in my life back in Dec. Not that I'm going to start spewing my life story to the world lol. Lets put it this way. The last time something like this occured, I ended up joining a world security firm and almost lost an arm to a bullet. Grrrrr. Life can be harsh. BUT, things are so much better now. Didn't get my puppy of course, all things considering. I could have used a puppy, oh well. lol. I actually got showered by many games from friends and limited family. I got Tales of Vesperia, The Last Remnant, Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, Call of Duty World At War, Rainbow Six 2. I feel very, very spoiled! :lol: Since I'm still wanting a puppy, here's yet another puppy pic for you to stare at for how ever many seconds you remain in my blog. Comments are welcome, and I wish you all the best of health and let me know how you all are.


Another Segment of My Life


Greetings fellow gamers,

    I hope your all in good health and happy with everything in life. I'm actually quite cheerful as of late. So I decided to once again, to waste my time blogging away. (Actually, my fiance went to sleep, so...). I finished up the game Mirror's Edge just the other day and found it to be a rather great departure from the usual games that seem to come out lately. It was thrilling racing from roof top to roof top, though the odd gun fights and sometimes head scratching puzzles sorta made me stop dead in my tracks. I'm pleased to report I only fell off a building to my death only five billion times. I hate to be the guy that has to clean up that mess. lol.


Mirrors Edge Pictures, Images and Photos


Other then that, I've downloaded the arcade games Schizoid and A Kingdom For Keflings. So those have been fun. For those who have actually given me the attention I've been hoping for, lol, I mentioned wanting a puppy. Well, I've decided on a puppy like this. (If I can afford him or her lol)



Anyways, please comment and let me know how life is treating you all. Take Care!


Recent Happenings In Life


So how are all my fellow gamer friends doing? Its been some time since I've done a blog, so I decided to tear myself away from the annuals of life and bestow upon you whats been going on, for those that are interested at least. LOL. For one thing, I've pretty much finished up Fable 2, and have come to the point where there's nothing left for me to do in that game, expect wait for the important update coming next week. I hope its some good DLC would be nice, but one is allowed to dream. Mostly, I've been playing Gears of War 2, I went ahead and picked up the Limited Edition.


 Its been a blast to play and I'm really enjoying it so far. It was worth getting, and didn't cost as much as I thought. It was supposed to be around seventy dollars, but I walked away with getting it for only fifty five. Its funny how things like that work out isn't it? Either way, its one of the best games I've played all year. I always downloaded the Left 4 Dead demo...and I'm sure I won't be sleeping for a very long time. Well, as a closing statement, I've been in a huge mood to suddenly go and own a puppy. I don't know why. But I want a puppy badly. I'm probably going to get one for Christmas, instead of wasting money on myself on games. Like the puppy in the pic below. That one. Anyways, how are you all? Let me know how your doing and feel free to comment. Comments make me happy. LOL. Take care and stay safe. (I want a pupppy...) Isn't he so cute. If the picture fixes itself soon so you can see all of him! ^_^



Fable 2 Night Launch

Yep. I'm actually going to that. Its about 9:07 PM as I type this up, but I'm not heading over there untill 10. I don't think there will be too many people...I hope. I want to get in and get out. lol. When I get back, I'll finally have the game I've been waiting for. On a sad note, my girl's phone isn't working, and we usually talk for hours at night so I'm all sad and feeling pain in my heart. *Sigh* I has to wait till tomorrow to talk to her again. How I'm I supposed to enjoy Fable 2 now? Oh well. So how's everyone doing? Anything in your life going well? Bad?