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tigerdude22 Blog

Disney PIXAR's Brave/Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter movie reviews

REMINDER: Send me questions for my Q&A blog before it's too late and you can send as many questions as you want. So far, I have a lot of good questions and some very hard questions which I need to figure out on how to answer them but I'll have the hard questions answered, don't worry. :) If you have concerns about this, just PM (message me) me and I'll answer whatever concerns you have. :)

Deadline: Monday June 25, 2012

Q&A blog will Be Posted: Tuesday June 26th, 2012

Deadline was originally going to be Sunday June 24th and my blog was originally gonna be made on Monday June 25th but I want to give the users time to comment on this blog so I went ahead and moved it further by a day so you NOW have til' Monday to send me your questions and Tuesday is when my Q&A blog FOR SURE will be made. :)

ALSO (continue reading this reminder), I wanted to make my Q&A blog more fun by posting pictures requested by the users, in other words you guys. You can either PM me and just tell me in the comments if there's a picture or poster that you would like to see my post. You get to request it, it can be a picture of a TV show or a movie, or it can be movie posters, or it doesn't even have to pictures dealing with movies or TV shows... it can be a picture of like... oh, maybe a random picture of a banana. So yeah, you users get to request on whatever pictures or posters that you would like to see me post in my Q&A blog just make sure it is NOT inappropriate though or else I won't post that. Thank you and that's the end of the reminder. :)

I didn't expect to see two movies today but my family just planned it unexpectedly and I didn't mind seeing two movies since, I don't know, I love to watch movies. It's not the first time we've done that so yeah. We ended up seeing "Brave" first at the 12:45pm showing and saw "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" at the 3:15pm showing. My mom dropped off my grandma before we saw AL:VH because she saw "Brave" with us but she wanted to go home and relax so yeah. After the movies, we went to go eat-in at Wendy's. :) Here my two movies reviews everyone and I hope you enjoy them and that really should be it for my blog since there's nothing else at this moment to talk about. :)

Disney PIXAR's Brave movie review

I love blue

I saw this film with my mom, my grandma, my brother, my aunt, and my cousin in 2-D, NOT in 3-D because I had a feeling not a lot of things would pop out and also because futuramamrama make a slight comment about the 3-D which was that he wish he didn't spend it on 3-D so I'm guessing it was better in 2-D. It wasn't like "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" where a lot of awesome and spectacular moments did pop out of you. Anyways, this year's PIXAR film was "Brave" and was I looking forward to it... at first, no. Then when the first OFFICIAL trailer shows, I was like "mmm okay?" then as time passes on, I realize that I wanted to see the film but I was definitely 10 times more hyped about a PIXAR film than this one though. I was a worried about this film because it didn't get the reviews that Disney PIXAR would normally get, it did get better reviews than "Cars 2" but it didn't get higher reviews like the other ones but the reviews are solid. So what did I think of this movie?....... I liked it. It does have a good premise and how it teaches you lessons about being brave and overcoming things. I thought the animation was beautifully done. Merida was an awesome female lead character plus this is the first PIXAR film where it actually has a female lead character which is so cool about it. The downside about this film though is how it's not the EPIC adventure that a lot of people, including me, were expecting. The movie also isn't a groundbreaking masterpiece like "Ratatouille", "UP", "Finding Nemo", and the "Toy Story" trilogy at least in my opinion but as a whole I did like it. I must say that by PIXAR's standards, this animated film overall has less humor than any of other PIXAR movies. For those you that didn't like "Cars 2" last summer, please don't hate me for saying this but I had more fun watching "Cars 2" last summer than watching this film. I do recommend this film though but I don't think parents will like it as much as the kids though. I don't know why some of the movie critics say it but they the second half of the movie was just CUTE and very kid-friendly all around with nothing spice it up but you know what, they were dead wrong. The second half of the movie was violent and pretty dark, not as dark as "Toy Story 3" but it was still pretty dark especially near the end of the film like the last 10 minutes or more of the film. There definitely were some parts of the movie that did give the audience huge laughs and I cracked up at some of the parts... not a lot of funny moments to me at least but some parts were hilarious and very amusing. The first half of the movie had more humor. Although, I must say some of the humor in this film surprised me because it's not normally humor that PIXAR would show but let's just say there is a scene where one of the triplet brothers jump inside a woman's breasts (no joke, that was actually in the movie) and there were a few scenes where they actually showed male butts in this film... you don't normally see that animated films so if you have kids or young brother/sisters to see this film just be aware that those are the things in the movie that they show and they were actually one of the scenes that did crack me up. I really enjoyed the relationship between the mother and Merida (the daughter). The action scenes were pretty intense too as the bears in this film do look scary-looking and the action scenes in this film are mainly when it gets dark. A few minutes before the movie ended, it was sad and I don't want to spoil it but it was pretty sad as the movie got close to ending, it didn't make me cry. The triplet brothers in this film did steal the show though but it's just too bad that they weren't used in this film that often and Merida with her bow and arrow is just incredible. The voice acting in this film was just pure magnificent as Kelly MacDonald (from the 2007 film "No Country For Old Men) fit perfectly as the voice of Merida, Billy Connelly was awesome as Fergus (Merida's father), Emma Thompson did a splendid job as Elinor (Merida's mother), Craig Ferguson as the voice the Lord Macintosh was just pure hilarity, and the rest of the voice talents including John Ratzenberger (the man who voices in every single Disney Pixar film... I'm not kidding at all) who voices Gordon in this film. In the end, "Brave" while it's not my favorite PIXAR movie and it ain't groundbreaking like some of the other PIXAR movies is an enjoyable animated film with some good and pure energetic humor, well done action that is both dark and quite scary plus the storyline overall in the second half being dark and violent, terrific voice talents, beautiful animation, well crafted storyline, cool Scottish soundtracks, sweet relationship between the Merida and Elinor which is the mother/daughter relationship, and a freakin' awesome female lead character who also happens to be a good role model on kids (except for maybe the scenes where she and her mother have a huge argument and she says dark things to her mom like "I would rather DIE than be anything like you"). I tried my best to not really spoil anything but they are mostly just things that you should be aware about the film and just like the other PIXAR films "The Incredibles" and "UP", this film does have a PG rating for scary action and rude humor but I will most certainly buy this film on DVD when it releases plus I own every single Disney PIXAR film on DVD so watch this film when you get the chance everyone but go ahead and skip the 3-D (I didn't see it in 3-D but you know, nothing really came out when I saw it in 2-D).

Disney PIXAR's Brave out of 4 stars

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter movie review

cool poster

I saw this movie after I saw the movie "Disney PIXAR's Brave" and I saw it with my mom, my aunt, my brother, and my cousin in 3-D (which BTW wasn't worth it, only a few scenes pop right at you and that's it) and I liked the film. When I saw the trailer to this film, the first thing I said to myself was "Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! I definitely wanna see that film". I wasn't planning on seeing this movie after seeing "Brave" and just planned on seeing it another time but we decided to make it a double movie day so I got to see this film... hooray!!! The downside to the movie was that it didn't have as much as action as I hoped it would be, there is a lot of action but just not enough though but I was still satisfied on how this film was played out. In fact, it was the storyline that was captivating for me to get into the movie. This movie is very well done and I liked it. Whoever knew such a foolish idea could be pretty darn good? that doesn't normally happen with me, the premise is preposterous but the way it was just handled was terrific. I also really liked the twist how this movie also dealt with the Civil War and slavery. The action scenes in this film are bloody, it's NOT over-the-top bloody like some of the other R-rated films I've seen (For example: the "Saw" trilogy", the "Destination" trilogy) but it still bloody and there were some surprises in the film. I only did jump in one pop-out scene of the movie and it was the first action scene near the beginning of the film... if you've seen this film already like jakratchet12 then he probably knows which scene I'm talking about. The acting in the film was downright great to see and the actor Benjamin Walker really does look like Abraham Lincoln. In the first hour or so of the movie, it's just younger Abraham Lincoln and then later on in like the last 40 minutes of the film or more or less was when we saw our true president Abraham Lincoln with the beard and the hat. The slo-mo action effects during the action scenes were awesome too. I know some of the critics were complaining that the movie had too many slo-mo effects and that it just bored them out of the minds but it didn't bore me, I was blown away by them. My favorite part of the movie is definitely the final action scene of the film which takes in a train.... I LOVE it when action scenes in movies take place on top of a train or inside a train either way it's just my favorite moment to see in action films and that's why it was my favorite action scene in this film. The vampires sure as heck are scary-looking and get you a lot of surprises. I honestly think this movie should've gotten positive reviews by critics because the critics reviews were NOT that great from what I saw and that's disappointing because it ain't a bad film at all. The make-up on the characters in this film also look terrific, I thought the make-up on Benjamin Walker who has the role of Abraham Lincoln looks awesome and that actor really does pull it off as Abraham Lincoln because he does look like him like literally it could be his twin brother. I also really enjoy the fact that this movie has character development, that's one of the things that I really love to see in movies. You also feel sorry for a few of the characters (including Abraham Lincoln) in this film because of what dark things they've witnessed and experiences in their past. This movie is from the director of "Wanted" and it's produced by Tim Burton (yes, die-hard Tim Burton fans... he produced this film) so the director really pulled it off here plus it isn't surprising since "Wanted" had some cool slo-mo action scenes but not as much as this film had. The very ending of the movie also has you thinking also and I got a little confused with the very ending of the movie but I was thinking in my head and said to myself "Okay, maybe this and this can happen or this and that can happen" (I didn't really say it to myself like that in case you were wondering). I would recommend this film if you're up to seeing a lot of blood-sucking vampires. I know the Oscars doesn't really nominate these kinds of movies but if this movie gets nominated for at least one category it should definitely be for "Best Make-Up" because Wow!!! the make-up on the characters here was just amazing. The whole setting and just build-up to the situation is good. In conclusion, "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" is a fun R-rated (yes, it has that rating because of the bloody violence and the brief sex scene) film with terrific make-up, very good bloody vampire action scenes, a foolish yet original idea with a well done storyline, likeable characters, the development between the characters, the whole setting was good, and it's just pretty darn awesome seeing the President of the United States be a vampire hunter.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter out of 4 stars

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:

Disney PIXAR's Brave soundtrack "Learn Me Right":

Movie Trailer Of The Blog:

Frankenweenie trailer:

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:

i love spongebob

NO MOVIE POSTER OF THE BLOG!!! (both the "Disney PIXAR's Brave" and "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" posters in my movie reviews are considered movie posterS of the blog anyways)

Disney PIXAR's Monsters University teaser trailer (Watch It HERE)

Okay everyone,

this really shouldn't be that long of a blog.

First of all, check out spongegirl1029's blog because she made a blog about this as well. Second of all, I just wanted to talk about it for not too long.

I've heard about a Monsters Inc. prequel since either April or May 2011 so it's already been a year since I've heard about that news.

The teaser trailer for "Monsters University" just came out recently yesterday and I have a feeling that they are going to show the trailer before this year's Disney PIXAR movie "Brave" begins so I look forward seeing this trailer in theaters because I can already tell it will be in there since it is Disney PIXAR.

I am so looking forward to this Monsters Inc. prequel and I was laughing my butt off watching the teaser trailer. It will be interesting and funny to see Mike, Sully, and the rest of the gang in their college years. There is unfortunately no Boo in this movie because Mike and Sully haven't met her until later on so it wouldn't make sense if they put her in the prequel anyways.

Disney PIXAR's "Monsters University" is releasing in theaters NEXT SUMMER on June 21, 2013 so just one more year until this movie. :)

Tell Me What You Think Of The Teaser Trailer After Watching It!!!!

CLICK HERE on the link to see the teaser trailer for "Monsters University":

REMINDER: Don't forget to PM (message me) the questions for my Q&A (or "ask me anything") blog. Deadline is June 24th and after it hits June 25th I won't accept any more questions because I'll already be getting ready to make the Q&A blog so please don't forget if you have any questions that you want to see me answer and remember that it can be about anything. :)


NO MOVIE TRAILER OF THE BLOG!!! (you already got your trailer anyways)



2nd Annual "Ask Me Anything" Blog :) Deadline is June 24th

Okay everyone,

For those of you who have been my friends AT LEAST since summer, do you guys remember me doing that "ask me anything" blog where, you, the users ask me any questions? If you don't then you probably weren't my friends (or even heard of me) until later on as time passes. I want to make sure that this is "Ask Me Anything" blog is much better than last summer. Last summer was good but I want to this 2nd annual "ask me anything" even more awesome.

I'm also doing this for the 2nd time because some of the users that I haven't been friends with until like later on in the fall or in the spring can get the chance to ask me questions THIS SUMMER.

Here are simple details about this and the rules are the same as LAST SUMMER which is just ask me any questions that you want and it can be more than one. Also, yes it can be the same question that you asked me last summer because I might have a different response to that same question if that does make sense. Just go ahead and MESSAGE ME THE QUESTIONS ONLY!!!

Deadline: I don't know, I'm gonna go ahead and make it Sunday on June 24, 2012 so I will give you a week to send me as many questions as you want. :) You may NOT send me questions no later on AFTER midnight on June 24th, 2012. As soon as June 24 is over and the clock strikes midnight then I will NOT accept any more questions because I'm gonna be getting ready to answer the questions in my blog. Q&A blog will be made on the 25th of June. :)

For those of you that participated in last summer's "ask me anything" event, I hope you enjoy asking me questions again for the 2nd year in a row. For those of you that DIDN'T participate in last summer's "ask me anything" event then I can hope that you enjoy this summer's event and ask me as many questions as you want.

Also, if it's NOT too much trouble for you guys. If you do happen to make a blog of your own this week, can you please spread the word on your blogs about this so more users can know about it if it's not too much. In your blogs, it can be just one short sentence about this and that's it... nothing too big.

If you do have any questions about the 2nd annual "ask me anything" blog, just message me and I will be happy to answer any concerns that you may have with this and I am OF COURSE tigerdude22 (that is my username)

To end this simply detailed blog, I'm gonna put up two videos to MAKE YOU LAUGH, if it doesn't make you laugh I am sorry but just thought I would end the blog with fun humor so if it does make you laugh then that's great :) Watch these TWO funny videos.... both of them are only about 1 minute and a half long so don't worry it's NOT long. :)

Ultimate Dog Teaser (FUNNY video... hope this makes you laugh because it sure made me laugh :D LOL):

Key & Peele: Hell's Kitchen Parody (WATCH this video... it's dumb but it's in a hilarious and witty way):

About Key & Peele: If you have never seen these videos then you need to watch them because they are very funny and I enjoy watching them when I need to get a good laugh. I have already seen pretty much all of their videos on YouTube but one of my favorites is probably "Helicopter News Reporter" (look that up and you'll see why it cracks me up and why it's one of my favorites). I highly recommend that you watch the Key & Peele videos... there is foul language in those videos though just so you be aware but that's it nothing else terrible. These videos are definitely good for some/a lot of laughs.





Happy Father's Day (This Blog Is Dedicated To My Dad)

CLICK HERE to read my previous blog "Stop-motion Christmas SpongeBob SquarePants Trailer (See It HERE)" if you missed it:

Happy Father's Day whether you don't have a dad or your dad passes away or you haven't seen your dad in years or other situations that may happen in your life. I still want to wish a everyone a Happy Father's Day and make sure you make you father feel very appreciated. :)

What are you doing for Father's Day?

(Comment Below)

For Father's Day all I'm gonna do is have breakfast with my grandparents and give my grandpa his Father's Day card, go to church at like 11:00am, and go to the cemetery to visit my dad. We might do more afterwards but I don't know... All I know is that is what my family planned.

As you most of you, all not, all of you know... my dad passed away in September 26, 2011 and it hasn't been the same ever since but we still enjoy our life like we would want us to have. June 12th on last Tuesday would've been his 47th birthday if he were still alive but, to me at least, it was still his birthday and I celebrated it for him. :)

I dedicate this blog to my father who is a very good man who always brought a lot of laughs to me and my family. :)

Happy Father's Day!!!!!

SONGS Of The Blog (Music my dad enjoyed):

New York By Frank Sinatra:

Any Way You Want It By Journey:

Back In Black By AC/DC:

Paradise City By Guns N' Roses:

Bad Day By Daniel Powter:

Who Says You Can't Go Home By Bon Jovi:

AND OF COURSE my dad loved many more songs similar to these following that I shared with you

Movie (Father's Day) Trailer Of The Blog:

Father's Day Trailer:

SHOWS My Dad Enjoyed (I would add pictures but stupid Google is acting up on me and it happened when I'm trying to make a presentable and special blog for my dad) Of The Blog:

The King Of Queens


Family Matters

George Lopez

Family Guy

SpongeBob SquarePants (sometimes when he sees me watching it and decides to watch it with me)

iCarly (sometimes)

Victorious (sometimes)


Looney Tunes (his favorite character was Taz)

Drake and Josh

Two and a Half Men

Yes Dear


MOVIES (that my dad enjoyed) Of The Blog: (same situation... Google is being stupid and on a wrong time):


Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda 2

School Of Rock

Hall Pass

Dinner for Schmucks

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Toy Story 3

The Pineapple Express

Grown Ups

The Green Hornet

Iron Man

Iron Man 2

Captain America: The First Avenger

Disney's Old Dogs

Nacho Libre

The Pink Panther

The Pink Panther 2

AND MORE.......

Sorry about this not having pictures Dad, you can thank stupid Google for being a complete jerkface but I'm telling you up in heaven that you have a wonderful Father's Day and I love you very much and I wanted to dedicate this blog to you to show that I really appreciate you and I know you're still here with me. :)

My father lived from June 12th, 1965-September 26th, 2011

Stop-motion Christmas "SpongeBob SquarePants" Trailer (See It HERE)

Nothing much has happened all this week and all I did was just stayed home and relaxed, play with my dogs especially with the new puppy I mentioned to you all in my previous blog.

My German Shephard dog (the outside and guard dog) is getting along with the new puppy very well and they already become good to each other. My new puppy already knows how to use the doggie door so he would go outside a lot just to visit my German Shephard. My beagle dog (house dog) on the other hand is NOT getting used to it. Also, when my beagle dog tries to fall asleep... the new puppy keep jumping on her, following her, and even barks at her. Don't worry, they didn't get in a fight or anything because I've trained them not to fight or bite each other but they just KINDA mildly growled at each other and my beagle dog is even hiding from the new puppy just to get peace and quiet. My beagle dog needs to get used to the new puppy and it's already been exactly a week since we've had this new puppy so I'm sure they will get along one way or another.

During the week, my family and I went to the dollar movies and saw "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" and "The Lucky One". :) I'll give you short movie review on both of them very quickly. And Wednesday, I just went to my doctor appointment to get a few shots. :)

Dr. Seuss' The Lorax- This was just an okay animated movie in my opinion. It's not the best animated movie I've ever seen though. The movie does have its good/funny moments but it has its kinda crappy and not-so-great moments at times and it's just kinda cheesy. The animation at times is very good while other times it's choppy in my opinion. I'll admit, those bears are very cute and there was one scene in the movie that I found to be sad and even almost cried in... if you've seen this movie then you can probably guess which one. The musical numbers okay I guess. For the most part this is just an okay animated movie. Probably wouldn't watch this movie again unless I'm watching it with younger kids.

out of 4 stars

The Lucky One- When I saw the promos this film, I was thinking to myself "Man, this movie looks dumb and not very good". Anyways my mom, my cousin, and I saw this movie while my aunt went to go see "Mirror Mirror" (she liked it by the way) and I was actually surprised by this film. Now, I'm not saying it's a good film because it isn't but it's a FAIRLY good film. The movie was actually pretty good and at times it can either be a little funny or pretty funny. I enjoyed Zac Efron's character in this film and I enjoyed the romance between Zac Efron and that blond girl plus it is sad too but yeah. It's not a bad film. For the 10 minutes of the movie, I wasn't buying it and it felt rushed and and at time it was dumb on how it handled but after 10 minutes then it actually picked up. If you're into love stories then this is probably the movie for you. Overall, it's a FAIRLY good film but not like the best film ever.

out of 4 stars

That's pretty much it for this week and it's nothing but relaxation. I'm trying to push myself into catching up on my reviews but I've been too lazy to do reviews lately but I was able to do some reviews at least this week. :)

SpongeBob's Stop-Motion Christmas TRAILER:

For those you that check the SpongeBob updates, you've already known that Nickelodeon has announced a stop-motion SpongeBob Christmas special since August 2011 so we're pretty much waiting 1 year and a half for this stop-motion Christmas special. For those of you that didn't know about it, you NOW know thanks to me, your friend tigerdude22. The trailer for it finally released today and I think the the stop-motion in this looks awesome and it looks like it will be an amazing Christmas special and I just can't wait to see it since I really love this cartoon. Just 6 more months, just 6 more months. :) CLICK on the link and tell me what you think afterwards :)

CLICK HERE to see the trailer for "It's A SpongeBob Christmas":

What Did You Think? (Comment Below)

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:

Disney PIXAR's Up soundtrack "Married Life" (such a beautiful and highly moving soundtrack... I LOVE it):

Movie Trailer Of The Blog:

Wreck It Ralph trailer:

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:

cute picture

Movie Poster Of The Blog:

can't wait to see it

I Have Graduated From High School/I Got A Puppy (plus 2 movie-related topics)

CLICK HERE to read my blog "tigerdude22's Disney PIXAR movie idea/Last Day Of School/Madagascar 3 midnight showing" if you missed it:

CLICK HERE to read my blog "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted movie review" if you missed it:

Very quickly, I'm gonna each on what happened during my past couple of days in one sentence each. You already that I celebrated my aunt's birthday on Thursday along with us seeing "Madagascar 3" at the midnight showing. Friday was my best friend's cookout which was a lot of fun... all my best friend and I did was just talk and he is leaving to California for college so I won't see my best friend for a while but we will Skype each other though. Saturday was my Graduation Party and that was a total blast for me, I had a water slide, we played musical chairs like 30 minutes, there was a DJ, there was cake, and just everything else... with also the gifts (mostly money) I got from my family, I've gotten at least over $400 total (I know more people probably have gotten more money than that but it's still a lot of money to me and I'm gonna use that money to buy myself my OWN laptop).

AND Sunday (last night) my friends. I, tigerdude22, have officially graduated high school which means that I am now considered a high school graduate and I'll be ready for college in the fall semester. For my graduation present, my mom have a stuffed animal GRADUATION Mickey Mouse who is wearing a cap and gown and holds a diploma. My diploma looks very nice and going up on stage getting my diploma and shaking hands made me smile big time. My graduation was crazy though because a bunch of people were screaming for everytime called named and even one of my friends sitting next to me screams very loud and my ears were hurting. So yeah, I did NOT expect my graduation to be full of people screaming but I guess that shows the spirit. After graduation, the seniors were going to an after graduation party called "Project Grad" at a country club but I didn't wanna go (it was from 10:00pm-5:00am by the way) so I INSTEAD celebrated after graduation at Peter Piper Pizza with my family. Yes, yes, yes, I get it... a high school graduate going to Peter Piper Pizza.. I didn't really decide, my family just suggested it and I was like "Okay, I don't mind plus I feel like eating pizza" so yeah. In conclusion, my graduation is a night I will never forget and I was happy saying good-bye to my friends. SURPRISINGLY, I didn't feel sad saying good-bye to them, I smiled at them and just told them good luck in the future and they will accomplish great things.

P.S. on Friday (6/8/2012), my next-door neighbor was selling puppies and was having a hard time giving it a home and she came to us and asked if we wanted another dog. We already have two dogs. One who happens to be an outside and guard dog (German Shephard) and the other one who is a house dog (Beagle) and my mom wanted to go ahead and make it one of my graduation presents so I decided to just get the puppy and my mom only bought for $150 because this puppy is a pure breed so that's actually a good deal. The puppy is a Schnauzer dog and it's 8 weeks old so my brother and I are training it but my house dog (Beagle) is STILL trying to get used to the puppy because my housedog (Beagle, the coward) happens to be scared of the little puppy but not only that... the puppy bugs me beagle dog when it's trying to sleep but it's funny at the same time just seeing it. So I NOW have three dogs in total. One dog who is outside and the other two dogs who live inside my house so yeah.

Is the movie "Prometheus" a Prequel,

Spin-Off, or just a Stand Alone Sci-Fi

Movie? (Explain Your Reason)

I'm asking this question but there have been a lot of arguments lately about whether this movie is a prequel or not so I thought it would be cool if I actually talked about it with you, my friends. I honestly DO THINK it's a prequel because ONE the letters to form that movie title are the same and they the SAME exact alien screaming noise like no joke.

COMPARE THE "Alien" trailer to "Prometheus" trailer RIGHT HERE in these links:

"Alien" 1979 trailer:

"Prometheus" 2012 trailer:

So yeah, what you do guys think about that? Also, this funny dude named Jeremy Jahns makes these movie reviews and he made a video about this so click on this link to check it out

NOTE: Jeremy Jahns will give you this warning also but his video will contain SPOILERS from the movie "Prometheus". If you've seen the movie already then you're obviously okay to see this video then:

Jeremy Jahn's video "Prometheus: Alien Prequel or Alien Spin-Off?":

Like I said, I just honestly think it's a prequel because it plays the same alien screaming noise, it takes place in the same setting, and you notice similarities but that's just my opinion. I do wanna hear what you guys think. :)

Box Office Winner:

Well, this topic isn't too long and I don't normally do this. In fact, it's the FIRST time I've actually done this in my blogs but I just thought I tell you guys who won the box office this weekend and you tell me what you think. :)

This weekend, "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" and "Prometheus" have competed against each other this weekend so who is the winner of the box office.

THE WINNER OF THE BOX OFFICE THIS WEEKEND IS..................................

CLICK HERE for a QUICK drum roll sound effect:

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted

Yes everyone, Madagascar 3 has beat "Prometheus" in the box office. I'm not surprised that Madagascar 3 won though since it was one of the year's most anticipated movies BUT then again, "Prometheus" was highly anticipated also so yeah. Anyways, I LOVED "Madagascar 3" and I actually thought it's the greatest animated comedy of the year 2012 so that's good.

What Do You Think? Are You Happy Madagascar 3

Won The Box Office? Did You Want Prometheus To

Win Instead? Which Movie Would Have Wanted To

Win This Weekend? (Tell Me In The Comments!!!)

AND one last thing everyone. I'm NOT the only user that graduated from high school but there are others as well. Everyone, I want to give a SHOUT-OUT to the graduates and just congratulate for their accomplishments and I know that that they make a wonderful future and just for them to keep following their dreams and NOT giving up.

Everyone!!! I would love to congratulate jakratchet12, futuramarama, and Sami5118 on graduating high school

CLICK HERE for an applause on these high school graduates:

I'm so happy for all of you users and I'm pretty sure everyone is happy for you as well so this is a huge congratulations from your TV,com friend tigerdude22 :)

ALSO, I would love to congratulate ollibot284 on graduating college which will be this Saturday so everyone, once again, click on the applause link in honor this dude graduating and a big congratulations. You're gonna do terrific on whatever career you want to have.

CLICK HERE for an applause on this college graduate:

MOVIE TRAILER OF THE BLOG!!! (I'll go ahead and just the "Alien" and "Prometheus" trailers the Movie TrailerS Of The Blog only because I don't feel like thinking of a new movie trailer to put on right now :D haha)


Cartoon GRADUATION Character Of The Blog:


Since it's my graduation blog, I figured I replace that "Cartoon/TV Show Picture" category to "Graduation Cartoon Character" just for this blog. This is to all of the graduates of 2012 and me as well :) Congratulations, once again to those that graduated this year. Consider this image your graduation present from me. :)

Movie SoundtrackS Of The Blog:

Madagascar 3 soundtrack "New York Surprise" (My NEW FAVORITE!!!):

Madagascar 3 soundtrack "Game On" (My other NEW FAVORITE!!!):

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted movie review

CLICK HERE to read my previous blog "tigerdude22's Disney PIXAR movie idea/Last Day of School/Madagascar 3 midnight showing" if you missed it:

BTW, the trailers that they showed IN ORDER before the movie "Madagascar 3" started will be in the Movie TrailerS Of The Blog section

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted

movie review

pretty cool poster

I saw this movie at the midnight showing in 3-D and I saw it with my mom, my aunt (which was her birthday), my brother, four of my cousins, my uncle, one of my cousin's husband, and one of my cousin's friends. Okay, I'm gonna be honest here... I am a huge fan of the Madagascar franchise but when I saw the trailer for this movie, it did kinda give me mixed feelings and it got me a little worried that I would not like the movie. As I'm watching the trailer more and more though, I said to myself this is be a good movie. Guess What? this was an awesome threequel. This movie was fantastic everyone and I just loved it. If you're coming into this movie thinking it's gonna be bad or okay, I think you'll be very surprised by this movie like big time. First of all, the movie is fast-paced so it does kinda go by fast. Also, the movie itself felt like it went by fast. I wish DreamWorks had more money to make the movie longer but I guess the amount of running time in this movie which is about 1 hour and 20 minutes long is good enough. This movie is so frickin' hilarious. There were just a lot of parts that made me laugh hard. The audience in the theater were laughing hard as well. What made this movie so freakin' funny though was how random they made it. I'm not gonna lie but this is the most RANDOM Madagascar movie that I have ever seen. The humor is over-the-top and it's random but it was hilarious though because it did actually work. I enjoyed the storyline to it too and I also loved how this movie had some character development. The characters, themselves, were also just so fantastic and had a good personality. I'm just gonna go ahead and say my only gripe about the movie is that it went by fast and the pacing was pretty fast like you could only keep with so much on what's going on but the fast pacing into the movie wasn't so bad though. The animation in this movie (holy crap!!!) is so colorful and beautifully animated especially the circus acts scenes. I'm pretty sure Marty's circus afro dance will get stuck in your head after the movie is over as well. The penguins, as always, were hilarious in this movie and same goes to the chimpanzees (although, they were underused in this movie and RARELY got any lines), Maurice and Mort were in this movie for less time also but yeah. The voice acting in this film, as always, was very well done. Bryan Cranston did such an amazing job voicing Vitaly the circus tiger. Martin Short did a terrific job voicing Stefano the sea lion, and Jessica Chastain voicing Gia the cheetah. There are some romances in this movie as well but the most random and kinda weird romance in this movie is definitely King Julien and the bear riding on a tricycle... their romance was just drop dead hilarious. Frances McDormand (an Academy Award winner) was so brilliant voicing the animal control office DuBois tracking down the animals especially Alex the lion who is her #1 catch. It's just very impressive everyone. Let me just go ahead and say this, if you are a kid at heart who loves to watch animated movies like these or just happen to be a Madagascar fan then this is the movie for you. Yes the movie is fast-paced and it could've been longer but if you can get passed by all that and just have a good time then I guarantee you that this movie won't disappoint you. This movie pretty much has everything you can look into. Oh yeah and I almost forgot but the action scenes in this movie were also very exciting and just plain awesome to watch. This movie has action, comedy, and romance... it has all of those things all done right. In conclusion, "Madagascar 3: "Europe's Most Wanted", despite it being a fast-paced movie that barely slows down, is a randomly hilarious movie with some weird and sweet romances, fun and exciting action scenes, very colorful animation, A LOT of things really popped out in 3-D, and excellent voice acting and it is BY FAR the best animated comedy movie of the year 2012 and it's also one of the best 3-D experiences that I've ever had. I honestly DO NOT think any other animated movies releasing in theaters this year is going to top Madagascar 3 so I highly recommend that you watch this movie if you want to get huge laughs out of it.

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted out of 4 stars

So yesterday (June 7th, 2012), it was my aunt's birthday so I surprised her with egg and tomato sauce burrito before she left to work, we got her a 32-inch flat screen for her birthday (she loved it by the way), and we all went out to eat at a burger place called "Hot n' Juicy Burgers". From there, we ate cake and ice cream at my house, my cousins and I were outside of my house talking to each other, and then we left the house around 10:00pm to get ready for the midnight showing of Madagascar 3. We would've gotten there a little later but my COUSIN tricked everyone into saying that the theater was packed and so my mom was freaking out and literally rushed everyone into the car (which was so hilarious) and by the time we arrived to the theater... it was JUST my cousin and her husband and no else was at the theater YET. So yeah, I had a feeling that they would trick us because it's not the first time they did that but I guess it's kinda cool that we arrived at the theater a little earlier. :)

Today (Friday, June 8th, 2012), I'm gonna go to my best friend's graduation cookout at 5:00pm. Also, my water slide for the graduation party tomorrow (June 9th) arrived and they put it in my backyard so I pretty much have the water slide for the weekend. Heck, I might even slide down on it before I leave to my best friend's graduation cookout :)

Tomorrow (Saturday, June 9th, 2012) will be my Graduation party where my family and some of my friends from school are coming over to just have fun and celebrate my big day because it really does mean the world to my entire family that I'm graduating. My mom repeatedly tells me on how proud she is. It will have a water slide, a DJ, and even a karaoke machine so it should be everyone and for me so I look forward to my graduation party at my house tomorrow.

(Sunday, June 10th, 2012) I'm graduating at the Don Haskins Center so my high school graduation will be at 7:00pm but I can't arrive no later than 5:45pm so my family need to drop me off earlier. It should be nice to see some of my friends one last time while I'll still keep in touch with some of my other friends. I'll tell you all about my graduation on Monday or whatever day I have time to make it.

AND I guess that's all I have to tell all of you :) Probably won't do any reviews for these next couple of days because of the following things I just shared with you all :)

NO MOVIE POSTER OF THE BLOG!!! (it's in my movie review)



Movie TrailerS Of The Blog: (the trailers they showed before "Madagascar 3" started)

1. Thunderstruck OFFICIAL trailer

2. Katy Perry: Part of Me trailer

3. Rise Of The Guardians OFFICIAL trailer

4. Despicable Me 2 trailer

5. BRAVE trailer

6. Hotel Transylvania OFFICIAL trailer

tigerdude22's Disney PIXAR movie idea/Last Day Of School/Madagascar 3 mid.......

tigerdude22's Final Exam Schedule:

Friday 6/1/2012- Period 1 (morning)/Period 3 (afternoon)

Monday 6/4/2012- Period 5 (morning)/Period 7 (afternoon)

Tuesday 6/5/2012- Period 2 (morning)/Period 4 (afternoon)

Wednesday 6/6/2012- Period 6 (morning)/Period 8 (afternoon)

Final Exams I'm EXEMPT from:

Period 3 (afternoon)

Period 5 (morning)

Period 2 (morning)

Period 6 (morning)

Period 8 (afternoon)

Final Exams I'm Taking because I'm obviously NOT exempt:

Period 1 (morning)

Period 7 (afternoon)

Period 4 (afternoon)

As you can see from my schedule, I am OFFICIALLY done with my final exam week and I have crossed out with single one of them because I'm done everyone.

Last Day Of School:

Yesterday (Wednesday June 6, 2012) was my last day of school. I only had to go to school for 45 minutes because I was exempt from both morning and afternoon and I only had to go for the review period. But yeah, it was last official day of high school. I'm gonna admit, after I took one last look at my school and said good-bye to some to my friends... I walked through the doors of my school and I started to get sad. I turn around look at my school, tell it good-bye in my mind, and just walked home all sad. I really am gonna miss going to high school and I'll cherish the memories I've had. Now all I have is graduation this Sunday night and it will be the start where my life changes so yeah. It was a good last day of school but for most part, I was sad throughout the day thinking about it so it might take me a few days to get over it. Woohoo to no more high school though. I know there's users like futuramarama, and a few more users graduating this year as well so I would like to say a good congratulations to all of you. :)

tigerdude22's Disney PIXAR movie idea:

I've shown you my three-movie western/action/comedy movie trilogy "Rodeo", I showed you the romance/comedy movie "Happy Anniversary", and I've showed you my action//crime/thriller movie "Demolition Men". But now, I'm gonna share with you ONE of the Disney PIXAR movie idea that I came up with and I've actually just came up with it today, I was immediately inspired into making this idea and popped into my head. I have a few more Disney PIXAR movie ideas but I'm gonna save those for later sometime in the future.

Movie Title: Tap Dancing Tiger

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures, PIXAR animation studios (or just Disney PIXAR)

Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Family

Description: There was a baby tiger who was loved so much by his parents, the baby tiger were the parent's most beloved gift in the world and wouldn't trade it and it was the happiest life for the parents and the baby tiger. On a dark and tragic night, a group of hunters go into the jungle and kill both of the baby tiger's parents. The baby tiger runs away into the jungle far far away and finds himself in the city of Chicago. The baby tiger (now with no parents) is very lonely walking around Chicago. The baby tiger is scared, cold, lost, and is crying... poor baby tiger :( makes me you wanna cry, huh?. But just when the baby tiger thought he was alone... he isn't, he meets a stray beagle puppy and an abandoned baby monkey. As the baby tiger, stray beagle puppy, and abandoned baby monkey meet each other... they decide to stick together. As a 10 year old little girl along her parents were walking down the streets, they see the three lonely animals and the little girl really wants to take them home where they will have love, food, and a family. The parents were okay with the little 10 year old girl taking home the stray beagle puppy and the abandoned monkey but they were not so sure about taking home a baby tiger knowing that it's gonna grow up to be a huge and dangerous tiger. The vet was testing the tiger and it apparently doesn't have the personality to be dangerous, it is in fact the most friendliest and I guess you can say... sensitive tiger ever so the tiger comes home with the little 10 year old girl. It's 5 Years Later, the little girl is now 15 years old and the tiger, monkey, and beagle dog are all grown up... not much of them has changed, only thing that has changed that they have grown especially the tiger. Whenever the tiger and the 15 year old girl walk around town, everyone is afraid of the tiger and even the animal control don't want any part of it and they think it's threatening and dangerous when it's friendly and sensitive. The tiger loves to listen to jazz music and actually wants to be a tap dancer. The tiger along with the beagle and monkey watch television about tap dancing and the tiger is just so fascinated by it that he wants to be a tap dancer and he lives his dream by becoming a tap dancer and entertaining the town of Chicago. He wants his life to be something bigger than a tiger and actually wants to be treated like a human but it's hard when everyone is scared of him. The tiger is so tired of them being scared that they he will do whatever it takes to make it to the top of the list as the best tap dancer ever and make people not be afraid of him anymore. It's a Disney PIXAR movie that everyone should enjoy as it has comedy to make you laugh hard, tragic and heartwarming moments to make you cry, and just an all-around inspiring movie about to always follow your dream and that you shouldn't judge a human (or animal... in this case for the film) by its looks because you'll be surprised on what kind of nice personality it has. This is probably one of my most inspiring movie ideas that I've ever came up with.

Rated G

BE HONEST!!! I won't get hurt if you don't like the idea

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted midnight showing:

This will probably be brief but I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to the midnight showing for this animated movie and I'm excited about it since I loved the first two Madagascar films. I'm going to this midnight showing with two of my cousins, one of my cousin's husband, one of my cousin's boyfriend, my aunt, my mom, and my brother. Expect a movie review either tomorrow or sometime next week. :)

Also, I'm gonna go to my best friend's cookout on Friday and I'm having my graduation party at my house on Saturday where my family rented me a water slide and a DJ to put on music so my family and some of my friends from school can have fun and enjoy it plus my Graduation is on Sunday night. :) That's all for my blog :) If you haven't heard from me for the past few days then you know why. :)

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:

"Hoppipolla" by Sigur Ros (listen to this song... it was very powerful and beautiful and it makes me cry every time... it was played during the movie "We Bought A Zoo")

Movie Trailer Of The Blog:

The Odd Life of Timothy Green trailer

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:

i love this show

Movie Poster Of The Blog:

i really wanna see this movie

What's the WORST movie you've ever seen? (plus 2 of tigerdude22's movie ideas)

tigerdude22's Final Exam Schedule:

Friday 6/1/2012- Period 1 (morning)/Period 3 (afternoon)

Monday 6/4/2012- Period 5 (morning)/Period 7 (afternoon)

Tuesday 6/5/2012- Period 2 (morning)/Period 4 (afternoon)

Wednesday 6/6/2012- Period 6 (morning)/Period 8 (afternoon)

Final Exams I'm EXEMPT from:

Period 3 (afternoon)

Period 5 (morning)

Period 2 (morning)

Period 6 (morning)

Period 8 (afternoon)

Final Exams I'm Taking because I'm obviously NOT exempt:

Period 1 (morning)

Period 7 (afternoon)

Period 4 (afternoon)

Today I just need to take my last final exam for the afternoon which is 4th Period and I'm done. :) By the time it's my next blog, my whole schedule will be crossed out. :) My last day of school is this Wednesday and since I'm exempt for BOTH morning and afternoon on Wednesday. I only have to go to school for 45 minutes and then I'm officially done with school. :)

Today was also my Graduation Rehearsal and it went pretty well. I sit behind the girl I like so that's nice and I'm gonna sit behind her at graduation. Graduation Rehearsal was a pain in the butt though. We had to walk around to do our entrance. They made a mistake on the first time so we had to go back to our seats and do walking all of the way to the entrance all over again. My graduation is at the Don Haskins Center so yeah. All-in-all, it wasn't too bad because I was being all funny and talking to my friends. :)

MOVING ON........

What's the WORST movie(s) you've

ever seen?

Just thought I ask all of you this but what's the worst movie you've ever seen. If you want to, it doesn't even have to be one movie. You can just name a few movies that you found to be terrible but if you can think of a movie that is absolutely the WORST in movie history then just say it. For me, the WORST movies I've ever seen would be movies like "Priest", "Conan The Barbarian", "Jack and Jill", "Piranha 3D" (I'm NOT gonna even bother with "Piranha 3DD"), and most likely more. You know what to do, just tell me in the comments. :)

2 more of tigerdude22's movie ideas:

Okay, last time... I shared with you all my movie trilogy idea for the western/action/comedy "Rodeo" but here are at least 2 more movie ideas and I hope you find these just as enjoyable as my movie trilogy idea I shared with you guys from a couple of blogs ago. :)

Movie Title: Happy Anniversary

Studio: Universal Studios

Genre: Comedy, Romance

Description: A man wants to surprise his wife by throwing their anniversary party at their house. He wants to buy her the perfect anniversary gift. He even calls his son who goes to college in San Francisco to take flight down for the weekend and the son said that he can make it. The son even brings his girlfriend along where she will finally meet the son's parents. The husband tries to get his wife distracted and funny and unexpected things happen whenever he tries to distract her while the rest of the family is planning the anniversary party and how they are gonna surprise her. Things do tend to get insane and random and it's NOT the anniversary party that the husband wanted it to be so they have to come up with Plan B to back up the disaster with the anniversary party before the wife comes home. How will this situation turn out to be in the end?. This isn't your typical romantic comedy as there will be twists coming here and there. This less romance and more comedy film should have you laughing all the way and it will also have some heart to it also.

Rated PG-13 for language, some comical violence, drug references including smoking/drinking, and mayhem throughout

Movie Title: Demolition Men

Studio: Universal Studios

Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller

Description: A man who illegally prints out money and steals the money by putting it inside his briefcase offers five men a job and that job is that they throw bombs at a bunch of tall buildings to the people that he hates very much. These five men get paid a lot of money doing this but if they are gonna paid to do a horrible crime, they need to be extremely careful. If the five men get away with the crime and the cops don't catch them then they will get paid by that man but if the cops catch them and arrest them plus the five of them having to do hard times then it's all over for them and they don't get paid at all. This is action/crime/thriller film has intense bombing/explosion and action moments from start to finish. It's non-stop excitement all the way through and it will have your heart pounding.

Rated R for strong action-all involving bombings and explosions throughout, some brutal violence, and some language

BE HONEST!!! (I won't get hurt if you don't like the ideas). Hope to share some more in the future. :)

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:

Ratatouille soundtrack called "Remy Drives A Linguini" (one of my favorite PIXAR movies)

Movie Trailer Of The Blog:

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted trailer

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:

funny episode

Movie Poster Of The Blog:


Snow White and the Huntsman movie review

CLICK HERE to read my previous blog "tigerdude22's Movie Trilogy Idea (Tell Me Your Thoughts About The Idea Please!!!)". I don't want you to miss out on this blog and want to hear your thoughts about it... BE HONEST!!!:

Don't mind this, I just put it in my blog to help me remind myself about my final exams plus the schedule is a bit confusing to follow after a while so yeah. If that day is crossed out, it means that I got through that final exam day :)

tigerdude22's Final Exam Schedule:

Friday 6/1/2012- Period 1 (morning)/Period 3 (afternoon)

Monday 6/4/2012- Period 5 (morning)/Period 7 (afternoon)

Tuesday 6/5/2012- Period 2 (morning)/Period 4 (afternoon)

Wednesday 6/6/2012- Period 6 (morning)/Period 8 (afternoon)

Final Exams I'm EXEMPT from:

Period 3 (afternoon)

Period 5 (morning)

Period 2 (morning)

Period 6 (morning)

Period 8 (afternoon)

Final Exams I'm Taking because I'm obviously NOT exempt:

Period 1 (morning)

Period 7 (afternoon)

Period 4 (afternoon)

This next note will help me remind me as well so I don't forget. :)

Graduation Rehearsal is on Monday the 4th of June at 5:00pm and it's mandatory so I need to go and I DON'T need to bring my cap and gown

Friday (6/1/2012) for final exam day was good. I only had to take my 1st Period Government Final Exam and while it was 100 questions long, it seemed easy so hopefully I'll pass that one. By the time the bell rang at 11:38am, I was finished with school for today. My best friend and I were both exempted from our 3rd Period Final Exam so we hanged out at my house for a while. My best friend and I just talked... our conversations were mostly about movies like we both complaining about Paramount delaying G.I. Joe: Retaliation, we were talking about the funniest moments in The Avengers, how it's cool that Chuck Norris is in Expendables 2, etc. so yeah. He and I love to talk about movies. He loves to play video games and even though I don't play video games that much, we still talked a little about video games. By the time it was 1:25pm, my best friend's older brother picked hm up from my house. :)

These are the movie trailers that they showed IN ORDER before the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman" started:

1. The Bourne Legacy trailer (NEW trailer)

2. Les Miserables OFFICIAL trailer

3. Total Recall trailer

4. Ice Age 4: Continental Drift trailer (NEW trailer)

YouTube probably didn't post it yet but about 40% of the trailer was the same and 60% of the trailer had new footages from the move in there but this trailer should be good. :)

5. Rock of Ages trailer (NEW trailer)

6. Katy Perry: Part Of Me OFFICIAL trailer

7. House At The End Of The Street OFFICIAL trailer

Snow White and the Huntsman movie review

pretty cool poster

I saw this movie at the midnight showing with my mom, my mom's friend, my aunt, my cousin, my cousin's friend, my cousin's husband and I'm here to give you my movie review so here is goes. So two Snow Whites have come out this year. One is "Mirror Mirror" (I haven't seen that movie yet) which is a comedy version of Snow White and the other one is apparently this one which has a dark tone. Now I'm very glad that I didn't get over-hyped about this movie because it really wasn't that good. The movie is just okay and it wasn't terrible but it was could have been so much better. If you're getting really excited about this movie, don't get your hopes up because it really wasn't that good. I did think the dark storyline to the film was well done. I thought Charlize Theron was AWESOME as the Evil Queen and her performance as that character was strong and very well done so terrific job to her. Chris Hemsworth was good as the Huntsman too so there's no complaints about him. Kristen Stewart as Snow White? I can't believe I'm saying this WASN'T SO BAD and I got used to her as the character Snow White as the movie was going on. It's got some awesome visual effects and I thought the dwarves in this movie were cool-looking. Although, there are 8 dwarves in this film instead of 7... weird, huh?. There are positives about this film now I'm gonna get to the negatives with you all. One of the genres of this movie was that it was ACTION but the movie itself really did NOT have a lot of action going on. Even when there was an action scene in the movie, it would only last 1 minute or 2 minutes and that's it. The pacing of the movie was also SO DANG SLOW. I'm not kidding with you, the pacing of the movie was NOT well done because it dragged, got boring, and really went slow almost throughout the movie. The middle part is the most boring part of the movie and I even almost fell asleep because of how boring it was. 30 minutes before the final battle scene of the movie, there was absolutely NO action scenes going on within those 30 minutes and it was just talking. All I can say is I was ready to go home and go to sleep because this movie was NOT worth watching at the midnight showing. Also, after when that slow pacing comes... the final battle scene FINALLY comes but even that didn't make up for the boredom because it was only in the last 10 minutes of the movie, that's how short the final battle scene was. Of course, the final battle scene was cool and it actually woke me up but with it being that short, I was just like "Wow!!! is that it?". The very ending of the movie was also not very good and made me roll my eyes. I mean, it doesn't have the worst ending I've ever seen in movie history but it just wasn't a very good ending. The movie is 2 hours long but with the movie mostly being boring, dragged on, and slow... it feels so much more longer than 2 hours. MIB3 and The Avengers are WAY better movies than this one so I recommend you go those movies instead of this one. I don't know if I should recommend this movie to you or not, it really depends on your opinion and what you see in the movie but just because I don't want you to suffer through boredom like I did, I will say that I DON'T recommend this movie. The movie isn't terrible but it just could have been better. I got into the movie for like the first 30-40 minutes of the movie and then after that, the magic of just liking this movie was completely lost. To rap up the review, "Snow White and the Huntsman" is good on plotting, acting, and visual effects but when you have to sit in the theater for 2 hours watching this movie with nothing much going on in this film... it's just hard to enjoy this movie more so all-in-all it's an okay movie but I already forgot about it 5 minutes after I walked out of the theater.

Snow White and the Huntsman out of 4 stars

NO MOVIE TRAILER OF THE BLOG!!! (7 trailers listed before my movie review are considered movie trailerS of the blog anyway)

NO MOVIE POSTER OF THE BLOG!!! (the movie poster in my movie review is considered that)

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:

funny episode

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:

"Back In Time" by Pitbull (Men In Black 3 END CREDITS soundtrack)

MY thought about the song: I'm NOT into Pitbull songs that much really but I gotta admit that this was a pretty good song and it got stuck in my head for a while now. As soon as I this song came in the END CREDITS for MIB3, I just had to stick around just to listen to the song but to also read the credits :) Excuse Me for being a huge movie person haha