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tigerdude22 Blog

tigerdude22's Movie Trilogy Idea (Tell Me Your Thoughts On The Idea Please!!!)

Before I get to the main topic of the blog. Here is I'm gonna say. I feel like spending quality family time with cousins plus my mom, my brother, and my aunt so even though I'm not too interested in this movie. I'm gonna go to the midnight showing for "Snow White and the Huntsman". Of course, they could've picked a better actress to play Snow White instead of Kristen Stewart but it looks kinda interesting other than that issue so yeah I'm gonna go. Yes, I've been going to midnight showings a lot lately, don't say it :D haha I didn't make a midnight showing blog for this movie though, is because I'll only make midnight showing blogs if ONE I have absolutely 0 topic to talk about or TWO I'm so excited about this movie that I actually want to make a midnight showing blog about it.

As for the rest of this week

Today was my last Purple Day of just going to class. BTW, I was gonna make this blog yesterday but since I was so busy working on my Government project, I just couldn't make this blog at all. I brought my laptop along to my Government class (which is my 1st period) to print out information and all of those things in class. My 2nd Period class (Engineering Design) had a substitute teacher today so we really didn't do much work. Of course, I got more signatures for my yearbook by my friends. For 3rd Period (Literature Genres), I finished my Part 3 and Part 4 journal for the book "The Glass Castle" and I finished my work in that class for good. My 4th Period (Desktop Publish) class, we just pretty much messed around with colors and designs for fun and we're getting graded on it as our last Purple Day class. Tomorrow (Thursday the 31st of May) will be my LAST Silver Day class which is for Period 5,6,7, and 8. I'm done with all of my classes by 7th Period though since 8th Period is my OUT Period. It's kinda sad but yeah. Friday will be the START of my final exam week :)

tigerdude22's Final Exam Schedule:

Of course, I don't have go to these finals if I'm EXEMPT from them. If you're EXEMPT for a morning exam though, you just need to show up for 45 minutes and then leave and they do that for attendance purposes so here is my schedule. :) June 6th is my last day of school. :) I'll tell you which ones I'm exempt from once all of my teachers tell me

Friday 6/1/2012- Period 1 (morning)/Period 3 (afternoon)

Monday 6/4/2012- Period 5 (morning)/Period 7 (afternoon)

Tuesday 6/5/2012- Period 2 (morning)/Period 4 (afternoon)

Wednesday 6/6/2012- Period 6 (morning)/Period 8 (afternoon)

P.S. My Graduation Rehearsal is on Monday, June 4 and it's mandatory for all seniors so I apparently need to go which sucks because I know it will be boring but it's just one rehearsal so I'll live through it. :)

tigerdude22's Movie Trilogy Idea (Main Topic Of

The Blog)

Before I joined this website, I used to make a bunch of movie ideas that I hope Hollywood can use one day in the future. Not that I'll ever send it to them but yeah. I've already shared some of my movie ideas with futuramarama so he knows about some of my movie ideas and seems to enjoy it (don't know if he means it but if he does like them then that's great... if he doesn't, it's okay it won't offend me or anything like that because everyone has different opinions by their point of view). For now, I just want to share with you a movie trilogy and you'll see what the title of them are right now. It won't be long though. All I'm gonna do is just list the movie title, genre, studio, description about what the movie is about, and what MPAA rating the movie gets. Please Tell Me Your Thoughts about this trilogy afterwards and be honest with me please!!! here it goes. :)

Movie Title: Rodeo

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

Genre: Western, Action, Adventure, Comedy

Description: A western cowboy named Rodeo moves into the capital of Texas which is Austin. When he arrives at Austin, Texas to begin the start of his better and more exciting life, he meets some people along the way and becomes fast friends with them. He meets three beautiful and sweet cowgirls who know to shoot and happen to be the greatest female shooters in Austin. He meets three cowboys who have different personalities but they know how to shoot and get tough when they need to. One cowboy is intelligent and isn't scared of anything, the second cowboy isn't clueless but he can get easily confused on certain things while he can understand others, and the third and final cowboy is a dim-wit but for a cowboy who has a small brain... he is threatening and actually happens to be the best aimed bullet-shooting, whipping, and butt-kicking cowboy. And last, Rodeo meets a nice and wise man who works as a bartender (or milktender) in the mornings & afternoons and works as a typewriter in the evenings & nights. He isn't exactly a cowboy but when Rodeo needs a back-up plan... that man would be set up for the job and he's known to have the best strategies for a man that isn't much of a cowboy. Lastly, Rodeo meets a very dangerous cowboy named Bullseye who has the mind of a dangerous bull and if anyone ever DARE messes with Bullseye, he will easily crack your neck or break your spine and many more things. Rodeo wants the city of Austin to be safe so it's up to the new cowboy in town named Rodeo and his friends to stop Bullseye but it won't be easy and will in fact be very risky to actually kill him.The thing is that Bullseye might never be killed no matter how many times they attempt to kill him. He's actually one of the toughest antagonists in movie history believe or not (oh yeah).

Rated PG for some western action and violence, mild dark dialogue, brief smoking, western slang humor, and some mild language

Movie Title- Rodeo 2: Bullseye's Revenge

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

Genre: Western, Action, Adventure, Comedy

Description: A sequel to the western/action/comedy film "Rodeo" and the gang is back. As it was revealed at the end of "Rodeo", Bullseye survived Rodeo stabbing him plus a group from another town recovered Bullseye and that group happens to be evil cowboys. Bullseye returns to Austin, Texas and he is angrier than ever and as does shows his more dark and scarier tone into this sequel. This sequel will have twice as more action, twice as more comedy, and will be twice as more dark than the original which will make it one of Disney's darkest films. Rodeo and the gang including more people must prepare for the huge battle with Bullseye and his huge group of evil cowboys. It won't be easy for the cowboys to kill of those evil cowboys and Bullseye (who is very difficult to kill). Bullseye won't give up until everyone in town especially Rodeo is dead and will take over Austin, Texas. It's the ultimate battle that you won't want to miss. It will have a ton of explosions, gun-shootings, whipping, punching, and more things. This is the battle that you won't want to miss most certainly. Will Bullseye actually be dead in this sequel?

Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of western action and violence, some mild drug references including smoking and drinking, brief sensuality, a torture/whipping scene, and a brief bloody image

Movie Title- Rodeo 3: Bullseye Needs To Die

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

Genre: Western, Action, Adventure, Comedy

Description: Rodeo has a nightmare that Bullseye is gonna escape from jail and get his revenge once again but he isn't gonna let that happen this time so Rodeo and the gang make a plan and go out of town and travel half way around the world in search of Bullseye to kill him. The third and final installment of the trilogy will have a lot of chases, surprises, action, and just things you would love to see in a western film. The gang travel to Colorado, California, Florida, Tennessee, and a few more states just to go find Bullseye plus it was all part of Bullseye's plan so he knew that they were coming. You all know how Bullseye is pretty much an unstoppable evil cowboy who is very difficult. Rodeo and the gang agreed that if they are gonna kill Bullseye that they need to really really really trick him and be one step ahead of him so they need to come up with the most intelligent, most difficult, most craziest, and it also might mean that Rodeo needs to sacrifice his life to kill Bullseye so Austin, Texas can be safe for good with no danger or worries about Bullseye. Stick around as this will be the third and final installment of the western/action/comedy trilogy "Rodeo".

Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of western action and violence including stylized western chase scenes, some smoking and drinking including a mild drug reference, some suggestive content including a brief sensual scene, and startling and disturbing images

Tell Me Your Thoughts About This

Movie Trilogy That I Came Up With

(Be Honest... I Won't Be Offended If

You Don't Like The Idea)

If you want to see more of my movie ideas, just tell me (with honesty) and I'll make a blog sometimes in the future with some more movie ideas I came up with. :)

Movie Trailer Of The Blog: (I wanna this movie most definitely)

Skyfall Trailer (a.k.a. NEW 007' James Bond movie)

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog: (Played in the sad scene near the end of "Captain America: The First Avenger"... listen to this soundtrack, it's so sad but it's so wonderful... that part always make me cry actually)

Captain America: The First Avenger soundtrack called "This Is My Choice"

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:

awesome show

Movie Poster Of The Blog:

i wanna see this movie, hope it's good

Happy Memorial Day!!!

Happy Memorial Day!!! users that still have school: I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day off from school and that you also enjoy whatever days you have left before you're done with school users that are already on summer break: I still wish you guys a happy Memorial Day and that it's wonderful

Don't know what I'm gonna do today probably just stay home and watch television, type in my 2-page paper on budgets and jobs for my Government class (which will be my last homework in that class, THANK GOD!!!), and hopefully catch up more on my reviews because there are still episodes of shows that I haven't reviewed yet that I still want to review.

All I reviewed during the Memorial Day weekend SO FAR is a couple of "The Fairly OddParents" episodes, a couple of "Family Guy" episodes, and a few episodes of "The Simpsons". :)

Last night, I went over to my aunt's house to celebrate my uncle's graduation since some of the family members (like me) couldn't go to his graduation in California like a few weeks ago. There was food like hamburger, hot dogs, egg salad, etc. and the drinks were like coke and orange sodas. Also, two of my aunts actually rented us a water slide which was so nice of them. The water slide was a lot of fun and I appreciate my two aunts so much for spending their money to rent the water slide for the family because they wanted us to have fun and you know... enjoy life!!!

Since my mom wants to see that new Nickelodeon movie "Rags", I'm gonna just so ahead and watch the movie with my mom plus it gives me something to watch with my mom

Oh yeah!!! "Melissa and Joey" is returning this Wednesday with new episodes and a new season so my mom and I can watch that show together again which I look forward to. :)

Nothing much from there

What are you all doing for Memorial



Since I MIGHT (I'm not saying I am) make a blog tomorrow or sometimes the weekdays once I have a topic of something. there will be:





Happy Memorial Day everyone!!! :)

MIB3 movie review/The DUMBEST decision that Hollywood has ever made

It's Friday 5/25/2012 and I'm making this blog just for the fun of it. :)

Only two users comments on my previous blog which were readapost and kirbybeamer64. It's okay though because I still have fun making blogs whether I get a lot of comments, short amount of comments, or NO comment at all (although, my blogs have always gotten at least 1 comment so I don't think that's happened to me at least just yet... not sure). But yeah, I just mentioned that because I made a quick and fun game which was called "Which Men In Black III movie poster is better?

readapost chose B where Will Smith is riding on that cycle and kirbybeamer64 chose A where it's Will Smith in the front and it has Josh Brolin on one side and Tommy Lee Jones on the other side.

It looks I'm gonna have to be the tie-breaker here but I'm gonna choose A which is what kirbybeamer64 chose so that poster wins and you will see it in my movie review. :)

Today was my 11:55am Early Release at school today so my Memorial Day weekend has officially began which wll be nice. :)

This is all I did in school today:

1st Period (Government)- just stay around doing nothing and chatting with friends :) No work at all

Advisory (We only have this class every 9 weeks by the way)- Did some kind of survey and just chatted with friends afterward

Before I went to my 2nd Period, I quickly went to go buy my yearbook. I BARELY made it on time to 2nd period, my teacher is awesome so it doesn't really matter if I'm late but still

2nd Period (Engineering Design)- I was looking at my yearbook, play a few games on Shockwave on the computer, and just relaxed. No work in this period

3rd Period (Literature Genres)- No work in here. My friends and I were looking at my yearbook and talking abou the pictures which was fun. :)

4th Period (Desktop Publish)- Since my teacher was in charge of selling the yearbooks in the concession stands of the main gym (which is where I bought my yearbook). We just chilled and relaxed at the main gym while my teacher was selling the yearbooks.

After the bell rang at 11:55am, I was hungry because I actually skipped breakfast today which I rarely do so I just went to Sonic since it's across the street from my school. A lot of places are literally across the street from my school but you know what I mean. :) From there, I just went home and I'm just relaxing now. Since I have the movies "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" and "We Bought A Zoo" from my Netflix mail, I'm probably gonna watch both of those movies either later on today or during my Memorial Day weekend. :)

Men In Black III (MIB3, for short)

movie review


I saw this movie at the midnight showing with my mom, my aunt, my brother, my brother's friend, my cousin, like 6 of my cousin's friends. The theatre wasn't very packed though. I say there was only like 50% of the theatre packed but that's not much compared to how the midnight showing of "The Avengers" was. Anyways, it's been 15 years since the original MIB and 10 years since MIIB (a.k.a. Men In Black II) which was the sequel to it. It's now 2012 and this third installment releases in theatres but how is the movie though. You will see what I thought. I liked this movie actually and I had a good time with it. I thought the first movie was slightly better than this third installment but I still liked it. The third movie is a little better than the second movie though. The second movie was pretty good but it was not lived up to how the original was. I don't know I recommend this movie to you guys or not. It's not a bad movie at all, at least to me it isn't. It's got a good storyline, very cool and awesome sci-fi action scenes, good character development between Agent J (Will Smith) and young Agent K (Josh Brolin). I thought it flowed nicely and it's just a fun time-traveling movie and it's a good idea of a threequel. Although, I did feel like the ending of the movie was a little rushed... it just just nice. Also, Jemaine Clement did an excellent job playing the character Boris the animal and sure played a disturbing and ugly-looking monster. The movie was funny too (mainly in the first half). The first half of the movie had the most comedic scenes while the second half focused more on the dialogue and how Agent J is gonna save Agent K. Tommy Lee Jones is only in the first 15 minutes of the movie and the last 5 or less minutes of the movie so he has less screen time but I saw that coming anyways since it was about Agent J going back in time to save Agent K anyways. The humor in this movie was good and cracked up at pretty much most of them (like I said, the first half of the movie had more comedic moments). Also, if you're worried about seeing Justin Bieber in this movie... don't worry about it because I couldn't find Justin's cameo at all so it's pretty much like he's not even in the movie at all so if the haters are worried about that, don't worry. The movie itself didn't have a lot of sci-fi action but I was still very entertained by the storyline and where it was going. It does stink that Frank the Pug didn't make a physical appearance in this movie... that thing that does make me feel better though is that there are two scenes where show an image of Frank the Pug and you will know what those two scenes of images are when you see the movie. I also gotta say that this movie does have a touching and heartwarming ending between Agent J (Will Smith) and Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones). The ending, while a little rushed, was touching and it was very nice. So I say go watch this movie. Oh yeah, my favorite part of the movie would have to be the "time jump" scene... if you watch the movie, you will have to see why it's my favorite part of the movie, I just thought it was very neat. If you're expecting this movie to have a lot of sci-fi action, then this is NOT the movie because it only has SOME sci-fi action unless you don't mind some. If you're looking for a movie with a well done storyline, watch this movie... it's well written. If you want good performances, watch this movie because Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Jemaine Clement, Alice Eve, and Emma Thompson did a good job here. Is this the best movie ever made? No it's not but I did like it and I say it's worth watching. You pretty much get the point here. To rap up this review, "Men In Black III" is a fun blockbuster to watch with its disturbing monsters especially Boris The Animal, some cool sci-fi action scenes, a touching ending between the two main characters of the MIB series, excellent humor mainly in the first half of the movie while the second half doesn't have that many funny moments, and Josh Brolin NAILED the role of young Agent K (applauding and clapping for Brolin's performance).

Men In Black III out of 4 stars

Here are also the following trailers that they showed before the movie "Men In Black III" started. :) As always when it comes to my after-midnight showings blogs, I LIST the trailers IN THE ORDER it was shown and yes I actually remember the order for the trailers for here we go. :)

1. Total Recall trailer

2. Skyfall trailer

3. G.I. Joe: Retaliation trailer (NEW


4. The Bourne Legacy trailer

5. The Great Gatsby trailer

6. Snow White and The Huntsman


7. Prometheus trailer

8. The Amazing Spider-Man trailer

(I couldn't find it but this is the same trailer except it has two different scenes in there which were....

(1) Instead of Peter saying "Who Are you?" to that guy he sprayed spider-webs at... he says "Oh yeah, look it's that simple

(2) After they show the title of the movie, the coach says "Parker, do you join the football team?" and then Peter responds "No, it's not my thing" (or something close to that)

By the way, those following trailers will be the trailerS of the blog so there you go. :)

The DUMBEST decision that

Hollywood has ever made (READ this

to see why)

The news about this decision came in yesterday and a lot of people are angry about it. You wanna know what the dumb decision is? Paramount Pictures want to move the release date for "G.I. Joe: Retaliation" from June 29th, 2012 to March 29, 2013. What? like seriously? how could this movie be getting ready to release in theaters a month from now and they give the news that they are moving the release date to March 29, 2013 so we apparently have to wait nine more months to watch this. But wait, the reason they want to do this is because they want to add stupid 3-D effects to the movie just so they can get more money. Like wow!!! nine more months to watch this movie just because they want to add 3-D effects, that is so dumb and the people who are excited about this movie now have to wait longer. Maybe if they create some sort of angry mob and go make them change it back to June 29, 2012 then would be great but Paramount just announced that it's moving to March 29, 2013. Also, instead of the movie "Ted" coming out on my birthday July 13. That movie "Ted" is gonna movie a few weeks up to June 29, 2012 so that movie is gonna take G.I. Joe's place. Whether you're excited about this movie or not, do you think it's wrong for Paramount Pictures to move the release date just because they want to add 3-D effects to a movie especially if they already showed the trailers and it's a month from now that it was about to release? TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS!!! (I can't believe Hollywood would make such a stupid decision) I, myself, am angry about this because I was actually looking forward to this movie as well because I really wanted to see Bruce Willis and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in action. Yell

I hope everyone has a nice Memorial Day weekend for those who are still in school. For those of you that already have their summer, I still hope you have a nice Memorial Day weekend. :)

NO MOVIE TRAILER OF THE BLOG!!! (mainly because I listed like 8 trailers so those count as movie trailers anyways)

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:

This song is called "Walk" by the band Foo Fighters. :) It's a very good song and it's from the end credits of "THOR"

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:

Lisa Goes Gaga

Movie Poster Of The Blog:

(which will FOR NOW ON have either an old movie poster or new movie poster)

I LOVE this movie, watch it if you've never seen it

Men In Black III midnight showing

Well, everyone. I hope you are all doing okay on this fine week :)

Last Friday was my Senior Breakfast which had a slideshow plus served breakfast such as scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, hasbrown, cinnamon roll, and orange juice which was pretty good. It was overall just okay though.

Monday was my Senior Assembly where they gave out awards to some of the people with the biggest accomplishments. It was very boring to me, the only highlight about it was sitting behind the girl I really like and we talked for a while so that's nice.

Other than last Friday and this Monday, nothing much has really happened but I just thought I share that with you guys :)

Tomorrow is also my Early Release at school and I believe we get out at 11:45am so that's pretty cool plus the yearbooks will come in so I'll be ready to buy my yearbook. :)

It's Thursday 5/24/2012 and I'm making this blog to tell all of you guys that I'm going to the midnight showing of "Men In Black III" tonight which I'm so excited about. I just hope it's good though. I don't expect it to be better than the original but I do expect to at least have a good time with the movie. My theater will NOT be full in all 14 theatres plus the other midnight showings will be for a couple of other movies as well. "Men In Black III" only has three midnight showing times which is the 12:01am, 12:05am, and 12:06am showing. Hopefully if the tickets aren't sold out, we will get the 12:01am showing for it. If it's sold out, I guess we buy the 12:05am or 12:06am showing. :) But yeah, i'm excited about it and I'll, of course, make a movie review to tell you my thoughts about the movie. It will be my mom, my aunt, my brother, my brother's friend, and I that are going to the midnight showing :)

Are Any Of You Gonna Plan On

Watching That New TBS comedy

series "Men At Work"?

I'll still have time to watch this show before we leave to the midnight showing for "Men In Black" but TBS is premiering a new comedy series called "Men At Work" where they are gonna air back-to-back episodes. I don't know what to expect from the show though... I don't know if it's gonna be good or gonna be bad but either way, I'm gonna go ahead and give it a chance. Plus, it stars Danny Masterson who had the role of Hyde in "That 70s Show" so that should be awesome plus other funny actors in there that you may or may not be familiar with. But yeah, I'm planning on watching this show. How do you guys think it will turn out?

Which Men In Black III movie poster

is better? (tell me in the comments


a) yeah



I'll tell you which movie poster won in my next blog which, of course, you know what that will be :)



NO MOVIE POSTER OF THE BLOG!!! (plus the movie poster choices above are considered movie posters anyways)

Movie TrailerS Of The Blog:

Men In Black III Trailer #1

Men In Black III Trailer #2

200th Blog Spectacular (Please Do Not Ignore This... Have Fun)

I went a little over a maximum so I can't talk much and just say have fun with the 200th blog and no cheating!!!

Is it just me or is Bryan Cranston in a lot of movies?


I'm just asking those of you that are very well-know with this terrific actor. He used to be in the sitcom "Malcolm in the Middle" and he is now in the AMC crime-drama show "Breaking Bad" (which is such a terrific show by the way... Season 5 will return in July 2012 where it will be a 16-episode final season. They will air 8 episodes in 2012 and air the last 8 episodes of the season in 2013, watch the show if you haven't seen it yet because it's awesome and watch it before Season 5 premieres). Anyways, do you all think that he has been in a lot of movies. Like I'm not kidding, it almost seems like that he is in every movie which is not a bad thing because I really love that he is in a lot of movies now but what do you guys think of him being in a lot of movies. His movies in 2011 which is last year of course were "The Lincoln Lawyer", "Drive", "Larry Crowne", and "Contagion". For the year 2012 including the movies that are coming soon for this year were "Red Tails", "John Carter", "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted", "Rock of Ages", "Argo", and "Total Recall". He even just recently guest-voiced in The Simpsons episode "The Spy Who Learned Me". Tell Me What You Think. :)

This Sunday is FOX's last Animation Domination for the Spring 2012. Will You Watch It? Which Show Will You Watch? Skip?

I'm gonna watch 2 NEW Family Guys and NEW The Simpsons. I'm gonna skip NEW "Bob's Burgers" and "The Cleveland Show" though since I don't like them. What Will You Watch and What Will You Skip? Tell Me In The Comments

NEW Family Guy episode "Internal Affairs" (which will be a follow-up to last season's episode "Foreign Affairs") is going to have a new Peter Griffin vs. The Chicken fight in that episode and it's apparently going to be the last fight. Will You Watch This Episode Just For The Chicken Fight?

Like I said, I'm gonna watch this episode definitely for the new Chicken Fight and because it looks like it will be interesting to see how it's gonna follow-up to last season's episode "Foreign Affairs". I just hope the Chicken Fight will be long and will NOT be short especially since it's the last fight (at least that's what FOX said... their word, not mine). Tell Me In The Comments

The Avengers raised over $1 billion by the second opening weekend in the world. What Do You Think Of That News? Did They Deserve To Gross That Much Money?

All I can say is Wow!!! that really is a lot of money and I honestly think they deserved to gross that much money. It's also now in the Top 10 List of Movies That Raised Over $1 billion. Of course "AVATAR" is the #1 movie in the list and while I did really enjoy "AVATAR"... I think "The Avengers" should be #1 on that list instead so hopefully that will happen. What Do You Guys Think?

Anyone watch Season 3 of "Good Luck Charlie"?

Just wanted to see if anyone has seen the third season of "Good Luck Charlie". So far, I am really enjoying the season and hopefully it will still stay that way even after Amy gives birth to the new baby. So yeah, if you've seen the new season... what you do think the third of season GLC so far :)

Which of the following reviews of mine have you actually read? (Be honest, I know you haven't read every single of my reviews... I review a lot so I wouldn't expect you to read every single reviews)

I know that review a lot and that I review many types of episodes from shows or shows or even sometimes celebrities. I know all of you that have NOT read all of my reviews and I wouldn't expect that but I was just curious on which of my following reviews have you read from me. Like what episode of a show would read from me. Would you put a thumbs up/thumbs down on my reviews or just leave like that. Please Tell Me In The Comments


Coolest And Awesome Best Friends:

SpongeBob and Patrick



Mordecai and Rigby


Best Jack Black Voice Role For A DreamWorks Animated Movie:

Lenny The Shark



Po The Panda


Which Tim Allen sitcom is better?:

Home Improvement



Last Man Standing


Best Comedian:

Gabriel Iglesias



George Lopez


Grumpiest (or Angriest) Cartoon Character:






Dumbest Cartoon Character:

Peter Griffin



Homer Simpson


Cutest Cartoon Character:






Coolest Special Effects For A Movie:

TRON: Legacy




pretty cool

Most Awesome Dragon:

Toothless the Dragon



The Dragon from the movie "Sucker Punch"


Best Christopher Nolan Movie:

The Dark Knight

awesome scene



awesome movie

"What Episode Is This Image From?"

love this cartoon

a) House Sittin' For Sandy

b) Home Sweet Rubble

c) Are You Happy Now?

d) The Way of the Sponge


a) The Last Temptation of Homer

b) The Blunder Years

c) Springfield Up

d) At Long Last Leave

benson is cryingt

a) Busted Cart

b) Replaced

c) Benson Be Gone

d) Stick Hockey


a) Tea Peter

b) Excellent in Broadcasting

c) Long John Peter

d) Peter-assesment


a) Squeeze the Day

b) I Only Have Surprise For You

c) Cookie Dough

d) Ticket to Rod


a) The Return of Harmony

b) Luna Eclipsed

c) A Canterlot Wedding

d) It's About Time


a) Sweet Dream Baby

b) Mascot Madness

c) Racing Slicks

d) Dead Bean Drop

tim allen and hector elizondo

a) The Spotlight

b) Adrenaline

c) This Bud's For You

d) The Passion of the Mandy


a) George Goes To Disneyland

b) Why You Crying?

c) George of the Rings

d) George Gets Assisterance


a) Ditch Day

b) Return To Super Adventure Land

c) Amy Needs a Shower

d) Monkey Business

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:

"Po Finds The Truth" from the movie Kung Fu Panda 2 (this soundtrack is so beautiful and epic... listen to it)

Movie Trailer Of The Blog:

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer (NEW trailer) I'm so freakin' excited about this movie

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:

NO PICTURE FOR THIS ONE!!! Also because there's already a ton of cartoon pictures on this 200th blog of mine :)

Movie Poster Of The Blog:


Happy Mother's Day!!! (Next Blog: My 200th Blog)

First of all, my next blog will be my 200th blog spectacular. It will be something fun. I NEVER did make me 100th blog spectacular because I honestly did NOT keep track of blogs at that time but I will keep track of blogs now.

NEXT BLOG: My 200th Blog (please don't miss it). Don't what I'll do for it but I'll figure out something :)

Happy Mother's Day everyone!!! I want to a Happy Mother's Day to every users' mothers and give them all of your love and appreciation to them because God knows how long you'll have them so enjoy as many precious moments with your mothers as you can :)

What Are Your Mother's Day plans?


Thursday, May 10th 2012 was my brother's 15th birthday but not only was it that but it was also Mexican Mother's Day. My mom prefers to celebrate Mother's Day on Mexican Mother's Day because my brother was born on that day.

For Mexican Mother's Day, my brother and I gave my mom a "Mother Of The Year Certificate" which I happily made from my own laptop since I'm very good at making certificates, calenders, banners etc. from laptops plus printing them out. Also, since my mom loves Captain America. I bought my mom the Captain America bobblehead which GameStop was selleing. So yeah, those were my mom's Mother's Day gifts from my brother and I. Of course, I made the certificate and I bought the Captain America bobblehead with my money but I told my brother to get credit for it also so it will be fair and sweet. My mom was just so happy about it. My mom, my brother, my aunt, my grandma, my grandpa, and I went to Applebee's to celebrate my brother's birthday and to celebrate Mexican Mother's Day plus my cousin and her fiancee came over to our house for a little bit to sing happy birthday to my brother and get cake and ice cream so that was nice. :)

I do not know what we are gonna do on AMERICAN Mother's Day though because my Mexican Mother's Day is actual Mother's Day to my mom so we might not actually celebrate but oh well. All I know is that we're gonna go visit my dad's grave at the cemetery at around 10:30am and that might be it.

From tigerdude22, this is me wishing you a Happy Mother's Day :)

P.S. I watched "The Avengers" for the 3rd time on Saturday (5/12/2012) and I still loved it :)

That's all for my blog today everyone!!! please don't miss my 200th blog though... I would for all of my friends to stick around for that one. :)

Also, there are changes to my blogs now :) INSTEAD of me ending my blogs with 5 pictures from cartoons (also because I'm running out of 5 pictures to put for each of my blogs). I will go ahead and end a blog with ONE picture from a cartoon OR tv show, ONE movie poster, ONE movie soundtrack (probably won't do it every blog though), and ONE movie trailer (I'm taking kirbybeamer64's suggestion from my previous blog). :) Hopefully my changes to the conclusions of my blogs won't bug you :)

Movie Soundtrack Of The Blog:

"Thor Kills The Destroyer" from the movie MARVEL's Thor (I LOVE LOVE LOVE this soundtrack... I'm obsessed with it, it's just too epic)

Movie Trailer Of The Blog:

The Expendables 2 Trailer (NEW trailer) I'm so excited about this movie :)

Cartoon/TV Show Picture Of The Blog:


Movie Poster Of The Blog:

beautiful poster

How Can I Make My Blogs More Fun? (Give Me Ideas HERE) + The Avengers News

Hey everyone,

this blog was suppose to be posted yesterday last night but my stupid laptop wouldn't let my post blogs or post comments on a users' blog. Only thing it will let me do is post reviews (THANK GOD!!!). But yeah, it's NOT just one browser so I tested out the others and it still did the same thing. I really hope laptop be like this for a while and will be back to working "me posting blogs and comments" ASAP. In the meantime, I'm using my mom's laptop to make this blog. If I don't respond back to the comments, it's because my laptop still won't let me post comments. If I do respond back to the comments, it's either because I use my mom's laptop, I'm using my Engineering Design's class computer, OR my laptop is back to letting me post comments. Here the blog that should've been posted yesterday but it wasn't

News about "The Avengers":

This movie has grossed over $200 million in the opening weekend at the box office leaving it the highest grossing movie of all time in an opening weekend at the box office and it's also the first movie to gross $200 million which is very impressive for a comic book superhero movie. It even beats Harry Potter's record which I actually found shocking. CLICK HERE to read the article about it:

They are also planning on making "The Avengers 2". They haven't really confirmed when but I'm sure you'll get the news soon about it. What I do know is that "Iron Man 3" is releasing in theaters on May 2013, "Thor 2" releasing in theaters on November 2013, "Captain America 2" releasing in theaters on April 2014, and a Deadpool movie is coming out in 2014 as well. Now here is my complaint about these movies though, these movies come out AFTER "The Avengers" and it's gonna screw up the whole "The Avengers 2" plan so I really hope they don't miss up these movies and that they are at least connected to "The Avengers 2" or at least something. Don't get me wrong, I'll look forward to those future MARVEL movies since I love to watch those movies but I'm just worried about the staff messing it up... I have faith in MARVEL though

Are you shocked "The Avengers"

actually beat "Harry Potter and the

Deathly Hallows Part 2"'s record?

How do you feel about those future

MARVEL movies? Do you think it will

mess up the whole "The Avengers 2"



By the way, sorry if my past couple of blogs have been about Avengers. I just love that movie so much. Speaking of that, I saw the movie for the 2nd time on Saturday and plan to see it for the 3rd time this Saturday. My mom just came back in town today so she's gonna watch Avengers with me this Saturday. I can enjoy watching the movie for the 3rd time while she enjoys watching it for the 1st time. A lot of friends at school have been talking a lot about this movie and I've been getting into a lot of conversations. I guess it's a movie that is worth talking about which it definitely is.

Here is the soundtrack from the movie called "The Avengers theme" (I love this soundtrack... can't stop listening to it)

Also, a few users have reviewed "The Avengers" and I really want to share these reviews because they are all so well written and descriptive about their thoughts about the movie so please read these reviews if you haven't so yet. These reviews are a MUST-READ :D lol

tigerdude22's "The Avengers" movie review

futuramarama's "The Avengers" movie review

That_TV_Dude's "The Avengers" movie review

jakratchet12's "The Avengers" movie review

Now to get to the main topic of the blog (even though The Avengers took up most of my blog), I wanted to ask all of you users this because I try my best to make my blogs more fun and enjoyable to read by also adding pictures and sometimes adding my Favorite Movie Soundtracks but I do know that sometimes a blog won't appeal to everyone so I'm just wondering.

Is there anything you do love to see me talk about in my blogs. Just something that you love for me to do in my blogs and I will try my best to make that happen so that way my blogs can satisfy the users. If you have any ideas on what to do to make my blogs more fun then just pitch in your ideas here :)

How Can I Make My Blogs More Fun?

(Give Me Ideas HERE)

In honor of "The Avengers" being the highest grossing movie of all time in the box office. I'm gonna end this blog by adding 5 pictures from the past MARVEL movies that connect to "The Avengers"

This scene is from the movie MARVEL's Iron Man


This scene is from the movie MARVEL's Iron Man 2


This scene is from the movie MARVEL's The Incredible Hulk


This scene is from the movie MARVEL's Thor


This scene is from the movie MARVEL's Captain America: The First Avenger

Also, enjoy My All-Time Favorite Soundtrack from the movie called "Captain America March (which is also the theme)"

i love this movie

The Avengers movie review




The midnight showing was a lot of fun last night. The midnight showing was just like the midnight showings for "Harry Potter", "The Hunger Games", and "Twilight where all 14 theatres are taken. That' right, all 14 theatres were taken and there were a lot of people and even ran into some friends from school. I even ran into a few friends that I don't see anymore because they are at a different school so that was cool. The midnight times were 12:01am all the way through 12:14am :) I was my mom, my brother, my brother's friend, and I that went to the midnight showing. :)

Also, school today (5/4/2012) is probably the laziest school day I've ever had because:

5th Period-English IV: We watched the movie "Lord of the Flies" because we've read the book for the past couple of weeks.

6th Period-Orchestra IV: My teacher wasn't there today. We didn't play our instruments, we just sat in the room chatting, laughing, and all that good stuff. Although, there was NO substitute in the room which is kinda weird but oh well.

Lunch- My brother, three of my brother's friends, my friend, and I went to my house for lunch and just ate

7th Period-Chemistry: We watched "MythBusters" and we only had to write down 15 scientific facts about it and it wasn't hard at all. I already got 15 facts after 35 minutes and enjoyed the rest of the video

8th Period-OUT Period: I have no class here. That is what OUT means haha.

Before I get to my review, these are the trailers that

showed before the movie "The Avengers" began

(these trailers will be IN ORDER by the way):

1. Disney Pixar's BRAVE (NEW trailer):

2. G.I. Joe: Retaliation (They should've

showed the NEW trailer though but they


3. The Dark Knight Rises (NEW trailer)

4. The Amazing Spider-Man (NEW


5. Prometheus (NEW trailer)

That's all the trailers they showed before "The Avengers" began.

Something that I found to be an LOL moment:After that "Prometheus" trailer was over, there was only one person that clapped while everyone else was all quiet but I was laughing so hard and a quarter of the audience were laughing as well because that trailer only got ONE clap which I found hilarious. The other trailers claps. The trailers being wooed, whistled, and clapped would be "The Dark Knight Rises" and "The Amazing Spider-Man". Although, "The Dark Knight Rises" is the trailer that got the loudest claps, loudest whistles, and loudest "YEAH!" that I've ever heard and I was one of those people shouting "Yeah!!! Woohoo!!! Batman rules". :D LOL

The Avengers movie review


I saw the midnight showing for this movie at the 12:02am showing in 3-D and if you read along, you will see what I thought about the movie. Okay, so ever since the movie "The Incredible Hulk" released in theaters in June 2008, that movie was the start to bring Avengers. If you've seen the "The Incredible Hulk" then you remember the scene at the very end of the movie with Iron Man a.k.a. Tony Stark talking to the general bring together a group of superheroes that happened to be the most remarkable. And from there, it was next the movie "Iron Man 2" then "THOR" came and last movie to be released before Avengers came was "Captain America: The First Avenger". So after 4 years of waiting, the movie is finally here. This has been a very long wait for me and after what I saw, I'm gonna watch this movie again most definitely. This movie is so awesome. And it's not just awesome because of the action-packed scenes with very very impressive special effects but it's also got a very good storyline, each of the characters in this movie were very unique and just plain fantastic, and the development between the characters are just awesome. Mark Ruffalo (who replaced Edward Norton in "The Incredible Hulk") did a very good job acting as Bruce Banner/The Hulk. I also must say this but not only has the movie full of action but it was also full of comedy. There was a lot of humor going on this movie and everyone in the audience including me laughed out loud at almost every single moment... this movie was very good at comedic timing like they said or do something funny when they need to be. Of course, the past MARVEL movies have gotten a good amount of humor so it was really no surprise that this movie was gonna have a ton of humor. I enjoyed every single of the superheros' moves in this movie. I enjoyed seeing Captain American using his shield and throwing it, I enjoying seeing Iron Man fly and just shooting zaps out of his suit, I enjoying seeing Thor spinning his hammer plus throwing it, I enjoyed seeing The Hulk hulking out even though he only did it twice in this movie which is really my only gripe about it, I enjoyed seeing Hawkeye using his bow and arrows, and I have most certainly enjoyed the Black Widow being more involved here in than she was in "Iron Man 2". I also love the fact that this movie has a few supporting actors from the other MARVEL movies like Gwyneth Paltrow from "Iron Man" was here, the Agent C and the father from "Thor" were here, and OF COURSE (we've all known this) Loki from "Thor" is here. Also, if you're one of those people that doesn't like superhero or action-type movies but turn out to be like/love this one, don't be biased and say you hated this movie because it would be impossible to hate this movie. So yeah, whether you like/love superhero movies or not, "The Avengers" will definitely be the movie for everyone to have a fun time watching. To end the review, "The Avengers" has well developed characters, tons of awesome and mind-blowing action sequences, excellent amount of humor, magnificent acting, and it's got a storyline that will just keep you entertained and I am very proud and pleased to call it the BEST MARVEL movie that I have ever seen. This movie is a MUST-SEE, please don't wait til' DVD... it's will be worth watching on the big screen and the movie did look very cool in 3-D, not too many things popped out in 3-D but there were some pop outs and it was awesome. PS stay after the credits of the movie to see a clip.

The Avengers out of 4 stars

"The Avengers" midnight showing :D Woohoo!!! I'm so excited

Hey everyone,

It is finally 05/03/2012 which means that tonight will be the midnight showing for "The Avengers" and I am so excited about it. I have been waiting for this movie for a long time and it has finally come. I am very excited to see the superheroes come together and to see some well done action-packed scenes.I don't know if the midnight showing will be like "The Hunger Games" or "Harry Potter" midnight showing but I will let you know when I review the movie "The Avengers". I think they are gonna make it like Harry Potter since this movie is a very anticipated movie and a lot of people have been waiting for this day. That's all I really can say in this blog until I see the movie and then review it. I know the movie is going to be 2 hours and 22 minutes long so that should be a good amount of time to see pure awesomeness. I am so excited about what could most likely be one of the greatest movie experiences I've ever had. :)

Also, we get out of school at 1:55pm today because of some job fairs which is awesome even though it's not that short.

Are You Excited About "The Avengers"?

Are You Going To The Midnight Showing For "The Avengers"?

Do You Plan To See "The Avengers" Anytime Soon?


yeahcoolcool sick hes perfect for the role shes hotter with her long hair but still hot

Back Home From Denver, Colorado :) It's Good To Be Back

CLICK HERE to read my blog "Chimpanzee/John Carter movie reviews" if you missed them:

Hey everyone, I am so sorry that I didn't make this blog earlier but there were some things that I was doing afterwards after my mom, my brother, and I came back from the trip from Denver, Colorado earlier this morning.

So now that I am back, I will tell you what my family and I have done for each of the day we have been in Denver :)

I didn't make this blog earlier today because:

-My mom, my brother, and I came back to El Paso from the bus station at 8:50am

-I was putting away all of my clothes from the trip as soon as we got home

-I ate breakfast at 10:55am and my mom and I watched the NEW The Legend of Korra from my DVR

-I went driving with my instructor (who works at my high school and he is awesome) from 11:30am-1:30pm. During break, he even paid for my drink at McDonald's during break and he didn't have to do that

-I came home at 1:30pm from making up my driving days and was still tired out from the trip so I took a nap with my mom for about an hour and a half

-I woke up from my nap and played fetch with my housedog and my outside dog

-I was cleaning my turtle's tank

-My mom didn't feel like cooking dinner since she was tired from the trip so my mom, my aunt, and I just went out to dinner and ate a Mexican restaurant called "Delicias' Cafe" while my brother just stayed home and hanged out with his friends

-Then last, I watched videos from YouTube for about 30 minutes and then I came here to get started on my blog :) haha

Now here is what my family and I did in Denver, Colorado :)

Thursday 4/26/2012:

-My mom, my brother, and I arrived at Denver, Colorado at the bus station at 10:20am (the bus was about an hour late to arriving)

-My mom, my brother, and I waited for my aunt for about 15 minutes

-My mom, my aunt, my brother, and I went to go eat breakfast at Denny's at 10:55am

-My aunt, my brother, my mom, and I went to my aunt's house and just relaxed and watched television while my brother and I wait for our cousins to come home for school

-I made my blog "I'm in Denver, Colorado right now :) My cousin's confirmation is tonight" on this website

-I quickly got dressed up for my cousin's confirmation

-At 3:30pm, we went to go eat dinner at Red Robin

-At 4:45pm, my cousin had to be at the church to get her pictures taken and all of that

-From 4:45pm-6:50pm, my brother and I just waited outside of the church and were just talking, watching funny videos on YouTube, listening to music from YouTube and all that

-From 7:00pm-8:30pm, it was my cousin's confirmation and my mom is her sponsor for that. The confirmation was pretty good and the bishop was very funny

-After my cousin's confirmation, we went to the hall and got a piece of cake (which was delicious :D haha) and a cup of punch

-At 9:00pm, my mom, my aunt, my uncle, my little cousin, my cousin, my brother I went to a frozen yogurt place called Yogurtland and it was so freakin' delicious. It's even better than the frozen yogurt place I have in El Paso which is called "Yogoberry". I loved this frozen yogurt and it's the best frozen yogurt place I've ever been to :)

-We went home and enjoyed the rest of the night

Friday 4/27/2012

-My mom, my aunt, my brother, my little cousin, my cousin, and I went to 3 houses for Real Estate Sales and it was actually a lot of fun looking through things and my mom even bought me some things from there. My mom bought me 3 Hot Wheels cars (I don't play with them but I just like to collect them) and she bought me the movies "Men In Black", "Men In Black II", "Nacho Libre", and "National Treasure 2" on DVD since I don't have those movies but I really like to watch them from 9:00am-11:45am

-My mom, my aunt, my brother, my little cousin, my cousin, and I went to a pizza place called Beaujo's Pizza and it was such a delicious pizza place... I loved it!!!!

-After that, we went to the movie theater and saw "Chimpanzee" (read my movie review about it)

-We went to Wal-Mart. While in there, my mom bought me an awesome SpongeBob SquarePants cap since she knows I love that cartoon

-We went home for a couple of hours and waited for my uncle to come home from work so he take care of my little cousin. After reading the Internet Movie Database, my aunt felt the movie "John Carter" wouldn't be appropriate for my little cousin and that's why we waited

-At 7:00pm, my mom, my aunt, my brother, my cousin, and I went to the movie theater and saw "John Carter"(read my review about it)

-After that, we enjoyed the rest of the night including me making my blog "Chimpanzee/John Carter movie reviews"

Saturday 4/28/2012

-This was just a lazy day. We didn't go anywhere. All we did was just watch movies or television. Packed my clothes in my luggage. At 5:25pm, we all ate dinner at the table and it was so delicious. :) My uncle and my cousin dropped off my mom, my brother, and I at the bus station and from there the bus picked us up at 8:30pm

And that's all we did in Denver, Colorado :) I missed you guys and I missed this website :) It's good to be back home and back on this website. That's all for my blog today everyone!!!

Here are a few of my FAVORITE soundtracks from movies:

This soundtrack is from the movie "Water for Elephants"

This song is the END CREDITS of the movie "Dinner for Schmucks"

This soundtrack is from the movie "How To Train Your Dragon"

This scene is from the Family Guy episode "Be Careful What You Fish For"


This scene is from The Simpsons episode "Bart Stops To Smell The Roosevelts"


This scene is from the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "The Way Of The Sponge"


This scene is from the Futurama episode "Overclockwise"


This scene is from the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episode "Dragon Quest"
