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My thoughts on Halo 3

Halo 3 is a great game, the AI is actually smart and tactful. Just when you think that they are being stupid and out in the opn, they atre actualy fishing you out so you can be blasted from either side! I love the game, but the weapon combos that are allowed are a little ridiculous, I mean why can I not carry a pistol and Needler? Anyways, its a great fun game to play with little secrets to find throughout.

My grade: 9.8

Got a cool Cell Phone, upgrading to Vista Ultimate and other stuff.....

Got a new phone, but the interesting part was that its a 700 dollar phone that Verizon gave to me for FREE!

Yeah I got the LG700wx phone and a month of free service! They said it was because I have been such a loyal customer (7 years now!) and that they felt it was the least they could do! I am super stoked about that! I should be getting it delivered to my house tomorrow, or technically today since its 12:22 in the morning.

I also decided to re-upgrade my laptop to vista ultimate. I was playing a game on my friends laptop that is not even half as fast as mine and the game ran great! So I am going to try it out, worst case senario I would have to downgrade back to XP. Oh well small price to pay for it if you ask me.

I have had many Dr.s appointments for my heart and brain so I have not had a lot of time to update any of the union. Thanks to all they guys that enlisted and I promice that things will be back to the active ways it was. I have been playing some games like Heavenly Sword, which is an awesome game! I also am hooked on warhawk, but all that will change when Halo 3 and CoD4 hit the shelves. I got some BIG BIG BIG info on the Halo 3 ending that could get be banned from Live if I told and my friend that works for MS studios fired if I were to tell, I can say that when I first heard people mention it they were stupid acuizations, but the people were actually KIND OF right!!

Well, I have been taking Diazapam for my seizures and panic attacks so I am getting pretty drowzy now. Talk to you guys soon!!!!

Happy Birthday to....ME!

Yeah, I am 27 today. I got a WACOM Graphire4 PC tablet and some neww Crocs (the best shoes ever, trust me) and a few hunred dollars! Its been a good day, and no medical tests either! YEAH!

Made some changes in my life recently....

First off, I really don't want to sound all emo and say stuff like "Oh I decided to quit gaming" or anything like that. The truth is, I have been having minor seizures lately. It's been going on for about a month now, and the doctors cant figure out why. Luckily I don't have a tumor or anything like that. But by having something like this to happen in my life has really hit home with me. Life is something that is taken for granted way to much these days. I realized that this problem could be something very serious when I almost wrecked my car because of it.

I have not driven in a bout a month and it SUCKS! I love my car......

Anyways the big change in my lifestyle is getting into shape, or any shape other than a circle anyways. Alot of you may not know this, but my wife has Cystic Fibrosis. It is an incurable hereditary disease that attacks the lungs. When she was born, her parents were told that the life expectancy of someone with this condition is 18 years old. Think about that, most of you are either around that age of older. I have been by her side for 4 years now and i could not live without her, she is my best friend.This has really got me to thinking about how I am managing my health, or the lack there of. So I have been put on a pretty strict diet. I have been to the doctor at least 10 times doing different brain test to see what is causing the seizures. I am glad that its not a tumor or an aneurysm. But not knowing what it is has me worried a bit also. Its just unjustifiable that she can manage something that can, and more thean likely will, be terminal, and all I have to do is put down the chips and pick up some fruit and vegies you know?

I guess I just needed to get some things out so that I can feel a little better for now. So for those of you who read this, thanks for listening cause it helps to know that there are plenty of kind people out there.

Also, if you enjoy gaming, don't ever stop doing what you enjoy. People may say stuff like its affecting there lifestyle, but if I can manage to have a full time job, full time school, and keep my wife as happy as she can be and still play video games, then anyone can.

I am back, and got a couple new games and the CoD4 beta!

Went ocean fishing for 3 days, and had a blast. Cought a couple of fish and thats about it. The sea was angry that day, my friend. It was my first trip to Canada, and I have to say, Canadians are super nice and I seen some beautiful women there! When I got home I found out, thanks to captainova, that I was accepted into the call of duty 4 beta, and I gotta say Halo 3 better watch out! this game has it all, and its just the beta. My friend was wrong, the kill cam is still on there, dammit, and its levels are cool and the graphics are tip top. The game is badass so say the least!

I also picked up stranglehold and MoH Airborne. They may have only got a seven, but the games werre great demos IMO so I went and picked them up today. I have strangblehold reserved for the PS3 as well for the Hardboiled BluRay movie.

I have cleaned up the "stickies" mess at the XBLGU, so I did my chores. I will resume command starting at the time of this writing and have some good plans juiced up for the union. I was on a boat for four days, which gave me time to think!

See you around!

Going out of town for a while...

I am going to the ocean to do some deep sea fishing for my birthday, and I don't think that I will have internet access for a while. If I do I will update you guys, but if I don't, I will see you on Tuesday! Later!


Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, A+ in my book!

This has got to be one of the best games I have played on the Wii! Its control scheme takes a little practice to get used to, but the fact that you don't have to read every sentence and the characters actually talk, WITH VOICES AND EVERYTHING, make it worth the time! I have not got to far yet, but this will be a hard one to put down! Great buy for you Wii guys, and chicks! Finally a game for the Wii that is awesome!!!