@edussz "Assassins Creed 3 was horrible! You gave it an 8,5! Diablo 3 got 8 for consoles!"
Well, here's where the subjectivity comes into play, I enjoyed Assassin's Creed 3 a great deal... and played Diablo 3 on PC and PS3- and preferred the PS3 version.
So I'd probably give them the same scores, however COD is garbage.
You do realize that people not in this generation think the moon landing was faked, JFK was shot by a Cuban assassination squad and somehow around 3 million people were complicit in faking the 911 attacks?
It's really pretty simple, this site operates on ad revenue, if they don't give high scores to their advertising customers, they won't get 500k checks from them, they'll get 75k ones.
So while it's not an out and out bribe, it's understood.
Same goes with car magazines, want your SUV to get a good review in Motortrend? Buy a 5 page advertising spread in the same issue
Wonder if he realized that he called everyone who disagrees with him bigoted, dismissing their opinions out of hand.... which is bigotry.
As for ME3, the criticism was extremely valid. Approx 1 to 4% of the population claims to be homosexual, why were 100% of the characters in ME3? Agenda driven.
On a serious note, it's sad. I've been a PS3 player but was seriously considering switching platforms (with sony going "pay for MP")... and the main reason was Ryse/ Titanfall and the simply fantastic looking gameplay vids I was seeing.... let's face it, both consoles will give you a ton of games and beautiful graphics, it is the exclusives that separate them.
Ryse is a disaster, let's hope Titanfall isn't (it's the other title i'm hype for).
Why people are hostile online is really pretty simple, political correctness and the way it forces people to behave in unnatural ways.
Today you aren't allowed to tell a simple truth about the people around you without being accused of racism, sexism, homophobia or bigotry. As such people feel constrained, bottled, imprisoned in a world not based on the realities they see.
So when they get online, in a world where they can be free, it all comes flowing out.
timoteo2k1's comments