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tntkng Blog

I've Been a Bad Gamespotter. :(

Blog title says it all. I don't know why,but I haven't read a blog in 3 days, nor do I care to. I love reading everyone's blogs so why do I not want to right now? Am I getting bored of GS? I love blogging, reading my friends blogs, posting in my unions, and talking to my good friends here, but all of a sudden I haven't really given a ****. :? I'm not sure whats going on lately. All I can say is I'm sorry for being a bad friend and gamespotter lately. I haven't felt good the last few days, maybe thats the problem. :| Maybe its because I'm always tired as hell from work and ****. Maybe I just need a break from GS. Anyway I'm sorry for not continuing the TPS list tonight, but I didn't feel like writing it down. :? Sorry guys, for the ****ing depressing blog, but I just felt like I needed to tell you all why I haven't read your blogs or anything. Maybe once I feel better I'll be back 100%,but until then I'm not sure..... Thanks for reading and sorry again everyone.

~Mike :( :? :|

I'm As Cold as The Wind Blows....

YouTube - Eminem - Cold Wind Blows (Recovery) CDQ

Yeah I couldn't think of a better blog title, plus I love this song so there. :P Anyway I'm going to do another list today and this one is all about My favorite Third Person Shooters. This is actually going to be a top 25 list and its one of a few I plan on doing, Including one for RPG games, another for Platformers, and another for, well I'm not sure yet,but I'll figure it out. :P So today I'll start the list with #25- #20 and the list will include any hybrids (TPS/RPG or TPS/Action). So here we go!

#25- The Club (Xbox 360, PC)

Probably one of the most underrated games I have played! Its fast pace and addictive arcade $tyle run and gun gameplay drew me in for a long time and its still a great game!

My Score- 8.5/10.0.

#24- Lost Planet Extreme Condition (Xbox 360, PS3)

This has to be one of the most ambitious Third Person Shooters I have seen before. While it didn't completely nail all its ideas down, it was a really fun game with some epic boss fights!

My Score- 8.0/10.0.

#23- GTA San Andreas (PS2, Xbox, PC)

Now before you all send me a bunch of messages saying it should be higher, just know that I haven't finished the game yet, so I can't put it any higher. Still its a great game and retains the signature GTA humor that all the games posses.

My Score- 8.5/10.0.

#22- Saints Row (Xbox 360)

Now this is one of the biggest surprise games I have ever played! I mean I was expecting a crappy GTA rip off and whie its a GTA rip off its a damn fun game!

My Score- 8.5/10.0.

#21- Ratchet and Clank Size Matters (PSP, PS2)

By far my favorite game ever to grace a portable console. This game was just pure Ratchet and Clank just on a smaller system and it was quite a fun ride!

My Score- 8.5/10.0.

#20- Star Wars Battlefront 2- (Xbox, PS2, PSP)

Now being a Star Wars fan and a shooter fan, this game was just a natural fit for me. I had the PSP version of the game and I spent probably 100 plus hours on it! People say its not a long game, and they would be right,but it has nearly infinate re-playability.

My Score- 9.0/10.0.

So thats it for todays list guys, next list should be up tomorrow! Until then guys, thanks for reading and commenting! :D

~Mike 8)

Been A While since I Made a List....

Well I haven't made a true list in over a month, so I figured now was as good a time as any to make one. :D So I decided today's list would be, "My Top 5 Biggest Surprise Games of 2010". Before I get started with my list, I got to ask all of you a question. I think I got into a hacked game of MW2 and now I'm not sure if I should continue my prestige run. My friend invited me to the game and He has now hacked himself to 10th. Prestige, and I refuse to be labeled as a cheater like him! Anyway any advice you guys could give me about that would be nice!

Now lets start the list shall we? :D

#5- Clash of the Titans (Xbox 360, PS3)

Now I never paid attention to this game,but the fact that it didn't come out alongside its movie counterpart is a promising sign. The games looked promising to begin with and it still looks good now! I think it will be a nice surprise for action fans come the end of July. :)

My Anticipated Score: 7.5/10.0.

#4- Lost in Shadow (Wii)

I have been keeping close tabs on this game since I first saw it in an issue Game Informer and I have to say it still looks quite awesome! Innovative and creative are words I would use to describe this game.

My Anticipated Score: 8.5/10.0.

#3- Spec. Ops: The Line (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Now this series has been dormant for years now and its return is looking promising. It looks like something new and enjoyable for the average shooter fan! It may not look amazing,but there is plenty of time for polish before it releases this fall.

My Anticipated Score: 8.0/10.0.

#2- Sniper: Ghost Warrior (Xbox 360)

For a game thats only going to cost $40 bucks, I have really high hopes for this game! First off the graphics look great for a budget game, and the tactical gameplay looks like something I could really get into! I'm hoping for the best with this game and its looking very promising!

My Anticipated Score: 8.5/10.0.

#1- Enslaved Odyssey to the West (Xbox 360, PS3)

While I didn't like the look of this game when I first saw it, I can now admit that it looks amazing! Its definately a game I'm looking forward to and one that is sure to be one of this years biggest overlooked games! Oh and it looks stunning, just check out that screen! Thats in game! :D

My anticipated Score: 9.0/10.0.

So there is my list! Hope you guys enjoyed it! :D Thanks for reading and the next blog should be up soon. :)

~Mike 8)

Whats This? Its an Update Blog Stupid. :P

No, I'm not calling any of you guys stupid, just thought it was a funny title. :P Well yeah like I said yesterday sorry for the short blog, but who cares I'll make it up tonight. :) So here is a fairly large update of Some Movies i've seen, music i've listened to, and of course games i'm playing! Before I start though, I just wanted to thank you all for your support on yesterdays blog and just so everyone knows only my blogs have been set to private and that will only be temporary. :) So thanks to everyone for their comments and to though's who thumbed up all my comments yesterday! So how bout an update?


Well I haven't been playing games a ton lately,but the ones I have I've had a ton of fun playing them, so here are some of them!

#1- Battlefield Bad Company 2

Well you all know I've been playing this one! I kinda stopped playing the multiplayer, cause it just is starting to bore me now. :( Still having lots of fun with the single player though and I'm only 2 achievements away from getting all of them for the single player portion of the game!

#2- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Haven't really been big into this game lately, but I have been trying to show my little bro how to play it and as a result he wants me to play with him. So I have been playing it with him,but I'm still not trying to level up anymore.

#3- Mass Effect 2

Now this is the game that has been taking up most of my gaming time! I'm playing through it for the second time and now I'm past 10 hours in my second playthrough. Game is just as amazing the second through and my score of 10/10 still stands!


Well I haven't watched to many movies lately,but here are the ones I've seen. :)

#1- The Wolfman (2010)

I just finished this movie literally 15 minutes ago and while it wasn't perfect I really enjoyed it! Story was solid, Actors were great (especially Benicio Del Toro) and there was an insane amount of gore, but some of the special effect seemed off a little bit to me. Overall it was a solid movie and worth a rent at the very least! My Score- 8.0/10.0.

#2- Superbad

I've only seen this movie about 7 or 8 times now and I love it even more every time I see it! Its just so damn hilarious and the actors do a great job with their roles! I mean who will ever forget McLovin?

:lol: My Score- 10.0/10.0.

#3- Shutter Island

Simply put this is the best movie I've seen this year and Martin Scorsese has done it again. This movie keeps you guessing till the very end and the final words DiCaprio says i can still remember. "Which would be worse? To live as a monster? or to die as a good man?" Loved it from beginning to the shocking end! My Score- 9.5/10.0.


Now to the thing I've done most in the last two weeks! I can't stop listening to music lately and I have listened to a ton of good stuff! Here is some of what I've listened to!

#1- Godsmack- The Oracle

I already reviewed this album so I'm not even going into a discussion about it. :P All you need to know is its awesome and you should buy it. :P My Score- 9.6/10.0.

#2- Hollywood Undead- Swan Songs

I love the fusion of rap and rock these guys have created and this album is very good! I've listened to it probably 10 times so far and most of the songs on it are awesome! My Score- 8.5/10.0.

#3- Anything Killswitch Engage!

They have always been my favorite Metalcore group and I just love listening to them! Can't get enough of them lately! :D

Here are some good songs!

YouTube - Killswitch Engage - My Last Serenade

YouTube - KILLSWITCH ENGAGE - The End Of Heartache

YouTube - Killswitch Engage - My Curse

YouTube - Killswitch Engage - Rose Of Sharyn

#4- Eminem- Recovery

I'm going to make a full review of this album soon, but until then I'll just say this is the best album I've heard this year and every track is good! My Score- 9.7/10.0.

Well guys thats my big update blog! Hope the size of this one made up for the last one! :) Thanks for reading!

~Mike 8)

Now I Had to Change My Profile to Private. :(

Hey, guys this is going to be a real short blog and I'm sorry for that,but its important. After a friend of mine 60spaure was banned for some jack*** user thumbing people's comments on his blog down, it has started happening to me now. I have no intention of getting banned for some loser thumbing down my friends comments on my blog, so I have set my profile to private, meaning only the people on my friends list can view my profile and read my blogs. This wasn't something I wanted to do, but I don't want to get banned either, so thats why I did it. I'll change it back in a few weeks, but if its someone on my friends list doing it I might get banned, but I highly doubt any of you guys would ever do that to me.

I really am sorry for the short blog, I promise tomorrow I will have a big ole blog full of my recent gaming adventures, music listeningings, and some movies I've seen lately. :) Later guys!

~Mike :(

MW2 vs. B:BC2. Has MW2 Met its Match?

Hey, guys! Well I just finished Battlefield Bad Company 2 and this time instead of just writing down my impressions of it, I though I would do a little Versus today against two of my favorite FPS games! Since they have been compared by so many others and many critics I figured I would toss my two cents in. :) So here is my versus of MW2 and B:BC2.


Okay now I will break this versus down into 3 categories. Campaign, Multiplayer, and Value. In that order.

Campaign: MW2

MW2 had a great story. It continues the story from COD4 and really does a good job of giving some answers to big questions from the first game,but it does leave some big questions as well. MW2's campaign is also home to one of gaming's most controversial and sick moments. Yes you all know I'm talking about "No Russia", at first I didn't mind the level,but after playing through it several times I realized, "What I'm doing is twisted, and sick". Overall MW2's campaign is great and the set pieces are amazing to look at, but its length holds it back from being amazing!

Campaign: B:BC2

Now BC2's campaign can not match the amazing set pieces of MW2's,but it challenges MW2 with its longer campaign and explosive action! The destructible environments allow players to blow everything up and enjoy every minute of it! Thats exactly what I did! The vehicle levels were fun and highly enjoyable! The story was also pretty cool, not as good as MW2's,but still a very good story that made sense! Overall Great story and a longer, explosive campaign makes BC2 the clear winner for me.

Campaign Winner is: B:BC2

Multiplayer: MW2

Now a lot of people complain about MW2's multiplayer and I've had my fair share of complaints, but after playing MW2's multiplayer for over 400 hours I can honestly say its amazingly addictive! Even with all the mistakes its made, (Spawns suck, Campers, hackers, ect...) its still a great experience and wins the MP side of this little competition hands down!

Multiplayer: B:BC2

Now BC2 has a great multiplayer component,but I have already seen some issues that have kept me from playing it constantly. One is that the lag is horrible! I mean I love that it has dedicated servers, but can we do a little better with the in game lag? I have died several times because I got caught trying to enter a building and lag stopped me. :? Still besides lag, Bas Company 2 gives you the best tactical Multiplayer ever and is by far more of a challenge than that of MW2.

Multiplayer Winner is: MW2

Value: MW2

I have played MW2 in total for over 450 hours! I think the Value of the game speaks for its self! If you can squeeze 100 hours out of a $60 game then you have gotten your value out of a game, but 450 hours out of a $60 game is just ridiculous!

Value: B:BC2

I've only had BC2 for a couple days now,but its already got me hooked. I haven't played the MP for more than a couple of hours, but I can already tell I'll get at least 100 hours out of it! I'm already playing through the single player again and then its on to the MP player again. Overall the value for this game is great,but I doubt it will trump MW2.

Value Winner is: MW2

Your Overall Winner is......

But MW2 won 2 of 3! WTF? Well B:BC2 had such a great campaign and the multiplayer is far more challenging than that of MW2 making for a more rewarding experience! For this reason, Battlefield Bad Company 2 wins. :)

Well guys I hope you enjoyed my little Versus here today! Thats it for me! Thanks for reading everyone and next blog should be tomorrow! :)

~Mike 8)

Tnt's Best of E3 Awards!

Hey,guys! Well I'm in a spectacular mood today! Why? Because I am finished with high school! :D:D:D:D Yes Mike has graduated from high school and I couldn't be happier! :D Well anyway on to the real reason I'm making this blog today and that is to celebrate the Best of E3. I haven't seen another user on GS do this yet so its pretty exciting for me! So here we go! :D

Tnt's Best of E3 2010 Awards:

Best Press Conference:

1st. Place: Sony: I don't own a PS3,but Sony showed off the most amazing games at E3 and I just flat out enjoyed there press conference more than any other!

2nd. Place: Nintendo: The announcement of Goldeneye returning made my E3 and all the other amazing games shown off at Nintendo's press conference really impressed me!

3rd. Place: Microsoft: I'm a 360 owner and I enjoyed the Press Conference,but the fact that they are now moving towards the more casual gamer, pi$$ed me off a bit.

Best Xbox 360 Exclusive:

Winner: Gears of War 3: The game looked even better than I thought it would and the short,but sweet demo was awesome!

Best PS3 Exclusive:

Winner: Killzone 3: This game literally Blew me away when I saw it! Amazing graphics and gunplay made this one of my favorites from E3!

Best Wii Exclusive:

Winner: Goldeneye 007: Say what you want,but I grew up with this game as a shooter fan and the announcement of the remake made E3 amazing for me this year!

Best PC Exclusive:

Winner: Star Wars The Old Republic: The trailer was awesome and it was by far the best PC only game I saw at E3 this year!

Best Graphics:

Winner: Killzone 3: By far the prettiest game at E3 this year and easily wins this award!

Runner Up: Gears of War 3. Xbox 360

Third Place: Crysis 2. PC, PS3, Xbox 360.

Best Trailer:

Winner: Star Wars The Old Republic: I'm a huge Star Wars fan and this trailer was just pure awesomeness! :D

Runner Up: Goldeneye 007. Wii

Third Place: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Xbox 360, PS3

Biggest Surprise of E3:

Winner: Goldeneye 007: By far my favorite and biggest surprise of E3 this year!

Runner Up: Kid Icaurus for 3DS.

3rd. Place: Actual Gameplay from Metal Gear Rising.

Most Dissapointing No Show of E3:

Winner: Batman Arkham Asylum 2: Why Rocksteady? Why not show anything. :cry:

Best New IP:

Winner: Rage: This game has been on my radar since it was announced and it looked amazing this year!

Runner Up: Bodycount. PS3, Xbox 360.

Third Place: Bulletstorm. Xbox 360,PS3

Biggest Dissapointment:

Winner: Halo Reach: I've been a Halo fan for a good 5 years now and I have to say Reach showed me nothing new or exciting. I was very dissapointed.

Runner Up: Call of Duty Black OPS: Now don't get me wrong it looks great I just saw to little of it, for it to be a huge game this year for me.

Best Multiplayer:

Winner: Medal of Honor: Dice is doing the multiplayer for this game and it looks amazing in motion!

Runner Up: Goldeneye 007. Wii

Game of the Show:


#1- Mafia 2

#2- Fallout New Vegas

#3- Goldeneye 007

#4- Gears of War 3

#5- Call of Duty Black OPS

#6- Medal of Honor

#7- Killzone 3

#8- Rage

#9- Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

#10- Metal Gear Rising

Winner: Killzone 3: Like I said before this game blew me away and is the main reason that I want a PS3 before next year!

Runner Up: Fallout New Vegas: Saw it coming a mile away didn't ya? :P Well the trailer and gameplay looked great and have me eager to get back into the wasteland!

3rd. Place: Goldeneye 007: Finally I have a reason to play my Wii again! This game looks great and is sure to be a shooter of the year nominee for me this year!

So guys there is My Best of E3 Awards! I hope you enjoyed reading it and remember that all of my picks and winners are based on mine and only my opinions. :) Thanks for reading!

~Mike 8)

New Stuff, Upcoming Blog, and Retiring from a Game.

Hey, guys!! Well yesterday I answered everyones questions except syler4815162342's question so before I start I will answer his. :)

#1- syler4815162342 asked: Well Mike your one of my best friends here,but I don't know much about you. So tell me about yourself.

My Answer: Okay here it goes. Well I'm 18 and I've been gaming for about 10 years now. My favorite sports are Baseball, Football, and basketball. I have played Baseball ever since I was 4 years old and I plan on trying to play it in college. My dream job, if I weren't playing baseball would be to work for Epic Games (The Gears of War Creators) :D I graduate high school in only 2 days! I plan on taking a year off and going to college next year instead of later this year,but I haven't decided yet. I started coming here about 3 years ago,but only started posting and making blogs about 8 months ago. I work almost everyday in my dad's shop were we work on American muscle cars. Well thats about it about me I think dude. :D

Alright now onto todays blog! We'll start with some new stuff I got!!

#1- Battlefield Bad Company 2

Got this for $40 bucks on Ebay and it comes with the VIP code! :D Its coming today so if you have it for 360 and want to play add me on Xbox Live! My GT is tntkng. :D

#2- Three Days Grace Band Tee

Its not me in the picture,but I'll get one with me wearing it when it comes in. :D

#3- 1600 Microsoft Points Card

With that I got the Resurgance map pack for MW2!! I still have 400 points left over, Suggestions??

Okay now to announce my next blog which will be here tomorrow or Friday. I haven't seen anyone do this kind of blog yet so I'm excited to do it! It is:

Tnt's E3 Awards Blog!

Just like my GOTY awards I will have different categories setup and I will announce my favorite game from E3 as well!! Its different then everybody else who is giving impressions of the press conferences! So I'm excited to make it and hopefully you guys will like it.. :D

Now the last part of todays blog. Now that I will be getting BC2 and I'm sure to get caught up in its multiplayer for a while. I am retiring from MW2 for a while! Now for those who know me, you know that I have played MW2 to death and I've enjoyed every moment of it,but for now its time for a break. So here are my final stats from MW2 for anyone who cares to see them. :P

MW2 Stats:

Prestige: 3rd. Prestige.

Level: Level 62.

Wins: 916

Losses: 1,299

Ties: 5

Win Streak: 13

Headshots: 1,913

Assists: 1,880

Streak: 26

Kills: 20,510

Deaths: 18,655

K/D Ratio: 1.10

W/L Ratio: 0.70

500 Kills Titles: 9 (M4A1, SCAR-H, M16A4, ACR, RPD, UMP45, MP5K, SPAS-12, Intervention)

1,000 Kills Emblems: 5 (M4A1, ACR, SCAR-H, UMP45, MP5K)

Unlocked All Attatchments: 7 (SCAR-H, ACR, UMP45, MP5K, Intervention, SPAS-12, M93 Raffica)

Time Played: 10 Days, 8 hours, 47 minutes (around 450 hours of total play.)

Okay so there are my stats guys and thats it for todays blog! Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it! If you missed yesterdays blog just go check it out for my answers to your questions! :D

~Mike 8)

Lets Answer Some Questions!! Shall We?

Hey, guys! I would have gotten to this blog a lot sooner,but my computer is acting up and my internet is really glitchy right now. :( Anyway I'm going to try and answer most of your guys questions today and if I can't finish them I'll answer the rest tonight. :) So here are the question you asked and my answers! Enjoy. :D

#1- Tarixon asked: Is Santa Clause Alive?

My answer: Of Course he is, who else is going to give me all my games for Christmas. :P

#2- gubrushadow asked: are you in a relationship?, What kind of questions won't you answer?, Do I embaress you with my questions?

My answers: No I am not right now :( , I'll answer any question you throw at me, I'm not afraid of the internet anymore. :P, Not at all bro. :)

#3- grunt1096 asked: If you had Megan Fox Alone in a room what would you do? and Do you know the muffin man?

My Answers: Well I'm afraid I would get banned if I said what I would be doing with her in the room, but you get the picture. 8) The one who lives on Cherry Lane? :lol:

#4- Virtual_nathan asked: Dream job?, Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?, If you had a gun with one bullet who would you kill?

My answers: To work for Epic Games! :D, Well I haven't been a real crazy kid, but I almost got arrested once when I was out one night with a friend. :?, I would line up Justin Bieber and Ke$ha one in front of the other and kill them both with one shot. :twisted:

#5- Kratos2030 asked: Am I a good friend to you?, When are you going to buy a PS3?, Do you hate commercials on tv?

My answers: Of course bro! One of the best. :), Probably next because of all the amazing games coming out this year!, Yes....yes I do. :P

#6- geoff-uk123 asked: Worst Movie you've seen?, Worst game you've played?

My answers: Silent Hill! That movie made no sense at all and the ending was horrible., Alone in the Dark for 360. Literally unplayable!

#7- ShootumUP26 asked: Would you consider posting a full pic of you?, If you were sucked into the fallout world would you cry or grab a gun and start fighting?, If we were a crime fighting duo what would our name be?, If I said we should go to E3 would you go?

My Answers: I have before,but it wasn't any good, I'll post a good one real soon. :), I'd grab my trusty hunting rifle and shoot up some super mutants! :D Ummmm........ not sure actually. :?, Hell Yeah Lets go!! :D

#8- yeahtoast26 asked: Are You awesome?

My answer: Well I like to think so. :P :)

#9- Nero_Viper asked: What should I ask?

My answer: Anything you want. :)

#10- Wolfman_chopper asked: Do you like bats?

My answer: Yeah their alright. :)

#11- ethanrulez asked: Did you know that the bird is the word?, Also were you not aware that the bird is directly proportional to word before the past statement was made?

My answers: :lol: I love Family Guy. :D, and yes I did know :P :)

#12- forzafootball77 asked: Who do you envy on GS?, Why Xbox and not the PS3?, Do you have a handheld? if not why?

My answers: Nobody, honestly I'm happy with where i'm at with GS. :), It was cheaper and I got mine when the PS3's were just coming out., I have had a DS Lite and 4 PSP's and the reason I don't have one now is because my PSP's kept breaking and I wasn't very fond of my DS Lite. :)

#13- dylan417 asked: Hottest Actress?, Favorite flavor of Ice cream?, Mcdonalds or BK?

My answers: Megan Fox is the hottest (not the best,but definately the hottest). :D, Snickers Ice cream :D, Burger King is my favorite period. :D

#14- Skargamer asked: Favorite desert?, You in love right now?, favorite sport?, why?, Want me to ask anything else?

My answers: A snickers bar on top of Vanilla Ice Cream!, Unless being in love with my Xbox counts. :lol:, Baseball! Because I've been playing it since I was 4 years old and I've followed it ever since! :D You can if you want. :D

#15- riou7 asked: How old are you? Can you guess how old I am?

My answers: I'm 18! :D I'm guessing your 20??

#16- Shniernan asked: Did you know they made a game out of Lost? Did you know it was named Lost: the Game?

My answer: Yes. :lol:

#17- Munchgun asked: Whats my name?

My answer: Its Munch of course. :P

#18- LordKingboat asked: Apple Pie or Chocolate cake?

My answer: Apple Pie FTW :D

#19- Msteele48 asked: If you were attacked by a zombie would you feed it your arm or soup?, fav movie?, Am i a good friend?

My answer: Soup, I like my arms. :P, The Departed or Saving Private Ryan., Absolutely bro, you always have been from the begining. :D

#20- ebbderelict asked: If you could meet any fictional character who would it be?

My answer: You mean like a character from a movie or book??

#21- brotherinarms44 asked: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck would.

My answer: A lot of wood. :P

#22- Siracannal asked: Can I haz a cookie?, I can haz a cheeseburger?, Am I a good friend?

My answers: *hands cookie* of course. :), If you have money yes. :D, Absolutely! You've always been nice to me.....most of the time. :P :D

#23- JokerFett asked: Whats the funniest question yet?

My answer: ShootumUP26's 2nd. question to me lol.

#24- resident4evil05 asked: Do you remember where we met?, Who's Funnier Dane Cook or Daniel Tosh?, You like B.o.B.?

My answers: I think I met you through a friend and read one of your blogs, then you started tracking me. :), Daniel Tosh is funnier for me., Yeah he is one of the best new rappers out there and might be my favorite new artist this year! :D

#25- JordanizPro asked: Pancakes or waffles?

My answer: Tough one,but I'll go with pancakes! :D

#26- heds777 asked: What is censor bypassing?, What is your favorite question?, Do you think my a$$ looks big in this?, Where do you live?

My answers: Its when you don't completely block out curse words., Your next question :lol:, Um no, it just doesn't look good in it. :P, I live in the USA in the State of Virginia. :D

#27- dan_scfc asked: Which is your favorite? Mcdonalds, BK, Subway, or KFC?

My answer: BK for me :D Subway's a close second though! :D

#28- gameguy0697 asked: How old are you?

My answer: I'm 18! :D How old are you?

#29- nachi_lobo asked: Supporting any team in the world cup?, wish games of E3?

My answers: No a huge soccer fan,but yes I'm supporting the US soccer team. :), Fallout New Vegas, Medal of honor, COD Black OPS, Gears 3, Lost in Shadow, and many others. :D

#30- wonkierstarnut asked: Are we mates?, is Xbox the best?

My answers: Yes of course we are bro. :), Actually PS3 is the best,but I love my 360. :D

#31- Blazikentails64 asked: Cake or Pie?, fav color?, Will you visit Australia?, If so can you visit Bundaberg, my home town?, fave sport?, dogs or cats?, When I load them up will you see my mini films?, least fave singer?, Do you hate Justin Bieber or Cody Simpson?, Am i a good friend?

My answers: Pie., Blue., I've always wanted to and yes I will one day. :D, Absolutely I will. :D, Baseball, dogs FTW!, Oh yeah just let me know when you load them up!, Whoever is the lead for the Jonas Brothers. :P, Justin Bieber....I hate Bieber!, Yes you have always been one of my best friends. :D

So thats it for today guys, there is only one person I didn't answer which I will get to when I edit this blog later. Thanks for reading. :D

~Mike 8)

Last Blog Erased, So Lets Try This Again.

Hey, guys. Well my last blog was erased by Gamespot due to censor bypassing, I was let off with a warning and I understand that I was probably wrong to put that picture in there. So I have to start over. :( Oh well I probably deserved it.:P Ok so the point of my last blog was for you all to ask me any question about me you want! I've done one of these before,but I'm bored and don't know what to blog about.


No thats not me. :P

Now here are some funny pics. *edit* That won't get me modded. :P

Mind out of the gutter, its the nut thats in his mouth. :P

Yes.....Yes he is. :lol:

Please the smell is killing me. :cry:


So thats it for this blog guys! Sorry if you left comments on the last one,but just leave them again here and I'll answer them! Later guys! :D

~Mike 8)