Hey, guys! I would have gotten to this blog a lot sooner,but my computer is acting up and my internet is really glitchy right now. :( Anyway I'm going to try and answer most of your guys questions today and if I can't finish them I'll answer the rest tonight. :) So here are the question you asked and my answers! Enjoy. :D
#1- Tarixon asked: Is Santa Clause Alive?
My answer: Of Course he is, who else is going to give me all my games for Christmas. :P
#2- gubrushadow asked: are you in a relationship?, What kind of questions won't you answer?, Do I embaress you with my questions?
My answers: No I am not right now :( , I'll answer any question you throw at me, I'm not afraid of the internet anymore. :P, Not at all bro. :)
#3- grunt1096 asked: If you had Megan Fox Alone in a room what would you do? and Do you know the muffin man?
My Answers: Well I'm afraid I would get banned if I said what I would be doing with her in the room, but you get the picture. 8) The one who lives on Cherry Lane? :lol:
#4- Virtual_nathan asked: Dream job?, Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?, If you had a gun with one bullet who would you kill?
My answers: To work for Epic Games! :D, Well I haven't been a real crazy kid, but I almost got arrested once when I was out one night with a friend. :?, I would line up Justin Bieber and Ke$ha one in front of the other and kill them both with one shot. :twisted:
#5- Kratos2030 asked: Am I a good friend to you?, When are you going to buy a PS3?, Do you hate commercials on tv?
My answers: Of course bro! One of the best. :), Probably next because of all the amazing games coming out this year!, Yes....yes I do. :P
#6- geoff-uk123 asked: Worst Movie you've seen?, Worst game you've played?
My answers: Silent Hill! That movie made no sense at all and the ending was horrible., Alone in the Dark for 360. Literally unplayable!
#7- ShootumUP26 asked: Would you consider posting a full pic of you?, If you were sucked into the fallout world would you cry or grab a gun and start fighting?, If we were a crime fighting duo what would our name be?, If I said we should go to E3 would you go?
My Answers: I have before,but it wasn't any good, I'll post a good one real soon. :), I'd grab my trusty hunting rifle and shoot up some super mutants! :D Ummmm........ not sure actually. :?, Hell Yeah Lets go!! :D
#8- yeahtoast26 asked: Are You awesome?
My answer: Well I like to think so. :P :)
#9- Nero_Viper asked: What should I ask?
My answer: Anything you want. :)
#10- Wolfman_chopper asked: Do you like bats?
My answer: Yeah their alright. :)
#11- ethanrulez asked: Did you know that the bird is the word?, Also were you not aware that the bird is directly proportional to word before the past statement was made?
My answers: :lol: I love Family Guy. :D, and yes I did know :P :)
#12- forzafootball77 asked: Who do you envy on GS?, Why Xbox and not the PS3?, Do you have a handheld? if not why?
My answers: Nobody, honestly I'm happy with where i'm at with GS. :), It was cheaper and I got mine when the PS3's were just coming out., I have had a DS Lite and 4 PSP's and the reason I don't have one now is because my PSP's kept breaking and I wasn't very fond of my DS Lite. :)
#13- dylan417 asked: Hottest Actress?, Favorite flavor of Ice cream?, Mcdonalds or BK?
My answers: Megan Fox is the hottest (not the best,but definately the hottest). :D, Snickers Ice cream :D, Burger King is my favorite period. :D
#14- Skargamer asked: Favorite desert?, You in love right now?, favorite sport?, why?, Want me to ask anything else?
My answers: A snickers bar on top of Vanilla Ice Cream!, Unless being in love with my Xbox counts. :lol:, Baseball! Because I've been playing it since I was 4 years old and I've followed it ever since! :D You can if you want. :D
#15- riou7 asked: How old are you? Can you guess how old I am?
My answers: I'm 18! :D I'm guessing your 20??
#16- Shniernan asked: Did you know they made a game out of Lost? Did you know it was named Lost: the Game?
My answer: Yes. :lol:
#17- Munchgun asked: Whats my name?
My answer: Its Munch of course. :P
#18- LordKingboat asked: Apple Pie or Chocolate cake?
My answer: Apple Pie FTW :D
#19- Msteele48 asked: If you were attacked by a zombie would you feed it your arm or soup?, fav movie?, Am i a good friend?
My answer: Soup, I like my arms. :P, The Departed or Saving Private Ryan., Absolutely bro, you always have been from the begining. :D
#20- ebbderelict asked: If you could meet any fictional character who would it be?
My answer: You mean like a character from a movie or book??
#21- brotherinarms44 asked: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck would.
My answer: A lot of wood. :P
#22- Siracannal asked: Can I haz a cookie?, I can haz a cheeseburger?, Am I a good friend?
My answers: *hands cookie* of course. :), If you have money yes. :D, Absolutely! You've always been nice to me.....most of the time. :P :D
#23- JokerFett asked: Whats the funniest question yet?
My answer: ShootumUP26's 2nd. question to me lol.
#24- resident4evil05 asked: Do you remember where we met?, Who's Funnier Dane Cook or Daniel Tosh?, You like B.o.B.?
My answers: I think I met you through a friend and read one of your blogs, then you started tracking me. :), Daniel Tosh is funnier for me., Yeah he is one of the best new rappers out there and might be my favorite new artist this year! :D
#25- JordanizPro asked: Pancakes or waffles?
My answer: Tough one,but I'll go with pancakes! :D
#26- heds777 asked: What is censor bypassing?, What is your favorite question?, Do you think my a$$ looks big in this?, Where do you live?
My answers: Its when you don't completely block out curse words., Your next question :lol:, Um no, it just doesn't look good in it. :P, I live in the USA in the State of Virginia. :D
#27- dan_scfc asked: Which is your favorite? Mcdonalds, BK, Subway, or KFC?
My answer: BK for me :D Subway's a close second though! :D
#28- gameguy0697 asked: How old are you?
My answer: I'm 18! :D How old are you?
#29- nachi_lobo asked: Supporting any team in the world cup?, wish games of E3?
My answers: No a huge soccer fan,but yes I'm supporting the US soccer team. :), Fallout New Vegas, Medal of honor, COD Black OPS, Gears 3, Lost in Shadow, and many others. :D
#30- wonkierstarnut asked: Are we mates?, is Xbox the best?
My answers: Yes of course we are bro. :), Actually PS3 is the best,but I love my 360. :D
#31- Blazikentails64 asked: Cake or Pie?, fav color?, Will you visit Australia?, If so can you visit Bundaberg, my home town?, fave sport?, dogs or cats?, When I load them up will you see my mini films?, least fave singer?, Do you hate Justin Bieber or Cody Simpson?, Am i a good friend?
My answers: Pie., Blue., I've always wanted to and yes I will one day. :D, Absolutely I will. :D, Baseball, dogs FTW!, Oh yeah just let me know when you load them up!, Whoever is the lead for the Jonas Brothers. :P, Justin Bieber....I hate Bieber!, Yes you have always been one of my best friends. :D
So thats it for today guys, there is only one person I didn't answer which I will get to when I edit this blog later. Thanks for reading. :D
~Mike 8)
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