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Games That I Want to See Badly at E3 and Something That Has Me Worried.

Hey, guys! Well first I'll get to something that has pissed me off and has me extremely worried right now! I went to check out my friends blogs today after school and found out one of my best friends here @alexr3000 had been banned!! I have no idea why either! Then later in the day I went to my best bud Ryan's (ShootumUP26 to those who don't know him to well) union and found out another good friend PhYcO_BrOwNiE had been banned as well! :o I was utterly shocked by both of these bans due to the fact that these guys don't even get modded! They are just to nice. So its got me worried and has me wondering could I be next?? I sure as hell hope not! Getting banned from this site would be just horrible for me since I've met so many great people here! Anyway sorry for that news,but on to the real reason I made this blog! I know you all know that E3 is just around the corner and already some big name games have been announced,but here are some of the ones I really want to see badly! *Note* Some games are not confirmed yet to appear. So lets get to it!

#1- Fallout New Vegas- Xbox 360

Yeah if you never saw it coming you don't know me very well. :P

#2- Mafia 2- Xbox 360

Its supposedly going to have a story that rivals the likes of the Godfather and it looks amazing so far!

#3- Call of Duty: Black OPS- Xbox 360

Please announce dedicated servers for consoles! Please! :D

#4- Gears of War 3- Xbox 360

Its going to be running on the Unreal 3 engine and looks amazing! I want more now!

#5- I Am Alive- Xbox 360

Take a look at the screen and tell me it isn't Epic!

#6- Metal Gear Rising- Xbox 360

We all saw the teaser last year,but now I want some freaking gameplay Kojima!

#7- Mass Effect 3- Xbox 360

its already been said that the game will be out next year! I just want some more info at the very least!

#8- Lost in Shadow- Wii

The art Styl* looks amazing and I really just want to see more of this game!

#9- L.A. Noire- Xbox 360

I mean this game just looks amazing and I can't wait to see some gameplay!

#10- Crysis 2- Xbox 360

I could never play the first and now that its on consoles I can't wait!

#11- Medal of Honor- Xbox 360

The fact that Dice is making the game is just awesome and I can't wait to see some more gameplay footage!

So thats it guys! Thanks for reading and commenting!

~Mike 8)

Another Nazi Down, Collectors Killed, and Some more random ****. :P

Hey, guys! So as you might be able to tell from the title I have beaten a few game recently. I actually beat them just yesterday. :P First up I beat COD WAW after taking a month long break from it. I already wrote up a blog for my impressions of it so I won't be doing it again. :P I will however write up some impression for the other game I beat! This game is....

Yep thats right! I finally picked it back up for the first time since February and after beating it I'm ready to dive back in again! Anyway here are my final impressions for it! :D Oh and plenty of random **** and funny pics will be after that. :P

Impressions: Mass Effect 2

First off I have to say that this is one of the most beautiful games on the 360! Okay now that we've established how pretty the game looks, lets get on to the story and gameplay. I love the new approach to gameplay where you no longer have to go through the confusing menus of Mass Effect 1. Some RPG fans cried foul when they stripped most of the RPG features down, however I loved this more refined approach. Of course I'm slightly biased to shooters so the new approach was better all around for me. Now I loved the idea that you could import your previous character from ME1 to the new game and it definately was a unique experience when I imported my character! The story again makes every decision you make an important one! Every little decision may not seem very important at the time,but could and probably will have dire consequences later in the game! Its this approach to the story that makes Mass Effect unique. As many games can try to emulate it none can compare! So after it was all said and done I spent 26 hours on my first playthrough. I have to say I enjoyed every bit of that 26 hours! Every single minute was simply brilliant! The graphics are beautiful, the story is incredible, and the gameplay is much more refined and fun. I rarely give a game a perfect score (only COD 4 , GTA IV,Fallout 3, and THPS 3 have ever gotten a 10/10 from me),but to me Mass Effect 2 is a perfect game with seemingly no flaws. If you have a 360 and don't own this game you are doing yourself and your 360 a disservice by not playing it!


Graphics: 10.0/10.0

Gameplay: 9.8/10.0

Sound: 9.7/10.0

Value: 10.0/10.0

Story: 10.0/10.0

Overall: 10.0/10.0.

*review and ratings are strictly my opinion*

Now how about some random funny pics! :D

Couldn't get an Assualt Rifle huh? :P

Yeah cause poped collars are cool right? :P

Until 15 years down the road and your game still isn't out. :P

camping.jpg image by pbfoot-79

No its not. :x Thats one for the COD gamers out there. :P

:lol: You can't not laugh at that. :P

So there's todays blog guys! I hope you enjoyed it and as always thanks for reading! Till next time guys!

~Mike 8)

The Good, The Bad, and The Funny!

Hey, guys Mike here! Well let me go ahead and get on with the bad news. :P Well I said in my last blog that I would give my impressions on the Ninety Nine Night 2 demo. Well since my 360's hard drive is full I can't do it until tomorrow. :( Yeah thats horrible news isn't it? :P I will be reviews Green Day Rock Band's demo today though! Ok So now onto the good news! :D

You may not have known this,but because I love MW2 so much, I haven't finished a lot of the games I have right now. One of them being Mass Effect 2! Well I finally popped the game back into my disc tray and started playing again. I found that its just as awesome as the first time I played it! Its like I'm falling in love with it all over again! :D In other gaming news, I haven't even touched Red Dead in two weeks now. :cry: Why am I so intent on not playing it? The ending shouldn't have ruined the whole F***ing game for me! Well it evidently did. :( So anyway how bout some impressions?

Impressions: Green Day Rock Band.

Now for this small review I finally broke out my Guitar Hero guitar for the first time in months! This is only a review for the guitar version of the demo due to my lack of drums. First off there are only 2 songs on the demo which is slightly dissapointing. However they are great songs! The 2 songs you get are "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" and "Welcome To Paradise". Both are great songs and the fact that they allow for all difficulty levels in the demo was very nice! I played on medium then on hard. I recommend starting on hard if you play guitar hero or Rock Band regularly. Now I was having some lagging issues with the game,but that probably due to me using a GH2 guitar on the demo and not being able to calibrate it! Last,but not least the character models are replicated very well! If your a Green Day fan you'll even notice the detail in the tattoos on the arms of the band members! Another cool detail is when the song changes from a old song to a new song and the bands appearances change to match the era of the music! Overall this is one of the coolest music games I have seen yet and for Green Day fans this is a must have game this year!

Graphics: 8.5/10.0

Gameplay: 8.0/10.0

Tracklist: 9.0/10.0

Overall: 8.5/10.0

Alright so thats that now onto the last part of the title of my blog (The Funny). Well here's some funny pics. :P

That Game Sucked!! :P

Just like in MW2. :? :P

Its obviously that addictive. :lol:

Halo fans get it. :lol: :P

Well thats all from me today guys! Hope you enjoy my random as **** blog. :P Thanks for reading guys and I'll make sure to have my other impressions tomorrow. :) Oh and my editorial has been put off till next weekend or later (sorry bout that). Oh and one last thing @M0wen10 is back :D He's always been one of my best friends here and having him back is going to be great! So welcome back bud. :) :D Anyway later guys! :D

~Mike 8)

Well Ummm..... Not Enough Time for an Editorial So You Get This Crap :P

Hey, guys! Well as the title explains I won't be writing my editorial tonight due to my lack of energy or willingness to write it at 1:00 A.M. :P Well anyway my boy EHZ just hooked me up with my new avy and banner combo and it just so happened my banner was his 100th. he had made. :D I feel so special. :cry: What do you think of them?? Oh and here is the sig I edited to match it all. (All I did was add text and I might have resized it to),but here it is.

Fallout 3 Sig

So how is it?? Pretty cool pic IMO and my favorite video quote of all time! :D

Anyway moving on, I was playing some more MW2 and during a game of FFA (Free For All) on Storm, I won the game due to a forfeit by the other players. How the **** do all the players leave the game at the same exact moment?!? I was 19-5 when everbody left and winning. I was pissed that it ended like that! :x

I got pissed off earlier with MW2 this afternoon when in several games I was playing I ran into Nuke Boosters! I made it my personal goal to destroy them all. :twisted: I've never had so many triple and double kills. :P *kills guy* then he tactically inserts *kills again*. I racked up about 10 headshots in one game to! :D

Well enough with MW2 ****. :P Now its time for funny pics. :D

God Help us all!!

Sure I believe you. :P

He was fighting a boss from Lost Planet its important ****. :P


Well guys thats it for me tonight. Sorry for the pretty pointless blog,but hey you saw some funny pics and got to listen to me complain about random ****. :P Well tomorrow's blog won't be the editorial either,but You will get to see my impressions of the Green Day Rock Band demo and Ninety Nine Nights II. :) Thanks for reading everyone. :D

~Mike 8)

An Update on Me and An Intro to My First Editorial!

Hey, guys. Well I know its late (12:15 on the East Coast),but I thought I would give you guys a quick update on me and introduce my first ever Editorial! Okay so first the update! Well I haven't been doing a whole lot lately except for working and trying to finish school! (only 2 weeks left)! God I can't wait for summer vacation! I stopped gaming for a few days about a week ago,but since then I have started up again. I recently beat Red Dead and although its an amazing game I was very turned off by the ending and as a result completely lost interest in the game. So I have recently gone back to MW2 and I have been ranking up faster than usual due to the double XP week on Xbox Live! Besides gaming my life is pretty boring right now since my friends are busy with school like me, and I'm working so nothing really else to update you all on. :( Oh here are my current MW2 stats if you all care. :P

MW2 Stats:

Rank: Level 37 1st. Lieutenant.

Prestige: 3rd. Prestige

Wins: 821

Losses: 1,125

Ties: 5

Win Streak: 13

Headshots: 1,612

Assists: 1,692

Kill Streak: 26 (Still) :x

Kills: 17,765

Deaths: 16,182

Nukes: 1

K/D Ratio: 1.10

W/L Ratio: 0.73

500 Kill Titles: 7 (Intervention, M4A1, SCAR-H, ACR, RPD, UMP45, and MP5K).

1,000 Kill Titles: 3 (M4A1, SCAR-H, and UMP45).

Unlocked All Attachments: 3 (UMP45, Intervention, and SCAR-H)

Time Played: 9 days, 3 hours, and 39 minutes or 320+ Hours (Multiplayer only)

Total Time Played with MW2: 400+ Hours (Single, Spec. OPS, Multiplayer)

Okay now on to the good part. :P

So I had an idea when I was looking at a issue of Game Informer magazine! This idea has spawned what will be my first editorial! It may not be as good as others I have seen on here (I'm looking at you Ryan) :P but I think that its a good idea and a solid premise for my first editorial.

The editorial will be about the differences of sequals and their original games and will revolve around whether or not sequals are better or worse and why. So is it a good idea or should I just freaking scrap the idea and start again? All opinions are welcome, just don't be nasty. :P

Thanks, for reading guys and I hope you think my idea is good! Well until next time guys. ;)

~Mike 8)

Album Reviews: Metamorphosis, Life Starts Now, and The Oracle. (Music)

Hey, guys! Sorry for not making a blog last night, but I was at a barbeque to celebrate Memorial Day and was to lazy to make one last night. :P Anyway I just bought a couple of new Cd's Saturday and I thought I would review them. :) So here are the reviews for: Metamorphosis by Papa Roach, Life Starts Now by Three Days Grace, and The Oracle by Godsmack! Hope you all enjoy the reviews! :D

First up......

First off I am a big Papa Roach fan and their previous albums have all been great. This album is good,but some of the songs are pure crap. Granted I find it hard to like ever song on an album,but about 4 or 5 songs are just Crap. Thats a lot for an album with 12 songs on it. I still enjoyed a few songs and overall it was a decent album. Having said all of this, this is not Papa Roach's best album,but being a fan I was still able to enjoy it. Only give this album a listen if you are a Papa roach fan or a huge Punk Rock fan.

Standout Songs:

#1- Lifeline (first single off the album)

#2- Hollywood Wh*re (A bashing of hollywood's famous socialites)

#3- I Almost Told You That I Loved You (Cla$$ic Papa Roach)

Score- 6.5/10.0.

Next Up............

As most of you know TDG is my favorite band. This is definately a solid Hard Rock album. It has 12 songs on it and most of them are great! I will say that their seems to be a softer tone in the music than that of their Self Titled Album and One X,but its still good and doesn't stray to far from the formula that makes the band great! The album does have some trash songs,but most of them are great! Overall I really enjoyed the album,but its not going to ever be better than the amazing One X album of a few years ago. For fans of TDG its a great album and for fans of Hard Rock its worth a buy or at the least a listen.

Standout Songs:

#1- Break (First single)

#2- World So Cold

#3- The Good Life

#4- Without You

#5- Life Starts Now

Score- 7.5/10.0.

Last,but Not Least........

I saved the best for last. :P Really this album is just amazing! I liked almost every one of the 10 songs on it. In my own opinion this is Godsmack's finest work yet and this is easily an album I could recommend to any Hard Rock fan! Overall there really is nothing else I can say other than Amazing! Just amazing!

Standout Songs:

#1- Cryin' Like a B****

#2- War and Peace

#3- Saints and Sinners

#4- Love-Hate-Sex-Pain (My favorite song)

#5- Devil's Swing

#6- Good Day To Die

#7- The Oracle

Score- 9.5/10.0.

So there are my reviews guy. I hope you enjoyed them and i'm sorry if your not a fan of the music. Still thanks for reading and a normal blog will come tomorrow. :)

~Mike 8)

My Top 10 Biggest Twists in Gaming of the Last Decade! (2000-2010)

Hey, guys! Well i thought I would stay away from the list blogs for a little while,but I had an idea as I finished Red Dead the other night! My idea is basically the topic of my blog, to put down my top 10 twists in video games of the last decade! Seemed like a pretty good idea to me and I hope you all enjoy this list as it took me quite a while to think about these moments! Please read the next part before reading the list!!!

Warning! Major Spoilers Ahead! If you have not played these games you will be reading about major plot twists and endings! You have been Warned.

So lets get started, shall we?!?

#10- The Self Inflicted Ending of Far Cry 2.

Far Cry 2 was a great game with a solid story,but the ending was one of the most shocking I have played through! After you finish the last mission you will not live! There are 2 paths you can take and both lead to your suicide. Definately a shocking twist for me.

#9- Visiting Tranquility Lane.

One of the coolest plot twists ever! You finally find where your father is then you are stuck into a chamber where you are virtually in this 50's era suburbia. The events and choice that followed where as disturbing as as the rest of Fallout 3 and I loved it!

#8- Being Nuked in Call of Duty 4.

In one of the most shocking plot twists ever, as you are finishing up the "Charlie Don't Surf" mission you are Nuked! You watch your allies planes and your own go down right before you! Then after the crash you get a look of what a Nuclear Launch actually looks like after it happens! This is a very surreal and horrifying moment in gaming!

#7- GTA IV's Ending.

The end of GTA IV is a hard one. Your actions decide who lives and who dies. Will it be your Girlfriend who loves you or will it be your Cousin roman? The choice is yours.

#6- The Scarecrow scenes.

These scenes truly are scary! I was waiting for a big twist and man did I get one! The fact that when you open up the body bags and your parents are in there is just a creepy eerie moment and it still haunts me to this day!

#5- The Return of Captain Price.

MW2 was filled with amazing moments,but this one stands out, because Price (who you thought was dead in COD4) returns! It was amazing to breach the room then be knocked out to reveal Price!

#4- Maria.

Talk about sad moments. I have never felt so sad while playing a game then when I found Dom's wife Maria. You find her then watch her die right before you in dom's arms. Truly the saddest moment ever for me as a gamer. :(

#3- The Death of Ghost and Roach/Shephard's betrayal.

Another sad moment I never saw coming! Shephard shoots down Ghost and Roach after the mission and I was totally floored when I saw it! This was a twist I never saw coming!

#2- Meeting Andrew Ryan.

After what seems like years you finally get to meet the man himself! Andrew Ryan! The events that occur within the next minutes are mind blowing and amazing! Storytelling at its best and a twists I would have never seen in a million years!

#1- Meeting President Eden Face to Face.

Yes this is President John Henry Eden. This is the most shocking moment in my gaming life! This was incredible! You go to meet the president and what you get you could have never expected! Things are never how they seem in Fallout3 and this is one of those sick and twisted moments that make this game so fun. Best plot twist ever by far!

So there is my list guys! I hope you enjoyed it and sorry about all the spoilers! Thanks for reading.

~Mike 8)

My Top 10 Users #10-1!

Hey, guys! Whats up? Okay so I'm still not playing video game which sucks, my computer is really slow lately, and Gamespot is just a mess of freaking glitches lately! However thats not going to stop me from finishing my list here today and continuing my blogs. :D Oh and for the users I wanted in my top 10,but are no longer here at Gamespot or are just taking a break, you will be an "honorable mention". So lets get started!

#10-TriniPlayer's Profile - GameSpot

One of my oldest and best friends here on Gamespot. Trini is a great guy who has always been really nice to me and just a great friend to me while I have been here. :)

#9-dan_scfc's Profile - GameSpot

Dan is one of my best friends here on GS and I couldn't imagine making my list without him being on it. He's a great dude and if you don't know him go track him right now. :P

#8-syler4815162342's Profile - GameSpot

Makan is just a great guy. He makes amazing blogs that he puts tons of work into and his animations are fantastic. He's one of my best friends here and a great guy! :D

#7-theslimdavylp's Profile - GameSpot

One of the funniest most outgoing people I know here on GS. His blogs are funny,but most of all he's probably the nicest guy I know here and has been a great friend to me. :)

#6-ErkiB's Profile - GameSpot

Erki is by far the most brutally honest person I know here and thats what i love about him! He's extremely nice,but he isn't afraid to tell you what he thinks! He's always been nice to me and he is a great friend. :)

#5-Out-Of-Ammo's Profile - GameSpot

Out-Of-Ammo a.k.a. The Lord of Home Skillets. :lol: Yes he is,but seriously Ammo is a great dude and an even better friend. He also has one of the coolest unions around Gamespot! (The Ninja Kitten Home Skillet Union) Join!

#4-Wolfman_chopper's Profile - GameSpot

Wolfman is just one of the coolest, nicest, and honest people you will ever meet on GS and he is one of my best friends here! :D

#3-grunt1096's Profile - GameSpot

Grunt is by far one of my best friends here on GS and has been for a while now! He has introduced me to some amazing music (Godsmack, Slaughterhouse, Rammstein, Atreyu, Bullet for My Valentine, and B.O.B. to name a few). He is one of the most honest people I know,but most importantly he is one of my best friends here. :)

#2-M0wen10's Profile - GameSpot

Agree or disagree with this choice,but Scott was a friend to me back when nobody wanted to be, he is a great guy and I always loved the conversations we had. He deserves this spot on my list, since he was one of my first and one of my best friends. :)

#1-ShootumUP26's Profile - GameSpot

I think everyone who knows me saw this one coming! :lol: Ryan is my best and my very first friend on Gamespot. He posted on my first blog, we have helped each other make unions, and I have probably 30 pages of messages in my inbox from me and him just talking about random **** lol! If it wasn't for Ryan I probably would have left Gamespot a while back! He is my best friend here and he deserves the top spot without question. :)


#1-pendal18's Profile - GameSpot

Dante is just one of the most amazing people I have ever met here and my second friend I ever had here! He's a great guy and an awesome friend. :)

#2-jakethesnake159's Profile - GameSpot

Definately one of my best friends here, he is an amazing guy that was always nice to me. We still talk a bit,but I wish he would come back for good. :)

#3-Jak_Napier's Profile - GameSpot

One of the coolest guys I have had the pleasure of knowing here! He's a great friend I'm just not sure if he's back for good or not. :)

Ok guys so thats it for today's blog I hope you all liked the last few lists! Thanks for reading!

~Mike 8)

My Top 50 Favorite Users #19-11

Hey,guys Mike here. I just can't seem to stop making my blogs late at night :( Well before I start, I don't know if you guys remember,but yesterday I said "I'm just bored of video games right now". well I played a little MW2 and I just got bored with it after an hour. Why is it that video games aren't holding my attention right now? :? I t sucks. :P Ok so lets get to the list shall we?

#19-_Sharpshooter_'s Profile - GameSpot

This guy has always been an amazing friend to me and is always really nice. :)

#18-yeahtoast26's Profile - GameSpot

We all know his catchphrase *Your just Jealous*. Just a great dude. :D

#17-gamer_96's Profile - GameSpot

This guy is just awesome and likes some of the same music I do! Which means your automatically cool. :P ;)

#16-riou7's Profile - GameSpot

Awesome guy who always has posted on my blogs and is always extremely nice to me. :D

#15-dahui58's Profile - GameSpot

One of the coolest and most honest people you will meet on GS and I love his game quote blogs! :D

#14-CptMactavish's Profile - GameSpot

Definately one of the coolest people here on GS and one of my best friends. :D

#13-ebbderelict's Profile - GameSpot

Awesome guy, who writes incredible blogs and makes great video blogs!

#12-emeraldhillzone's Profile - GameSpot

EHZ is know to many as "The Banner Guy" and although he makes all mine he is still one of my best friends and makes some ingenious blogs!

#11-sirracannal's Profile - GameSpot

This is probably the friend most likely to kill me. :P Kate is ana awesome friend though and if it weren't for her trying to kill me all the time she would be higher. :P

So thats all for tonight guys. I hope you enjoyed the list and thanks for reading. :)

~Mike 8)

My Top 50 GS Users #29-20

Hey, guys I'm feeling a little tired right now,but the blogs must go on lol. In other quick news I posted a couple pics of my gaming setup and my 360 games collection if you all want to see what the kng of tnt plays and plays on. ;) Last thing before I get started, I am taking a break from gaming altogether for a few days. Yes I know it sounds crazy,but I'm just bored with gaming and I don't feel like playing. That does mean I'll be on here more though. :D Anyway here are the next 10 favorite users on my list!

#29-infamous13579's Profile - GameSpot

One of the coolest guys here, and a fellow loved of Godsmack. :D

#28-Bioshockraptor's Profile - GameSpot

This dude is a great friend to a lot of people here, and he is to me as well. :)

#27-gameguy0697's Profile - GameSpot

Really cool guy who is always posting on my blogs!

#26-legolas95's Profile - GameSpot

This guy has always been a great friend to me and has excellent opinions on the COD series. :)

#25-alexr3000's Profile - GameSpot

This dude, is a great friend here on GS and probably my best friend on Xbox Live to. :D

#24-TheHippyKid's Profile - GameSpot

One of the most random and cool people I have met here and that makes him awesome! ;)

#23-beowulf0987's Profile - GameSpot

One of my first and best friends I have ever had here! :)

#22-MJoanne's Profile - GameSpot

One of the coolest girl games I have had the pleasure of knowing here on GS and a great friend to me. :)

#21-chumchummaster's Profile - GameSpot

I have no idea what your screen name means dude, but you are one of the coolest people here and you are a great friend to have. :D

#20-Munchgun's Profile - GameSpot

Munch! Definately the most random guy I know here and his blogs are just full of pure awesomeness! Oh and his cookeis are da bomb. Literally. :lol:

So guys thats it for me tonight and again sorry for the late blog! Thanks for reading everyone. :)

Mike 8)