@BassMan: Haha that is noted, yeah figured you may be a bass head as well but did not want to assume.
But true you bring up good points, too much bass could be fatiguing as well and certainly don't want something sounding muddy (I can't stand some headphones, such as beats because they are too muddy/imbalanced). Had not thought of it being fatiguing tbh (I usually associate fatigue with treble, even though personally don't find treble fatiguing) but could certainly see the bass being an issue if it's just constantly "boom boom boom" due to things exploding.
I guess my issue (and granted I have not looked into this empirically at all, nor taken the measurements in game, so this is more of a feeling) is that bass/LFE effects in video games do not go that low at all, rarely would anything go under the 20hz or 30hz mark (I would guess most is focused at the 40-80/120hz mark). From a practical perspective though I do not know what this would imply (games having effects that go as low as say 16hz), but I can see what you alluded to being the case (too much/frequent bass).
Lastly, from another practical perspective, I would assume that even if games had a good focus on LFE effects and effects got down low, most people would not be able to take advantage of it as they either a) game on headphones (which, unless I am mistaken, tend to fall off dramatically under 100hz, I think - 3db point of many headphones may be close to the 100hz mark), b) game on TV speakers or blah (imo) logitech/razer pc speakers or c) don't have a sub powerful enough to go that low anyway (as those things tend to be costly and extremely bulky...man are good subs a massive waste of space and hard to integrate visually in a room) so i do understand why developers may not elect to focus on the low notes, since, frankly, the minority of a minority would be able to take advantage of that. Cost/benefit does not make sense here. But one can dream right? Lol
Even I, to be honest/frank, probably do not get the full benefits of having a decent subwoofer (or my ears lol) since I never listen loud enough and bass tends to be something where the perceived volume is harder to hear than the rest of the sound spectrum. So me playing at -20db (or even lower, in terms of movies), I won't hear the bass in my content that well, so in some way all this "complaining" could be moot in my case. On another note, turning up close to reference volume for movies, frankly I do not understand how someone can listen at those volumes, it's too loud imo.
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