@Scorex_VII Um.. how bout a console that's finally using current tech again instead of hardware that was outdated even when it launched 7 years ago.. Not to mention a controller that's still the best design and doesn't feature a pointless and expensive addition like a touch-screen.. I swear, Steve Jobs ruined everybody's expectations for what a hardware release was supposed to be. Steve Jobs took mediocre products and sold them with jazzed-up press releases. The guy was brilliant, but as a sales person. I understand that both Sony and Microsoft had 'boring' press releases if you were looking to be entertained by them. If you were looking to see what the hardware has to offer, they gave a pretty decent first look.
The comments on here are incredibly stupid. The release was to show off the hardware, not software. If you don't get the concept, you have no right to hop on here and complain. This console will offer a bunch of features that you may or may not desire, but the fact is that the console is still releasing at the same price that our current consoles launched at. Don't care about some of the extra features? That's fine, because this thing is still about 10x more powerful than your current Xbox. SO why do they bother showing off these side features at launch? Because they know that when parents are trying to decide which console to buy their kids, the parents will want to know what else the machine can do besides just playing games. Sony sold plenty of PS3's just because parents could buy both a Bluray player and a console for their kids at the same time. All the bandwagon haters on here are absolutely ridiculous.
These threads have more melodrama than afternoon television on the women's network.. We don't even know what the fee is going to be yet.. Take a collective chill pill people..
I love how people on here are ranting over nothing. They wanted to announce what was different about this console from the last one. If they just showed up and said "it looks different and still plays games", people would complain about that too. Xbox has always had the best online service of the consoles and the best controllers. Also, who cares about the size of it? Even the original Xbox was plenty portable - the important thing to me is that they make the thing more reliable than the 360. If it doesn't consistently crap itself and die, I will definitely like this console.
@hateyourface @mouse314 @nocoolnamejim If the fee is less than the original price of the game, this could be awesome!.. If you buy a game, and your buddy wants to play, he could install the game off of your disc and just pay the extra fee instead of paying for a retail copy of their own. If it's the same price as a retail copy, then it sucks for the used games market.
@sladakrobot @awhite33 ... trophies and achievements are basically the same thing so it's not worth mentioning... the look of the menu means nothing to me.. crosschat with a PC would be awesome but means nothing to me if it's between other consoles and itself.. and 'touch' technology is worthless for gaming.. Honestly, I'll be disappointed if the new XBOX controller has touch.
@SingletreeAve ya, and even from a tech perspective, 'dense' sounds like another overheating nightmare waiting to happen.. I love XBOX but they should seriously make an Amazon bundle where buying a 720 pre-order gets you a fire extinguisher at half price..
The words I want to hear is "higher quality parts with better ventilation".. not "smaller and denser".. The first XBOX was plenty portable and it never crapped itself and died on me.. More of that, please, Microsoft.
I really don't get handheld gaming.. If I'm out of my house, I'm busy doing other things. When I have time and am ready to game, I'm either in my house or one of my friends' houses. If practicality is the only pro to these things, I can definitely justify the hassle of transporting my monitor+xbox/PC in order to play on better tech with better controls and a better screen.
Since when has desensitization been linked to violent behavior? Are paramedics or nurses prone to violent behavior? What about firefighters? Observing fake violence cannot be more desensitizing than dealing with real deaths on a daily basis... The whole premise is faulty..
tushwacker's comments