@jameson425 It just reminds me of when the kinect was first launched and they were talking about that 'milo' project or whatever. They were saying that the kinect could sense your emotions and detect subtle changes in your voice (everyone was talking about the emergence of Skynet) but that's just preposterous. There's no way that the kinect could look at most people's indifferent expressions while watching tv and accurately tell what ads the consumer were/weren't interested in. It's simply not that advanced. I can understand that people just don't like the feeling of possibly being watched regardless of how unlikely it is (like having the blinds on a large window in your house wide open at night). However, it's entirely different to say that MS is out to spy on you/your kids. The average person simply isn't that interesting to watch.
@jameson425 I'm just curious what incredibly interesting things people are doing in their living rooms that they think people would be interested in watching.. Do you really think MS is going to pay people to 'spy' on the boring home lives of their countless consumers? What could they possibly learn that would make it worth their time/money? It's just paranoid stupidity.. I don't recall everyone going bat-crap crazy when notebooks/laptops started having integrated webcams and mics.. Why it got attention this time is beyond me..
@ilovethewitcher @grognard @Rayzakk You're certainly the deluded person here.. Both Sony and MS are businesses first and foremost. Both have people that care about business success above all else. However, this also ties into making the customers happy enough to buy your products. MS and Sony are both concerned primarily with their own interests. If they weren't, they wouldn't both be business powerhouses. If you prefer PS4 over XB1 that's fine, but trying to say that everyone in MS is a selfish tool is just plain foolish.
@COPMAN221ISBACK if it's a troll thing, you probably coined it.... tons of xbox fans were considering swapping to PS4 just because of these issues.. those people are jumping for joy.. those of us that weren't going to be affected by the DRM are mostly indifferent about this decision but are happy that our player base will be bigger as a result of these decisions..
As long as you aren't forced to do PVP in order to beat the game or get the best loot, this should be really good. I hate it when games pull what Warhammer: Space Marine did -> where you have to play a ton of PVP in order to get the best upgrades/weapons for the survival maps. The concept looks really promising. Also, is it not going to be on PC?
I have owned The Witcher 2 for almost a year and I just can't get into it.. I think my problem is that I absolutely love the tight controls of Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2. After playing those games to death, other 3rd person melee combat systems just feel clunky and sluggish in comparison. I understand that the Ninja Gaiden movements were far from realistic, but there was something amazingly fun about being able to move your character as fast as you could move your fingers (zero animation delay, every animation could be interrupted by another, etc.).
@spindie where do you redeem the code? I tried putting it in the Promo Code box with the Close Quarters map pack in my cart and it said that the code was invalid..
That was 99% personal taste in games, and yet you can boldly title it with "Uninspired Line-up"? Give me a break! It's no secret that the Xbox is a shooter's console first and foremost. If you don't like that style of game primarily, then you shouldn't be reviewing their conference! The games looked fun. If you want to act like a snobby art critic and raise your nose at design similarities to other games, go for it. If you just want to have fun with your friends like I want, then this system looks good.
It looks like a larger scale version of Blacklight: Retribution.. As long as this game doesn't have the hacking issues that Blacklight is plagued with, it should be lots of fun.
Here's the thing: new games have stayed around $50-$60 for as long as I can remember. However, development costs have increased over this time. Therefore, from strictly a business perspective, they really have two options: 1) Find ways to make more money off of their $50-$60 sales, or 2) raise prices. Personally, I'd rather keep game prices around $50-$60 and sacrifice the ability to borrow a game from a friend/ rent games. I'm also not opposed to the concept of having them all stored on the HD. It's definitely a first world problem, but it is still annoying to get all comfy in your chair/on your couch only to realize that you don't have the right disc in the machine. I understand that some people see this differently, which is fine. However, it's incredibly absurd for so many people to be saying that "you'd have to be an idiot to buy this console". If the 'issues' don't bother you, why would you be stupid to buy it? The Xbox One having a better controller design (again) already puts it way ahead of the PS4 in my books. If the One winds up being a lousy console, I'll just stick with my PC.
tushwacker's comments