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twilightlullaby Blog

Turnabout Twilight

Hello everyone! I feel like I haven't *really* talked to anyone around these parts lately, so how are you all doing?

Me, well, I'm up to no good, as always. I chose the wrong dialogue branch in English today, sending me down the path of destruction. My teacher's name is mashed together with the Terminator's for a reason (students refer to her as the -blank-inator. No joke.). Me, well, I just don't think it's reasonable to force students to buy a thirty dollar book. If it were a textbook for college, that's a different story. But this is high school and the book is for a test that, quite honestly, I'm going to ace. Full confidence right there. /endrant

The cIass is amusing though:

"There must be gremlins in her computer."

"A man who wanders in the darkness is lost; eventually he will stumble over something on the path."

"Are you trying to school the teacher on grammar? (after a semi-colon/colon debate)"

I also spend most of the cIass avoiding eye contact with the guy who sits across from me. It's pretty intense. He's nice though- every time I run into him, he's like: "Wow, she's so smart! (or stuff like that- always really nice)"

Anyway, today in chemistry, it was decided that my lab group needs to be split up because we're aliens that communicate without speaking. The girl who sits in front of me said, point-blank, "I want one of them. I will trade my lab partner. No offense." Her lab partner freaks out.

On another subject entirely, I've been playing me some Phoenix Wright. :P It's kind of like an interactive story, but all the characters are so weird. :lol: I've made it to the fourth case, due to long bus rides and stuff. Fun fact: I didn't know that you could use buttons instead of the microphone for the first case or two...haha.

My friend and I have this running joke about Mass Effect (which he lent me...4 months ago, about)- mostly because I haven't really even played it yet. oh videogames.

Valentine's Day is coming up AND on announcements every morning without fail, they say, "Are you alone? Feel like you will never find anyone to be with? Fill out a survey and find a person to be your valentine." It's something like that. I think the only thing that I can expect for then is a calculus quiz. Happy Valentine's Day, indeed.

I keep getting this uncomfortable feeling I'm going to be a politician one day.

Whenever I feel sad, which has been happening a lot lately, oddly enough, I watch Disney songs in tons of different languages. It works.

I went to see Beauty and the Beast in the movie theaters because...I really like that movie. I mean, say what you like about Disney princesses giving little girls the wrong idea about life or Stockholm Syndrome or whatever, but it's a really beautiful movie. I watched those movies quite a bit when I was little and I think I've turned out sort of okay so far. And I really like Belle. She likes reading and everyone thinks she's weird...I could identify with that when I was little. The prince, not so much. And I love that dance scene. I always thought school dances would be like that but HA. why do a classy dance when people can awkwardly flail across a dark room instead? makes sense to me.

And we are reading THE GREAT GATSBY in other English. It's a lot better than the first time I read it. More on that later.

I guess that's enough silly rambling from me for the time being. good grief.

Whales and Hamsters

So I've been listening to tons of Noah and the Whale lately. Not really sure why. I would say check them out, but I don't know how I feel about them yet. On one hand, the lead singer is kind of cute. On the other hand, feet are probably more useful.

Midterms went alright. I'm kind of tired of dwelling on them because they don't decide my fate (not yet), but I did well. Calculus was the one exception, and I just made so many stupid mistakes. I guess I could retake it…but I don't know. My grade in cIass has been going up though.

Guidance counselors are also getting on everyone's case about cIasses for next year since, you know, I'm going to be a senior and all that. Look at that, just casually dropping my age in a blog. I guess I really am starting to grow up. It makes me feel a little bit sick.

I have also decided to find a place at lunch where no one will find me. Ever. This guy (let's call him Jim) that I know from various social circles (read: we are not friends) tried to hang out with me this week (and weekend- "Hey twilight, we should party this weekend." I was like, "I don't party."). It just bothers me. I'm sure he's a nice guy for someone out there…but I just don't really feel interested in anyone right now. And I'm pretty sure he's interested in me. I would make up some sort of probability, like Fi, but you know. He messaged me his number, and now the ball is in my court.

Then I somehow met a new student after assembly the other day, and he walked me to my cIass (more like followed or stalked). Of course I would meet the transfer student. He seems okay, I guess, but I don't know.

I guess the hamsters that I glue to my shirt every day and the blue face paint really work after all. Probably should cut back after all this.

We've been playing hockey during gym (of the floor variety) and it is great. It's so violent! :D And I'm not half-bad. :lol: I think.

This is kind of a jump back, but I received an A for one of my midterm essays. That's not the big deal. The big deal is that I used both Persona 4 and a Skyward Sword as examples… I was thinking that I'd get failed for something like that, but no! :lol: The teacher grading them just checked them off like the rest of the things. Personal victory!

Speaking of Skyward Sword, I've gotten to the ending bosses and that means that I will probably not beat the game until next year. True story.

I've also kind of started to watch ADVENTURE TIME. It's pretty weird. I don't know why I haven't watched it much before. I mean, come on, what is more romantic that being serenaded by a pink prince (voiced by Neil Patrick Harris) on a giant unicorn while fighting off THEM from Romani Ranch? Not much.

(not that the series is particularly romantic- just one of the episodes I watched. And it wasn't really more romantic. Kind of disturbing, if you think about it, which I did.)

(I like how they sing a lot too. Singing is sometimes nice.)

I saw Tangled the other day, and it was alright. I loved the scene with the lanterns. For some reason, it is a lot better in Japanese. Seriously.

Because it's tomorrow, I guess I should wish Aiden a happy birthday. Because we're friends and all and I'll probably forget about it otherwise. :P

(speaking of tomorrow, I have an SAT prep for about 4 1/2 hours. SO COOL.)

man, this ended up being kind of long. gross. :x

midterms + zelda

I think it's kind of weird that in about a month, I'll have been living here (nova) for about a year. It certainly hasn't felt like a year (it doesn't even feel like a new year- if it weren't for this weird party I went to on new year's eve (spring rolls + mario kart + inebriated adults + teen angst = some interesting stories), I would think it was still 2011).

Midterms are NEXT WEEK. I told myself that I'd start studying and after this, I won't be around (until the whole ordeal is over). Nothing is particularly worriesome, except for chemistry, but I think that if I apply myself to reviewing, things will be okay.

(the following section will include SPOILERS for Skyward Sword, some major-ish, some minor. So if you have not played the game or something, don't read it.)

I know that I complained about the look of Skyward Sword, oh so long ago when details were starting to be released, but you know, the design looks nice in-game. Anyway, it's ZELDA. A new Zelda. And that kind of outweights everything else.

The controls are really nice too. It's really exciting to be able to swing the remote and have it respond. I don't like flying very much (or this once sequence involving a mine cart) though.

I guess I'm sort of far in the game...right before the third trial. Those trials are so creepy. The one in the desert...I didn't realize that Link had to roll into the tree to get the tear. Eventually I got it, but there were so many Guardians following me. :lol: I lead them on a wild chase. :x It was pretty intense.

Nobody I know seems to like Groose. I can understand why- but he's kind of funny and likeable, in a creepy way. His theme reminds me of the pirates from Wind Waker. There are a lot of interesting characters, but he is especially memorable. "Nice hair" and all that.

It's just exciting to have a new console Zelda.

(I know, I'm kind of a Zelda freak. Once this girl at lunch saw me getting excited about Zelda and she was like, "It's just a bunch of stupid hype. Zelda is overrated and boring." It's just something I like. And it's the first game I've been excited about in quite some time.)


So, I don't like Dr. Who. I just thought I'd say that. I mean, I enjoy David Tennant and some aspects of the show seem alright...but I dunno. There's something about it that's just kind of annoying. I've tried it out (because the show has a small and vocal fanclub among some people that I am sometimes forced to hang out with), but it's like pulling teeth. I should know.

The weather's been abnormally warm around here- in the sixties this weekend! Hopefully the weather will change and it will snow, so I can take some time to get past the title screen of Mass Effect.

We had this lab about boiling water ("water pressure enthraply" or something like that), and this is going to sound so pathetic, but it is the most confusing thing ever. I hate it because we had to do it twice (all the water boiled off) and it takes forever.

My theory is that the more time I spend in school, the dumber I get. I used to be a lot smarter, I think, but now...I'm as dumb as a doornail.

Oh and here's my New Year's Resolution (so if I go astray, you all can make me feel bad about it): stay focused, keep in touch more with friends, and stop being so hard on myself. Here's to hopefully succeeding for once.


(and I love the little orchestrated CD that comes with Skyward Sword- SO. COOL.)

Reflections and stuff

Man, I am such a grouch, kind of like Oscar the Grouch if he was a teenage girl.

This is it from me, at least on the whole official blog thing, until the new year. So yeah. It's going to be long. Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen. :P

In retrospect, I guess a lot of things happened this year. I don't really know if I changed- if anything, I feel a lot dumber. It's kind of early to reflect on the year, but everyone does stuff differently, yeah?

My parents and I are still sort of neither here nor there. My dad was freaking out about my PSAT score and I know that's not really great news for the holidays, but this isn't really a holiday kinda blog- more on the level of noo year. It wasn't bad- just kind of dumb. And stupid. My Christmas present is SAT prep. :roll: Because, you know, the PSAT's dictate your entire life's course.

I think part of it's just my school- I wasn't sure what to think of it at first, but the people there, at least in the cIasses I take, are kind of mule-hats. Like, "wow, you are so worthless, how are you even in NHS, you can't even make honor roll."I thought I liked my lab partners, but they're kind of jerks too. Which is really sad.

The holidays are kind of a happy time, but there's also something a little bit sad about them too, I've noticed. When you're little, it's easier to be excited about PRESENTS and SINGING and FOOD. I mean, I'm not even that old. I'm too young to be as cynical as I am, I think.

Anyway, thank you, everyone, for always being there (especially Cory, Courtney, Aidan, uhhh, and lots of other people too (hi Michael. And Katherine.)

Here a video that I made last school year that you all may or may not find informational. I thought it was good, but I also put a new pair of wooden teeth on my Christmas wishlist.

This is my final project for my AP Psychology cIass. It had a positive reaction.

thanks, and have a great holiday/noo year!

sorry, as always, for being so lame~


(wow, this was kind of short)

extra- I've been listening to this song a lot. I love the bit about James Dean.

extra 2- my next blog will be about tinsel. and leveling up. and about my secret Christmas wish to play Dungeons and Dragons. Except it's not a secret anymore because I just talked about it.

extra 3- *sparkle*


Alternate Timelines and Multiple Dimensions

(long blog, tl;dr :P )

The other day, I was watching Stargate SG-1 and Mitchell and Carter were talking about timelines and dimensions and the differences between the two.

And then there was this pretty funny Community episode a couple of weeks ago when the group created multiple timelines by deciding who was going to get the pizza. The best part was the last five minutes, I thought. But Community is pretty good in general, I think. That means it's probably going to get cancelled. :P


So I got a 3DS the other day. It's the Zelda themed one. My logic is, if I'm going to get a new system, it should have a special theme. I don't know my friend code. I don't even know if I should have a friend code. It's probably more like a fiend code in my case.


(no Aidan. :x)

(my cell phone has a terrible camera. Wouldn't it be cool if you could take a picture of your 3DS WITH your 3DS? No, that's just silly...)

Ocarina of Time 3DS is pretty cool, but I have a lot of questions:

(here there be SPOILERS)

-Why is there a chicken in the Gerudo Valley?

-How can you fit a Poe in a bottle?

-Is it possible to beat the running man who lives in the tent? Because it was definitely not possible in the original version. :x

-If I return the Blue Spiritual Stone to Princess Ruto, does that mean our engagement is off?

-I think the Giant's Knife is kind of cute.

-Why are there so many hand-related enemies in the game? Do the creators have something against hands?

-What is the true face of the man who likes to buy "ghosts"? Is "ghosts" a euphism for something else?

-If you wear your fire suit in the lava, why do you still take damage?

-Does Bongo Bongo ever wash his hands?

-What are Re-Deads made of?

-Can I kill the Goron who sold me the Giant's Knife?

-I realized that Sheikah Stones tell in-game time. :lol:

-Why is Dead Hand so scary? Why does he have multiple hands? Why doesn't he die? Does he wash his hands?

-Is Dampe married? Is his wife the mother of the creepy boy who buys that weird mask?

-Does the Happy Mask Salesman have any friends? Why is he happy? I would be sad if I were him.

If anyone can answer these questions, I will send you a can of spinach via the Pony Express.


I've been sick for a while because no one at school washes their hands. :x Just kidding, I think they do. But a lot of people have been coming to school sick (like, really sick). I don't get that. I mean, I know it's *impossible* to make stuff up but seriously. Just stay home. :x

In life, things have been going kind of weird. I like to tell people that my life is dull, so they won't ask me too many questions (and I've said too much), but in reality, there's always something strange going on. I feel like if I said I were an interesting person, I'd be verging on Rodney McKay-esque behavior. But, in no particular order, auditions for the winter play, a study group (!) named Knights of the Nerd Table, the librarian who is also a math genius (and my new favorite teacher), a Christmas party (courtesy of my parents), and less than a month until my birthday (gross).

I feel sad.

Later everyone~

A Girl and Her Slime

In life, a girl has no greater companion than...a slime.


My school had a blood drive today (saving lives, one bag of blood at a time), and I decided to just go for it. My nurse guy was hilarious, from pricking my middle finger to get a blood sample to joking about this being my "first time" giving blood. It made the whole experience easier, I think. The easiest part was giving the blood...because afterwards, I quickly became the poster child for "What might but probably won't happen after donating blood." :lol: I basically experienced *every* side effect. It was simultaneously hilarious and embarassing.

The play I was in wrapped up last week too. It went alright, I guess. My dress was pretty (if ridiculously expensive), and the guy who did my makeup did a great job.

And then I am making my way as a HERO of Albion:

This is my true face.

Good stuff right there. I'm really torn between being EVIL and being GOOD. I

[spoiler] saved my childhood best friend (because I kissed him HA) and killed the peasants in the beginning but now I wished I killed him and saved the peasants. Oh well. [/spoiler]

People tell me that Fable 2 is better, but I don't really care. Fable 3 is entertaining enough, for the time being.

I also got past the title screen of Mass Effect, but that is not worth dwelling on.

random thoughts:

- this girl called me "annoyingly cute." what does that mean? do I annoy you guys? I annoy myself, because I am so dumb 97% of the time, but still.

-makeup is kind of a pain. I hate it. but people notice me more when I wear it...which is weird.

-I cut my hair. It is now weird.

-Life's been kind of awkward lately. But okay. For a change.

-Thanksgiving this weekend~ I am thankful for GAMESPOT, haha. :P


-sometimes I think about dropping out of high school.

-I love community service, no bs.

-people keep telling me to get a boyfriend.

-my xbox controller is almost out of battery.


Time to hybridize some orbitals or something. later.

Once upon a time

there was a bowl of soup. I don't use tumblr (but I do use twitter. my handle is really silly.).

Soup is generally pretty good EXCEPT for this evil soup my dad brought home (that this lady gave to him- her own family did not want it). It was awful. Horrible.

So I had my dance this weekend, and I feel like a little kid for talking about it, but it was actually really fun! I sort of awkwardly danced with some people from my cIasses , and I got this guy's phone number, so I think it was a successful night. It almost negates the fact that I slipped in a puddle of water and talked about Star Trek. Almost.

And I dressed up as Link for Halloween! This one kid was like, "Nice costume, bro." People liked it. A lot. Surprisingly. This girl in my English cIass was Dark Link and it was unplanned, so that was kinda cool.

Aside from that, life is pretty okay. Fall is the most beautiful season, I think. I went up to the Blue Ridge Mountains a couple of weeks ago, during peak viewing , and the fall colors were just so amazing. c: We had snow last weekend, too, which was a little weird.

Tonight I was at Gamestop and there were a bunch of guys sitting outside...I think it was for Modern Warfare or something like that. I felt sort of awkward because I was wearing neon green socks, and I was the only girl in the store...

But I was on a quest. A quest to...find a Dragon. Well, Dragon Age. :P It's one of those games I sort of wanted to play but never had the energy to do so. My friend kind of started the whole thing- we were talking on the phone and she was like, "Have you heard of Dragon Age?" and I was like, "OMG DRAGON AGE111"

I was kind of freaked out by all those people, so I didn't get the game. I'm weird, I know. :P My brother was also hovering and talking about Metal Gear Solid ("why is it rated m twilight? I think it should be rated T." My brother is like a male Navi. a sassy male navi.) and that kind of distracted me too.

Oh! I've been watching Once Upon a Time, this new show about fairy tales. It's actually pretty cute.

I'm kind of at a loss for words now, so here is a picture of me hanging out with a shark:

this really did happen

Heroes and Villains

So yeah, I guess it's been a while (not really). I've been sort of busy with different stuff.

I have to make an important decision about what I'm going to do school-wise (should I stay or should I go?). And then I decied to switch out a study block for an AP English cIass.

There's other stuff too, but it's really not worth mentioning.

also, if you haven't already done so, watch Better Off Dead. I like that movie a lot because it's really...strange. And funny. I was pleasantly surprised.

Oh! Homecoming is this week, which is kind of a big deal here (seriously). I guess I'm going to go...with an assorted group of people that I sort of kind of don't really know. It is going to be even more fun that taking an online chemistry test with a time limit and seemingly random questions, which is to say, not very much. But it will be okay, hopefully. At worst...I'll walk the 20+ miles home. That would be an interesting (and somewhat scary) story.

I've also been playing Zelda (during SCHOOL), and I really love the old Gameboy color games (seasons and ages). Except for the bosses. I think that the handheld/older Zeldas are harder than the ones on the consoles. :x

But then I am absolutely terrible at video games.

And I need to complain briefly about people. :x

[spoiler] I am the president of the anime club at my school (adding a negative 50 points to my "cool" meter). My officers have been so ladfnjkaslkueri lately. Whenever I see them, they're like, "sorry I haven't been coming to meetings lately, I've been busy." Instead of just skipping and not saying anything, you could, you know, tell me that you have stuff to do, right? It's not that hard. Just say, "hey twilight, can't make it this meeting." They have my number (unfortunately). [/spoiler]

Aside from that, I've been watching Star Trek (again). Wesley Crusher. :x

my life is kind of not so exciting, sorry.

edit: Zork.

that one teenager: back to school edition

Feel free to skip this blog. The focus is mainly on school and school stuff, and if you're as tired of all that as I am, just...I don't really know right now.


The smell of feet combined with the faint aroma of spaghetti sauce, the overly crowded hallways, the constant pressure to conform...

You can tell a lot about a person by the cIasses they take. Around here, I've been starting to get the impression that people are kind of academic (understatement of the year). There's really no in-between- you're either academically obsesed or not. (that might sound like a contradiction to the "kind of academic" statement, but it isn't.)

So let's break down some different cIasses. :P

Spanish is kind of the mainstream cIass- everyone takes Spanish. It's a useful language, you know? I can't really say a lot about Spanish except a fair amount of my relatives speak it and that I probably should have taken it.

Then there is French. If you are in French, you are either: eccentric in some manner or another or you are completely clueless or you're one of those popular kids who think taking it will make you "sophisticated." French cIasses are always a little bit quirky regardless of who you are/you think you are.

We also have Latin. I took Latin for a year. It was okay. The people who take Latin are either: looking to pad their college applications ("Why yes Mr. College Admissions Man, I do speak Latin. Fluently.") or sort of academic.

Obviously you can't just stereotype everyone, but this are kind of general trends. Also, foreign languages love food/parties that involve food. Food is a big deal.

Foreign language cIasses, however, are only a small component of what schools around here can offer you. [/infomercial] With cIasses such as "Multivariable Calculus" and "AP Fun with Words," your child will never have reason to not feel academically challenged again. :x

It's really easy to feel like a loser around here.

"Oh twilight, you're only taking AP Calculus? I took that cIass as a sophomore. Wahaha!"

"twilight, you can't have possibly taken Physics. You don't even know how to add vectors. You probably just took Conceptual Physics which is a baby cIass, but it's perfect for you, considering how you're a girl and all."

"twilight, you can act? I thought you just used your wimpy nerd muscles to move large objects around backstage."

"twilight, teaching yourself how to play the guitar is way too mainstream. You're such a poser."


And, yeah, I've heard a lot of comments like those. This guy didn't believe I took Physics last year even though I always had the monkeyfighting textbook with me all the time. But that's kind of in character for him.

Anyway. Let's talk about PE. I get to take PE again this year because apparently one year isn't good enough for the Commonwealth. Everyone in my cIass is basically a male senior athlete. I kind of hate it. I've never really been the athlete type, more like the nerd who sits inside and reads about fantasy worlds and stuff. And it's a full year of PE, none of that "let's learn about the human body" stuff for half a semester. Everyone laughs when I talk about it because the cIass is called "Advanced PE" (jokingly referred to as AP PE by some of my friends. "Oh yeah, look at that guy, he's definitely a five." :x).

So if I die halfway through the year, that is the reason why.

On the bright side, there is no bright side. I managed to impress the principal the other day with my morning announcement. His reaction was, literally, "WHOA THAT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE." And then this crowd of people rushed me and were like, "Whoa, twilight, amazing." And I awkwardly backed off and went to cIass. People tend to stereotype me as that quiet weird girl who spends too much time in the computer lab working on homework- that's why everyone was freaking out. Also, I would like to say that it's not stalking if you were going to a place long before the guy that it seems like you were stalking even got there. :x


tl;dr whatever.

(also, concerning the play, I made it but not really. It's really not worth dwelling upon. The people there are kind of mean too. And I lent my dollar to someone and now I'm never going to see it again.)

If you made it through this blog (like...actually read it), I will send you a size 18 1/2 leprechaun shoe through paypal. If you are allergic to leprechauns, I will send you a slice of aged cheese. Like...the gross kind that will probably kill you one day.

(gamespot, why do you spell-check words I never even typed? an answer would be nice. sincerely, twilight)

Limits and Oscar Wilde and stuff

well, it's been quite some time, gamespot.

School is back in session (yeah school), and my schedule is pretty decent. AP Chemistry with dumbleyodalf (our teacher thinks that the cIass should have been named "Potions," so more people would have joined) and various other cIasses, some of which are worth dwelling upon.

My brother goes to the same school I do, as I may have mentioned a few (read: far too many) times before. It's mildly irritating, but I'm able to avoid him when the need arises with a fair degree of proficiency. He was talking about trying out for the winter play, and if he does, I will probably -insert melodramatic reaction here-.

Speaking of drama, auditions are the day after tomorrow. I feel nervous about the whole thing, but I just have to have confidence. Anyway, if I get rejected (chances are quite high), it's okay. There are other opportunities for me out there. Just gotta keep perspective and stuff.


Eternal Sonata is an okay game. Love the battle system, the cutscenes...not so much. I'm kind of thinking that I could skip the cutscenes and just wing it, but missing the story would probably bother me to some degree. I like all the different musical names too- Polka, Beat, Allegretto...I need to practice piano more. :P


Then I started playing Spirit Tracks because I missed having a Zelda game to play. I'm simultaneously playing an old game (finding stations and stuff) and a new one, which is weird. I would play Link's Awakening, but my GameBoy catridge likes to delete save files. So that is out of the question, for the time being.

And then I need to finish Okami at some point or another.

that's really it. I just wanted to write something. .-.