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twilightlullaby Blog

Harvest the Moon

Lately, I've been into games like Harvest Moon and Rune Factory, thanks to my cousin. :x Collecting radishes, selling jewels, forging rare blades...I got it all.

To be honest, I haven't been up to much. [/lying]

It's been a while since I typed one of these things, so I think my writing is a little choppy. But I write like I talk (because it's not English cIass. :x), so I guess that's okay.

In order to get this one credit (yeah!) out of the way, I took a summer cIass. It was a joke. A joke which involved a fair amount of my time, but a joke nonetheless. I did well. State test is tomorrow (it's one of those state test subjects, which is really irritiating). I wouldn't mind, but I sort stranded in the airport and fell asleep at three this morning and woke up at seven to catch a flight at ten. It's a good story. I might tell it someday.

I was in New Orleans last weekend with my mom's side of the family. It's a really beautiful city. A lot of walking, a fair amount of okay food (homemade is the best, to be honest.). Crawfish is better than shrimp, that's all I'm saying. :P

Oh! I watched Blade Runner the other day (after failing to finish it two years ago). Really good movie. I don't know why I didn't finish it. It was the director's cut, but I think there are about a million (hyperbole) versions out there.

My goals for the summer are going okay- I've lost a guitar string and failed to complete my calculus assignment for next year. But, as I told my friend, there's still a month of summer left! Anything can happen.

That's it, really. I thought I had more to say, but I don't.

I'm not dead yet!

this is my week

It's fun to intentionally not capitalize stuff.

So...I think that summer is going okay so far. Report cards came in the mail a while ago, as a reminder of that place. yuck. I hate to say it, but...I did well. Really well. BETTER THAN LAST YEAR. My A(+) in AP Government was my favorite. I'm really proud of that. Remember how I thought that I was going to fail? Remember?

my gpa is over 9000!

anyways, enough about that.

Let's talk about life because, you know, it's talkaboutlifeSPOT, not gameSPOT. Why use a site for what it's meant to be used for?

I like to use this blog as a life-chart-thing sometimes , so I can cringe when I look at what I wrote in the past. oh boy. It is painful looking at what I used to write. painful.

Team Fortress 2 is free on Steam (according to a text from a friend), so go get it! I know I did...but knowing my internet connection, it will probably take the better part of a month! The download, I mean.

That's what happened with World of Warcraft (aka WOW, which I will now use from now (WOW) on.). By the time I finished all the steps of putting it on my computer (including the appropriately named WTF folder. It is a real folder.), my free trial had run out! So much for making friends! So much for playing WOW!

seriously guys.

(it turned out horrible. D: but maybe you can read it vaguely? flnadks)



Hours of Okami logged: 12
Time spent doing dishes: 6 hrs
Former physics cIassmates added on Facebook: 6 and counting

Weeding the garden for a neighbor and having a spider run over your hand: PRICELESS
Accidentially coming into contact with an exposed electrical outlet and recieving a shock: PRICELESS
Throwing a bucket into a field of tall grass instead of the contents of the bucket: ALSO PRICELESS

We decided to paint the basement using the remnants of all the paint from previous houses. If you've ever seen a Bollywood movie (or Pushing Daisies) or any movie with colorful set walls, you will get a vague idea of what it looks like. My mom likes our houses to be colorful. That's fine, I guess. I just don't like being covered in paint. I still have paint in my hair and on my legs and on my arms. don't ask.

oh, and I'm headed back to Quebec again (again!) in less than a week, for unspecified reasons.

(it's for Hermits United. Occurs about every ten years or so. Talk about caves and the like. It's good fun. For a hermit.)

I've found a new (or rather, old) way of dealing with my family- serenity now. Serenity now. (and I don't have to worry about insanity later because I'm already sort of a crazy person. :P)

mprezzy talked about candy (and other things too! but if I did a summary, it would take too long) in one of his recent blogs and that reminded me of Willy Wonka! Did you guys ever watch that movie (either the Johnny Depp one or the old one)? I like both, actually. The new one is more accurate and the older one has so much nostalgia.

anyways, I've gone on for too long and stuff. It might be a while until I update this thing, so that's all for now.

Summer lists and stuff

Last day of "higher education" (for now, anyway)

- I walked to school. It makes sense contextually. And it was really nice. Sort of like an ADVENTURE. haha.

-My bus driver bought everyone ICE CREAM (ICE CREAM) on the way home. ICE CREAM111

(as you can tell, I was really excited about this. "I think this is illegal." best. quote. ever.)

-The principal ruined my last ten minutes of school by blasting a song over the intercom system. I don't even know what it was. Everyone was like, "what. the hell." Authority figures. :roll:

-This may sound strange but I think my physics teacher tried to set me up! Another piece in the mysterious "physics xbox plot arc," haha. Please don't ask because I don't even know how to explain. It is a good story though and as soon as I figure out how to tell it, I will. Maybe it will be a movie someday. "Love Amongst the Magnetic Fields." :lol:

-Love is in the air! Well, not for me, because I am the anti-hero/villain/axis of evil and therefore am barred from stuff like that. But still. This girl in my foreign language cIass asked me (me?) for advice/support on how to win the heart of this guy that I sort of know because *gasp* we are in the same graduating cIass. That means that I must have some extra edge into understanding her situation [/extreme sarcasm]. Obviously.

And that was the story of how I became part of a made for tv movie but in real life.

It was disgustingly sweet.

Like eating an entire bag of candy necklaces you know the really gross ones that little kids wear and they taste like laminated sugar but not really maybe more like cardboard.

-Finals were okay. I was surprised. Physics came out of left field like a speeding bullet train though. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty terrible. But that's alright. I did my best. That's all you can do.


-Last Saturday I ended up watching the Nintendo press conference (and according to GS, the Microsoft one as well). ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA111 Also...WiiU sounds like a noise you'd make to imitate a police car or something. Not that I ever did that as a kid. Those are my impressions of the whole thing.

-Okami. I keep getting overwhelmed by all of the exciting extra things there are to do. Restoring the land! Feeding animals! It's all too much. And I can't draw circles. At all. Bloom does not work for me. That's all I've been playing lately, really.

-My brother and I (my brother is a pain but we get along from time to time. It's just one of those things. He annoys the...crap out of me but that's what siblings are for, you know?) started LEGO Indiana Jones this morning. It was pretty okay. We didn't kill each other too much. And it was sort of fun. hmm. either way it means more gamescore. Not that I care about that sort of thing.

-This blog probably didn't make sense, huh? I'm sorry, my eyes are blurry and stuff. Plus...I'm a little ajdfk;oiwre about different things. But since when does stuff I write make sense? Never. :P

-I got a haircut! To be accurate, I chopped off a lot of my hair because I was upset. But people seem to like it, surprisingly enough.

That's it. I'm keeping it short (like my hair) for summer. I dunno if I'll be writing a lot here so yeah.

73 days left of summer.

magnetic fields stretch across lazy school days

(Shut up out-of-ammo. :x Just shut up.)

There's something happening this week that's sort of big in the gaming world. Just kidding. I have no idea what I meant by that. :P

So let's talk about life. Things are going pretty okay. My grades are pretty lame. I feel like an idiot. I'm going to fail my all my finals.

Great positive outlook on life, correct?

I've already lined up some cIasses for next year: a few scattered APs, study hall, yeah. We had AP orientation today which was basically, "hey guys, we're going to give you a lot of stuff to do over the summer so you will have no life k thx bye."

(it's not too bad- I have to read a couple of novels and memorize some chemistry stuff (AP Chemistry! Double the failure. The teacher seems pretty scary but cool (he might sort us into houses, ala Harry Potter! Isn't that awesome?). We'll see how it goes in the fall.)

Then I'm filming a last minute AWESOME (jk, it's lame) documentary for the administration. It's a long story, okay? It is maybe one of the most awkward things ever, asking people for interviews. I'm just saying.

On the bright side, there is no bright side. I will probably be socially ostracized by my peers for writing propaganda.

I have three days left this week and three days next week and then I am F-R-E-E.

...until next year, where my little brother will be joining me for another year of higher education. Damn that brat- I mean, I love my brother so much. He is never a jerk who makes fun of me and thinks that I am stupid because I am a girl and calls me fat. Perish the very thought.

(yeah, yeah, yeah, you only have one brother and you gotta love him. I get it. He's okay, he's just a jerk. I'm obligated to kiss the ground he walks on because I'm a girl and therefore not nearly as clever as he.)

Please take note that many of these sentences should be read in a heavily sarcastic manner. Sarcasm doesn't translate very well in text.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life most of the time. I just get frustrated because I feel like a failure so much of the time. It's just society, you know? And my parents! Yeah parents!

My bio teacher gave a great rant on GPA the other day and how an "A" is becoming more and more worthless because of all the random GPA boosts students get. Show up to school? Let's add .5 to your GPA. Refuse to partake in illegal subtances? Oh, 1.0 boost for sure.

If life had a theme song right now, it would be this. Say what you want about the band, but I like this song a lot. The whole feel of it sort of recalls summer. But maybe it's just that time of year where *everything* feels like summer. Sorry if I'm obssessing over this song- I really like the banjo and some of the lines "I felt like I should just cry" and "you've been alone since you were 21." I don't know.

I think the word for what I feel is melancholy.

Bearing no relation to anything

-There's this guy that I know, I think he likes me maybe, and maybe I like him , but I don't know what to do. The best explanation is I'm misreading the whole thing because I'm too weird for anyone to like like that.

-I really want to go home.

-Allergies suck.

-I don't want to grow up.

-I want to complain more but this is long enough.

so yeah, summary of the whole blog: my life is really boring to read about! sorry. sorry. sorry.

(gotta follow the rule of three, yeah?)

time to get started on that formula sheet.

Body Language

I am so lazy right now. If I were any lazier, they'd call it summer break. But it's not summer. Not yet.

School lets out on the 16th, but we really only have...a week left because the last week is all finals. And I don't have to take half of my finals for various reasons. I think that's pretty AWESOME, but, you know, that's just me.

...I couldn't really think of any possible way to answer people's comments on the last blog because I feel that any sort of response that I would have would be terribly awkward and incorporate heavy usage of the ":oops:" face. You guys are really too nice to me. I don't deserve that much kindness, gosh.

My sense of humor, actually a lot of my personality is very self-depreciating (to the point of almost being sort of sad). It travels over into real life too, don't worry. We could analyze this or something but that wouldn't be very much fun.


Today we learned about...body language! I feel like that somehow merits a *jazz hands* emoticon. please do not ask me why. It wasn't as cool as I thought it was going to be. I knew most of it already...I just don't put it to use, at least not consciously. The best part of the lesson was my teacher acting it all out. :lol: It was the best. He did this whole "skit" between a guy and a girl (it was to demonstrate how guys suck (sorry!) at reading body language)...psych is the best.

As much as I'm ready for school to be over with (for the year, not for...graduation or anything. I'm still a baby in comparison to most of you guys.), it's a little sad. I remember when I was five and high school seemed like it would be "super-awesome" and I wanted to be valedictorian and date a football player and all that stuff.

Yeah, dreams are nice.

If my life is following the plot for a high school movie (and I do suspect it is at times), then I should have some sort of happy ending at some point.

Just kidding!

Random stuff

-so the other day I was talking to my friend, Alien (that is her nickname), and we were trading music back and forth (links). Different strokes for different folks, indeed.

-I realized today that I get most of my phone numbers through talking to people about video games. D: Isn't that weird?

-Prince of Persia! I'm getting near the end. Three more areas to free of corruption and then some final boss stuff and then THE END.

-today this guy came up to me and asked me a question about this essay that I didn't upload. I didn't know him , but he knew my name- WAIT. This discussion will have to wait for another time. I just got this email from my friend for World of Warcraft and it's going to be so awesome and stuff and yeaahh. Just kidding, I'm not sure how I feel about this.

but yeah, I think I'm going to go off and procrastinate a little bit. Or maybe write that essay. Or study for that math test. Man. I am going to flunk my math final.

see you guys later. c:

Video Time!

So guys, girls, cylons, necromorphs, and basically everyone else out there...I made this thing that's commonly known as "video blog."

A lot of other people have shown their lovely faces before via video blog, so I was like "lol, can't be too bad, talking to a camera for an amount of time."


I'm not going to lie, it's pretty bad, in more than one way. 9:43 is the running time, I think. If you break that down mathematically, that's about a little over three minutes per one year on Gamespot, which is really not that bad. So just think of it that way, I guess.

I don't really care for my voice (it is so annoying. oh my gosh.) or appearance or anything. But you guys know that already! :P So I won't elaborate.

(I also feel like I come off as really dumb in this video. sorry about that. I was sort of tired.)

I know I say this in the description but please do not share the link. I'm going to take it down within a week anyways (probably) but seriously. It is unlisted for a reason.

this is NOT it.

(sorry guys. I just couldn't deal with it. I'm too much of a freak. OTL but the link is out there. somewhere.)

SIDE NOTE: There is a guy in my science cIass who got a hair cut and now he looks like Mr. Jenkins. It's really weird. I only mention this because the resemblance is just really eerie.


Elite! Beat! Agents! It's...:P The only bad thing is that it makes me want to dance. Or wear a suit.

Okami continues to be a-m-a-z-i-n-g. c:

And I am almost done with season one of Arrested Development. Some of the stuff Gob says reminds me of stuff my brother would say like, "If you give someone permission to use a tissue, you can't be upset if they blow their nose." :roll:

My psychology teacher tried to convince the guys in our cIass that the Notebook was a very "manly" movie written by a "manly" man. I don't know how you guys feel about that movie , but I didn't care for it. :x That's a story for later though.

I'm off to do some physics. 8)

best excuse for everything. "Hey look at my wrist it's time to go (no punctuation!)," also works. Well it works for me.

summer is coming soon. YEAH SUMMER. I'm going to go out of the country (again!) and stuff, but that's a story for another time.

well, this blog was pretty poorly put together. Sorry about that.

see you all around next time I decide to write one of these things.

edit: here is the video. please don't hate it too much. D:

Together Trees Television

I know I just wrote something the other day but. whatever.

Things are about to get busy and I'm sort of getting the feeling I won't be around here on gAMEsPOT for a while. Which is probably a good thing. Maybe. I don't know.

Part One

-I got asked to prom the other day. As a backup. But still. Weird, huh?

-We're watching Can't Buy Me Love in psych. Because that's what we do in AP cIasses. We watch movies.

-speaking of television and stuff, West Wing. In gov, we have this phrase "winging it" which means watch the West Wing. :lol: The show's not bad, actually. I sort of like it.

-my brother looks like the character Micheal Cera plays in Arrested Development. D: Not so much his face as his hair and dress style but still. akfdlj

-Arrested Development. Is it bad to watch 13 episodes in one weekend? probably. probably.

Part Two

-Most stage managers follow this set pattern in the week before the play: "You guys are too loud backstage, too quiet on stage, you don't have your lines memorized, etc." It's nice to know that some things are constant.

-During this one point in the musical, these guys are supposed to sing this song called Agony. For everyone who did not click the link, it's basically a song about teen angst. "I can't get the girl, I don't know why she ignores me, sing sing sing sing." I think it's hilarious , but they seem to take it seriously. I really don't know why. The song itself is just...

-I set up an entire forest around the auditorium the other day. :x I hate trees that are painted on canvas. :x

-This show is ridiculously huge. :x

-Also, smoke machines.

-Also, a tower.

-Also, flats.

-My stage manager seems to have something against me. I hope it's just my imagination.

-I don't know if I'll do drama anymore. Stay tuned for more details.

-one last note, I won an award for drama at my old school. :cry:


Part Three

-I finally got my XBOX CABLES. Isn't that great? M. , the guy who was giving them to me, was like, "Oh hey, I got these cables in my locker" at the beginning of the week but, due to various reasons, I didn't get them until Friday, when he ran into me in the library. Yeah. Cool stuff right there.

-But I was happy. Isn't that so nice? Who does that?

-World of Warcraft. It's going to happen. Soon. Stay tuned for details. :P

-Also, I am really stupid. I say this a lot, but this time it is justified. I thought an error message from Steam was "a joke" (J. was like, "haha, how are you going to send a help message to them? 'Hey steam, I thought your message was a joke.'") , and I unselected my hard drive as a save data thing for Prince of Persia and lost an hour or two of progress because I couldn't figure out why I couldn't save. Only me, only me.

-Okami still remains amazing and awesome and I love it and would play it right now and this is sounding sort of fangirl-ish.

Part Four

Until next time, I think that's all.

Nice source of catharsis, writing this. :P

Maybe next time I'll have something real to write about.






an upside down girl

There are times in life when you have a lot to say, but when you want to say it, you can't find the right words.

It's like today when I asked my drama teacher, "Is there anything we can to get the stuff that needs doing done...did?" That's right, tech week has started again. We're putting on some musical called Into the Woods (Sondheim!), which for those of you who don't know (like me until a couple of months ago) is a bunch of fairy tales mashed together and the negative-reprocussions of the events. That sentence was crap. Anyway, we have a...*wonderful* stage manager who loves us so much and thinks that we are the best and totally competent in everything that we do. :roll:

Oh, and we lifted a piano today. It was great.

Speaking of video games, I started one the other day, for the first time in a long time.


Okami. ♥ I would play this game right now instead of typing this blog but typing makes me feel like I'm doing something constructive instead of procrastinating, as I am prone to do on occasion (especially in the last month or so of school. Especially.)

It's beautiful. It's fun. It's almost as good as a new Zelda game. Almost. But I really like it. I'm mad that I didn't start it earlier.

Also on my list: Portal (!) and Amnesia: ohgodwhyiamigoingtoplaythis (just the demo though). It's a nice mixture of stuff, I think.

AP testing is over for me! I actually don't mind taking the tests (I think it's *gasp* fun), but I can't say that I care for the after-effects (sudden exhaustion, general loopiness, lack of awareness, I don't know). I'm pretty sure I failed all of them. The only way I could get a 5 is if I combined all my 1's together. I'm just saying.

Generally I've been feeling good, which is kind of weird for me. It's probably just a phase or the weather or something though. Good times never last, you know?

My parents have come up with the brilliant idea of (wait for it) growing tobacco to get a cut on property taxes! That's right, my family, the local narcotic (that is the right substance, right?) growers. I think they were sort of joking, but still. Just the fact that they even thought of it is...a little disturbing.

We! learned! about! factorials! today! in! math! If! I! could! talk! like! this! I! would!

There is social conflict among the various groups of people I know! :shock: Just kidding, it's high school, I should have seen it coming. The drama kids don't like the guys I sit with at lunch (because apparently they're some sort of obscene word that gamespot would probably censor), the guys I sit with at lunch don't like the drama kids (and some other assorted kids), and people in general just suck. :x I hate it.

This is why I sit by myself at lunch sometimes. A lot of times, lately. It's a little awkward but hey! You don't have to deal with various social reprocussions. Plus it's not like any of them care anyway! Oh. snap.

But it's true. I'm just an amusing new kid (always the new kid) who dresses like a freak (acts like one too) and tries to be nice to everyone.

(I also learned that it's probably not a good idea to admit that you talk to yourself.)

Summation notation & Epilogue

I gave a speech on uniforms once. After I was done, this girl asked me, "How can someone who dresses like you do be in favor of something like that?"

I told her (in my not-noticable but horribly sarcastic tone), "First of all, I am aware that I dress like a freak (audible gasp). Individualism is overrated. I am all for conformity."

But it is overrated, individualism.

(I really hate myself sometimes. A lot of the time. I wish I weren't such a jerk. /whiny teen)

I guess it's time to maybe get something done. Like schoolwork. So I don't fail. Again.

Sorry for complaining, as always. It's pretty lame of me, yeah?

have a good spring everyone~

ln6 + ln2 = tl;dr

(this blog is long-ish and there are no pictures. I just wanted to talk for a long time. I'm sorry.)

(you've been warned)

(also, the longer I write, the less likely people are to read it, the more likely that I can write whatever I want. :P)

Logarithms are the best, but I really hate graphing them.

I cannot graph to save my life.

So it's spring time here in nova (it's what they call the area of land where I currently reside).

Spring break was alright. It didn't feel like break but that's okay. I got a tan. I got a sunburn. We stayed in some rich-people hotel (living up to the "richest county in the nation" reputation) with alligators in the lobby.

That's old news though.


Everyone knows that quote, "It was the best of times and the worst of times (or something like that)," right?

Ah, life.

My parents have decided to inflict mandatory bedtime (it feels so silly writing this) on me. In bed by 9! Super-fun! Really cool! (side effects may include anger, headaches, panic attacks, waking up at 3 in the morning and frantically grasping for a phone, violent impulses, and a slight craving for pretzel M&Ms.)


I watched this movie with my mom once called "Humble Pie." It was about these obese guy who couldn't get a driver's license and still lived with his mom and worked at a grocery store. I only mention this because I use it as a metaphor for my life sometimes. It's not a perfect metaphor but whatever.

My dad chewed me out (by "chewed me out," I mean this is like the "verbal one-sided 'you narcisstic teen'" arguments we have every six months or so. It's a boss battle, except I'm underleveled and at low HP and he gets a lot of critical hits) for how I feel about living here. It. Was. Awesome.

Now I feel like I'm walking on pins and needles. Today, he was going off about how my school had "some of the best course offerings in the nation (like. ♪ hell. ♪ )" , and I was like (sort of jokingly), "Well they don't have AP Environmental."

*360 neck swivel (my dad, not me)*






(on the bright side, I can incorporate this into my 500 page novel. Also, my self-esteem is reaching the negative digits. WIN-WIN.)


So we have this thing called prom at my school. You guys might know about it. I...don't think I'm going to go because that would ruin my "loner" cred.

(it's like how if I stood with people while waiting for the bus, I'd also lose cred. Don't ask how it works because I don't really know.)

there's also this guy that I sit next to at lunch (as my friend calls him, "hey twilight guy" (or htg, for short)). It would be awkward , but he's sort of awkward too. So it all balances out. I don't know why this is important.

Today I made a conscious effort to try to be a better friend (? social link ?). I ran into k. when I was going out to catch the bus and instead of running away when he said "twilight!" (because he was getting a drink and that's the perfect opportunity to escape from someone. I'm just saying.), I decided to walk out to the buses with him. It was almost like how I used to be at my old school.


the end.

(I never respond to comments because I. SUCK. :) just to warn people.)

a dreadfully sunny day

Since I've been posting and deleting blogs like mad recently (at least it feels this way to me), I've decided to disable comments for the time being. april fools! of course, that wasn't really funny, now was it?

well. I like this blog a lot SO it's a real keeper. And it's probably the last time you'll hear from me for a while. But more on that later.

Today is Persona 4 day! I'm so upset. I thought it was on Thursday...but it's really today. I ended up not going to school anyway(!), so it's not like it really mattered. Anyway, I can just act out the game on my own. "New transfer student goes to a school in the middle of nowhere and strange things start happening." I think I have some experience in that area.

Anyway, I drew a while back when I first picked up the game. It's in my usual "illegible weird" sty1e, so I apologize in advance if you can't read it.

Other than totally forgetting about Persona 4 day, life's been sort of okay lately. haha, I might as well just start all my blogs with a "Dear Diary, today was so bad. The girl in front of me was so mean!1!!! she totally ate the last cherry poptart in the vending machine but WHO does she blame it on? that's right, the janitor. ummm, since when does the janitor eat cherry poptarts? never, that's when. gosh. life is just sooo unfair." Or something to that extent. You know, since that's all teenagers care about. Themselves. [/stereotyping for the win]

Next week is spring break! I'm going back to visit some friends in slowmd for less than two days...and...then...taking...a roadtrip...with my family.

why is my life like this


I'm kidding. I am going to make a list of how many times we fight, how many times someone is reduced to tears, and how many times God is mentioned. Alternatively I could run away and join a cult. Or throw myself off a bridge. The possibilities are endless! ♪

but yeah, is it sad that I'm not looking foward to spring break?

Since I've sort of passed the limit (ie, my parents are starting to get fed up with me) for "being sad about having no friends and no life," I've decided to take my negative emotions towards living here and channel them towards a variety of goals which include:

1. Learning the guitar
2. Teaching myself Python
3. Running an anime club at school (what)
4. Being the perfect daughter/sister/family member (acting is where it's at, yo)
5. Writing a 500 page novel
6. Finding my Xbox cords or "obtaining" a pair from a friend
7. Develop a network of people at school. (note the usage of the word "network" as opposed to friends)
8. Learning how to sleep like Leonardo daVinci
9. Passing the AP exams
10. Teaching myself a foreign language

but those are just some ideas. One day I'll rule the world or build a freeze ray or something, but the key thing is to start small.

The weather's been nice lately. A little too nice, if you ask me. (I like it, actually. Sort of cool/warm. Hopefully the pollen will stay back for a while.)

uhh, social-wise, it's spirit week at school. again. the theme is "spring fever." The days are all uninspired, since this is the third spirit week (I am not joking) this year. imo, it's like they're trying to stretch all the lame costumes at a costume party over the course of the week. OH. SNAP.

(no, of course I'm not mad that they didn't have a pajama day. gosh. Who do you think I am?)

I continue to cultivate an anti-social image through the usage of headphones (because Headphones Equal Isolation!) and my odd sense of fashion. People still talk to me (and screw up my name) though. Hmm.

We're learning about psychological disorders in psychology! Well, that's what I would have learned if I were in school. But I wasn't. Sick day. Anyway, that's my area of expertise. 8) Because, uh, we already went over that at my old school.

so yeah. This blog was so weird. I'm sorry. I just have a lot of issues and stuff. I guess this is just my way of sorting out the weird stuff that's in my head sort of. Like a text dump but not really.



(VIDEO GAMES. VIDEO GAMES. what are those again?)