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twilightlullaby Blog

I'm not crying!! *sniff, sniff*

Okay, just about one minute ago I was watching Gamespot's Valentine's Day video of the most romantic moments in video games. *sigh* I didn't think that I would break...until it came to the part where Tidus gave Yuna a hug. Then I got all emotional. Wait! Why am I telling you this? I wasn't crying ; it was just my allergies. *sniff, sniff*


I'm baaaaaaccckkk

After taking a journey to discover my inner self, I have returned to bring you new and exciting details about my gaming experiences.

A conversion has occured. A few weeks (or was it months?) ago, I discovered the joys of playing Final Fantasy. Ever since, I has been a gamer obssed. Even more so than the Twilight Hand , which to this day still haunts me. There is nothing like summoning creatures from unknown parts to destroy monsters...nothing at all. But that sounds a little weird. And I got Final Fantasy IV!!! It totally blows away Final Fantasy III (the DS version). It's cream and liver. There is nothing in common. The only bad thing is, the Theme of Love is stuck in my head, creating negative side effects (sighing and staring out into space). So...with the good there is always the bad.

But, anyway I've played OoT for a few months and I got to the Shadow Temple... Can you believe it? Of course, being the person that I am, I haven't beaten it yet. True, it may have something to do with not having a GC anymore or it may be that I have discorved a new horror...Wallmasters and creepy music. Have you ever heard the Shadow Temple's music? It's disturbing.

That's about all I have to say and I'll finish with a quote (try and guess!):

"Rubicante, for this...for this you will pay!!!"


Just a few short thoughts

I feel lonely....

So far , no one has read my blog that I know of. I know I sound like a whiner or something , but is it really too much to ask to read one of my nonsensical ramblings? I mean, I'm not that long-winded. I guess I'm just a little lonely.

Sorry to bother you when you obiviously have better things to do...

(I sound like a stereotypical teenager , which I try not to be)


I got OoT and MM!


Okay that was really uncalled for. I don't need to express my joy in CAPITAL LETTERS like a certain wizard in a certain series of books (except for him it's anger) , but I'm just so happy I can't stop being excited. In one fell swoop I got Minish Cap, the Oracles of Ages and Seasons, plus Link's Awakening and of course in a week or two OCARINA OF TIME!!! AND MAJORA'S MASK!!!

I finally got the 50 bucks needed to buy the collector's edition. I'm just so happy , I wanted to tell the wold (or at very least you Gamespot people).

Well I'm going to tell you more stuff later....(I couldn't do my title in capital , but oh well)


A bit bored , other than that...nothing really new

This is kind of weird. I should be writing an email to my friend about a book, but instead I'm writing let another use-less blog. One that no one will read. I feel just bored. And I have a case of writer's block (for my email). It's just annoying, nothing more.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. What do YOU think of the Phantom Hourglass? Thumbs up or down? I give it an up , because it was a good handheld Zelda game (I admit I do like Zelda games more than most others) and I haven't even gotten every possbile unlockable (ship parts, gems, etc.). I was disappointed about how hard the OK dungeon was (OK=Ocean King) , but now that I'm going through it a second time, I find it fun and relaxing. The downsides for the game are it's lack of different songs (the dungeon theme is the same every single time. So not okay) and of course the simplicity of the dungeons. Overall, the best DS game I've played (Nintendogs doesn't count.) But, if they released Ocarina of Time for the DS, I would be one of the first in line. I haven't played it, but it looks like a fun game. Right now , I'm trying to save up for a Zelda collector edition set for the Gamecube. Unless someone would like to give it to me for free?

My email is complete. Umm, bye?



First of all , this blog is a mud-hurling free zone. Generally I like to keep both myself, my blog , my forum posts and my comments clean. Unless you are a certain person. You know who you are. (The person I'm talking about is a neighbor of mine who is well....a few fries short of a Happy Meal , if you catch my drift (he is a regular person, just sometimes his plans lack...intelligent life)) I guess this is sort of a rany or maybe just a time where I can type uninterrupted about anything I want to.

Does anyone know when the Quidditch season is? I need to polish my Potter Stinks badges. (Joking)


Tale of the Twilight Hand: Part Two


You have been warned.....

I have finally succeeded in my attempts to get the first piece of Sol. After cowering in fear for about a week , I decided that the Twili People were depending on ME to get their world back in order. Plus there was also this competition with my brother and my desire to learn more about the impostor, Zant. After placing the Sol in it's slot (which is located near the Mirror) I went to the identical corridor on the right (left or right I can't remember) and began working my way through the three rooms while thinking to myself , "Whew the second piece must not have a hand guarding it". I went into the last room and battled a Holo-Zant (here's a tip: transform into a wolf to reach him faster). I saw the Sol sitting in what seemed to be a statue. I hit it grabbed the Sol and began running. If you are reading this and have beaten the game, you are probably laughing on the floor. It's not funny I tell you. Then the statue flared to life and I realized , in horror, that there was not one but TWO hands. I gulped and then began the process to get the Sol out of the room. But as soon as I got out, the hand burst through the wall in a red portal and began working it's way toward me. I ran , but I failed miserably.

I need to work this out. Seriously.


-- In case you haven't noticed, I may give the impression of being insane. I assure you, all allegations of me being insane are false.

Finding Gamespot

I probabley should explain how I even found Gamespot in the first place. Well it began like this: I was trying to sell my old Gameboy Advance SP and was trying to see how much it would go for if I sold it to Gamestop. So I typed in the URL and I made a typo. I typed Gamespot instead of Gamestop. So I began looking around and I thought it was a cool place. Then I chanced to glance over at the URL and realized my ENORMOUS mistake. But, I decided to join after checking out the Phantom Hourglass guide for the umpteenth time , 'cause I can have a blog and post stuff in a gaming forum. It all works out eventually. I guess this is sort of a happy rant rather than other , but I don't care.

Oh yeah and I found how much I could sell my SP for. I'm thinking about it.


Evil Hands


I've warned read at your own risk. I may sound crazy but I need to get this out of my system.

Now that I've gotten that over with so no one will kill me....I will begin to describe....the Tale of The Twilight Hand.

It was an ordinary day , yeah? I was having a great time, enjoying the Palace of Twilight, then I came to this circular room (this should have been a tip-off that something bad was going to happen) where I began to fight a hologram of Zant (the antagonist of the game). It was easy. Oddly easy. Then Midna pops out of nowhere and tells me to grab the Sol (aka the Twili's sun). So I grab the Sol out of the giant hand that's carrying it. Then as I begin to run out of the room, the hand flares to life and slowly but surely starts to make it's way toward me. I frantically place the Sol in it's little hole the run up the holographic stairs and try the Clawshot the Sol. I am not good at Clawshooting things. In fact I always take ten minutes to grab onto one measly target. SO, after taking a while , I grab the Sol and get out of there. When I left that room I was convinced my troubles were gone , and began running toward the door. Then the hand bursts through the wall in a twilight hole and makes its way I start running as fast as I can toward the next Sol hole (hey that rhymes!). But the shadow of the evil hand is right above so I drop the stupid controller and scream. Obviously the wrong thing to do. The hand grabs the Sol and retreats to its room with it's plunder. I sit there , frozen with shock.

Well I'll continue my futile attempts now,


My first entry

Hmm, it's always hardest to start a blog. Once I start , I won't have as much trouble. And I've run out of inspiration.
