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twilightlullaby Blog

Here's the "love" update...but no "Mrs. Sephiroth."

I know that some of you may be looking forward to hearing about "Mrs. Sephiroth" but I've done some thinking and I don't think I should write about it. It's just too darn disturbing. If you insist on knowing, please PM me. I won't share unless pestered enough. *shudders*

Okay, so I lied about giving a love update. Sorry. I'm just still angry about being given a red roseby one of my ten stalkers. :? My friend brought it up tonight at this party and now I'm ticked off. Sigh. It's amazing how easy it is to make me mad some times. :x I think that's because I haven't slept at all lately over the last week. Finals are coming up in the next month or so...but I'm not too worried. (yeah right)

So onto the fun stuff! MY video games. *starts daydreaming* Right. I have a funny story to tell all of you. Tonight, I was thinking about starting to play X-2 again. So I shut down my PS2 and then pop in the disk. Immediatly, instead of loading, I get taken to the "Please insert a PS2 disk or DVD." Okay. So I take the disk out and clean it. Then I try to start it again. The thing went to the "PS2" logo screen and then went black. My PS2 is smarter then I thought it spat out X-2 AND another crappy game. When I put in FFVII, the thing worked like a charm...:lol: It's smarter than I give it credit for.


15 things about me! The "Special" Edition...

Okay, so I was tagged by KoolKat to write this. Enjoy more random and strange facts about your cute twilightlullaby.

1. My favorite thing in the world is peace and quiet. Yep. I prefer to be alone most of the time.

2. I don't like getting dressed in the morning. I would rather stay in my PJs all day long.

3. I use the word "cute" instead of cool to show that I like something.

4. The best thing about where I live is the beach. I love love love love love love love love waking up early and sitting on the boardwalk and watching the sun rise.

5. Cats are better than dogs, IMO.

6. Star Ocean is one of the (if not the best) greatest RPGs ever. I love how it combines Star-Trek elements with RPG style. Oh yeah!

7. I am a big fan of Axel from Kingdom Hearts and Reno from FFVII. Some might call that a fangirl, I call it having a favorite character.

8. Green tea is amazing. Probably one of my favorite drinks.

9. I am stupidly tall. Guys used to make fun of me for it. :(

10. I love flowers and gardening. In my back yard, I have a compost pile and veggies growing.

11. In my spare time I like to write stories. I think they're all crap though.

12. I do not have a hit-list. That was a joke.

13. One of the things I have a hard time tolerating is people who make fun of other people for being different. :x Get a life!

14. I met the guy thatI like(and we're both too shy to admit it!) over the summer at the pool.

15. Sometimes, for no real reason, guys will randomly give me hugs. It's very disturbing.

:) So how did I do? Comments, questions, I will be availible afterwards.


Quick Note: My updates blog was the one before this. Check that to see what's coming up next (after this).

I'm back (heh, not really...)

Before I start, I just want to send out a special thanks to all of you people who commented on my last blog. :) Really made my day. Just one thing to note before I get into some major stuff. I am not really back, as I type this, I'm on a borrowed computer on borrowed time. :P So yeah...and I'm not in Conneticut which got a major WTH? reaction from me. More on that in a later blog. Sigh. Stupid people saying stuff is in one state when it's really in another. :x And I'm probably sick with a flu my younger siblings passed onto me. Heh. So just stay far away...

So onto stuff! I'm am NOT going to talk about the funeral or what happened, so screw talking about that. EVER. Instead, I will talk about something which scares me even more than being crushed by Demon Wall: getting randomly asked out by guys who think I like them. Right now, I have a problem. A big problem. It comes in the form of my friend's friend. I will refer to him as..."Mike." So last night, I went to go and support a friend in some speech thing. They (the speakers) all did a great job and afterwards they got some red roses. Somehow, we all got on the topic of giving a girl flowers. -cue dialogue-

Me- If you really want to make a girl happy you should give her flowers. Hey, Mike, why don't you give -insert girl's name- flowers?

Mike- Well uh, I...

Me-C'mon , she would love it!

Mike- ...

(insert random dialogue here)

Mike- Here (hands twilightlullaby a red rose).

Me- (stammering) thanks.

$%^&! He got all embarassed and sort of ran away. Let me tell you, I was mad beyond words. If I hadn't been in a social me, I could have beaten him up. Now I'm scarred. That may not have seemed scarring but trust me. I will never be able to have a flower given to me again...and I say Aerith is my role model. Sigh. >:(

COMING NEXT TIME (possibly even today!): Fangirls/boys...this next blog will be written with you in mind. It will contain humor, Reno, and...Mrs. Sephiroth. :o Just to warn you.


Guys (and girls!), this is serious. Please don't make fun of me.

Hey people, fellow FFE members, and crazy stalkers (wait I don't have any of those!!! sorry.). The following IS NOT A JOKE. Please, if you are displeased in any way with me, do not hesitate to send an angry PM my way.

So this is important. Maybe more important than a lot of stuff... I dunno if anyone knows this or not, but I mentioned a while back that a great-uncle of mine died. The thing is , I knew him really well. And his funeral is coming up. Guess who's going? Yep. Yours truly. So I'm really depressed about that. I may seem happy on the boards but that's just a cover. Really. I'm not joking. And this whole post is more of a "I'm too depressed/tired to care" thing than, "let's throw Twilight a pity party." I'm through with feeling sorry for myself. Sigh. Because of the funeral, I will be gone for maybe a week at the most. More than last time. A lot more. The funeral is in Conneticut and I have to drive up there with some other family members. No internet up there for me.

So that was it. I'm really upset as I write this. If I got mad at you today or didn't make sense, this whole thing is the real reason why. It's not really PlaWeird's fault (as much as I believe it is).

---twilightlullaby, too depressed to write about love

DISCLAIMER: I am too tired to care anymore about those **** disclaimers. Bring on your angry comments!

First Impressions on FF X-2

This is (well for the most part) all for the people who cared that I was playing FFX-2. You know who you are. Oh and while I'm at it: THIS BLOG MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE PS2 GAME FINAL FANTASY X-2!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


Heh, I did an okay job with that, huh? Alright! Let the impressions begin!

So I started playing X-2 tonight. Let's get one thing straight: I didn't play for too long. About five minutes really. But everyone did want updates so here they are. First , to start things off, I hooked my PS2 to the television. That was pretty important. Then I took the game out of its case (the cover artwork is very...let's say "nice.") and put the thing in. I pushed the power button and I was off. There was no turning back! Events had been set into motion for Holy's sake! Anyway *shifty eyes*, I skipped past the "before menu" montage and went to select "New Game." Then..."it" happened. First I saw the nice old blitzball stadium in a beautiful FMV. Ahhh, I remember being tortured there...long ago. So when the camera actually went inside...GOOD GRAVY! It's a rock concert. Okay, I like those. Then there's , wait, is that Yuna singing?!?! *cough,cough*britneyspears*cough,cough* And who are those weird guys dancing behind her? That's not important I guess. Oh and there's Rikku in this scene too! Ummm, since when did Rikku wear a bikini everywhere? And who IS that ugly girl who looks like a man? Must be that third character. So overall, the opening FMV wasn't bad, just scary. Then there was a first battle and something else...crap, I forgot. Oh well! That's just the first part. More will come over the next couple of months. Hopefully I can then form an opinion by then.

But onto more funner things! Like Star Ocean. I love Star Ocean. It's a lot like Star Trek (which was my favorite TV show as a little kid) and it has such an interesting musical score. I mean that in a good way. I can't say enough good things about that game! :)

And I believe a few people asked about my "love is in the air" thing from my last blog. Heh, heh, heh, THAT will have to wait. I can't have that AND X-2 in the same post. No! Just no! Don't even go there! :x


DISCLAIMER: Those thoughts on X-2 was seriously what I was thinking while playing the game. Yeah. So don't hurt me!

Yep, I'm back! I wasn't gone THAT long...

So, I've returned. I was only gone for the weekend. Funny how it seems like forever...oh well. The good thing is that I'm back, my grandma is better, and my group project is done. Not to mention...:oops: love is in the air...

AHEM. So onto more important stuff. This weekend there was a sale at Gamestop (the local game store). Those are RARE around here so I went up and got some new games. Let's see the sale was a "Buy Two get One Free." I know, I'm a sucker for those sort of things. Anyways, I got: Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (my second copy! I love it so much! I forgot how much I missed it...), Final Fantasy X-2 (gotta form my own opinion about the game and not let others dictate it for me), Romancing SaGa, and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (note that there is no "RE". I'm a cheapskate so I bought the GBA version). My favorite things are bought at: discount stores, sales, and thrift shops. Why pay 100 bucks for jeans with holes in them, when you can pay 5?

Meh. This blog was NOT up to my usual par tonight but I have some tests to take tomorrow morning. *gulps* More to come in future posts.


Friday...the 13th. I'm so terrified.

Isn't today supposed to be bad luck or something? 'Cause that might be the reason for all of this (last month had a Friday the 13th too, but it was a great day...something tells me to be suspicious) weird stuff that happened today.

Let's start with the mildly bad and work up to the grand finale (which is currently undecided). Today, I found out that one of the guys that I know thinks that I like him. Ha! He wishes...currently there is one guy I like and his name is...Reno (name changed to protect the fellow). Reno is the only guy who (in my life): is not a jerk, took out the trash at this meeting for me, and didn't get mad when I dropped the frisbee at this strange church social. But other than that, he doesn't know I'm alive. So about the guy who likes me, most guys get the wrong impression that just because I can comfortably talk to guys and not run away, I like them. That is far from it.It's so far, it's not even real! :x I just can talk to guys because I have a brother and a best friend who's a guy, duh. But do they know that? No! Sigh. Now I have two different fanclubs: the adolescent girl fanclub and the creepy stalker dude fanclub. Really. It's not even funny anymore...

Now onto the next bad thing! Today was a sucky day because I had to get a ride to work. I was going to get one from my family member (one of them, either mum or one of the aunts) and they never showed up, thanks to having taken my grandmother to the hospital. Which brings me to some pretty bad news. Guys (and girls), I may have to take a long sabbitical from Gamespot and its horde of minions which I have come to love. My grandmother is in the hospital as I type this and I'm worried. She fell out of her wheelchair and got banged up...Wednesday, I think. But they need to check out her brain to make sure it's not damaged and she doesn't have internal bleeding. The people who took care of her thought it wasn't that important and no big deel. -_- Sure. Whatever you say. So now I'm worried. Back to not getting a ride. So I waited and finally caught a ride with a neighbor (all of our cars were gone). I was an hour late, thank God the people I work with are really nice about that sort of thing. Then (only later) did I remember, I needed a ride back. Yep. Another person drove me back. I was just a hitchhiker today. And then when I got home did I remember the stupid group project meeting I had to go to today. So I am so screwed.

This was a highly personal blog and if you skimmed over the last section, eh, I don't care. Just remember, I may leave and/or not blog, post, cause trouble for a while.


Oh snap, my math class, and a "Weekly Update." Aren't we excited?!!?!?

Sigh. Before I actually began to write this, I knew what I was going to write about. And now , I've forgotten. So your comma-happy, cute, random friend will have to take a quick sabbatical and think...and think...and...think.

Alright! So now I can actually start on what I was planning to write. Let's start with the bad stuff first! Yeah! Okay so (was it yesturday?) I was in my math class, zoning out as usual. Then the teacher walks in and hands out the usual quiz. Yup, no suprise there. I just wrote down random stuff and then spaced out again. And guess who comes in and sits down next to me (late as usual the idiot, I mean wonderful person)? That's right, cookies to those who guessed...(wait for it) , Zack! Yes, the same person I referred to several posts ago. That Zack. Thinks he "so" much smarter than I am. One of these days. I had to endure with Zack's smart comments about how "easy" everything was the entire class. -_- Note to self: resist the urge to sic random small children on him. ANYWAYS, on another life topic, my stupid dog ran away again. Oh yes. She loves to do that to me. So I run outside, lose her trail, run back home, grab my bike and head to the beach (which is 2 minutes away). I then run to the boardwalk, throw down the bike, and scale down the cliff that the boardwalk is on. I search in vain for 30 minutes. When I finally walk home, I see this stupid little girl who likes to stalk me (she also thinks I'm a drug dealer because I have a lot of gaming systems. I try, in vain, to tell her that this is all the result of "hard work") and what does she say? She says, "Hi -insertmyrealnamehere-! I found your dog! -Random Neighbor- is taking her home." -_- Stupid kid. I swear, every Saturday morning , she comes over and asks me for help with Zelda on the DS. This is at ten in the morning, while I am still in my PJs. Curse all sixth grade kids!

Onto my gaming life! Today, I raced a chocobo in VII and X. X was funner and I resisted the urge to rip out my hair.


My awesome day! :)

So today was the first day of actually working at a historical site for I can't believe that it went so well! Beforehand, I was stressing (a lot of the time I get minor OCD over stuff) because I was missing a piece of my wardrobe. Turns out that I left it in the truck! -_- Heh. I was happy about that. Anyway, we mostly just cleaned up the place and got everything ready plus we got a couple visitors. I didn't flub everything too badly...just played along for the most part. Now I just have to work on mybackstory some more...

Phew, after all that stuff, I'm tired. But not to tired to update anyone on my gaming life. Much later today, I was playing LoTR: The 3rd Age. Now, let's get one thing straight: usually I will not play any video game involving: sports, superheroes , or movie franchises because any of that stuff I can watch for real. Except superheroes. I'm only playing that game because my friend FORCED me to play it . Well, after he did that, I shoved my Distant Worlds CD into his hands INSISTING that he listen to it. Which he did and now loves! I am so evil. He's trying to convince his parents to buy him tickets "for his birthday." :P We'll see how well that turns out. Anyway, back to the 3rd Age. It is SO easy. Seriously, it makes "Nintendogs" look like rocket science. Okay, maybe that was a little harsh. But I like the books better! Always have since I was in the second grade...later when the movies came out, it made me mad that everyone thought Legolas was sooo hot. Yeah, as if. He looks like a girl. Even more so than*cough,cough*vaan*cough,cough*. Gee, I trailed off once again. But that's okay! My blog is devoted to being off-topic.

Just one more thing...does anyone out there write their own RPGS on RPG Maker software? 'Cuz I do sometimes...this is mostly out of curiosity.


Wow, this is "something else" (with a dash of Star Ocean! :D )

I never would have thought that this whole "15 things" blog would have caught on. :O Who would have known? To all of you who wrote (or are in the works of) one of those blogs, I'm going to say thank you.

Yeah, well on to better things and more stuff. Today I was thinking, "Why haven't I played Final Fantasy in a while? I quote and mock the characters (at least some of them) daily." It's because of all this stupid stuff called....(wait for it)working together in groups. Oh yes. Your dear, cute, Twilightferrari has been freakin' drafted into working with a group. -_- I suppose part of this "is" my fault. After all I should have KNOWN that asking a certain person would trigger getting one of my mortal enemies in the group. Then it also trigged having another person join the group because, "she didn't want to work with the 'Queen Bee.' " -_- Yes, this is mostly babble but it annoys me. I don't do group projects because the so-called "group" ends up doing everything at the last minute. And guess who ends up getting all the grunt work? The ugly. gamer girls me and my friend. Sigh. Sometimes, I just want to tear out all my hair.

Man, I can't stop all of this "blah, blah, blah, my life sucks" stuff. It does feel better to just type it all out though. And I KNOW how much all of you love reading about this...

So just one more thing. I'm trying to decide what to do. A while back, I lost my copy of Star Ocean: Til the End of Time and now I can't find. Don't think I ever will. you think I should re-buy the game or get one of the new ones for the PSP?
