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twilightlullaby Blog

Suddenly I see...

I've never been into mainstream pop. But, once I get a song stuck in my head, it's impossible to get it out unless I buy the song and listen to it fifty million times. There's this song (a mainstream pop hit...) that I feel really describes my life right now called, "Suddenly I See." Part of the song goes like this, "Suddenly I see, this is what I wanna be. Why the hell does it mean so much to me?" I'll explain in the next paragraph.

Back in...January, I began working at a historical site as a "trainee." And as I've been getting into it and learning more, I'm starting to have second thoughts about being a doctor. Yeah , sure, being a doctor pays more but if there's one thing I've learned , it's that money is not the most important thing in life. I mean, this is something that...I've really loved. I love teaching others about what I know and seeing that spark of "getting it" in a little kid's eyes when they start to know? Go ahead, laugh at me. My family already does; they think the whole thing is a joke. And once I try to start talking about my job to my friends, they ignore me. It's like what I do doesn't matter to the people I care about the most. -_- Such is the nature of life...I guess. *sighs* I just, never mind.

So onto other stuff. I won't be around this weekend because I'm going to the beach for spring break. Time to get me a tan...:P I'll miss all of you and maybe...I'll post pictures. Nah, that's a dumb idea. :lol:


I can't believe that... all fell for that joke last post! :x Couldn't you see that I was messing with you...? Oh well, it was pretty lame anyway. :P My jokes always suck for the most part. Be warned though, in the future, I may just...oh ask someone who knows about all this...I'm too lazy to explain. (like usual) I'm rather surprised the thing was so popular though!

Anyway, I've been thinking about something. For the most part, I know all of you here. But sometimes I get some random people tracking me. Don't get me wrong, I find that very flattering. But I think that I'm going to have to weed through my friend's list and delete the people who I don't know or don't really talk to me much. You know who you are. I just don't have the time to keep up with every single person. I do have a life, contrary to popular belief. :x It's just been...oddly calm these last few weeks. The silence before the storm, I suppose. Although I am sick right now...I got a fever and those *%^& chills that come with it. So as I write this, I'm barely awake. :lol: For those of you who know me well, this shouldn't come as a surprise. I never sleep anymore.

Well, on a topic more fun than that, I've been playing a certain game lately. All I can say is that, I like it. It's fun. It has made me laugh. And it's an RPG. Have fun guessing!

(oh and last post, NONE of you wished me luck on my tests! :x...not like it matters anyway...that stupid goblin was funnier).


One last question: Did you guys REALLY think Mister Goblin was real? honest

I'm getting married (seriously)!!! ! ! !

I thought about titling this post, "I'm going back to FFE!" and then pull an April Fool's joke on all of you. But I spent some time actually thinking about it and...I thought that would be too mean. It would raise all of your hopes and then dash them to the ground.

So this is instead going to be devoted to the new man in my life: Say hello to Mister Goblin, my fiancee.


We're getting married in a couple of weeks.. All of you are invited to the wedding, that is if you're going to be negative about the whole thing. No optimists allowed! We want to live a negative and angry life together...


Leaving FFE...probably soon.

So all of you people out there, beloved fans, wise mentors, and awesome people! I wanted to say this, mostly to my friends at FFE but all of you other people out there too.

I am leaving FFE. Probably for good. I have several reasons for leaving, one of which is my busy schedule. I'm an newly recruited officer and I feel like that's my highest priority right now. I want to be able to give my most to a union even if I'm only a recruit. And secondly, I've been treated badly because of my being a girl by some users. I can take a little bit of that here and there but after a while, it gets to be a bit much. And if I don't feel comfortable in a union, that means I'm going to leave and go somewhere else. Before I go any further, I want to extend an apology to Fantasy_Gamer (the leader) and the officers of the union. It's not anything you guys did, I just feel like I had my time there and I gotta go now. :( I wish the cirumstances were different but hey! That's life for ya.

Now onto other topics...*sighs*. I've been thinking about something for a while and I think now is the time to say it! I might being getting the new Pokemon game soon. As soon as I can get the money, I'll go out and get it. :P And I uploaded my new signature! It features Albel Nox, the uh...guy? from SO3. :lol: It also has a very nice cookie theme. Lately, I've been obsessed with cookies. Don't ask why. And wish me luck! Tommorrow is some testing for various stuff (non-medical). It's also April Fools Day....*evil grin*. Expect the unexpected!


Tree Envy: The Scourge of Spring

It's springtime as I write this. Birds are chirping, grass is growing, and people with allergies are downright miserable. But when spring rolls around, so does a thing like Tree Envy.

Tree Envy. The scourge of plantlovers. The downfall of master gardeners. And the obsession that can destroy a soul. Fortunatley, experts (defined as people who are not me) have determined a cure and the first signs. They are listed below (I would get pics from various sites but I'm lazy tonight):

1. Staring more than usual at neighboring trees.

2. Hatching schemes to steal trees.

3. Developing jealousy that your neighbors have a better tree than you do.

4. While walking past a tree, you feel the urge to run over and take it away.

5. You feel like your own trees are inadquate and begin to ignore them.

The "experts" have not given me the cure yet, but that's okay, I don't need it. Be warned: it is contagious. Once spread, it is not easily gotten rid of. Have a happy and safe spring everyone!


Atomic Punk, that's too cool a title for me. :P

I'm still trying to decide wheter today sucked or not. On one hand, I have working at my job and scheming an evil scheme. On the other hand, I had some "issues." If you know me, then that's nothing new. Nothing at all...

Today was the most beautiful day. I loved it. I enjoyed. I hated it because of my allergies that "magically" appear when spring rolls around. CURSE YOU SPRING! Not to mention that all this love is in the air. :x I don't know how I feel about all this right now. Most of my friends have relationships or just don't care. Me? Well that's none of your buisness!

Yeah so about tonight. Tonight was awesome! A bunch of us got together and played Ultimate Frisbee. First two guys got picked team captain. Yeah, SO typical. :lol: And then I got picked third to last, which made me mad. I'm not unathletic! Geez, just 'cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't kick your butt at frisbee. But all the guys learned a lesson: girls are a force to be reckoned with. We can catch and we can run. Fast. And my team destroyed the other team...gee I wonder why? *innocent look* Later we decided to go somewhere and chill out...which is where something happened. Just thinking about it makes me smile. But I can't tell you. It's a S-E-C-R-E-T. Yeah, I know I'm acting like a six year old but this is just special. :oops: As always, PM me or...I added my Yahoo! adress to the about me section. Drop me an email. I love writing and will talk you out of house and home.

And one more thing. I hope that Albel Nox gets destroyed. I still can't upload my Star Ocean sig. Or my Catz Clan one either , for that matter. I would say something bad about Gamespot but I will refrain. Cease and desist. For now.


My freakin' technical issues and other stuff like my new header...

So about two hours earlier, I logged into Gamespot. The first thing I did was visit my profile page and just check on everything. I noticed something really weird about the whole thing. My blog wasn't displayed. I just shrugged it off and headed to one of my unions. I clicked on the Boards icon and nothing happened. That was when I started to freak out and think someone hacked my account. I decided to head to the main forums page and check there. Then I saw the big "boards and blogs have been taken down for maitenence" notice. -_- Ha, ha, ha. I was so amused. And on another issue, now my laptop is being screwy whenever I try to go around on Gamespot. -_- So if I don't post for a while tonight, it's because of my stupid computer being "rebellious" again.

Enough of my whining, you don't want to hear that. :P So let's talk about my gaming stuff. Tonight (before this) I was playing some Star Ocean. The more I play that game, the more I love it. Everything is just so interesting. I'm currently at the end of this forest and onto fighting a certain boss. Let's just say, it's VERY annoying. If you're not properly equipped for a Star Ocean boss then you can just kiss winning the battle goodbye. I have found this out the hard way. And Roger (some random kid) is a very annoying character. He acts too much like my sister. Except my sister isn't a playboy. :P I like Albel Nox for some weird reason ; he makes me laugh. :? And he's supposed to be this big tough bad guy. Well, that doesn't surprise me. This is coming from someone who died of laughter when she first saw "evil magic" highlighted in red letters. I get a big kick out of a lot of bad guys. Like Kefka. And Ultros, even though he's just a freaky squid. I really should have been playing Final Fantasy tonight, my party needs some serious leveling up before heading to the next boss. Oh well, Star Ocean is more fun.

One more thing, tomorrow is going to be a crazy busy day for me. I have church in the morning and then I work in the afternoon. So I won't be doing a lot tomorrow. Any questions, concerns, problems, please PM but remember, I won't be available 'til about 8:30 at the earliest. So yeah. Just wanted to tell everyone that.

I ALMOST FORGOT! Whaddya people think of my new profile header? Yes or no?


More things about me! The revised 3rd edition!

Before I begin my desprate attempt to think of 15 more things about me, I will say one thing: this is sort of fun for me. Heh. I spent my whole day thinking of stuff. After I get these 15 things down, you will know now a whopping total of 45 things about me. Thanks to queen_valentine for starting me on this :P and also thanks to KoolKat and NeoGen85 for tagging me! Please, enjoy the following.

1. I don't sleep anymore. I stay up all night and into the morning and then wake up at 6:00. Thank God for articifical stimulents.

2. I hate skirts. Today I dumped half a bucket of water on my skirt when I tripped. -_- Fun.

3. I've been called "heartless" and "overly-sensitive" by a couple of people. Hey, it's always been my dream to be an Organization member...

4. Cookies are tasty. Execept if they have dried fruit.

5. I have several fanclubs. They are known as "The elementary school little grrls club of worshiping -insertmyrealnamehere-" and "The Stalkers club (we're really fanboys)"

6. One of my favorite things to do is go for a run every morning. Lately though, I've been too tired.

7. ...let's see. I have a best friend who everyone thinks is my boyfriend. He's too much of an $%^ for me to like him though.

8. Oh this is getting so hard! :x I do like cooking my own meals and haven't killed anyone yet. :P

9. Yesturday, I skipped class because I was sick. My teachers didn't believe me though...

10. Tonight, I was supposed to go party but all my friends bailed out on me so I'm stuck here, online.

11. The funniest thing someone said to me today was, "I like me some fried chicken" because of the chickens at the place I work.

12. A fourth grader has tried to hit on me. :o!

13. My worst enemies are "Mike" and..."she-who-must-not-be-named." Nobody here knows them.

14. Sometimes, I would rather play older games than newer games 'cause they're more funny (not to mention funny).

15. On this blog, I try to personally reply to every comment. If I don't , that means my mind was erased by an evil alien.

So there was even MORE stuff about me! It sucked...I know. Now it's my turn to tag some people! I'm tagging Slyfur,Courtney817, Wolf_Fox32, tprezzy12, and...Sambone757! You people make up 25% of my friends...:lol: So make a blog so I can know more about all of you! :D (no exceptions...)


You have...22 days remaining.

Heh. Just a second ago, my laptop just had a "Would you like to update your Virus Protection?" come across the screen. It seems that I now have 22 days left until it expires. When it expires, I might too. :lol: You can never be too sure about those things...

So today I've decided to spend a blog on one of my favoritest things in the entire universe (beside chocolate, cats, and of course, crazy hair): Zelda. My username is steeped in Zelda-ish stuff (but not my avatar). I have all of the games (pretty much). And I spend a lot of my time converting my friend into a Zelda fan too. All it took was my Gameboy SP and a couple games...and BAM! She was hooked. Now all the time, I'll be typing up an email and the IM will go off. "How do you defeat the boss in Minish Cap? What's a Goron? Why does Ganondorf matter?" So yeah, you could say it's a little obsession of mine.

My first Zelda game was one of the GBC ones. Last year, I finally got my hands on the Ocarina of Time. Can you spell "loved it"? All of the time, my brother and I would talk about everything, down to what the littlest NPC would say. My favorite line was, "What the heck? How did you get in here?" I died of laughter and had to be revived with a Phoenix Down that day. But I was hooked. I think what I like most about the games is just that anyone can enjoy them. Even an onlooker. I can't say enough about how much I love would take too long to write. Expect more later.


Yuki no Hana (extra points to the one who can translate that)

Does anyone here speak/read Japanese? I know a very little bit. When I was a little girl, we would listen to Japanese folk songs in the car. I remember listening to songs about Buddha and other various things. Never really could pick up all the big phrases and reading though but I'm working on it now. So yeah. This all was mostly because my mom is Japanese and she wanted all of us (meaning my siblings and I) to know about our heritage. This didn't stick with my siblings though. I'm the only one who really has gotten into all of it. Heh. So I'm going to get into why I named this post the name I did. Okay. *takes a veerry deep breath* Here it goes.

For all of you who've been reading since that post when I very loudly and angrily declared that I was a girl and not a guy, you may remember me bringing up a singer named katethegreat19 who does youtube videos. Yeah, I know it sounds sort of weird and prone to be crappy. Now, this is just my opinion, but she (the singer I mentioned) is really good. She writes lyrics to Final Fantasy songs, especially IX, and is making a CD. She does this ALL BY HERSELF. I dunno about anyone else but that is pretty darn incredible. I can't imagine the time and the effort she must put into all that. So anyways, a while ago, she released this recording of "Yuki no Hana" a very ethereal song about, well if I told you that wouldn't be fair. Now, she did an AMV to go along with that song using clips from Valykrie Profile. Here's the link: If any of you hate it, feel free to yell at me or anything. Yeah all of that explanation was really bad so just go and watch the video already! :x
