If there's one thing I don't understand, it's monster hatred. Hatred of cute, little, fluffy monsters. I, twilightlullaby, have decided that THEY need someone to promote them and love them, hence this post. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be promoting their cause by displaying enemies from various major RPG franchises. And yes, enemy can also mean "major antagonist." :)
Dark Flan- FFX
Aww. Just take a look at this cute little monster. All it needs is some loving care and maybe it will finally stop being so darn hard to beat. Aren't those red eyes just the sweetest?
Adoption details available NOW! :D This little darling desperately needs a home. :(
On a more serious note, now that I'm done monster promoting...*sigh*. My little kitty got very sick the other day with an upper respiratory infection. :cry: She kept sneezing and sneezing all the time, late into the night. And then I took her into the vet who gave her some medicine to make her feel better andit's worked pretty well, I guess.I'm still worried though because at the same time (what a coincidence...-_-) my stupid mutt got Lyme disease and became anemic. She could have died in three days...I can't say that I really ever liked the dog but still, you know? She's (sort of) better now...I guess. :| It's just no fun having both of your animals almost die on you. Not fun at all. In the least bit. Whatsoever. :| :( :cry:
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