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twilightlullaby Blog

Cute little monsters..^_^

If there's one thing I don't understand, it's monster hatred. Hatred of cute, little, fluffy monsters. I, twilightlullaby, have decided that THEY need someone to promote them and love them, hence this post. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be promoting their cause by displaying enemies from various major RPG franchises. And yes, enemy can also mean "major antagonist." :)

Dark Flan- FFX

Aww. Just take a look at this cute little monster. All it needs is some loving care and maybe it will finally stop being so darn hard to beat. Aren't those red eyes just the sweetest?


Adoption details available NOW! :D This little darling desperately needs a home. :(

On a more serious note, now that I'm done monster promoting...*sigh*. My little kitty got very sick the other day with an upper respiratory infection. :cry: She kept sneezing and sneezing all the time, late into the night. And then I took her into the vet who gave her some medicine to make her feel better andit's worked pretty well, I guess.I'm still worried though because at the same time (what a coincidence...-_-) my stupid mutt got Lyme disease and became anemic. She could have died in three days...I can't say that I really ever liked the dog but still, you know? She's (sort of) better now...I guess. :| It's just no fun having both of your animals almost die on you. Not fun at all. In the least bit. Whatsoever. :| :( :cry:


The truth about twilightlullaby and Shining Force...part 1?! most of you know what my least favorite game in the world is. That's right, Shining Force or to be VERY specific: Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon. In my most humble opinion, I feel like this game is atrocious and abominable and not worth anything you pay for it. Unless you get it for free somehow. But all of you are probably thinking, "Meh, twilight just hates the game 'cos she likes to hate stuff. She can't justify her opinion." Just watch me! :x

NUMBER ONE: "Generic Hero Number 577"

So, one of the things that ticked me off the most was the plot. Something I look for in a game is a good plot. A plot that will keep me engaged. Focused. Excited. Scared. Angry. Happy. Sad. You know? I feel like if a game doesn't have a solid plot, then it's probably not worth playing. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part, I like a good plot. :P When I first saw the game, it was on the computer as part of a SEGA pack. Of course, being an avid RPG fan, I had to try it out. I start the first few minutes of the game and immediately zone out. There's some sort of crap about a mentor and his pupil and EVIL something or another but honestly? I didn't really hear a word. Been there, done that. I wanted to like the main nameless character, I really did. But from his stupid little picture to his cheesy lines, I lost it in the first 30 minutes...

NUMBER TWO: "Let's play the same song over and Over and OVER and OVER."

-_- I think this is the main reason I hate the game. This. Is. The. Reason. During the course of the whole game, you hear maybe 5 motifs over and over and over. That's cool with me. What's not cool is that it's not great music. In the least. At all. My sink can make better music than this game and that's really saying something. Honestly, there is no excuse for this game's sorry soundtrack. I don't care when it came out! Even Zelda had catchy tunes and that was back in '89 long before this game. So I don't wanna hear it.

Yeah...those are two of the reasons I don't like this game. I'm not going to give any more since it could conceivably go on forever. :| I'm totally serious about that. This whole blog was about one big:

(wait for it)



More (lame) poetry/lyrics/haiku! :O!

Soooo...most of you know who Genesis Rhapsodos is or at least I hope you do. 'Cos if you don't , I'll give you a quick overview: red-haired dude from FFVII: Crisis Core who quotes "LOVELESS" a STUPID POEM. I can't get it out of my head. Anyway, this blog post is going to be about poetry and writing in general. If you don't like it, get out of here and fast. XD

I dunno if any of you have played FF3, but I did a while ago and well, the next part has a lot of reference to it. Maybe even spoilers. But most likely not. So anyway, everyone knows the opening FMV, correct? Well, when I first saw it, I was drawn in by the girl standing over the ship. As I progressed in the game, my party eventually met said girl. Her name is Aria (Elia?) , the Maiden of Water. I know, sort of cheesy. But anyway, after beating the game and everything, I thought that Aria's theme song deserved to have some lyrics and not the cheesy official ones. MY own lyrics which I feel fit her personality a little better. Okay, so I'm bragging a bit. Here goes nothing:

(imagine these sung to the song "Aria, Maiden of Water")

(I) Search for a hero

Someone different

Someone special

(I) Search for a hero

Theperson I've been searching for all my life

Far beyond the distant horizon,

Each sunrise brings my hopes anew, more hope anew

(I) search for a hero

I will love him

I will find him

Distant horizions, what will the future hold in store for me?

:oops: So there you have it. Please, don't laugh, 'cos I've never shared these with anyone before. But do tell the truth. I know, it's really bad. :(


(part of the lyrics , you know the sunrise part, is a bit awkward. I need to fix it, but whatever).

Leaving?! No...

*sigh* Another weekend, down the drain. This weekend I'm devoting to STUDYING.Because I willFAIL if I don't. So I won't be around until at least Sunday afternoon. And no, I am not going to wimp out of this because (contrary to what people might believe) I do care about all that stuff. Sorta. :) Kinda. :| Not really. :( And don't even expect to see me tomorrow, 'cos the whole day is booked with stuff. Crappy stuff that I would rather skip but stuff that I promised to do. And I don't go back on my word...unless my fingers are crossed. :lol:

Anyway, on a happy note, now I'm in a better mood today than I've been for a long time. I feel...strange. Almost cheerful for some reason. Hmm...maybe all this cheerfulness stuff is rubbing off on me. :x Great. Now I'm going to lose my touch.

And on yet ANOTHER note, I have a poem (I wrote it a looooooonnnnggg time ago) well really a haiku, dedicated to something that is near and dear to my heart: Study Hall. :P

Wishing for the day

When this study hall will end.

Please be over soon!



Less than four days remaning...

So a while back (how long ago has it been?), I was talking about weeding down my friends list. And I did that today...I cut a whole lot of people out and only kept: my friends from FFE (the first union I actually was welcomed into), mprezzy and his family (who are all really great people), a few random users who I think are cool (random is meant in the best way!), and some of the people from the Catz Clan. I really was getting sick of all the "random comments" I'd get from all these people tracking me...I mean it's really flattering and all to get tracked but...I dunno. Those people don't even really know who I am. :? And that bothers me for some reason. Anyone who's got something bad to say about this can talk to her:

Yubaba Pictures, Images and Photos

Today all of you were going to get a nice "Spirited Away" review but my copy of the movie was taken. :O! It just vanished this morning...and it was a movie rental too. And here's a funny fact for all of you: Tara Strong (thelady who voiced Rikku) voiced a giant baby in the movie! :lol: I didn't even recognize that as Rikku's voice until I looked at the credits.

On a grimmer (that's not a word...I don't think) note, sometime in the near future (maybe even tomorrow) , I may have to leave Gamespot for a while so that I can study for finals. :( If I disappear for a couple of days, then I'm either: dead or I'm studying. Or a mixture of the both. Ditto for my activity. I'm just getting swamped with all this "end of term" stuff right now.

---twilightlullaby *favorite* holiday.

Today was Easter Sunday. *shifty eyes* And my neighborhood decided to have a community egg-hunt and I was drafted into service. Oh yes, I got to hide eggs for small children to find. Don't you dare laugh! :x The bad thing about all of this was it turned our "beautiful common area."

field Pictures, Images and Photos

Into this:

desert Pictures, Images and Photos

It was pretty upsetting to see how much damage a group of small children can do in a short amount of time. So if deserts start popping up in your neighborhood, this might be the cause. Or it could be the Tree Enviers...

But anyway, needless to say, I did not get in the Easter spirit, if there indeed is such a thing. So today was a:


I just couldn't stop the kids from destroying the area...:cry:


(I) Reach out to the Truth! XD

WARNING! This blog contains spoilers for Final Fantasy VII. So be warned, okay?

You all know I got a hair cut right? Well, there's a nice long story behind all that. Tonight's blog will be on a novel scale, long, epic, and somewhat boring. So sit back and make sure you have at least ten minutes: this is gonna take a while.

My hair cut was supposed to be Kairi's from KH1. Instead, I now look like Yuffie. But that's not the worst part. I very (VERY) foolishly decided that, if I was going to get a haircut, I should dye my hair to so that I could confuse everyone. XD So I also got a box of BRIGHT RED HAIR DYE. See where this is going? I got a hair cut, got upset about said haircut, then dyed my hair because I was mad. So now I have fiery locks. :P (I would post a picture but I'm extremely self-concious and I don't have a camera of my own OR one I could steal/borrow)

Now onto the next part of my life: I got a call today. A call from my mother. :O Now I don't know about any of you guys (and girls!) but I don't like those phone calls. They always end up badly. Always. ALWAYS.

(call recived, please wait for transmission)

Me: Hey, Mom, how are you?

Mom: I'm good, sweetie, how are you?

Me: Fine.

Mom: Have you been getting enough sleep.

Me: Yes. (that's a lie!)

-insert random small talk-

Me: Uh, mom...I've been thinking about

Mom: ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!? Unless you get a PhD , you'll be working at a McDonalds. You can't throw away your life like that!!! !!!


-more random small talk-


(I did try...again.)


Okay, onto the final subject and the reason I named my blog what it is... Last night, I was online and browsing the forums on an off-topic thread. I saw someone post a link to "the greatest battle song ever." Being the skeptic that I am, I had to go and check it out. I got to a link of "Reach out to the Truth," a song from Persona 4, a game I've never heard about. But I'm listening to the song and it hits me: I really love it... And another thing hits me: this paper I have to write. I gotta write it on a word. DING! An idea bubble pops up and I decide to do my paper on truth. :P And I actually finished it! :O Not to mention, it's pretty good. Much better than my earlier drafts...

(if this post seemed strange to you, I'm tired. Really tired. Not a newsflash but I don't want to give people the wrong impression. :O What would I do then? :lol: )


-insert a creative title here-

I've found...that lately, I can't find a category for most things. Like my blogs. Or stuff that's happened to me. So it all goes under "Other." "Other", the category that doesn't quite fit in. It's everywhere, on forms, tests, even here. And I use it for everything...because everything I write doesn't quite have a category. *sighs* I dunno if anyone can tell but as I'm writing this, I feel oddly enough very depressed. Maybe it was my dinner. Maybe it was the crap I ate earlier. OR maybe it was just this guilty feeling I've been having for a while about some stuff that's been going on. Honestly, I'm not sure. But something is bothering me, I just gotta pin it down.

But onto a cheery topic: the Wal-Mart game. XD A very fun game and the best thing about it is that it's free (minus the cost of gas and groceries, of course). Known as "grocery shopping with an action packed twist", the Wal-Mart game will keep you on your toes, make you cry , and cause you to fear Miley Cyrus for the rest of your life... For those of you who may not know exactly what a "Wal-Mart" is, I will fill you in. Wal-Mart is ruled by an evil corporation (aka S.A.M. C.L.U.B.) which wishes to bring good prices , crappy food, and Hannah Montana (trademark) merchandise to the far as I know, it seems to be exclusive to the USA. But it will spread, if it hasn't already. The Wal-Mart game's goal is to stop all this. How, you may ask? We train and prepare...

The rules of the game are simple: there is one "S.H.O.P.P.E.R" and one "agent." Both are highly trained individuals (aka people with Master Cards or Visas). The "S.H.O.P.P.E.R." gets a five minute head start to begin and get the groceries while the "agent" counts. From this point on we will refer to the "S.H.O.P.P.E.R" as Steve and the "agent" as Mary-Sue. :P Steve will then be given a list of groceries by a random NPC during the five minutes. He must then get all the groceries from the list without been seen and "hunted down" by Mary-Sue. If he fails , then it is GAME OVER. There are no replays in the real world. Expect detailed instructions next blog. But be careful, "they" could be watching don't be too optimistic. :x Or else.

All of you are probably sick and tired of my complaining about this, but I want my friends to return my Zelda games. See, no one wants my FF games but EVERYONE wants to steal my Zelda games. And it's my break! I was hoping to get some more progress in Majora's Mask...but no. The fates plot against me , once again. :x Whenever I get lots of free time, my favorite games "mysteriously" disappear. Then when I get loads of work, they appear and sing siren songs. Life sure is weird...


EDIT: Oh I almost forgot something very important! I got a haircut...and now I look like Yuffie. :cry: And the weird thing was that while I got my hair cut, "Suddenly I See", was on in the background. :? Talk about weird-ness.

A breaking morning update...I guess.

I hate posting in the morning. Let's get one thing straight here: I am not a morning person. Not in the least bit. Don't believe I ever was. I remember hating waking up in the morning from kindergarten on. But I have to post this now because my wireless network was shut down and I can't turn it on without making everyone else suspicious. They shut it down to "avoid getting viruses." Give me a break. Nothing bad happened to leaving the internet on all night. But whatever floats your know?

Anyway, I believe it was yesterday (or my last post) when I told most, if not all, of you about my plans to actually watch the Matrix. It goes without saying from this point onward, everything is going to be chock full of spoilers. So back off if you haven't seen the movie or if you have any desire to watch it at all in your life. This is your last warning.

So tonight I actually went out and grabbed myself a copy of the Matrix. I didn't buy it, just took it from the library. :P I'm a cheapskate about a lot of things, what can I say? It was maybe around...the evening time. Something like that. Well of course in order to watch the movie, you need a DVD player of some sort. After much messing around and doing a bunch of meaningless stuff, I finally got around to starting the movie. The scene opens with a phone call and a lot of action-ey stuff. The next hour was filled with various sly attempts at referencing religion. I found it sort of funny, to be honest. Then when Neo finally wakes up, my brother decides to make an entrance. -_- He got kicked out from watching some stupid reality TV show and wants to join me. There is no WAY that I'm going to let my 11 year old little brother watch an R-rated movie. No. Freakin'. Way. I don't care if he's a guy...that's not the point. He doesn't need to be any more violent than he is already. So I tell him to "get lost, I'm watching the Matrix." The kid pretty much walks out crying. Yeah, I'm not a softie on that sort of stuff...but the young mind is easily influenced! He's still a little kid and the movie isn't exactly a "cute spring walk through Pixie Hollow." I then go back to watching it. The next part was probably my favorite; it was the story of how the machines took over the world. I got to see the notorious scene where the people are "liquidated" and then "fed" to the others. Cannibalism , I tell you! :x But it wasn't that bad...not as bad as I imagined it. It was a lot less vivid. :? The story bounded on into new parts and I sorta don't remember it all. Except the spoon scene. You know, the scene where the kid says, "The spoon isn't there, it's all in your head." I remember watching that before! Anyway, after that the story got very bloody. There was more blood than a lot of movies I've seen...but the ending was happy. :x That made me mad. Everything ended well , most of the loose ends were tied up and there was no need to make a sequel. But they did anyway. Sigh. So those were my impressions. I can't say if I liked it or not...I might need to watch it again. If I can handle it. XD

Because I was doing this "movie-reviewing" thing, I didn't get a chance to run out and get the game I've been talking about pretty much all the time. I actually did something normal people do for a change, you know, watching a movie. Gee. They must have really boring lives...there are only so many good movies out there.


(I actually forgot that while writing this, it was yesterday. So if anything sounds strange, I was in yesterday land while writing this :P)

Waaaahhhh! Keep them away from me.

*shiver, shiver* I returned from my "vacation." It was okay, although I never really saw the beach. I did see the hell sands of Delaware and a beer tree but that's not the point. The point is that now, I'm scared. Really scared.

WARNING: The following may contain minor spoilers for: The Matrix, FFVII, any Zelda game, and my life. You have been warned.

LAST WARNING!!! !!!! !!!!

TURN BACK NOW!!! !!! !!!

Okay, so I'm starting after this line: any of you who may have any interest in doing the above mentions movie/games, get out of here! I don't want to be held responsible for anyone getting the plot spoiled.

(gawrsh, I need to insert a picture in this big blank spaces...hmm)

So now I'm going to start this tale of madness. It's really funny how these things happen to me. Okay. So this Friday, before I left obviously, my friend and I were talking about writing. Somehow we got on the topic of sci-fi movies and then the Matrix. -_- Thinking on this, I should have never even asked. But I was curious. It turned out that a couple of them were analyzing the Matrix and its various themes. So I was like, "It sounds interesting." Big mistake. I heard the plot of, "computers have taken over the world and are using humans as energy sources." I thought that was pretty cool UNTIL she started talking about this one scene where the computers take a dead body...:?. Okay, never mind. If you want to know, watch the stupid thing. :x I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, later I had to call a friend about something else. And guess what? We got stuck on the topic of the Matrix too. And SHE felt like she had to describe the scene in detail as well. -_- @##$$%%^!, I might as well talk about it a little bit. It involves cannibalism. And steak. And cheesecake. Now I'm really going to stop. If your curiosity is driving you crazy, I will answer any PMs, smoke signals, or emails. :P

Enough about that. I'm starting to get queasy. See, this happened in FFVII too with Sephiroth. It was in the Shinra building...when he went after the President. -_- Tonight seems to be dedicated to the stuff that makes me sick. Bleh. Please excuse me while I go and throw up.

And I forgot to mention one more thing: ever since my friends described that to me, I've been having nightmares about that scene. Did I happen to mention that curiosity got the better of me and I looked it up on YouTube? Yeah. I'm pretty stupid like that. This is really weird that all of this is happening to me because usually I can handle this sort of stuff. Not this time though. :P I'm doomed...

---twilightlullaby, slightly sick, very gloomy