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twilightlullaby Blog

90 years old! / The Goodbye for Now

Okay! *sparkle* It's time to get back to the twilightlullaby that all of you love to hate. Or hate to love, if that's the way you swing. ;) Or maybe you just like me the way I am! :shock: But that is *not* the point today. I have an important announcement to make. So take out your earphones, shut down your music player, and listen to what I have to say.

I've decided that, in honor of my one hundreth blog, I will allow YOU the honored friend(z) of mine to choose the topic of my hundredth blog. However, I will be moderating what you think might be a good idea. Here are some things that I point-blank REFUSE to write about:

1. Anything pertaining to the Aidan McKenzie fanclub or any flaming of *certain* users. That's not really my style. 8)

2. Any union advertising

3. My religion (that's for later, I'm not feeling very serious at the moment)

4. Any personal details about my life ( I'll decide what I think is *too* personal)

5. Anything I deem unworthy to write about :P (yeah, that was a bit arrogant. Sorry. And I sounded centuries old...:o)

Anyways, just put in your requests! I want to see what you want to hear from me. I mean, you've had me blather about SotC, my room, my feelings on love (and don't worry, next Valentine's Day, I already got another blog planned), my 90 random facts, and my memories. So now I want you to chose for me! :P I have no problems with coming up with ideas...I just thought that this would be a different thing to do. Yeah. I've gone long enough about the details. Now put on your cute little thinking caps and come up with some ideas already! :x

Well, as most of you know, tomorrow I'm leaving for Quebec. So I won't be back on my favorite site (yes, it's surpassed Facebook...:roll: ) until at LEAST the 6th. I'm gonna miss all of you while I'm gone. That's not a lie. :cry: But I'll come back with plenty of stories. I hope.

Oh yeah, and if you just can't get enough of me, here's my email/IM: Feel free to pester me with requests, flames, anything. Just no love letters, okay? And if you're lucky, you just might get a reply. But tell me who you are or else I'll block you. :x Oh and don't share this with anyone...please. All of you are my friends and I trust you. ;) For the most part. :lol:

That's it for now! See all of you when I get back!

Until next time...8)


*musical note* Twilight's Evil Hideout!

Alright. I've decided to copy several of my good friends and give all of you a virtual tour of my room and the junk within. Oddly enough, I cleaned it up AFTER taking all of the pictures. Oh well. :P


Here is a picture of my awesome laptop. I got it on sale at BestBuy. And I'm sure all of you know what anime my wallpaper is from...:P


Heh. This is a picture of my Final Fantasy Tactics: A2 poster. It's hanging on the wall. I like the art, didn't like the game's plot. I think that's why I never completed it.


Now this is a picture of my *very* awesome Triforce DS! Gotta love LoZ, right? ;)


This is a pretty crappy picture of my Japanese books+Fullmetal Alchemist DVD set. Still, it *is* part of my room.


The moment we've all been waiting for! My desk where I do all of my scheming, studying, writing, and blogging. (?) It's a huge mess, even after I cleaned it. Personally, I don't think it likes to be clean. :lol:


An ancient picture of my PS2 games. :P I have a lot more than those now...


Technically, this isn't a picture of my room. But it's my PS2 and a couple of my games/controllers. And that's what I use to play all of the games I blather on about.

And that's it for the tour of my room! I was going to include a shot of my bed but then I really thought about it wasn't a good idea. :P Anyway, that's about it for tonight! I didn't really give any opinions, talk about my games, or anything important sadly. But next time!

Until then, the fast food corporation salutes you!



My Little Colossus

Yes, I know how much all of you were eagerly anticipating my next blog. Or maybe not. That's okay though. *sparkle* *drumroll* And tonight, after a very long hiatus, we have brought back the "Monster Adoption Program" (abbreviated asMAP)

As you can see ladies and gentlemen, tonight's monster is Reno from FFVII. Or rather, Reno after he had been turned into a pony by the very hawt Sephiroth :sarcasm:. This baby boy enjoys singing this song, going for long rides in flowery meadows, and cursing out senior citzens (after all, he *is* still Reno at heart). If you are interested in adopting or getting more details please drop a PM/smoke signal/IM. Thank you and good night.

Having covered that subject, since I love Shadow of the Colossus so much, I thought I'd share a clip of what the movie might be like:

SotC:Teh Movie Maybe. I hear it's still in the works though. :P


(expect more after the weekend is over ;) )

FOOTNOTE: Hey everyone! On a more serious note, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to respond to all of your comments personally. I feel bad not being able to respond to all of the supportive/amusing/just plain awesome stuff that you guys say. And here's another link of something you might all enjoy! :D

My Little Pony (Parody/Don't watch if you have heart problems...:|)

Traveling Through Time

Wow! Check it out! I've actually figured out how to travel through time with out (many) negative side effects. What's that you say? I'm *lying*?

...fine. :x I've actually started on Chrono Trigger. Yep. This is my very first time playing the game. And I gotta say it's up there with Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VII on most hyped about game ever. :roll: I'm sorry. I know many of you love and treasure this game BUT I got it ruined for me by all these people say, "Wow , this game is a PIECE OF ART." "I would marry it if it were real. ^_^" "It's the most awesome thing in the universe!" "Play it! You won't regret the decision." "Best. Game. Ever." "A must play." "Don't miss a chance to play..." You know what I mean. :x And I'm not blaming anyone who said those things. Maybe what I'm trying to say is that all of that stuff annoys me. A lot. A WHOLE lot. And that brings me to the topic of fanboys/fangirls. ( I used to be one...but I've *mostly* been broken of it. Let me know if it's coming back. ;) )


You know who you are. You're the ones who spend hours arguing over which girl Cloud chose. The ones who won't let anyone say ANY that sounds bad about your favorite anime/manga/tv show/movie/book/game/character...I could go on and on. It's okay to like something. Hey, it's even okay to be a little obsessed with it. But, when you take a simple like and blow it out of proportion, that's when it starts to get annoying. My message to all of you out there: Nothing's perfect. Nothing will ever be perfect. So if someone says a little something bad about your favorite thing DO NOT blow it out of proportion and start flaming them. Please. And thank you. Benefit of the doubt FTW, okay? :P

But back to Chrono Trigger. If you cut past the hype, you're left with a very solid RPG that has some interesting elements. Like time-travel. One thing that I've found myself enjoying about the game, is that it's not mind-numbingly hard like certain other games I could mention. The protagonist is fairly likable, the inventor girl is insufferable, and the other characters...well, I don't think I've seen them in action enough to form a real opinion on them. So far, a real bad guy hasn't arisen yet but when he does, I betcha a penny to a pound that he's either trying to take over the world or trying to destroy it and mold it to fit what he wants. :P That's pretty much every bad guy to date. And I almost forgot to mention the music! So far, I haven't found anything I've really remembered but I do like "Gato's Song" and "Boss Battle 1." That's about it for my first impressions! I'll be sure to update everyone as I play further and do more stuff. *sparkle*

I just realized that I had written a blog for a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK. (sorry about all the CAPS by the way...I'm sort of tired and it looks like it's making a point to me!) Summer is busier than I thought it would be.


Friendly Coexistence OR Concering Music

So, a while back, on one of my friend's blogs I mentioned that I was subjected to many forms of music by my parents. :P I decided that every single one of you needed to know exactly what I listen to/subjected to on a daily basis. Also, everything in this blog is MY opinion, not YOUR opinion. I'll respect yours if you respect mine. It's the science of equivalent exchange.

Anyway, the following genres/artists/albums/singles are what I'm *sorta* into. Or not. :x

Polka- ****! Here in the USA, there's a theme park called Busch Gardens. And within that theme park is a faux European environment. One of the many countries within that park is France. And the music that plays there is polka music. I hate polka music. :x But my mother found a CD with thateffin' stuff on it and since then, it's been piping through the air vents of our house. Thank Gilgamesh for earphones. :P

Clay Walker: Sweeeeeet Suunnn Angel! :roll: Imagine waking up to that every morning. And he's a country singer too. Where I live, it seems like a sin not to listen to country music. I guess it would qualify as one of the "Big Seven" right up there with Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Wrath, Greed, and Gluttony. Just put in "Not Listening to Country Music" and everything will be cool. ;) (yeah, RIGHT)

The Beatles: Oh Hades. I've tried to hate the Beatles, I really have. But there's something about them that's just so DAMN catchy. Who can resist "Hey Jude" or "Yellow Submarine"? That's what I wanna know. :P

Enya: Calming stuff. And she did vocals for Lord of the Rings! ...I really don't understand why we have one of *her* CDs though. :lol:

Fleetwood Mac: Yeah, I don't know any of the names of the top of my hand but I betcha a penny to a pound that I could name any of their songs if you played one for me. ;) That's how well I know them.

Sting: Good ole' Sting. His lyrics are really interesting if you take the time to listen to them. I really enjoy "Desert Rose" the most. Is it just me, or does that seem like it was inspired by "Dune"?

Coldplay: We just added the CD to our collection a week ago. Catchy stuff, if a bit morbid.

And I saved my favorite for last. If you laugh at me, I will cry. :cry: 'Cos this dude reminds me of my grandfather. :|

Frank Sinatra: *clasps head ala Cloud Strife* Everyone is going to laugh at me BUT...I like him. You can sing along to his songs and they're very sweet too. Most of my friends snicker at it and call it old people music though. *sigh*

And that's it! I will leave you with my favorite anime opening (which I didn't include, since I feel like it falls more in the category of JPOP/VGM which my family *isn't* into. At all), at least one of them. :P I have a few.

Ready, Steady, Go!


~Extra Stuff~

So if you all ever want to get a taste of what my musical life is like, listen to that stuff. NAO. :x And next time, expect the worst. Or not. :P

Me, E3, and Katamari

I'm keeping it short tonight. :P I just felt the need to blog about several things that are...*interesting* , to say the very least. Nothing new about my life though, that'll have to wait for later. *sparkle*

E3. It has come out of nowhere. Everyone is talking about it. But really? What is this E3 everyone is talking about? Since no one will give me a straight answer (and no, it being a sequel to E2 does not count :P) , I've decided to come up with possible meanings of "E3":

1. Egotistical Evil Ents

2. E cubed (?)

3. E times 3

4. Entertaining Elephant Eggs

5. Educational Extra-terrestrial Earthworms

6. Excellent Ecstasy Earphones

7. Everything Earthquake Emergency

8. Emotional Empress Echo

9. Easter Ebony Eclipse

10. Extra Earning Eating!

I think the most plausible is number 1. But that's just me. Whaddya you guys think? Or do you already know...?

And finally, I'm going to end with a clip that is best watched and NOT described. :|

We Love Katamari

Enjoy. ;)


A summer-ey update. twilight-style 8)

Summer is great. Life is okay. The weather has less pollen. I'm getting a tan. And everything seems a bit brighter. :)
...okay you got me. :P There's a real reason for all this happiness. I'll start at the beginning.

The other day, I decided to drive up an HOUR away from my town and go shopping. Yes, I went shopping. Get over it already. :x However, I didn't just go shopping for shorts. I also decided to go out and buy...the complete first season of...Fullmetal Alchemist! :D And as you can imagine, I'm very happy. I keep getting this feeling that I was ripped off though (probably was). The guy in the store tried to sell me on a membership and right away I was like, "No. I'm not buying any of it." :P I also took some pictures, so I can bore you to death with all the little details! :D

(I was too lazy to resize the others...maybe later...)


What? I'm NOT trying to turn my brother into a PS3. :) The picture is of a bunch of guidebooks next to a (badly-Photoshopped) transmutation circle.


My favorite character (sorry Edward) and Hughes, sharing a drink! And those are the alchemy texts all nice and piled up. ^_^ I'm usually never THAT neat.

And to celebrate getting the DVD(s), I decided to change my avatar to Colonel Roy Mustang! ^_^ Everyone loves Mustang. Even if they're secretley in denial. He's the Flame Alchemist, *snap, snap*.And no trying to steal it either! (yeah, you know who you are...:P)

On another note, I've begun my life as a farmer today. That's right, I played some Harvest Moon. I am now the proud owner of Romani Ranch along with my faithful (yeah right) canine , Black Hayate. And I have several love interests as well...:oops: I have to pick between Joe, the cute woodcutter, and Blue, a shy farmhand. Oh, the possibilities! *musical note*

Last thing before I wrap this quick update up: I've actually gotten hooked on the Tales of the Abyss soundtrack, specifically "The Meaning of Birth," which is supposed to be a boss battle theme (according to the description). It's an orchestral remix of the title song, "Karma," and oh. my. It's so amazingly beautiful! I like it even more than the vocal version (yeah, I know *shocker*) Here's my line-up (in order of my first to last favorite):

1. The Meaning of Birth

2. Karma (Japanese/Anime)

3. Karma (English version...:x)

That's it for now! Until next time...where I'll have more to keep you people occupied.:P


-insert self-pitying title here- XD

I really thought this weekend was going to be good. Despite having to wash (and wax) two cars, I was having a GREAT weekend even though my *favorite* person is out of town. :cry: And it still is a pretty good weekend. :) There's only one problem: I don't get to go to Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy. :x And so, it's put me in an irritable mood. There's also the small fact that BOTH of my siblings drank the last of my Pepsi (and it was non-generic too!) 'cos my brother was all like, "It doesn't matter what soda it is , as long as it's soda." You better watch your back , kid! :x (earlier last week, they drank all of my generic store brand Sprite...not that it mattered or anything because it was to "share." Share defined as, "Little kids get first dibs and if you miss out, tough luck , sucker!")

How did this come to pass, you may ask yourself. There was an "unforeseen" scheduling overlap between some sort of summer thing (for volunteering to help people somewhere, like building houses, etc, etc) and the people won't allow any flexibility. At all. Whatsoever. The stupid concert is on the night of orientation and orientation is not even a LITTLE BIT close to where the concert takes place. So , of course, the humanitarian work takes presidence. I even said so myself. :| I mean, between a concert and helping people out, the people helping comes first. No matter what. Not trying to be a noble martyr or anything, if that's the impression you're getting. It just makes sense, that's all. So yeah, once again, let me repeat what goes in my head every day, "Living in a small town sucks." For the most part. And sorry if I came off as a spoiled brat. I just...really wanted the oppurtunity and I just lost 100 dollars in the deal. :( And money is a big deal for me...

Lately, I haven't done too much on the gaming front (besides play a drabble of ICO here and there...I find it's best if you play in small doses) but last night I did play "Generic Arcade Game Number 666" AKA "Soul Caliber II" with my little brother. And I won, 6 times straight! :P There wasn't much strategy involved in winning; I just kept spamming random button combos while my brother tried to be all , "I'm doing combos left and right. 8)" Heh. It didn't do him any good. Finally, I got tired of easy wins and feigned being tired and went off to go watch TV. :lol: Today, I decided to play again but I took the P1 controller and it was warm. You know what that means, right? It means...that he had been practicing. For the ENTIRE afternoon! xD I'll let you know one thing right now: my brother cannot STAND to be beaten. He's one of those guys who'll shut down a system if they're losing. Translation: He's a jerk and several other unmentionable names. But his practice didn't do him any good because I continued to win. :D And that goes to show you that girls can win against guys!!! He needed to get his @#^ kicked anyway. Put him in his place...XD

See? My weekend hasn't been too bad, although I'm still thinking about missing the concert. I know, I'm sorta repeating myself but this is MY blog not YOUR blog and if you have a problem with it, you can leave. *points to two bouncers* Writing all this out is more for my benefit than yours because need to let it all out. And that's what blogs are for!


NEW BLOG HEADER ALERT: Yeah! I finally finished a new blog header. Criticism, comments, and other stuff are welcome! :) But I might change Fury's (Fuery? Stupid translation confusion!)picture. His picture seems randomly tilted. :P And I might change my avatar to match my blog header! :D *musical note* Be prepared! :P

Time for some FIRST impressions! :D

*sigh* So I guess it's time for some 1st IMPRESSIONS!!!






As the clever observer may have realized, I added ICO to my now-playing list and my owned list. Now, this could all be part of an elaborate hoax (if you know me, that would come as NO suprise...:P) but it's serious. I really do have a copy and I've started into it. Can't say much about it, I mean I've made *some* predictions but other than that...nothing really. It's very beautiful though and the shadow creature things are scary. My neighbors have already been subjected to: "NO! NO! Don't take her away! I'll rip off your little blue light and toss it into the abyss," "Game Over, WTF?!" , "Stupid torch thingy, LIGHT UP!", "Oh no! It's a shadow! RUN AWAY PRINCESS! RUN AWAY!", and some other stuff that I won't repeat , mostly because my dad and brother said them. -_- It had to do with, "Oh ha , ha, ha, it's SO typical of a girl to not be able and do anything."

Me: "What did you just say?!"

So yeah. You can probably tell I'm having the time of my life playing that game and to tell you all the truth, I am. :) All these Team Nico games are always a lot of fun.

Anyway...onto something a bit more serious. Usually, I don't like to talk about my pets much. No real reason, other than, most of the stuff having to do with my pets is downright insane...meaning not fun to talk about. So here goes nothing...

A long time ago I had a friend. My friend had a dog. The dog had a name. It was Hope (name changed). Hope was a cute, little , fluffly puppy with a lot of life. Times changed. My friend moved away and didn't take her dog. Dog was left with her parents. Through a chain of events, the parents found themselves unable to take care of said dog (meaning, they had to move). So I volunteered my family into taking care of it.

We brought the puppy home. She was a hyper, stupid, lovable mutt but a bit on the older side. Hope'd run around in our back yard, terrorize the kitty, and whine in her crate. At first, my dad made a strict law to keep the dog in the crate BUT we got her in the winter time and it was cold so...his heart melted and the doggy wormed its way into our house (and hearts).

Cut to a few months later. We leave town and leave Hope with some friends. When we get back, we're greeted with , "Your dog didn't eat the whole weekend..." So , of course, we take her to the vet. Vet's diagnosis: She has Lyme disease and may (or may not) qualify for this rare disease that could kill her in a few days." Thankfully, she didn't have that but she was still sick.

Cue the pills and walks every two hours. Things went further downhill when we discovered that she had tapeworms. (!!!) Our whole family was just incredibly stressed out by the whole thing parents got rid of her. I was apathetic and my siblings didn't have a choice in the matter. Animal Control came and took her away to be adopted.

Or so I thought, until yesturday morning. I took my little brother for a run and suddenly he stopped and got upset. Of course, I asked him what was wrong. He told me, "They put the dog to sleep. They said she was unadoptable..." My first reaction was: You're lying. And then he started crying (he cries a lot). He yelled at me, "I didn't even get to say goodbye! Why did you all want to get rid of her!?" *sigh* I was sort of upset too... ... ...more than I care to admit...I guess. :(

Goodbye , you idiot. We loved you. Even though you weren't, "Loyal Canine, How We Salute Thee!" you were okay for a stupid mutt. Yeah. So I admit it even though I'm a cat person. Hope that Heaven's full of dog bones...


One of those *random* blogs, you know?!

EDIT: WAAAHHH! I copied and pasted the effing thing and it cut off my beginning. So just...if it seems random, ignore it. I'm tired, I'm NOT going to re-write the whole thing. I'll just let your dirty little minds think what you will. :lol: (jk, jk)

Although it's more for my benefit than anyone elses's going to be random. Of course, all of you expect no less from the self-proclaimed, *cute* and *random* twilightlullaby, eh? That's what I thought. ;) So, without further ado, I present to you:

"Summer Plans/Random Musings/A whole lotta other stuff!!" OR twilightlullaby's mini-novel

Oh yes. This is what you've all been waiting for. The summer *plans*. My secret agenda. :D My plans for the summer are: visiting Canada (yep. I'm FINALLY going!!! !!! !!!), seeing Distant Worlds LIVE, becoming the tractor racing champion, writing an application essay, causing mischief, drinking lots of soda, sitting by the pool, side-questing/level grinding, watching Tales of the Abyss, creating more blogs (xD), and...capturing the one and only PURPLE TOILET. XD That's by far the most interesting part, right? Don't worry, I'm going to talk about *that* in more detail later. Maybe next week...?

And what would this blog be without some reference to one of my favorite manga of all time: FMA?! Okay, so I'll explain the abbreviation AGAIN in case you didn't catch it before: Fullmetal Alchemist. That's what "FMA" stands for. And since I've only mentioned it , oh, the last 5 or 10 blogs, I think that all of you deserve an explanation. :D Skip the next part if you're not interested. But if you are...BE PREPARED! Tiny , cute, little spoilers might be lurking ahead. Just a warning!

(like always)


"Do not create humans"

"Do not make gold"

"Swear absolute loyalty to the military"

Those are the rules that bind Edward Elric, a state Alchemist, also known as the "Fullmetal Alchemist" hence the title of the manga (and anime). There's only one catch to all of that: he's already broken the first rule. When he was a little boy, he (along with his brother, Alphonse) tried to raise their mother from the dead. One problem: it failed, leaving Alphonse trapped inside a suit of armor and Edward missing his arm and leg. Pretty sad, no? And that's only the beginning. Within the first four volumes, several characters die and you're exposed to a lot of pretty disturbing stuff. Nothing TOO horrible (probably anyone reading this could handle it UNLESS they have a weak stomach xD) but's sort of sad. :( That's not to say that it doesn't have its little-hearted moments. Edward Elric is quite the character, what with his *aversion* to milk and short temper regarding his height. :P And of course, what would the humor be without our *dear* Colonel Mustang and his hilarious one-liners. XD I guess I like reading this so much because the characters feel so convincing. Not to mention the chemistry seems so real and...yeah. :lol: I'll stop now. BUT if you find yourself with some spare time, please read them? Please? *makes cute eyes*

Now about all that, a while ago, I wasn't really a big manga/anime fan. To be honest...I found most of it annoying. Especially Naruto (which I STILL don't like...:x) and Inuyasha (ditto). But a while ago , a friend of mine told me about Tales of the Abyss...and that got me hooked! Remind me one day to make a blog devoted to that, I'm sure all of you will love me going on for AGES and AGES about how cute Guy is! ^_^ And don't even get me started on Mieu! :oops: To quote Tear, "Soo...cute! :oops:"

:x Lately, I think I've been far too happy. :P Always smiling and having a good time...:x It feels so out of character for me. Don't worry , I haven't become an optimist on all of you though. xD You'll never have to worry about that. Just remember, "No matter how bad things get, they could always be worse." ;) And on that note, I'll wrap this all up. Until next time...keep it real, 'kay? ;)


Extra note: Two points to the one who can find my Star Ocean reference. :x