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twilightlullaby Blog

*snicker* Humor, twilight-style

Alright! It's been a bit since I've last graced you with a blog of any sort. And don't day I may get around to telling my summer plans. One day. But not today. Maybe some other time? Yeah, I promised but I'm not going to promise anything for a while 'cos it's vacation! 8) All bets are off, you hear?

Tonight will feature: a Fullmetal Alchemist clip featuring everyone's favorite colonel, Rodney McKay (more on THAT later) , and a mystery union feature! :P Just wait.

As I said up there, I'm starting with a clip from Fullmetal Alchemist (hereafter abbreviated to FMA 'cos I'm lazy) that I find hilarious. The actual clip is from the anime (which I haven't seen much of) but the scene is seen quite a few times in the manga and I found the situation so strange/funny, I just had to share it with all of you. Just watch it. It takes less than a minute. *snicker* Guys and miniskirts...

FMA-Roy Mustard and the Miniskirt Army XD

Now it's time for our *commercial* break featuring a mystery union. What could it possibly be?


The Catz Clan. Come and join fellow cat lovers in a friendly enviroment which features not one but TWO off-topic threads, an art gallery , and several VG discussion threads. Of course, being a cat union, we also have several threads dedicated to the fuzzy creatures themselves. And if you have any questions or the like, PM me for more details. I promise not to send an invite though...just take my word for it and join. Unless you're a canine lover. :x Then stay far, far away. :lol: Oh and I probably should include a link, eh? The Catz Clan

And now for the last feature on tonight's schedule: Stargate Atlantis. Now, I'm not going to drag on and on about how great this show is because...I don't think any of you will like it. However...the show includes Rodney McKay, possibly the funniest fictional scientist EVER and he certainly deserves an honorary piece here in this blog. In the clip below, you see Rodney in possibly one of my favorite scenes ever , second only to when he tries to debate with these little kids.


I believe should be that's it for tonight! Have a good (and safe...) weekend everyone! Hope it's better than mine! XD


And check it out! My new user banner should be up momentarily!

twilight's Ambition+ A bittersweet farewell- SotC Final Impressions

Wow. I'm a level 15. I have lots of studying to still do. XD (jk, jk, I'm actually done! :O) And most importantly , because video games are the most important thing in life (XD) , I beat SotC. So let's start with the good stuff.:P

A couple of posts back, I wrote about getting the game, Shadow of the Colossus, an action adventure game created by Team Nico. And now that I've finally murdered the final boss, I can give my final impressions on the game.

WARNING: If you haven't beaten the game or might have any interest in doing so...stay away. :x I don't want to be responsible for spoiling the game for you.:)



The tale of a boy , his horse, and a quest to revive his one true love. What price must our young protagonist pay? Enough with the cheesy opening that I've beaten the game, I feel like I can at least touch upon my likes (and dislikes...:x) of probably one of the best (if not the best!) PS2 games out there. :P

Let's start with the bad so all of you will have something to look forward too! :lol: I didn't really see any major flaws with this game. The plot was very minimalistic but it made the game feel eerie and a bit creepy, not knowing what was going to happen next. And the sound was amazing! There was no bombastic overworld theme (ie, like the Zelda/FF games) but it gave one the feeling of being completely and utterly alone. Oh wait, I'm starting to get into the things I like. :P The only thing I really didn't like about the game was its effing camera. During the earlier stages, I could at least laugh it off but later on (especially at the final boss) I felt like I was waging a full-scale attack against the thing. :x That thing was responsible for my TEN game overs...grr. And no, it wasn't because I was trying to do cinematic effects. I learned my lesson.

Enough moaning and complaining, now let's talk about the stuff that I liked about this game. :D As I mentioned above, I enjoyed the plot and the music. The gameplay was simplistic as well but that doesn't mean it sucked. Far from it. It just made the game even better because you don't have to freak out about learning this complex button-mashing combos. ^_^ Such a nice change. There aren't too many characters to talk about besides Wander (main hero), Dormin (a mysterious entity), Argo (your horse), and Mono (the girl you're trying to save). The others who appear later on don't matter so much because they're...bad. :evil: I didn't like them ONE BIT. I don't really care what their motives were, they spoiled my happy ending. :cry: So yeah...that's about it for stuff I liked. I'm probably forgetting something though. :lol:

Overall, I would recommend this game to all of you. Yes, even you, the one who's giving me this , "Uh-huh, suuuure." look. It left me with the strong desire to get a copy of ICO. :x Which I STILL can't find for a *decent* price.

That's it for now! Coming up next, my crazy summer plans! :P Just wait and see! :D


Extra Note: And I almost forgot, last final is tomorrow. Wish me luck! :)

Congrats, GS. You couldn't have done it without *us*

GS won the Webby Award they wanted so much! :lol: Well, if my new emblem is any indicator, we have some SERIOUS celebrating to do...*cough* I'm so happy, I decided to write a blog filled with even more random stuff than usual! :P

So the other day, I got hooked on the Fullmetal Alchemist manga. It's pretty gory and somewhat disturbing but a whole lot of fun to read. Not to mention it has some pretty funny stuff, including: a mini-skirt crazed Colonel, a bubbly mechanic, and the main protagonist, Edward. xD Just thinking about it all makes me laugh. But besides the point, if you haven't read it yet and you're a pretty big mecha/futuristic manga fan, then you owe it to yourself to read it (if that made any sense). There's also an anime for those too lazy to pick up a book. :lol: (yeah, you know who you are!)

On another note, I have my last final next...Monday? No Tuesday...actually I'm not sure. Sometime next week. :P So I might disappear into smoke for long periods of time or refuse to answer PMs. :lol: Just the usual. And don't expect a monster of the week for a while. I haven't played a JRPG in a while...too busy breaking down Colossi! *musical note*

And on that note, speaking of Colossi, I fought the cutest little one today. ^_^ It was about the size of a Camry or something. But it was so cute! I didn't want to kill it...:cry:! Maybe I should have put it up for adoption...? Nah, I think most of you would try to kill it! :x *sigh*

But be prepared! I'm not done yet. I know most of you won't be suprised...but this may come as a shock to some: I'm going to start something ENTIRELY new this summer. For this blog, I mean. Be prepared! :)


DISCLAIMER: I was in a somewhat good mood while writing this. So yeah, if it doesn't sound like me, that's why. xD

Yeah! My musical blog! Complete with links!

After seeing a lot of other people do lists of their favorite video game music *cough*youknowwhoyouare*cough*, I decided to do a list of the video game songs that I'm listening to right now (obviously not all at the same time). And yeah, I'm warning you ahead of time: a lot of it will PROBABLY be J-Pop. Don't ask why!

1.To Zanarkand


3.Midna's Theme

4.The Colosuss Song! *musical note*

5.Itsumo Nando...the fan version

6.Bouken Suisei

7.It's a Mystery Song!

8.Forest Temple


10.Reach Out to the Truth!

Of course, after giving you this list , I have to give my own...commentary on all this. If you're wondering why this is all broken up , uh, my computer is giving me a REALLY hard time tonight. :( *sigh* I'm suprised the thing hasn't deleted all of my important documents yet. Anyway, without further ado, I present to you...the commentary.

*musical note*

1. Ah yes, one of my favorite pieces of all time: Zanarkand. ^_^ I fell in love with this piece the moment I heard it in the opening credits. This is the orchestrated version which I feel brings the piece to a whole new level of enjoyment.

2. I remember this song blasting through the speakers of my PSP. It was at the end of Crisis Core, when...the end happened. I'm too lazy to insert spoilers but anyone who's played FFVII should understand this. It's one of the few FF songs that's not all sappy and happy (and I mean the ones with lyrics). And that's why I like it...

3. ...yeah. I'm not really sure why this song is on my playlist. *sigh* It's such a mystery.

4. This song scares the crap out of me! I hear it all the time, since I'm in the middle of SotC. And it doesn't help that I usually play late at night either...*shivers* But it's really scary. Every time I hear it, I know I'm screwed. :cry:

5. Don't any of you DARE correct me and tell me this isn't a video game song! I don't care, okay?!?!:x

6. Yeah, this is going to be my ultimate summer song! ^_^ And it's another *technicallynotavideogamesong* But it's from an anime based on a video so there!

7. This is here because a *certain* someone got it stuck in my head! And now I can't stop listening to it! It's strange and interesting...all at once. And it has its own unique little flair.

8. A song from one of the funniest little games ever: OoT! This haunting melody is engrained in my head...and my playlist...

9.Waaahhh! Go Tales of the Abyss! That's my explanation. :lol:

10. 8) Do I really need to explain this one? It's the P4 battle theme. And you all know how much I love it. ^_^

So there you have it! My broken into two pieces musical list! Hope you enjoyed it. ;)


The *grr* blog

You better have known this way coming! I spent the last couple of blogs all *happy* and whatnot...well now it's time to see the stuff that I DO NOT LIKE. In the least. :evil:

DISCLAIMER: The following statements are merely a matter of opinion and to be taken as such. If you feel differently, fine. Okay. I can respect that. Just don't bash my opinion! :x

1. Long lines. Like at the grocery store.

2. Fowarded emails. Especially the ones with death threats. "Give x amount of money or we'll kill you!"

3. Allergies. :x Yeah, I have really bad ones!

4. Spring

5. Setting up chairs

6. Holier-than-thou people.

7. Glitches...especially here! I was originally going to post a blog of my favorite video game music but the %#!#%^& thing wouldn't let me! It's probably just my laptop though...*sigh*

8. Sleep-less-ness. That's something I go through every night.

9. Princess Natalia from Tales of the Abyss. Stay away from Guy! :x :lol:

10. Updating virus protection software.

11. Finals

12. My friend and her schemes! :x (no one here knows her...thank God!)

13. Being hurt

14. Getting lost with a person who refuses to ask for directions

15. Video games with a stupid romantic subplot! :x *cough, cough*

16. Girls in video games! They act so stupid! It makes me ticked off! I'm not like that! Yeah, maybe there are a FEW exceptions but even's so FREAKIN' cliche...

17. My arch-nemesis

18. LOVELESS and Genesis

19. Awkward silences during critical moments.

20. Sunday mornings....

So that's about it. I could drag on forever...but that's enough.

"Dismiss me. Enough." :lol: I will give a REALLY good reward to the one who can identify where that quote came from!


First Impressions (a bit late, yes): SotC and a dash of the Abyss.

The other day , I told all of you people that I got myself a copy of SotC. That's Shadow (not Shadows, :P) of the Colossus for those who've never heard of it before. And from what I've played (about...two hours), I think that it's a great game in many, if not all regards.

WARNING: Minor SPOILERS ahead! If you haven't played the game or have any interest in doing so, then don't read ahead! Just a friendly warning. ;)

The story begins with a young man riding his horse into a mystical temple. His goal is to save the soul of a young maiden sacrificed for "cursed fate." He has come to petition a mysterious deity for help. But, in order to save her soul, he is told that he must first destroy the idols contained within. The idols cannot be merely crushed with a hammer, the man must destroy their physical manefestations, the colossi that wander the lands. And so, the journey begins. xD

The catch about all of the above, is that you know nothing other than what little you're told. You don't know who the girl is, who the deity is, what the idols are for, or even where the land is! And that's what makes the game so brilliant. But wait! There's more. 8)

SotC has beautiful graphics. The overworld rivals, and at times surpasses, certain *other* games released around the same time. There is no bombastic overworld theme, just the beating of your horses' hooves and the wind blowing for the most part. In fact, most of the game is very quiet. Except for when you meet the first colossus of the game. Wow. I can't even begin to describe it here , you have to go and play it yourself! :P In a word, amazing.

But don't take this game lightly, The further you get, the darker it becomes. I think I've begun to figure out what the sacrifice is at the end. :cry:

Oh and I decided to change my avatar, to *celebrate* spring. Well, at least cheer me up some more! :) I think. :) Sorta. :| A...special prize to the one who can figure out who my avatar is!


The *cheer-up* blog....grr...grr...grr...

Lately, a lot of my friends have been complaining about how I always "hate everything" and stuff like that (not you people, the friends that I see on a daily basis...:P). So I thought that , in a misguided attempt to cheer myself up, I would write a list of things that I like, so I can try to "look on the bright side of life."

1. Video games!

2. Sitting on the roof and watching the stars...and just watching the stars in general.

3. Cookies...obviously. :P

3. Writing blogs

4. My friends here on some ways (a lot of ways, really) you all know more about me than most people I know in real life...:lol:

5. Kitties and little fluffy creatures, except rabbits. They are demon spawn.

6. Corny jokes

7. The Persona 4 battle theme! I'm obsessed with it! It's too darn catchy!

8. Summer days that have a hint of breeze...not sweltering hot but not freezing cold.

9. Cute guys! :lol:

10. Acting and the dramatic arts.

Just writing those down was draining. xD But it did help. I guess...*sigh* It doesn't counteract this creepy email today I got from a stalker though. :(

Oh and one more thing, I want to get everyone's opinions on my new profile header. I know, it's not fancy or anything but it serves its purpose: to scare people away. :P


Pokemon, Persona, and Tales of the Abyss...

Yeah. You guessed it. I got myself some new games. 8) How did I manage to do that? Err...well, there was a sale. A nice sale. Another "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" sale. *sigh*

So today, I was going to get a copy of Tales of the Abyss from my local Gamestop 'cos I keep hearing about it and it sounds pretty interesting. Anyway, the minute I got there, I saw the sale ad in the front window. *sigh* Yep. I'm very , very, very weak against sales so I went in. *sigh* My conversation with the sales clerk went like this:

"Do you have ICO?"


"Do you have Tales of the Abyss?"

"No. Sorry we don't seem to have anything you're looking for."

"Well, do you have Persona 4?"


:roll: So I ended up getting the following games that are part of my master list. I'm insanely cheap so I usually don't buy gamesover 30 dollars...*sigh* Which means no Pokemon for me...:cry: :

Valykrie Profile: Silmeria (:O! My dad says I look like the girl on the front cover! :O)

Shadows of the Colossus (played a bit of it a while back...thought it was cool, never got around to buying it)



Final Fantasy V!

*victory fanfare*

That's one of the FFs I never got around to playing. So as I write this, I've put the game on pause. I've played exactly 11 minutes so far. :P Haven't gotten around to playing the others. -_-


Oh and one more quick note: I'm changing my profile banner, maybe even making a new blog header! :O Be prepared

Let's believe the hype!

For a long time, I wasn't excited about the newest FFXIII or any of its spin-offs. It took me a while to even get a little excited. But once I started to see more of the footage, I started to get hyped up about the whole thing. :P

So , in order to show my excitement, I decided to shock everyone I knew by dressing up like a Final Fantasy character. XD I know , you're probably thinking, "Epic Fail." :lol: I'm sure that's what everyone else thought as well. Personally, I think it turned out a lot better than it could have been. Most of the comments I got were, "Why the **** are you wearing goggles on your head?" Oh yes, I wore goggles on my head for an entire day. :P Of course, I also got some, "Wow, that's cool" and "Are you feeling okay?" remarks too. Oh me and my decisions to do crazy stuff...*sigh*

Anyway, after all that, I finally finished checking out the FFXIII demo footage. The whole thing pretty much left me speechless, I can't believe how much Final Fantasy has grown over the years. :cry: Although, I think I'm most excited about Versus, what about you?


Adopt A Monter-Follow-up

I thought that today I would write a little more about my "Monster Adoption Program," because: I have a new monster up for adoption and two, I just wanted to give a little more background. So here goes nothing!

The "Monster Adoption Program" hereafter known as: "MAP"

I, twilightlullaby, have decided to start an adoption program for all the sad and lonely monsters that need a home out there. My goal is to see every monster with a home and loving owner. These updates will be posted no more than once a week (except in case of emergency, life, etc) and only one person can take home the one monster shown. :)

Bomb- FFX (next monster will be from another game....I swear)


Adoption details available NOW! :D This little fellow seems sort of lonely...maybe all he needs is a hug?

So...that's about it! Oh and I'm not really gonna be around tomorrow, I got a lot to work on for this play I'm in! ;)
