Hundred years old. I never thought I would've made it this far. To be honest, I have a lot to live up to. Usually a 100th blog is full of memories, nostalgia, and thanks. But I'm bucking tradition. :x I know I can't meet those "100th" blog standards, so I'm going to forge my own path. And I also know that this blog cannot match up with this one. That was favorite blog ever.
So, since this is a gaming site and all, I should mention something about games. Uh, the other day I got a Wii. You know, the system where you make an idiot of yourself in order to play a game? :P Yeah. That's the one. Of course, the Wii is "common" property meaning that everyone can use it. So...I haven't played it a whole lot yet. I also can't get it hooked to the Internet because I locked up the security on the wireless connection and then forgot the password.
What would a 100th blog be without a Fullmetal Alchemist reference as well? Nothing, I say! Lately, I've been trying to catch up on the series because *gasp* I missed TWO episodes. Let ME tell YOU that once you get behind on anime, it takes a lot to catch up. I'm sure that shows like Naruto and Bleach have episodes into the hundreds. But anyway, like I always say, FMA is great. I love it.
But there's nothing I love more than going to school! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! :x Whew. So far the boss battles haven't been hard , but the other day I lost to a wild set of "Headphone Guys." One day, I swear, I'm GOING to beat them. They'll be going down the halls and BAM! I'll come up from behind and beat them. :x Just you see.
On another note, I should probably answer some of the questions people asked from my previous blog. And if I don't get to all of them right now, more'll come in later blogs. I hope. :P
tprezzy12 asks:
1. What makes the world go round?
Something you learn in health **** No wait, I meant science **** Actually, it's probably all the aliens in the galaxy sneezing. :lol:
2. Paper or plastic?
Paper, because then you can reuse it to cover your textbooks! :D
3. What scares you more than anything else?
Being alone. I would delve into a long explanation but that is a blog in and of itself.
DrAwesomeMD asks:
1. What's your dream job?
In the real world or a video game? I guess in real life, it'd be a doctor, 'cos I want to help people. I doubt I'll pass the exams though. If not that, then maybe a teacher. Whatever I do, I want to help others.
2. Who would win: Iron Man or Batman?
Batman! *musical note*
3. What's your favorite TV show (and I mean TV show, not an anime. )?
Favorite TV show of all time is Stargate Atlantis. I don't care what anyone says, I LIKE IT.
CamiKitten asks:
1. In your opinion, are hybrid cars full of crap?
I think they run on crap, but I'm not certain.
2. When you're in bed at night with all the lights out, does your mind over work itself and you think there's someone else in there?
I once was so tired, I thought my dolls were moving. Then I thought they tried to kill me. It was pretty creepy.
3. Iced tea, or sweet iced tea?
Sweet iced tea. Sugar! Sugar!! SUGAR!!!
And that's it for now! The rest'll have to be later, when I'm pretending to study. Just kidding. ;) I'm going to be a serious student this year. Mostly.
I thought I'd end this whole thing with a little special "something." Since day one on this site, people've wanted to know what I looked like. If you're one of my Messenger buddies then THIS picture should be rather familiar (and if you're not, CONGRATS! You've finally caught a glimpse of the "rare" and "elusive" twilightlullaby):
Heh. :oops: I've always thought that this is one of my best shots. Granted, it's a bit eccentric, but that's how I am. And nothing's going to change that.
(here's to hundreds more. :D)
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