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twilightlullaby Blog

This is NOT my 100th Blog

Hundred years old. I never thought I would've made it this far. To be honest, I have a lot to live up to. Usually a 100th blog is full of memories, nostalgia, and thanks. But I'm bucking tradition. :x I know I can't meet those "100th" blog standards, so I'm going to forge my own path. And I also know that this blog cannot match up with this one. That was favorite blog ever.

So, since this is a gaming site and all, I should mention something about games. Uh, the other day I got a Wii. You know, the system where you make an idiot of yourself in order to play a game? :P Yeah. That's the one. Of course, the Wii is "common" property meaning that everyone can use it. So...I haven't played it a whole lot yet. I also can't get it hooked to the Internet because I locked up the security on the wireless connection and then forgot the password.

What would a 100th blog be without a Fullmetal Alchemist reference as well? Nothing, I say! Lately, I've been trying to catch up on the series because *gasp* I missed TWO episodes. Let ME tell YOU that once you get behind on anime, it takes a lot to catch up. I'm sure that shows like Naruto and Bleach have episodes into the hundreds. But anyway, like I always say, FMA is great. I love it.

But there's nothing I love more than going to school! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! :x Whew. So far the boss battles haven't been hard , but the other day I lost to a wild set of "Headphone Guys." One day, I swear, I'm GOING to beat them. They'll be going down the halls and BAM! I'll come up from behind and beat them. :x Just you see.

On another note, I should probably answer some of the questions people asked from my previous blog. And if I don't get to all of them right now, more'll come in later blogs. I hope. :P

tprezzy12 asks:

1. What makes the world go round?

Something you learn in health **** No wait, I meant science **** Actually, it's probably all the aliens in the galaxy sneezing. :lol:

2. Paper or plastic?

Paper, because then you can reuse it to cover your textbooks! :D

3. What scares you more than anything else?

Being alone. I would delve into a long explanation but that is a blog in and of itself.

DrAwesomeMD asks:

1. What's your dream job?

In the real world or a video game? I guess in real life, it'd be a doctor, 'cos I want to help people. I doubt I'll pass the exams though. If not that, then maybe a teacher. Whatever I do, I want to help others.

2. Who would win: Iron Man or Batman?

Batman! *musical note*

3. What's your favorite TV show (and I mean TV show, not an anime. )?

Favorite TV show of all time is Stargate Atlantis. I don't care what anyone says, I LIKE IT.

CamiKitten asks:

1. In your opinion, are hybrid cars full of crap?

I think they run on crap, but I'm not certain.

2. When you're in bed at night with all the lights out, does your mind over work itself and you think there's someone else in there?

I once was so tired, I thought my dolls were moving. Then I thought they tried to kill me. It was pretty creepy.

3. Iced tea, or sweet iced tea?

Sweet iced tea. Sugar! Sugar!! SUGAR!!!

And that's it for now! The rest'll have to be later, when I'm pretending to study. Just kidding. ;) I'm going to be a serious student this year. Mostly.

I thought I'd end this whole thing with a little special "something." Since day one on this site, people've wanted to know what I looked like. If you're one of my Messenger buddies then THIS picture should be rather familiar (and if you're not, CONGRATS! You've finally caught a glimpse of the "rare" and "elusive" twilightlullaby):

Heh. :oops: I've always thought that this is one of my best shots. Granted, it's a bit eccentric, but that's how I am. And nothing's going to change that.


(here's to hundreds more. :D)


The Melancholy of Twilightlullaby

First of all, I'd like to say that lately, I feel like I've been a jerk/mean/rude/insensitive/other to a lot of you guys. And that's mostly because:

1. I'm tired (and in no shape to be online or elsewhere...)

2. See one.

Maybe I'm just been paranoid. Or not. But really, I would feel horrible if I said something bad...and I know I might've, even if it was unintentional. So, I'm sorry.

Summer is gradually fading into fall. I can feel that fall-ish feeling every single morning when I wake up far too early in order to get to school. Does anyone else get this melancholy sort of feeling when the fall time comes around? Or is this just a weird Maryland thing? Maybe it's a weird twilight thing? I have heard (from a "certain game") that with the hour of twilight comes a feeling of sadness, almost like something is missing. And I think that maybe that's what sparked my username. People've asked me that a lot and I've always replied, "I'm not sure," because the truth was, I wasn't sure at all. Now that I'm actually dwelling on that though, I think it was because of that certain moment in that certain game. The plot might have been cliche, the music generic, and the characters sub-par but...that one part got to me somehow.

Weird musings aside, in real life, for REAL, I have been feeling a little melancholy. And not just because of fall either. I's just that beginning of the year slump, I guess. Most of my classes are easy, they just give out a bunch of homework. And does anyone happen to remember that summer English assignment I did in about a week? They gave me a "Certificate of of Excellence" and a free chicken sandwich for my "outstanding" job. To be quite honest, I was shocked. It really wasn't such a great job but I feel that way about everything I write. I guess I should just be happy about my free meal...

I'll talk more about this melancholy later because people've started to complain about my long blogs. :| I just have a lot to say, that's all.

Anyway, to end things up all nice andneat, I'm going to have a Q and A session with yours truly. Rules are as follows:

1. No questions like , "How old are you? Where do you go to school" What's your grade? What are your measurements? How many siblings do you have?" Anything along those lines won't be considered at all. Sorry. I've already covered almost all of that before. I don't want to reiterate stuff over and over and OVER again.

2. Three questions per person.

That's it , I guess. Oh and follow the TOS too. :lol:



Some of you have probably heard this story already. If you have, then skip it. But if you haven't, I assure you, it's good. And if you still want to skip it, that's cool. It won't hurt my feelings.

My French teacher is crazy. I'm crazy for taking her class and doing something entirely new. My homework assignment is crazy. The possibility for mortification is pretty high. Let me explain: in order to study for a quiz, we must call 3 classmates and sing to them. In FRENCH. As if singing on the phone to someone weren't bad enough, I've upped the stakes for embarassment and given my number to the cute new guy who just transferred into my class. *nervous laugh* Maybe that's why I jump whenever the phone rings?


The Lunch Remnant

It's so cliche to write a blog about the first day of school, isn't it? I also realized that, while GS has many categories, it doesn't have one dedicated to school. So this, like many of my other blogs, goes in the "Other" category because it's special like that. :P

The Bus Ride

0600- Woke up to the sound of "愛唄" playing. Cursed the alarm clock and then scampered to get a shower in.

0630- Brushed teeth while humming "Karma," to make sure it's exactly two minutes.

0700- Worried.

0705- And worried some more.

0730- The bus is late. ****.

0745- ****. This really sucks.

0800- Listened to two guys talk about how to get a girl in a miniskirt to sit on their laps.

0830- Half an hour late. Attempted to slip into homeroom. Failed. Epically.

The Classes

Job classes! Who doesn't love them? You can pick from geek, nerd, jock, loser, popular, and many, many more. :D You can also go to various dungeons such as, "Crowded Hallway," "Health Class," and "Cafeteria." Each one provides a large varietes of monsters to fight such as, "Irate Senior," "Annoying Freshman," "Stuck-up Sophomore," and "Jumpin' Juniors," all of which provide "Class Credits." In order to pass to the next level you need to have "x" amount of credits. If you do not collect them within the timespan of a year're screwed. :P Not gonna use fancy language for that.

The Cafeteria

I just realized something. I *have* eaten curry before. Uhh, let me explain. In this anime called, "School Rumble," (I would describe it as a romantic comedy), one of the main characters is addicted to curry. He likes it even more than girls which is really strange (aren't boys supposed to like girls more than food?). :? Anyway, so tonight, I had curry for dinner and I was like, "So I DID have curry before! Oh yeah! 8)" Of course, my family paid me no mind. Like usual.

End of the Worl-er, Day

Cute Guy count for the Day: 7

Evil Girl count for the Day: 2

Sightings of *him*: 0

Times I went off on a tangent: Priceless

Ending Credits

Until next time! I have a test to study for tomorrow! Oh, the joys of being back in school. :P


Easter Egg

Did you notice that I changed my avatar? Now I feel the urge to give it a hug every time I log in. :P

My Return! Pig-Roasting! Sasuke-kun!

Originally, I was going to write a blog about my trip. But after thinking about it for a bit, I realized there wasn't a lot to tell. Sure, there's family stuff but most of that is...classified. As in, if I tell it, somehow, someday, somewhere, there are gonna be some serious repercussions, let ME tell YOU. We did do other things, like visit the one and only Tabasco factory, but Tabasco...oh man, that deserves it's own blog. Seriously. Bottom line about the trip: It was fun. And I didn't want to come back home afterwards. :P another topic, my school starts up again soon. *sigh* Summer passed way too quickly. There wasn't nearly enough time to sit around and do nothing. I know that sometimes I might complain about being bored but right now, I would do almost anything for some extra time. Pfh, the one thing I don't like about *IT* starting is the nightmares I have beforehand about every kind of crisis imaginable. Fire? check. Forgetting homework? Check. Getting locked in the school overnight? Check. All of this is so ridiculous! I don't even know WHY it happens but it does happen. It has happened since the second grade. I guess that's just who I am though...and nothings going to change that. :P

I also realized that I got some new games this month! :o And right before school starts too. I would dwell on them for a bit, but I think it's a little too late for "First Impressions." So let's see, I got Tales of the Abyss (at long last! :cry: ) and The World Ends With You (and me!). I know, I'm bad. :twisted: I just can't stop this steady flow of RPGs. Someone, help me before I drown! :cry:

While writing this blog (in Word, like all good bloggers do...;)), I was worried about this blog being boring. Seriously. Who wants to hear about school? No one, that's who. But tonight, a little something happened that totally turned that fear upside down on my head. And it's also the reason why about 20 minutes ago, I was drenched, covered in grasss, and hobbling on one foot. Let's take a quick step into my life, shall we?

-Tales of Twilight "Grass is green, My shirt is greener, but those girls take the prize for being even meaner."-

It all begin with two words. Pig. Roast. Innocent enough, right? And as any hip young gril knows, Pig Roasts are , like , SO IN right now, you know? But that was besides the point. I would get the chance to see my two best friends in RL and possibly catch a glimpse of Sasuke-kun (name changed to avoid potential embarrassment). :D What could possibly be better?

*sigh* I should have known better. The whole thing started out well enough, my friend and I got to observe some hot guys in action, things seemed to be going pretty great. Then the rain came down. It was thundering. And lightning. Pretty scary stuff. Personally, I enjoy wild storms, but then again, I'm a bit crazy. Before I go on, I think I should back track a bit so the whole thing makes sense. Most of my stories tend to frighten and/or confuse people so...the pig roast took place at a beach house with an outdoor pavillion by a beach. When the storm started, I was in the outdoor pavilion. There. That should clarify things. ANYWAY, I was sitting on a picnic bench inside the pavilion when this happened, eating my friend's desert. :P However, I was unaware of the tragedy that would happen next.

As you all know, I'm a girl. And as EVERYONE knows, girls spend about 87.9% of their lives in the bathroom. I needed to redo my hair so I decided to brave the rain and make my way to the restroom inside. Hah. Everything was going well enough UNTIL *it* happened. The floor was wet. I was wearing flip-flops and moving at a high speed. CRASH! I fell right on my a** and made an epic fool of myself in front of the "Evil Girls Clique" (why does that matter so much? It just does. And for the record, I think they were laughing as I got up). As I got up (too quickly), I noticed that my foot hurt a lot. I needed to run for cover though, so I ignored the growing pain and ran back to the safety of the outdoor shelter. I sat down and examined the damage. :| It wasn't broken hurt like a small bit of hell at first. And then I found out another piece of great news: I had been signed up for "silly" relay races. :shock: Does it get much worse than this? No. Not really.

Thankfully, I had my friends on my team. They got really worried and told me to "sit out of the race or ELSE." Who am I to argue with such wisdom? And I also had a clear view of Sasuke-kun (also me earlier. I was sent as a messenger by the lady in charge. He complained but once you're signed up, it's like you've sold your soul to the devil. There's no going back.). :D Later on, I insisted on being part of one race, so my friend grudgingly let me participate. And who was I against but...Sasuke-kun? I kicked his ASS by the way. Sorry. I'm not censoring my totally sweet victory one bit.

I was tired after that, so I went to go sit down and sip my cup of water. Things looked okay. But if there's one thing I've learned, nothing is ever as it seems. Only moments later, I was dragged into the fray for a final relay race. And the race wasn't the problem. It was just passing a sponge from hand to hand in order to fill a bucket of water. Innocent enough, RIGHT? WRONG. So freakin' WRONG. :cry: At the end of the thing, I asked one of the little kids to pour the extra water on my foot, so that it would feel better. And do you know what that little hellion did?! He threw the thing in my face. In. My. Face. :x I was okay with it though, since it wasn't a whole lot. I should have known better though. Only moments later, this HUGE torrent of water is dumped over my head. :x And by huge, I mean like a large sized bucket full. I was drenched. For the rest of the night, small children kept coming up to me and throwing sponges, toads, and small buckets of water all over me. Most of the other people at the roast avoided me like the Black Plague. People also laughed a lot whenever I came in to help clean up. I was just a sad little lump, ignored by the world. :P

I guess it's just my destiny to be a loser , eh?


Chocobo, Chocobo, You're So Fine

Heh, first things first, I'd like to say that I'm gonna be leaving for a week. :cry: I really don't want to go BUT I'm looking on the bright side. I get to see my grandmother (BONUS), probably fall out of a boat and get eaten by an alligator (BONUS), and eat way too much food (BONUS). I have relatives down south and I haven't seen them in two whole years. Since they hate coming up here to Maryland, we always have to go down and visit them. I hope you guys (and girls) will all cross your fingers for me and hope I don't get sick on the plane ride down. Or back, for that matter.

As for the title, well, it refers to remix of the "Chocobo, Chocobo," theme from FFIV. And uh, you really should try and listen to it. I don't think I lived until I heard the phrase, "Chocobo, Chocobo, you're so fine," rapped. The song can be found at the , under the title "Rhymes With Elixir." (or just look for the new FFIV remix album on the site's main page) And just as a warning, the song contains language and suggestive references. Don't blame me for any scarring that might occur. :)

And what one of my blogs is complete without some Fullmetal Alchemist references, hmm? The new series (availible online for F-R-E-E! :D) is just getting better. I was watching the next episode preview last night! They're doing a great job keeping to the story. I've actually gotten a little teary watching some of them. It's sort of embarassing actually. :oops:

Well, again, I'm going to miss all of you, with the exception of the Three Stooges. You know who you are. I'm going to get you when I become the King in the King's game. Believe it!

I better cut this short before I start to get second thoughts about leaving...


The Obligatory Filler Episode

This last past week was actually filled with lots of interesting stuff! And it's kept me very busy. I'm really glad to have had a change from just doing chores and summer homework and all that stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with it, I just like to change things up a lot. And I have only so much time left starts again, so I'm trying to savor every last bit.

My week began with MONDAY, where I...worked on summer homework. Then it cut into TUESDAY, where I did...more summer homework. After that was WEDNESDAY, where I did my usual WEDNESDAY stuff, like teleporting and fighting the Wild Marlboros of Maryland. Then there was THURSDAY. THURSDAY was a really weird day. I was helping out my friend's with their church's VBS , which is basically day camp with a Christian theme. Anyway, I got there and was just standing around when BAM! This little kid comes flying out of nowhere and gives me this huge hug. :? Then I remember, it's this little girl I met at a concert a while back. So I'm like, "Hi, how's it going?" ; you know, the usual stuff. Small talk. And you won't believe what happens next...

She has a boyfriend. Yeah. I know. I'm like, "Okay, what does he look like?" She tells me, "he's very tall , dark, and handsome." Of course, I was imagining someone who was, "tall, dark , and handsome." Ha. Likely chance. She drags me over ala Yorda from ICO and says, "There he is." -insert jaw drop here- The kid is a little dork. A dorky little 6th grader (I doubt there are any around here...but sorry in advance if I offended anyone). I guess what they say is true, it's all a matter of perspective but seriously. So I ask the little girl, "That's your boyfriend, huh?" And the little boy (and his friend) run off snickering. The little girl turns a bright red and (while yanking my arm out in the process) drags me back over to some secret area. She yells, "He's NOT MY BOYFRIEND! ...yet." And so the melodrama began.

On FRIDAY, I decided to go back and help some more because I'm that kind of person. 8) No really, I enjoy volunteering. I know it might sound weird but I actually do enjoy helping out other people. And I had the additional benefit of seeing a certain person at the same time. :P There was also this concert in the night which was pretty cool. I landed a free meal and caused general mischief. Nothing too serious though, I'm not that much of a rule-breaker.

SATURDAY (or today, if you prefer), I woke up at 6:30. :? And I had a bowl of Cocoa Puffs with vanilla bits in them. I don't really know what to think of that. I guess it was good... But anyway, I spent the day working on my new user profile banner. What do you think? I also have a (somewhat) matching blog header so... I've decided to go with a general Shin Megami Tensei theme. I really like the artwork. I have yet to decide on a new avatar though. It's a toss up between L, Roy, and Barney. I'll figure something out in the end though. Oh and I went shopping tonight. I didn't buy anything, just one shirt for about 5 bucks. It was on sale. But I got an idea for a t-shirt of my own. I figure it'll say, "I don't tick; I *sparkle*"

I guess that's enough for now, until sometime in the near future.


Foiled again! Or concerning a disturbing revelation about Lymle...

Tonight, I was going to compare the lot of you to people I know in real life. Then I realized something. I could not seem to find anything in them that reminds me of any of you. Damn. I was so disappointed. BUT I do know someone who looks a bit like the user Aidan129. :P

So that means I've lost my topic for the night. :cry: I'll just have to wing it, I guess.

First of all, I haven't gotten too far in SMT: Devil Survivor. That game is just...hard. Other than that, I really haven't been gaming lately. Nothing seems to *POP* out at me. There are tons of games that I *could* be playing but I just don't feel like it. I have an entire backlog of games that I need to complete too. So there's not a whole lot new on the gaming front. I have considered going this "Puzzle Pirates" thing after hearing about it from another user. Can't be as cool as Chicktionary though. Wait a second, what's that I hear? You haven't heard of Chicktionary? What planet do you come from!? :shock:

Alright! Chicktionary is the most amazing game in the universe, from its lovely orchestrated opening title screen to its lovingly crafted online search feature. *sigh* And if you have an MSN account , you can even save your score! Can you BELIEVE that Gamespot has never heard of it before?! I know, right?! What's more catchy than being able to "rule the roost." Anyway, if you're interested, here's a link. Be prepared to embark on the game of the millineum. Some might say that FFVII is the greatest game ever. I scoff at that opinion and dare to say, " ROX my SOX." :lol:

Onto another trail! Lately, I've become (slightly) addicted to watching the new Fullmetal anime. I know, I'm a crazy Hagane-head but it's really good. SO MUCH BETTER than the original. Even though it's in Japanese, I can understand about every 5th word or so! It's a start. And the opening song is very good. Probably the best anime opening I've heard for a while. Sure, some might complain about it...but I think it's good. Although, it's probably going to change around the 14th episode or so to something I'll hate. :x C'est lavie and all that.

Uh and on another note, I'm thinking about changing my avatar to reflect the end of summer and the start of a new (:x) school. I figure I'd get a head start but I want *your* opinion. :)


(I actually resized this. Please tell me if it's too small again. :x)

And very obviously some of those were thrown in for a joke. While looking for a Lymle avatar I came across a picture of her doing *SOMETHING* that was just...disturbing! The image is emblazed into my mind forever. *sob*

Until next time!



Of Extra Note: My very, very, very good friend kickflip made me an amazing new sig! :D I plan on using it in the near future so be prepared! *musical note*

I'm a (Devil) Survivor!

As the title implies, the other day I went out to go get myself a copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. I know what some of you might be thinking, "Didn't she really want -fill in the blank with a name of something on twilight's wishlist-?" Well , guys, grils, chicks, hibachis, Wild Marlboros, and pixies, where I live , it is not easy to find every title you want. And I refuse to buy stuff from the online black market. :x I've been conned too many times. And I've been meaning to play a SMT game for eternities PLUS it was portable. I mean come on, what could be better than that?

~First Hour Impressions (I think it was an hour; it might have really been about 45 minutes)~

Well, the main cutscene is very bleak. And a little weird. But then you get to name the main character! :D My favorite part. So his name is:

First Name: Kyon

Last Name: Ohtori

Nickname: Flame (star icon)

Okay, so I thought that Flame (star icon) wouldn't be used that often. My thoughts were, "Hahahaha, this won't affect my gameplay *too* much." ****. ****. ****!!!! !!!
Within in the first minutes of meeting my new buds (Yoohoo and Semi-cool Hacker Dude), they both started calling me Flame (star icon). WHY?!!? WHY?!?! Of course, I was too lazy to go back and watch the opening screen again so I decided that it was just one of those burdens that you *have* to bear. *sigh* So now, for the rest of the game, I'm going to be called Flame (star icon) , at least for the most part. My evil looking cousin calls me by my real name though so I guess the name "Kyon" wasn't a total fail after all.


Come on Flame (star icon)! You *CAN* get past your lame nickname! Ask her out already! :P

The game's battle system is pretty neat though. It's tactical turn based a little like (gasp) Shining Force! Except more spiffy looking. You move your cute little sprites around the field and go and hack up the demons using the "A" Button to select the "Attack" feature. The explanation is a bit confusing but it's fairly easy to pick up, especially if you've played a tactical game and/or JRPG before.


Oh my God! Flame (star icon), I never would have guessed!

Trust me, as the summer wanes on, you'll hear more about this game. A lot more.

I also have some good news to tell all of you! I finally have a bed. A real bed of my very own. For the last year and a half, I've been sleeping on a mattress on the floor. But , the other day, I went to go out and get a real bed. It's so great! I'm so thankful! :)

On some other news, I got the two newest volumes of Fullmetal Alchemist. All I can say is that:

"I didn't know that -name- was -name-! Who would have thunk?"


And this one's for YOU, dear reader! XD

By request of one of the coolest people I know (maybe soon to be the coolest? I don't know! :x) , DrAwesomeMD, I've decided to complete my list of 100 totally random facts. Except, this time, the facts might go into more detail than before. Without further ado, here I go.

90. When I was very young, I though glasses and a uniform were the coolest thing ever.

91. I'm actually very terrible at completing video games. Out of the 30 or 40 so games I own , I've maybe beaten 10. Although, I never took into consideration that some of them *CAN'T* be beat.

92. Some of you guys (and girls) I know on Gamespot are the best friends I've had in my whole entire life. And that's saying something. So I wanted to do a general list of some of the people who are just really special to me. Yeah, I'm jumping on the bandwagon. I won't mention names but you'll know who you are: the nicest user on GS, the leader of the first union where I really felt at home, the guy who actually mentioned in one of his blogs that he wanted to hear what I had to say, the person who told me"not to lose my*sparkle*" (and his family as well! You guys are the bestest ever! :D), a certain "Red" person, the one who had those *certain* inappropriate pictures of Albel Nox, KickFlip, my *glittering* friend, the blender of games, and the blond princess. ;) I know, I didn't include everyone. That's the problem with these effing things. :x So to all of you who weren't mentioned, just know that you guys mean a lot to me. In fact, anyone who can READ this blog means a lot to me. Except perverts. And stalkers. Gee, this turned out to be long, huh?

93. Contrary to what I might say, I actually love my family. But I do blame them for my love of strange video games, anime, and singing along with the CD playing in the video store along with several other things. Basically, I love them but they drive me insane.

94. I'm horrible with guys. No really. It's true. :(

95. I have three GROSS AWFUL UGLY Planter's warts on my left foot. Gack. That was too personal, wasn't it?

96. You will have to kill me before you can get me to square-dance. :x I don't do square-dancing. It's a little, much even for me. :P

97. According to most people, I have very low self-esteem. And I'm sad to say that it *IS* true. I don't feel comfortable with being myself in real life.

98. I often say stupid things and then obsess about them later. By that time, everyone's probably forgotten about it.

99. Right now, I feel like I've lost my *sparkle*.

100. No one here knows my age and I plan to keep it that way. You're welcome to guess but I WON'T give out any answers! *cackle*

And that's it. Now (if you've been following me since I said I was a girl and NOT a guy) you should know 100 things about me.

That's it.


Virginia Reeling, Giant Pig Detectives, and *MY* Return :D

I have to say that, as much as I loved Canada, I'm (sorta) happy to be back in the States. My trip went fairly well except for:

-doing the Virginia Reel (:x!) Please do not ask why I had to do this.

-waking up at six AM every day in order to get a shower in :x :x

-sharing a room with a 12 year girl who insisted on calling me fat at least once a day. :x :x :x :evil:

There's more than that. A whole lot more. But too many people in my life are telling me to focus on the positive. So I'll shut up for now.

Anyway, there was a lot to see. I went to visit Quebec City one night. Now THAT was really beautiful. I took a few pictures of the buildings and whatnot but I'm too lazy to upload them. It really can't compare to actually being there and seeing everything for real. We also went on a couple of hiking trails. Heh. I never want to see another flight of steps again. And that's about it for talking about my trip! :D

Not much has been happening lately other than my big trip. No, I take that back. Sunday night I saw this movie:

Princess Mononoke (insert pretty image here; my picture wasn't working)

It's another one of those Hayao Miyazaki movies. This one was weird, surprisingly violent , and not at all like Spirited Away, the first Miyazaki movie that I saw. For those of you who are not rabid anime fans, Miyazaki is pretty big in those circles. Me? Why do I like them? Well, I can say one thing: he's not afraid to be different. He has movies about a pig detective, a hero who rides on a reindeer, and a little girl who works for bathouse spirits. But it's not just that, it's also the standard of quality in those movies. All of the characters, while all having the somewhat similar look to them, are well drawn, the plots (as I mentioned before) are strange but surprisingly good, ...and the music. ^_^ Let's just say the guy who does the music has a special place in my heart along with Nobuo Uematsu and the Xenosaga II soundtrack. Here's a little clip of the hero's theme in Princess Mononoke.

The Legend of The Hero

After finishing that up, I started to watch the Dark Knight. :cry: Maybe I'm just sensitive or something but I have a hard time watching the Joker kill people. "I'm going to make this pencil disappear." :? So...I'm going to (maybe) finish that up tonight.

On the side of gaming, I haven't done a *whole* lot. The last serious game I played was Chicktionary. If you haven't heard of it, then go out and play it. :x NOW.
