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twilightlullaby Blog

It's So Wonderful

I think it's funny how I complain about people who complain and then go back and do it myself. Quite a bit, actually.

So, I went to a funeral yesterday. I came home to a bunch of status updates on Facebook similar to, "I had a crappy day." Uh, sure you did. I'm pretty sure that you went through unpleasant family situations, drove 6 hours, or more, in a car, and had to write an entire English paper overnight. No? Really? Tell me, how was your day so bad? Did someone *gasp* make fun of your outfit? Or did you have to listen to unpleasantly loud music for twenty minutes on the bus ride home? Maybe , just maybe, you had to take....(wait for it) a TEST that you had plenty of time to study for but didn't and chose to spend it...on FACEBOOK instead? You poor little dear.

I love how my mean side came out right there. :P

Mean ways aside, yesterday wasn't so bad. I mean, I'm looking on the bright side: I got to see almost all of my cousins at once (rare event) as well as my uncles and aunts, walk around a lake on a beautiful day, and miss school.

Today, I went back to school because education never takes a rest! It was okay. SOMEHOW people were TALKING about me and my family life. I got to be greeted with the ever so lovely phrase, "Oh, but it's not like you weren't expecting her to die anyway." That really made my day. I mean, we all eagerly anticipate the day our debilitated grandmothers will die, right? That's what I thought.

Anyway, I'm not going to dwell on the past; as amusing as I can make it sound, in reality, it's sort of bleak. But there's always hope. :x Don't get the wrong idea.

So, other than those things, life is okay.

I know I talked about auditioning and I am SURE that ALL of you want to hear about that.

Here is how I described my former acting experience (on some fill-out sheet):"In second grade, I played God. Later on, I played the nagging wife of King Midas. Only last year, I played the part of the daughter of a minister; then I was demoted to opening doors as the Porter in Macbeth."

On talents,"If you want the truth, I am quite dull and have no talents to speak of whatsoever." :lol:

This is just a small sample of the things I wrote down. Yeah, I'm full of it.

The actual audition went well. I had my moment of "Oh shi---" and the inevitable "Let's not finish that." I did some was terrible though. I almost died of shame, that's how bad it was. In the end, I doubt I'll make that call-back sheet tomorrow. But hey! I think auditions are the best part, full of magic and excitement. Thinking about it makes me jittery, like a can of Mtn. Dew. :x Terrible stuff.

Video games, alas, have taken a backseat to everything else. I took out my PS2 the other day and realized that I hadn't played it for around three months. Three. Months. My DS gets a lot of use; especially late at night, when I can't sleep. Of course, all I play is Animal Crossing so...Zelda and co, you guys'll have to wait. I do use my Wii...but it's for stuff like Rockband and DDR; nothing "serious."

The hour is early and I still need to finish my makeup work so...

---twilight ♪

Getting So Much Better All The Time

Someone should kick me for that title.

I just realized that I have the tendency to overreact about many things, namely my parents. The whole Hotmail thing was, well, a lack of foresight on my part. That email address is what I use for student government , along with an art society that I don't have a place in, so deleting it would've been extremely stupid.

Just goes to show everyone that I should think things through more.

And none of that made sense at all, I think. So let's get on to what's happened in the...2 days since I last posted a blog.

I've been stricken ill with something, whether it's the after-effects of grief, something my brother cooked, or just the general plague that the grade-schoolers tend to spread about. It's not I wouldn't worry.

After watching our school play, I decided that...I twilight "Jennifer" lullaby must once again break into the world that is theater! :x This may be my last year here, so I'll go out with a BANG. If I can make the show, that is. I'm pretty sure that our drama thing runs by favorites, not talent. Okay, so it's not true in *ALL* cases but most. And I still have to make it to auditions...and find a proper monologue....yeah. I'll need a miracle.

Initially, I was feeling bad about my engineering project, but after meeting up with my team and getting supplies, I'm only feeling 78% nervous now. See, that's math right there!

The other day, I saw...Across the Universe.

Movie Review:I had a feeling about this movie. A feeling deep inside. Because. This movie just evokes horrible puns (I'm pretty sure that's the word; forgive me if I'm incorrect); in fact, it's full of them from (Dear) Prudence, Max(well's Silver Hammer), (Hey) Jude, Lucy (in the Sky With Diamonds), (Sexy) Sadie, (Get Back) Jojo...our dear, dear main protagonists. That isn't to say I didn't enjoy it; it was decent enough but I felt like the plot was just an excuse to go from song to song. This movie tells the tale of (Hey) Jude, a cute (I think) Liverpool dock worker who heads to America to find his dad. That turns out *so* well... So Max(well's Silver Hammer) takes him in , after (Hey)Jude saves him from...a fate worse than death, a fate which I will not detail here. :roll: Max(well's Silver Hammer) takes him home for Thanksgiving (uh...confused? Where does the time go?) where he meets...Lucy(in the Sky With Diamonds). The rest all of you will have to watch because I am tired. Oh!(Darling) I almost forgot to mention...this is a musical. I'm a bit late for saying that, aren't I?

Since this is a musical, I'm pretty sure you want to hear about the music. No? Well, too bad. It was the director portrayed the songs but I can't say that I cared for Lucy's voice. We didn't hear much from Prudence...and the guys all did a good job. Maybe I'm just partial to male singing, I can't say. :P

I'll include a few links:

Across the Universe- (Hey) Jude/Jim Sturgess

Happiness is a Warm Gun- Max(well's Silver Hammer)/Joe Anderson

Helter Skelter- (Sexy) Sadie/ Dana Fuchs

Let It Be- Uhh, I'm not quite sure.

Final Word: If you're a rock musical fan, or sort of like the Beatles, this MIGHT interest you. Me? I'd just buy the soundtrack instead. Or the $3 UMD at Gamestop (but NOT BestBuy, it's like...15 dollars there). Maybe even rent it, if you're feeling dangerous. :lol:I really think (Hey) Jude is cute though.

ANYWAY. That's enough about that.

No more "I'm leaving blogs" for a while, I hope.

---twilight ♪

Long Time Gone - Changes - Smile

I haven't been haunting this site nearly as much as I used to. So, I'm very sorry if I've forgotten messages or been inactive in any unions. Life's kept me busy with a great many things. Feel free to demote me, if you'd like.

Also, on the topic of vanishing, I shut down my Hotmail account. I'm not ignoring anyone; it's just something that no longer exsists. If you want to talk to me that badly, send a message. It's not nearly the same's better than nothing. I don't really want to talk about why but again, send a message if it's killing you. Just don't go spreading stuff around, not like any of you would do it anyway but still. :/

Life's been alright, I guess. I've gone from a science fair to a major scale engineering project (for my grade level, age, and previous experience which amounts to...uh, none I'd say), which occupies most of my time. I can't say that it's the most exciting fun awesomest thing ever but it's okay. At least I'll have some background in those areas. A positive,I guess.

The funeral's next Monday. I get to miss school. Positive again.

On the topic of video gaming, since that is what this site is about after all, I've pre-ordered this neat little game for the Wii. It's called "Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon" and it's my typical Japanese RPG (or something of the sort) fare. :P I guess the people who made a game called "Eternal Sonata" were in charge of the artistic design or something. The main reason I wanted to get it , though, is because of the OST , which is piano-driven. I'm too lazy to link it but if you find yourself with a bit of spare time, Youtube or askpspitus it. I don't think you'll regret it...especially if you're a piano geek like I am.

Besides that, I've gotten, or rather my family has, the Beatles Rockband. It's every bit as good as it was when I played it with my friend but...playing with my siblings ruins it for me. They enjoy fighting, discussing how creepy Lennon is, and singing like fiends from hell. I won't be generalistic , and rather negative, by saying it's like that all the time because sometimes, they do a decent job. But usually, I play Band Hero, which I really don't like, in the name of peace. :P Ah, saying that made me feel like a suck-up.

Tonight I plan on going to see our school's play , Rumpelstiltskin, I think. I really hope it doesn't include cross-dressing, like last time, because my mom and some little kids are coming along.

It's really hard to smile and be happy every day but why should I be sad? Like people told me when my grandpa died, "It's just another old person." "You probably didn't even know them."

Yeah. Life goes on, within you and without you. Life's not fair, it's just fairer than death. That's life. I know.

Happy Spring everyone. :) So what if I'm a bit early? Better early than late and better late than never. :P

---twilight ♪

An Apology

I'd like to apologize for my last blog, 'cos it felt sort of stupid. And I'm gonna respond to everyone's comments don't worry. :P

Anyway, so I have some important news to tell all of you.

So, the thing is, my grandma died. Some of you know how she lived with me for the last coupla years and stuff. She died peacefully and all that, you know? So, yeah.

I'm probably going up to Boston with my mum in a couple hours. Just wanted to say I'm not gonna be around much. I might be on Messenger though so if you want to put up with me then and try to hold a conversation , that's cool. Haven't really been that great of a conversationalist though.

What a perfect way to spend Valentine's Day, huh?

Hope everyone else has a lovely today and tomorrow. :P

-no signature-

Irritation. Ice. Idiots.

I realized after posting my last blog, that I opened the same way twice. Makes me feel a bit stupid but I think I was tired when I posted that. Anyway.

Lately, I've been getting a lot of time off from school. I think it's great. Sure...I'm getting some mild traces of cabin fever but right now, I don't feel like being in school. So it's been fairly sweet. Lots of time to work on creative stuff. I've watched about two seasons of the Office. Pretty funny stuff...but a bit offensive at times. Oddly enough, I haven't taken advantage of the time to play video games. You'd think I'd be spending every free moment but no.

This sort of leads up into my rant of the day. :P I'm not sure if I rant a lot but I think it's been a while. So.

I'm sickof people complaining. Ha. This isn't directed at anyone here but, like always, the people IRL. I love them so much. :/

"God twilight, that was a stupid thing to say. People complain all the time, get over it."

But what, exactly, does that solve? Down here, people complain a lot. "Our county sucks. No one lives here but a bunch of hicks and engineers (weird combo, I know)." "Our snow removal system sucks." "Our school system sucks." "The people here suck." "I hate it here." And this is on a daily basis, from certain people. A mixture of "certain" people. :P

It sort of makes me wonder, whatever happened to looking at the good in life? Admitadly, we don't have the best of everything. one ever tries to make it better, that's the thing. You hear all this b*tching about this and that and the other, but does anyone actually try and go to the root of the problem? No. "I'm too lazy." "I don't have the time."

Shut up, okay? To clarify, this is mostly from people at school.

It makes me sick, honestly. And really, really annoyed. Nothing's perfect. Life isn't perfect. Or fair.

I know what my parents would say: "Get used to it. As you get older there will be people who are a lot worse." And it's true. Sometimes I wish life had an "Easy Button" but it doesn't.


I'm sorry for dumping that on everyone. I know that people have enough trouble without listening to my complaints and everything.

So yeah. No VG stuff this time. Too ad;fkjf.


Indie Games, A Silver Hammer, and Lone Pears

It's been a while, hasn't it?

I must say, even though midterms are over and done with (HOW SHOCKING!), life's gotten busier. I can only imagine what it's going to be like next year. Engineering, two sciences, and a math...if I end up staying in my small town. The thing is, we might be moving. Yeah. It's sad and all but the people I know IRL give me a hard time about it all ready. It's not set in stone yet so I'm just gonna hope it doesn't happen, that's all. Living here is a love/hate thing and...after six or seven years, I've just hit my stride. :P So yeah.

If any of this is disjointed or nonsensical, I'm sorry. I'm writing this in the hopes that it'll wear me out and I'll fall asleep.

Enough about real life. I'll get back to that later. Let's move onto what really matter here: the games.

Time for gaming's been sparse. Of course, that hasn't stopped me from logging over...12 hours on Beatles Rockband. :lol: It seems like that's the only game I talk about. But it's my GAME , you know? Slowly, I'm becoming one of those losers who plays Rockband all the time. Oh my.

Then there's the occasional late night Animal Crossing DS playthrough. I mostly use it to put me to sleep.

And last, but certainly not least is...for lack of a better term, an "indie" game. Freeware, GBA-esque graphics, and very obscure, this is a game I DO NOT recommend for everyone. I'll do my best to describe it.

Yume Nikki

I did not draw this. YUME NIKKI OMG.

Madotsuki is a female shut-in who lives all alone. The game takes place within her apartment where one can go onto the balcony (which plays an important role in the story...this isn't a spoiler) and walk around inside. If you try to leave the apartment, she refuses. The only thing you can do is save (obviously) at her desk or fall asleep.

If you so chose to fall asleep, you find yourself in Suki's dream world. And Toto? Ha. Kansas is but a distant and happy dream. Suki's dream world is a terrifying, disturbing, and often saddening place. While playing it, the game won't bother you; it's afterwards, alone that's when you start to think about it. At times, I've found myself pitying Suki. What happened to her to cause her subconcious to be this disturbed?

There isn't a boss to be defeated or any plot; the point of the game is to wander and explore. There are 24 effects to be collected and once all of them are placed in the main portal room an ending of sorts can be unlocked. A sad, depressing, upsetting ending.

I found this game by accident on DeviantArt (which you can go and look up yourself). It has a small cult following there and I predict that someday this game is going to be popular. Maybe.

So, if you're interested, you can google and look for an English translation. You can play it in Japanese but I like knowing the names of the effects you obtain. It also requires RPGMAKER2003.

Admittedly, this game doesn't have the best graphics BUT it's creative and original (disturbing and upsetting as well). I'd rather play a game like this than Super Fun Adventure 93289.2. But that's just me.

Again, this game isn't for everyone. I've warned you. Said it a hundred times but I'll say it once more: disturbing. Upsetting. And a bit terrifying.

But if the idea of playing this delights you, go have fun. Enjoy it. :P And TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. [/Uboa]

I really did go on and on, huh? I could've gone on longer though.


Of Added Interest- Sorry that I haven't been commenting and such lately. Life happened, okay?

Over This, That, and THE OTHER

It's been a while, hasn't it? I've gone from writing every two days, to writing once a month.

I blame midterms. Most have been easy, (yes, STATE, I'm looking at your sad excuse for a chemisty exam. Where are the 190 questions with no logical answers?!) but there have been a few weird questions. I'm reluctant to talk about them, however, because I'm afraid I'd be violating some hidden "code of test-taking." Playing it safe is best for now. :P *cough*MSN*cough* I said nothing.

Aside from those, it's still been busy down in the middle of nowhere. Not sure if I mentioned it but I was forced into doing a science fair for the program I'm in at my school. The project had a lot of weight, a test , quiz, and lab grade, thank you very much, and I was sure that I was going to fail. BUT...I passed. :| And it brought my grade up to an "A." Can someone spell, "**** yeah!" ?

I'm sure all of you have had enough about my school life though, so let's move on to another part of my life. Social. I gotta log in with that. It's , like, totally part of the experience.

There's not a lot to say about that. Does it ever seem that you miss the people you want to see the most? I also discovered that a friend of mine was talking with a teacher about me the other day. General consensis: twilight is socially retarded. Then thiscreepy guy said someone liked me, and then pulled me outside and said it was him. :cry: That ruined my day. Although, thinking about me, it could've been worse.

Of course, this is depressing. Let's talk about gaming instead. :)

I picked up a copy of this Zelda superpack for the Gamecube. For the life of me, I can't remember whether I beat Ocarina of Time so I'm playing that again. It's certainly not worthy of "BEST GAME EVAR" but it's amusing and it's a nice relief from social life and school work. Plus dancing like a Goron is good for your abs. :|

I'm also working on Animal Crossing: FOR THE DS. It's cute, it's addictive, and it can get repetitive. But hey! Making lopsided snowmen is fun.

Speaking of, some of my friends conned me into getting a Facebook last month. I have a love/DEADLY HATE relationship with the whole thing. I love being able to talk to my friends at school, since living in a small town makes hanging out aj;fksdl but it's slightly addictive. :/ Don't ask why. It's also easy to stalk/be stalked. *shudder*

Time to get back to OoT and its corny dialogue. "YAHOOO!" :|



Some say it's the beginning of a new decade. Others argue that "technically" it's not until '11. Honestly, I don't care. :P A new year is a new year no matter how you put it. It's also a very important day to me. If you can figure out why, well, kudos to you. :D

On a totally unrelated topic, over my winter break, I've had the good fortune of being able to see a lot of movies. Titles are as follows:

Avatar- In a word, gorgeous. More than anything...half the fun of seeing the movie was sitting on the floor in the back of our crappy movie theater. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the phrase, "Let's fight terror with terror," was used? ...yeah. Yeah. Go see it.

Sherlock Holmes- I have to say, this is probably the first book to movie adaption that hasn't annoyed the crap out of me. Quirky, a bit "black", and mildly amusing, I'm probably the only one who enjoyed this movie. :P Besides my cousin.

The Grudge- Holy. ****. HOLY. ****. I was not afraid while watching this movie. Really. I only jumped at one part. But...after it was over, man. I kept hearing that moaning sound everywhere. And don't get me started on that eye. My imagination is too good for my own good.

Some Random Saw Movie- I don't like gore. Sure, one day I'm going to be a doctor, but gore in REAL LIFE and gore IN MOVIES are two different things for me. That sounds extremely weird but it's true. Most of the movie annoyed me because they dragged out the torture and crap. It was stupid. I mean, some of it was interesting like these "games" the killer made them play but...I don't know. I just find movies like that hard to enjoy.

Pan's Labyrinth- The lullaby at the beginning of the movie is too catchy. I really loved the creature designs in this movie. Not a traditional fairy tale, that's for sure. It's more Brothers Grimm than Disney.

District 9- I'm pretty sure this had a hidden message. That's what my dad said at least. He paused the movie and explained a ton of stuff about it to me. Gory in parts but well done. And the little alien kid made me cry.

I probably saw a few more...but I can't remember them right now. :P

So. I guess I should talk about real life now. You gotta have the bad with the good, right? Actually, life's been good. Last night I was out with a group of friends at this party. :? *shudder* Karaoke...horror movies...staying up until 6. It's a wonder I've been able to stayawake today.

I'm a little miffed at a friend of mine right now too. For their benefit, I won't go into details but...they're just being stupid. STUPID STUPID STUPID. You know I'm mad when I capitalize words three times in a row. -_- And I needed to vent at someone. *shrug*

It's the new year! Eat, drink (non-alcholic beverages...plz), and be merry? Yeah.


NOTE- My new avatar. He's amazing, isn't he? :lol: I went from cute guy avvie to tough guy. Expect a blog/profile header overhaul sometime this spring. ^^

Quick Reflection

On a typical Christmas Eve, I'd be sitting in church singing carols and listening to a message on something I'd probably forget the next day. But this is not an ordinary day. :| The thing is, I'm sick. No, it's not life threatening or anything. It's justa cold. I've had it for quite some time...but it was never serious enough for me to stay home. And I like going to school. :P Well, sometimes.

So my eyes are watering. And I'm all stuffed up. But I thought I'd at least spread a little bit of Christmas cheer before going to sleep. If I can sleep. You know...Christmas Eve excitement and all that. :D Guess I'm still a very small child at heart.

Break's been very quiet so far. Some of my friends threw a party, on Wednesday, but I was stuck going to the doctor instead. It was for the best, I think, because I still needed to get a few more gifts together for everyone. My relatives are coming on Saturday...but I'm not terribly excited about that. *shrug* I like having things low-key but I don't know. It'd be nice to see people other than my family, you know? I guess that's a negative side effect of small-town life.

Let's see...I haven't talked about gaming in a while. Hmm. Well, in case I haven't mentioned it already, a while back I got Spirit Tracks. It is much better than Phantom Hourglass. I've gotten to the fourth dungeon and I'm working on the boss. He's a bit frustrating but I'll get the hang of it...I hope. One of main antagonists also reminds me of the Happy Mask Salesman, from Majora's Mask.

WHOA! Look at the similarities...

What do you think?

I've also been trying to finish The World Ends with You. an...interesting say the least. :| He's going in a dress as soon as I can get his bravery level high enough. So is Neku, for that matter. :x But I have to say, my favorite character so far is...Sho Minamimoto. I LOVE HIM. This is probably because I can get all of his math jokes. :| And I think they're funny too. Wait, is mentioning him a spoiler?! Oh well. :P

So zetta sexy...XDD

"This is subtracting from my arts and crafts time."

That's really about it...console wise...I just haven't had the time or energy to set my PS2 up. :x My sound cable is also not working well and makes this annoying buzzing sound whenever I plug it in. It's not too noticable but it drives me nuts everything.

Well, I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. :)


What, as they say, is up? Or down? Or...sideways?

Hey. Not being on GS, and I mean being active, has been slowly killing me lately. I feel like part of me is missing. :cry: I guess that's why it's sort of an addiction, being part of the site and all that. I don't know. That sounds sort of strange.

So, I was worried about you guys. :P And I thought that I might actually *SAY* something about how life's been going , instead of leaving some cryptic message. Don't take this as a "Dude, I'm so back" blog though. :| I have no time to be active. Sure, I'll log into check messages and such...but aside from that, it's real shifty.

Anyway. Life's been going okay. I feel a little bit sad though because...umm, well, not that I'm trying to worry you guys or anything see...I was sort of...rejected the other day. Yeah. And I haven't been able to tell any of my real life friends because most of them know the guy. See, I don't want there to be any serious reprocussions. I'm a big kid. I can handle this. I think., actually I'm not so sure.

School's been going well lately. My grades are high enough for me to be some sort of "scholar." And I got a leadership award the other day. :roll: Let me tell you, I didn't hear the end of it from *some* people. *shudder* On another school-related thing, I've been *enlisted* in all of these art (after-school) activites. Heh. Maybe some creativity will rub off on me?

Relationships next! You all know that this is the part you've been waiting for. 8) To my suprise, I find myself getting along with a fair amount of the student body. Of course, people steal my homework a lot too but that's just universal stuff. I've made a few good friends, but I'm still sort of afraid to trust them. Besides, I feel like a bit of an outsider in their group anyway. It's sort of this feeling, "If you didn't know me, would you even care?" Okay, so this is getting a little more adksf;ljk then I'd like it. Needless to say, they're a good lot. I just feel like I don't deserve such nice people. That's it.

And since, I can't ever praise you guys enough, I'd like to include a few shout-outs to some of my friends here, on GS. I know, I know, I KNOW, it's cliche and totally over-used. But, I've found that it's really important to show your friends that you care. And I do. I really do.

Courtney- My best friend here. Probably. Yeah. Almost like my sister. Thank you so much for listening to all of my ramblings the other day. You have no idea how much that helped. You're the nicest person ever! :P No really. :)

Max- Some of the best conversations via Messenger. Ever.

Aidan- :x I gotta say, I can't believe that we're friends. But, I guess it's nice. You're probably the only guy friend I have who I really trust. And that's saying something.

mprezzy- Thank you. That's all I'm going to say.

pspitus- The one person who makes me laugh, for realz (:lol: ), whenever I talk to him. You always have so many interesting stories to tell. And your imagination rivals my own. :x Dang senior citzen.

stalpno (or Ben?)- :)

The only thing I hate about all of these is that someone always ends up getting their feelings hurt. So I LOVE YOU ALL! Eat lots of fruitcake , okay? :lol:
