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twilightlullaby Blog

A Packing List


The Itinerary

So, I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Texas. Don't ask me why, it's just the plan. Then, on Monday, we head to Japan. Long plane ride- super-cool! (if I sit next to my brother, something may happen) We get back in early August. I have no idea what we're going to be doing, exactly, in Japan but I know we're going to Kyoto! But not Osaka.

The Characters

My extended family and my brother. Then there's me, but that goes without saying.

The Passports

My responsibility, until I hand them over to my aunt! My mom doesn't understand why it's so stressful. She's never played an RPG then. When delivering stuff, anything can , and will, go wrong.It's one of those things you pick up in video games, I guess. Paranoia.

The Luggage (not to be confused with passports)

One backpack, one suitcase, one purse. Assorted items lurk within, most with limited usage. I'm really hoping we have time to wash clothing...

The Language

Fun story about this- when my brother and I were little, my mom was going to teach us Japanese! Good idea, right? Well, my dear, sweet, lovingfather was the reason the plans never came to be. He didn't want her to have a secret language with us. True story.

(I can speak a bit, btw. It's going slowly because I'm teaching myself. So there. In school, the language I take...I'm abysmal in it. For my final, I wrote, "I have a blue elephant in my room but that's not important." Maybe I should take things more seriously...)

The End

I don't even think this qualifies as a list. More like a strange ramble. Hmm...



Nothing new here.


Yume Nikki. Parts of Knights of the Old Republic. Final Fantasy III. I took my PS2 out today and remembered the sound is still screwed up. Damn.

I finished watching Avatar today (the show). All I have to say is...I wish I had an Uncle Iroh. :cry: Also, I wish some people had died. Yeah Katara, I'm looking at you. :x


The other day, I discovered I sleep better when I'm away from home. TV Tropes is addictive. I need a haircut.

Wow, typing goodbye is super-awkward, so I'll just time (?).

When One Avatar Just Isn't Enough

Well, I just saw "Up" today, and I must say, it was such a delightful movie. I cried during the beginning and I would be a liar if I said I didn't get misty-eyed during some of the other parts as well, especially during the end. It's not a sad movie; on the contrary, it's really beautiful. Anyway, everything is well done. Pixar is amazing, as always.

I can't get enough of the score.The art was charming but...I just loved the music. In some odd way, it reminds me of Howl's Moving Castle.

On the title of this blog, yeah, it relates to the TV show of the same name.I got into it and it's sort of become a form of bonding (or rather, bending, ahahhaha, oh man, my brain is shot) between my brother and I. The fanbase is a little scary, as are the pairings (ZukoxAzula? ZukoXToph? UrsulaXAzula? Fire LordXAang? Help.), but I don't come into contact with the fanbase much and the pairings, well...they continue to creep me out. Can't do anything about those. :|

The cast of Avatar. Animated, of course. So much better that Shalala's version. :roll:

The show itself is quite good, for something intended for a demographic of 6-11. Some of the characters get annoying (yes, I'm looking at you Mr. Avatar), but there are some really standouts, especially amongst the antagonists. :lol: I know, of course, *I* would like the bad guys. But seriously, the Uncle and his nephew, Zuko...their bond is really sweet. And, of course, someone probably has some naughty fic about it. :roll: Complaining about fangirls, slash fics (most are unrealistic), and stuff like that is for another day. :x

Well, that's enough talk of that from me. I'm sure that in the weeks, months, and years to come, you'll hear more about the show. I promise. Well, no, because I'll forget, but still.

So, on the topic of anime (well, Avatar isn't an anime's pretty close.), whatever happened to Fullmetal Alchemist? I'm sure that some of you remember how much I talked about it and now I barely mention it at all. Don't get me wrong, I still love the show but...everyone at my school got into it. You'd think that would be a good thing, having people to talk to about it but no. It's the reverse, actually. I'm kinda turned off of the show now. Oh well.

Let's talk about life. It's been dull lately but that's cool with me. I go to the beach, or polluted bay rather, and watch the water a lot of days. It's nice. Peaceful. The antithesis of what next year is going to be like. I got started on one of my assignments today and then got scared. Mostly I just need to sit down and apply myself. Ha. Ha. Ha.


Time for a list of bullets!

-My brain is rotting. I should read more.

-There is a zombie upstairs.

-It gets really spooky at night. Once, I went for a walk with my friend, on Halloween, and it was pretty bad. We were on this path to the beach and oh man. Sometimes I wish I lived near to a town. Sometimes.

-I got a tablet. Yay for digital art.


It's okay, I know it's bad. :P I love how the first thing I draw is fan-art. OTL And why yes, that is my handwriting. And coloring. And drawing. Digitally.


It's not digital, but whatever. I did this in art cIass I can't say I like it but some of the glaze turned out okay.

-For those who don't know, I got a new cat. More on that later.

-This blog is way too long. I applaud anyone who got this far.

I'm gonna give up writing this. I'm starting to fall asleep.

NEXT TIME: Majora's Mask and the Mystery of the Mysterious Man.

Curse you Sakon.


June Rain

Let's talk about E3.

-Unlike , it seems, everyone else, I absolutely loathe the design of the new Zelda game. Wind Waker had good art. Twilight Princess had good art. You put the two together and NO. To me, it comes off as sort of lazy on the developer's part, as well as being…ugly. I mean, granted, it's a neat idea…I just think it looks awful. I HATE IT, basically. That's my take on it.

(of course, when it comes out, I'll be one of the first in line. :P )

-I guess I'll have to go with the status quo and say that Nintendo probably had the best showing.

-And I don't have anything to say on Sony or Microsoft because it's already been said.

-E3 wasn't so bad. Not the most exciting year but if it was exciting, people would still find a way to complain.

Summer is finally here. I decided to skip the last day of school. :lol: It wasn't really a big deal; the teachers didn't take attendance and most of the day was spent in homeroom anyway.

Time for something I say a lot! I'm going to Japan this summer . :P It's not an "I'm leaving" but it's pretty damn close. Actually, I probably will be absent on the site for a long while. The real world is more important, as everyone says, and , for once, I'm going to listen to reason. No Facebook, for a long time, I think. And this site, yeah…I don't know. I mean, I'll be around but barely!

(This is mostly because I installed a site blocker on Chrome. Yes, I know there's Incognito mode but that would sort of defeat the purpose.)

Sorry if I've forgotten to reply to any messages- I'm too forgetful for someone so young.

Have a great summer everyone and Happy Father's Day to all those dads out there! Except mine. j/k…I think.

(also, I apologize for the sloppy writing style of my blog.)

twilight (not the book)

Persian Conflicts

A wise man once told me, "Today you will make a sudden and impulsive decision to paint your left ear green." I didn't follow his advice, obviously, because my ears are still...whatever color they are. Let's go with "pale tea color."

Anyways, yesterday, I saw...PRINCE OF PERSIA: SANDS OF TIME. No big deal. Just another video game movie, right?

Another image of beautiful people cavorting in a fountain, we can see this in Vogue anyday.

I'm not quite sure what to think, honestly, because I've forgotten 78.9% of the whole thing. This was probably the first time I've ever been jealous of a guy's outfit. I want to be a "Prince of Persia" too! :cry:

Overall summary, generic action flick with corny dialogue but a few highlights, such as the leading man (♥ ), nifty score, and lovely costume/set design. What better way to start off the summer...?

(I wish it had been written better though. Come on, Disney!)


School's not quite out yet.

Things with that guy went pretty badly. Long story. Like I said, "Highly doubt it." Oh well. No happy ending. :P

Quote of the day: "So, basically, people who are against stem cell research are stupid?" Because there's no better way to disagree with someone than to be a total jerk about it! I mean, come on, being polite is a thing of the past. Get with the times!

I've been planning out my courses for next year and it looks something like:

AP Government

And I have a final in...PE, of all subjects. You'd think we'd be outside, but no, it's a written final. This sort of makes me sad.


I made a movie the other day and it is quite horrible. The credits are the best part. If I can get over my singing voice and my cringe-worthy acting, I might post a link.

Oh and I got a 360 too. FOR REAL. (of course, most people probably figured this out already) One day, I'm going to wake up and it will be gone.

Life is okay. Average, full of the usual business, a bit monochromatic. I just need to get more sleep.

.the end.

Twilight's Turn

There are about three weeks, or twenty-one days of school left 'til I'm free, until next year, where the vicious cycle starts all over again. I really can't stress enough how much I want to get out of there. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy learning (somewhat), but if I stay in school any longer, my Chemistry grade is going to get into the negatives.

I know, I know, talking about school is probably the last thing everyone wants read about but , well, I'm a student and that's approximately96.89% of my life.

Also, on this topic, I'm probably going to drop out of the program I'm in. It all boils down to, "I'm not as smart as all the other kids. I work all the time and I barely make a C while these other people pick their noses and make an A. Plus, I end up doing other people's work for them half the time. (the doing other people's work thing won't stop if I drop the program though; most people will do that anyways. I think it's sort of funny because it's so cliche. You could even make a teen movie out of it.)" And then...I just joined to impress some people. To show them I could make it in, I suppose. And that's the truth of the matter. All I have to do is send the email, get my counselor to drop the courses, and make up a brand new plan for next year.

Serious stuff.

And then, there's this guy. Shocker, I know. :roll: We've been friends since he commented on my rain boots at the beginning of the year (long story). He's sort of a lady's man/cool jock. I'm sort of the boring weird kid. The thing is, I'm not really sure where we stand as of the moment. It's hard to explain. TO BE CONTINUED, okay? Don't count on it though. You guys can all make up a happy ending, alright? :lol:

I'm terrible with relationships, especially when guys are involved, so it'll most likely end up in tears, confusion, and a bunch of terrible poetry. :P Gotta love it!


Well, on better notes, I'm working on a filming project with some of my friends for English. We're doing a B-movie, full of stereotypes, deaths, and best of all, aliens. It's very corny and reading it made me cringe, so I think it's on the right track. Don't expect me to upload it or anything. :x

I'm also doing a film for my Chemistry class, since I need the extra credit. See, on June 2nd, it's gonna be Mole Day. If you don't know what a Mole is, you can Google it. It will involve singing, hand-puppets, and a horrible (:P) parody. Actually, at the rate it's going, my film might turn into a full-blown project. I'm pretty sure that it'll go wrong and I'll get a blue slushie thrown in my face every Wednesday for the rest of high school. I can't sing to save my life, I think. No, I know.

Oh! I won an award for my acting in the play. It's not a big deal though.

If you made it through my nonsensicalramblings, congrats. I'm in sort of a weird mood today. Just ready for everything to be over, I guess.


EDIT: Also, what's up with all the quizzes? This site is turning into a microcosm of my Chemistry class. :x

Insert a Witty Title Here (this has been done before, hasn't it?)

I haven't had a whole lot to say recently. It's the end of the year and I barely feel like working on schoolwork, much less posting anything on here. Same goes for replying to comments. Everyone replies with such nice stuff...and I can't even reply. :x So, I'm sorry if I don't respond with something intelligent, or even something at all. I'm lazy, what else can I say? :|

Of course, I have had time for watching TV. Community, Glee, Lost, How I Met Your Mother, Ugly Betty, a spectrum of hits and one serious miss.

I tried to enjoy How I Met Your Mother. I really did. But, after watching two seasons of lame-jokes, disgusting jokes, an annoying main character (along with the guy he shares his apartment with and his girlfriend), and a stupid, boring, tedious plot, I gave up. Barney was the only decent character on the show. Legendary, I say.

Communityis a fairly new show from NBC. I found it out from my cousins. It was around winter (or maybe Halloween?) and it was on TV. I remember thinking it was okay, but I forgot about it until now. The most recent episode is probably the best one so far (titled "Modern Warfare"). Also, the ending bits are my favorite part. Maybe the best thing about the show.I don't know.

After leaving it off for about...3 or 4 months, I picked up Gleeagain. Thankfully, I skipped all of the episodes with the pregnancy subplot (didn't like it, tbh) but I probably missed some really good musical performances along the way. But hey, that's what Netflix is for! Also, this show makes me want to turn my life into a musical. Or at least be in one.

Then there's Ugly Betty. The series finale was really disappointing. I thought that an episode called "Hello, Goodbye," would at least include a cover of the Beatles song of the same name. The entire episode, I was waiting for it to happen. But it didn't. Also, all the ends were tied up too neatly. I'd wax on more, but then I'd have to include a spoiler tag. :roll:

Last, but not least, is Lost. ooOooh. Yeah, I know I'm late to the party. :x No spoilers, plz. So far, I've really enjoyed it. It's very different from what I usually watch and not as dumb as a lot of shows I've seen. In fact, I've watched so much Lost, I dreamed about it last night. Pretty bad. Also, the opening (Lost, close-up and then fade-out) oddly reminds me of Yume Nikki.

That was probably really dull, but I never talk about TV. :P So...that's it for a while on that topic.

Let's talk about games

Playing PS2 games is not an option for me, at least not for a while. Why? Combination of wiring, my TV, and just weird luck, I guess.

I've mostly stuck to playing Pokemon (:x GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL) and the occasional bit of Yume Nikki.

I downloaded two related games, to Yume Nikki, and , since I can't get them to play (something about needing to install RMK2000, which is a pain to find), I've been looking at the maps and programming of the games. It's creepy stuff but not as creepy as playing them through, I'm sure. I thought YN was scary but it's like Barney the Dinosaur compared to the other two games. I know the world of Yume Nikki. I don't know the world of .flow or Yume 2kki (a *clever* pun :roll: ). It sort of makes me wonder, what kind of mind would dream up those kind of scenarios? It's really artistic and full of stuff to analyze and theorize on, but overall, it's just disturbing. Not Saw-movie disturbing, but..."what could have happened to these girls to make these things appear in their dreams disturbing."

And don't get me wrong, I really do like Yume Nikki, I just have to wonder about it sometimes.

Madotsuki and Masada forever ♥



The play I was in went just great

And the whole cast (mostly) did appreciate

How I slapped the large disgrace

With a might "SLAP" across the face. (horrible rhyming, I know, I know)

Also, I flunked a quiz, wrote a paper (overnight), was forced to endure debates on controversial topics, realized I'm not smart enough for the program I'm in, and ran for President. A day in the life, indeed.


Why yes, I did take this photograph

A flower from my garden. My mum grew it, actually, but I took the picture.


In My Life Strange Things Happen

First of all, I'd like to say that the Bad Horse Chorus would make an amazing ringtone.

And secondly, I'm back. Again. See, I'm sort of fickle...and I like to flit around. Like a butterfly! So, basically, I'm still here...just not really active. I need to focus on my commitments in real life, I guess. :s It's the end of the year and I have to plan!

In My Life

- We're doing a formal lab in Chemistry! Thankfully, I have a good partner and we're working with the pair across from us, so we should have this in the bag. And to think, I was worried. Please. :P

-The play is this Thursday! Not Friday, like I was tempted to say. Admission is five bucks, bring an umbrella, and know the secret password. No joke.

-I'm growing my own garden. So far, I've transplanted my bean bushes, and a bunch of sunflowers. Everything else needs more time. And my tomato plant is named Oliver.

-One of the guys in the play is secretly in love with me. This is old news, but it makes good gossip.

-So, I've decided to pick up guitar. Oh yes. I love the sound of the acoustic. ♥

-Video games have gone from "OH WOW NEW GAMEZ ALL THE TIME" to "Play Zelda late, late, late at night 'til you fall asleep."

-Music-wise, I rediscovered my "Vampire Weekend" album while studying the other day. I'm throughly addicted.

-Someday, I need to sit down and watch Moulin Rouge again. More of a mental note than anything else.

Things That Scare Me

Before I went to bed last night, I was making a list of things that scare me. I thought you guys might like to see it.

1. Those videos that have things pop out at you in the end.
2. Rain Drains
3. Anything involving Stephen King (especially that clown and "Carrie"; topics for another blog)
4. Yume Nikki and anything in that game
5. All those zombies in the first Resident Evil game
6. Shower curtains
7. Creepy shadows in the dark
8. Most of the people in my History Period
9. Yoko Ono
10. Dental Floss

(all of these are meant to be taken tongue in cheek. Some are real, some are not. :P)

A Random Art Showcase

Since people've been showing off their art a lot *hack, cough*Aidan*hack, cough*, I thought I should show some of my stuff. It's really not that great...but hey! It's from last year. At least, that's what I keep telling myself. :P


The mischievous mayhem that is all of those Katamari games. Not really good quality but oh well.


Part Yume Nikki-inspired, part my own imagination, I have no idea what this is. Also, my friend insulted the way I did my oil pastel.


My stupid-anime esque type of drawing. Although, this is probably one of my favorites. It's some character of mine...


Part of my desk, which is only used for art now. :lol: You can see some of my watercolors and math notes.

And that's all folks!


+ to Final Destination

-It's sort of early in the night but it feels really late for some reason.

-I finished reading "We" today. It was declared as, "Better than Brave New Worldand 1984." It was okay. Honestly, it was tons more exciting that Grapes of Wrath(which, coincidentally,has the same abbreviation as God of War: GoW) but nothing too special. In a word: really odd. It might make a good movie...

-My new favorite thing/obsession is Dr. Horrible and his Sing-Along Blog. See, being sick is good for something. That was probably the only decent thing I watched besides THIS(don't judge :P). So, if you find yourself with an extra hour to spare, look it up and watch it. I'm sure you guys will ♥ it. Maybe.

-Spring break is almost over for me. What did I accomplish? Nothing because I'm a loser.

-After being kicked to death by a pair of school-girl legs, I've decided to put Fragile on hold for a while.

-The "R" button on my DS broke this morning. I blame it on Rune Factory and my stop/run actions.

-Random fact: There are more chickens than people in the world.

-Last night, I was playing Drawn to Life and I realized that they ripped off Indiana Jones. There's a character in-game called "Indee." He has a father (what's-his-face from the one with the Templar) and a SON (at first I was like, "Well, maybe...they're making up a son? But then I remembered....:/). But maybe I was just half-asleep.

-My lines are all down. Still nervous about it though. Anyway, I'm replaceable if things don't work out so no big deal.

-It's on the 22nd, which I think is odd. I thought it'd be on a Friday.

-I had a dream the other night that I got kicked out of the play. It was really scary.

-I've been semi-recording my dreams after I heard Aidan going on about it. Mostly I dream about sleeping forever but sometimes I have these quasi-realistic dreams that are either good or really terrifying. I vaguely remember a few scenes right out of Resident Evil in one but that's about it.

-Did I mention that I'm leaving Gamespot for (maybe) forever? This might seem a bit anti-climatic after all the times I've said this but I'm for real this time. Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore." Anyway, it'll be a good time for me to practice all of my follow-through skills.

-It's just something I had to do.

-Also, someone in my life makes fun of my gaming habits and being on the boards and stuff.

-Maybe I'm trying to prove something.

-See you guys later.


NOTE: All hate mail, secret love letters, horrible schemes, and general inquiries can be made to Thank you and good evening to all.

Stuff on the Table

A lot's been going on lately. A whole lot. Enough to blog about, I guess.

Let's start with life. My engineering team pretty much bombed our project; it was disappointing but somewhat predictable. It's got me a little down , but I'm putting it behind me. We were fifth, out of five teams for our class. Nice, huh?

Our family's decided to move. I don't know how that affects anyone here but it's important, so I thought I'd share. Big surprise? I think not. There is a slight chance that we WON'T move, but that's slim to none and I'm not counting on it. I've been slowly telling the people that matter about it, in person because texts are too impersonal and emails can be intercepted. Call me old-fashioned, I guess.

Play rehearsals have been the shining moment in my life recently. I've gotten almost all my lines down, I just need to be able to say them, if that makes sense. Sigh. I had a dream the other night that I got kicked out. It was really realistic too.

SO, that's enough about that, I think. People get enough bad stuff already without have to listen to my additional bits of "woe is me" "life sux dood" and "my friends are all a bunch of toolz."

Let's talk about gaming for once in my life on GS.


That's right. I got to play it, despite my beliefs that it , "never would happen." You see, my mom placed a video game ban on my siblings...and *I* got roped into it too. Oh, the days without video games were just so horrible. :roll: No, it wasn't that bad. I pretended I was in elementary school again.

First Impressions:

Basically, I've played a little over an hour. I think that's more than enough time to give a quick overview of this.

-OH MAN THIS GAME IS PRETTY. I remember for this one cut-scene, it was just so nice and artistic. It made me want to paint something, even though my art pretty much sucks.

-The music, while infrequent, is nice. Well, "nice" doesn't give it justice but you know what I mean. Also, because I pre-ordered, I got a soundtrack. I think music is the best pre-order bonus one can get. Besides a chicken hat or a figure, I mean. ;)

-So far, I have yet to encounter many of the characters mentioned in the instruction manual. I've met the silver-haired girl and PK , a robot-thingy who seems extremely suspicious.

-Yes, AIDAN AND RED, I did sniff both the game box and instruction manual. It was kind of weird, almost like medicine.

-Last, but not least, I should talk about...the battle system. Or the sad excuse for a "battle system." Yeah, it's pretty bad. So, about 10 minutes or so into the game, I go into a bathroom, braving creepy hands and creepy battle music, to get a weapon. I expect the it to last me for the rest of the game , or at least until I find an upgrade. Oh no. I was leveling up my little boy and the DAMN THING breaks on me. I was all like, "WTF man? Now my attack power is less than half of what it used to be!" Also, the enemy encounters suck. The growling from the Wii remote really scares me though.

-There was much more to that story but it's confusing and it'd take up way to much time to try and complain. Maybe some other year. :P

-I'm sick! Oh wait...that's not a video game thing.

Since everyone's been talking about Pokemon, I've decided to borrow a copy of Sapphire, which I started a while back but never finished, from my friend again. Actually, he insisted that I play it. No, it's not love, he's just a friend. We both like the Beatles and bond over abuse from a mutual friend of ours. Something like that. And he's gay.

Anyway, I feel sort of tired and yeah. More next time? Maybe.


And Here Wii Go Again!

Pun not intended. It was pretty horrible, I will admit. But, if I learned nothing else, I learned the art of the terrible pun from my Chemistry teacher. I make her out to be bad but she's not a bad person. Just a...adjfskla teacher, that's all.

So, life's been okay. I've gone through a friend shift, at school, if that makes sense. The people who I knew at the beginning of the year, well, I've grown out of them. I guess that's the right term. See, people I thought I knew changed. I'm seeing them in a different light! And it's not very pleasant.

Of course, I should have in-between friends and not just be like, "Well, either I like you or I don't!" Those sorts of people balance things out. Like a math equation with just the right amount of numbers!

But onto the most wonderful of things! I, twilightlullaby, have made it into two one acts. Or two acts, ha ha ha. :roll: I'm not sure how this happened, I'm quite sure it was a mistake,, I saw my name on the cast list. My day was made, let me tell you. This all happened on Friday, if I'm being a bit vague.

We had our first rehearsal today...where various things happened. I don't want to spoil anything, for fear of murder by the director or something, but I play a brilliant linguist, in the comedy. Also, I get to slap someone! !!!! !!! !!! !!! As you can tell, I'm happy about that. But after today, I think I've been banned. See, I slapped the one guy so hard...he fell back in his chair. I'm sure part of him was just playing along but...the "JESUS!" I heard... It'll all just have to wait until opening night, I suppose. There's a lot more to all of this's getting late.

And, also, I've noticed quite a disturbing trend! I noticed there was an "Anti-Twilight" fanclub up. :cry: What have I ever done to deserve this?! ...okay, so I'm kidding. I know it's for the books and stuff. But still. :x I know the secret.

FRAGILE FOR THE WII COMES OUT TOMORROW. I hope I didn't get the date wrong...maybe I'm thinking of the ship date instead? Yeah...I am. And I was looking forward to it too.

So, since I'm mixing up dates now, I'll end this brief look into my life. Happy Belated Pi Day. Sho Minamimoto is the best!


PS- I realize that this blog sounds sort of strange. I'm still not used to this here time change. It's got my internal clock all re-arranged in a way that's sort of...short-changed?! Sorry.