The Itinerary
So, I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Texas. Don't ask me why, it's just the plan. Then, on Monday, we head to Japan. Long plane ride- super-cool! (if I sit next to my brother, something may happen) We get back in early August. I have no idea what we're going to be doing, exactly, in Japan but I know we're going to Kyoto! But not Osaka.
The Characters
My extended family and my brother. Then there's me, but that goes without saying.
The Passports
My responsibility, until I hand them over to my aunt! My mom doesn't understand why it's so stressful. She's never played an RPG then. When delivering stuff, anything can , and will, go wrong.It's one of those things you pick up in video games, I guess. Paranoia.
The Luggage (not to be confused with passports)
One backpack, one suitcase, one purse. Assorted items lurk within, most with limited usage. I'm really hoping we have time to wash clothing...
The Language
Fun story about this- when my brother and I were little, my mom was going to teach us Japanese! Good idea, right? Well, my dear, sweet, lovingfather was the reason the plans never came to be. He didn't want her to have a secret language with us. True story.
(I can speak a bit, btw. It's going slowly because I'm teaching myself. So there. In school, the language I take...I'm abysmal in it. For my final, I wrote, "I have a blue elephant in my room but that's not important." Maybe I should take things more seriously...)
The End
I don't even think this qualifies as a list. More like a strange ramble. Hmm...
Nothing new here.
Yume Nikki. Parts of Knights of the Old Republic. Final Fantasy III. I took my PS2 out today and remembered the sound is still screwed up. Damn.
I finished watching Avatar today (the show). All I have to say is...I wish I had an Uncle Iroh. :cry: Also, I wish some people had died. Yeah Katara, I'm looking at you. :x
The other day, I discovered I sleep better when I'm away from home. TV Tropes is addictive. I need a haircut.
Wow, typing goodbye is super-awkward, so I'll just say...next time (?).
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