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twilightlullaby Blog

The World Spins Madly On

It's been an entire month since I moved here.

I dunno if it's big enough to blog about, but I feel the need to write something and fill in that "awkward new kid feeling."

Today was a lot like my first day, actually. We learned nothing in psych (except...I'm starting to notice that my teacher knows a lot of, umm, interesting stories. I sort of wonder where he gets all of this information. Oh well.), watched tv in government....the usual stuff.

My family continues to disapprove of my course-load from afar and tear down what little self-esteem I manage to gather. And my mom, well...

Speaking of mothers, my mom is on facebook, so if you're not my friend anymore...that's why. She flipped out when she saw that my profile said "Interested In: Men." Basically it was like, "omg twilight, what are you doing. stop selling yourself to guys. you're too young for that sort of thing." And then my dad was like, "o lol, it doesn't matter, she's too socially awkward to talk to guys anyway." Anyway, if she overreacts to that...yeah. It's kind of depressing, to be honest.

But enough about family. I just needed to talk about this. My parents are the masters of insensitivty (hence why I can be a jerk sometimes. I'm sorry, in advance, for anything that I say. :|).


Fun fact: I sit with cool people at lunch! According to a kid on my bus, at least. He told my brother (yes, my brother rides my bus. No, it is not cool. Yes, it is weird and embarassing and I always have to be on my best behavior because he's a prat), "yeah, twilight sits with the cool kids at lunch." I sort of freaked out about that. Am I moving up in life? Will I have success? Will I get the "standard typical new kid falls from grace" plot twist? Stay tuned!

So let's talk about people. Lunch is the key social point at my school. That is where social links are made and broken. Where you sit at lunch is WHO YOU ARE. Now that I've over-emphasized my point using all-caps, let's go into detail.

Or not.

I've sat in the cafeteria (never more), in the hallway by the art room (where the cool kids sit), and in the art room (which is so amazing- when I went in there, they were playing the Beatles in the background). Well, those are the main locations. I'm sure the expansion pack is coming soon.

Speaking of stuff that's cool, you guys should really check out Neko Case. I'm just saying. This guy from one of my cIasses was looking through my brand name mp3 player the other day, and was like, "Oh, you like the New Pornographers? Have you heard any of Neko Case's individual stuff?" I thought about it in the past, but I never felt motivated to look her up (until I talked to this guy- draw whatever conclusion you want from this). But nomg, her music is so comforting. She has such a beautiful voice.

(and I use this song to help me get to sleep. Because I can't sleep that well. And my mom gets mad at me for that. Oh, I said I wouldn't talk about my family anymore, didn't I?)

Now that I'm done geeking out about that, I don't have much else to say. This blog is sort of like a rerun.

I guess it's time to get back to taking that Physics test.

(gaming-wise: Personal 4 (Persona in real life, in essence. and the game too, although I mostly just laugh whenever your relationship with someone intensifies after having a dream about them. And Kou Ichijou. "I loooooveee them balls," indeed), Chrono Trigger (OH GREAT FIENDLORD), and Tayles of the Abyss (-waits for the inevitable cake remark-).

See you all around. Or not. I dunno.

NEXT TIME: I talk about social links more, tell weird stories, fall asleep halfway through the blog, compare people to people at my school. Huh.

First Day of School (redux)

The first day of school can be likened to eating a suspicious-looking piece of fruit- that is, you do not know whether what you will bite into will be delicious or crap.

In the county where I attend school, they have decided to break the instructional day into four "blocks" and a "free" lunch. Blocks meaning prison blocks and free lunch being like parole, obviously. To confuse a new transfer student even more, there are "A" and "B" days (aka asinine and boring) and the addition of flex periods (where they try and pull out your joints to make them more flexible) on a "B" day. Got it? Of course not.

My cIasses are a mixture of ridiculous, exciting , and whatisthisidonteven. My math cIass is basically the ninth circle of hell. Right now, I have a 17%. Isn't that awesome? Isn't that great? I love having to switch into a new math cIass where I don't know jack- it's positively invigorating! On the other hand, we have government (my teacher is amazing) which is so much better than my old school. We actually learn stuff with practical applications.

But you guys don't want to hear about this! You want to hear about the mysteries of being "the new girl in town."

The first day of school is always sort of hard. I'm kidding, it's the second day that's the killer. Oh boy. My locker didn't open, I fell up the stairs, there was a pep rally (don't even get me started on that), I started crying during an assembly, I missed my physics was pretty awful, I'm not going to lie.

On the bright side, people liked my socks.

I still get a lot of awkward moments though. Today , in physics, I didn't know how to do a problem , so I asked for help. Then, after we went through the process, the teacher was like, "Do you get it -insert name here-?" Immediately the whole cIass turns and stares at me. You'd think I'd get used to it by now but no.

Social-link's kind of like cruising and fusing? :lol: No, I just really wanted to say that. This girl who rides my bus is pretty chill (and this girl in my bio cIass), plus this table of...interesting people in the cafeteria (I don't sit with them because I don't like cafeterias.). And then there are the guys from my physics/psych cIasses. They actually seem to think I'm cool (which is really funny because I'm not). Mostly they try to ask me about life and stuff. I dunno.

Well, it's getting late and I've been strongarmed into going to my little sister's musical. If you guys want to hear more (as if), send me a message! Being the new kid means you have no social life. Essentially. In essence.

Man, this blog wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. What can you expect from a re-run, huh?

Also, this video, got me into trouble the other day. I was in tears , and my dad heard me laughing. He was like, "HOW DARE YOU BE UP AT 11 AT NIGHT. GET TO BED RIGHT NOW OR I WILL LECTURE YOU ABOUT IT FOR FOREVER AND EVER."

I mean, I know we moved to be closer to my dad, but I wish he was still far away. As you can tell, I'm not a big fan of my dad.

Sorry about that. I think that...I maybe need to stop saying what I think sometimes. Or at the very least, stop coming up with random crap/telling random stories.

Well, I can hear yelling/sounds of family tension in the distance, so it's time to cut this blog short and pretend to be absorbed in a textbook.

I hope you all are doing well! Send me a message! Tell me about life!

(man, I'm so lame)

edit: I'm sure it's all over the news by now, but major earthquake in Japan. I really hope that my aunt and everyone is okay. :|

It's Groundhog Day!

Not really. I've just been continously reminded of that movie since about...3 weeks ago?

Does anyone else get that feeling that they're living the same day, with mild palette swaps, over and over again?

question mark?

Anyway, I'm having some issues and rathering than keeping them to myself, which I do all the time, I thought I'd write about it. Go figure.

My friend and I have spent entire English periods comparing favorite moments of the Persona 4 comic dub/Firo Prochainezo/other random nonsense because that's the only thing that English is really good for (well, making snarky remarks is another but that's a little mean). I think I will miss that.

Speaking of school, I went to visit the rich people holy cow this cant be a-err, school I'm attending next week. Oh boy. I'm sure that I'll be talking about that a lot more later.

Also, for those of you who are wondering, there are cows in my backyard. No, not where I live now. My new house. I am not even joking. You can see them. And they can see you.

(if you want to play the technicalities game, they belong to our neighbors. But still. I can see them.)

Tomorrow is my last day of school. That's what I've been trying to say. I know, it doesn't really affect any of you. Like it or not, I'll be around for maybe another 10 or so years, unless something happens.

The last couple of weeks have been a mix of trying not to cry in school, staying up all night, stumbling through the day, listening to this on endless repeat (hahaha), and living out of a suitcase. Mixed feelings indeed.

Moving is also bringing out the worst in my family. I think we win the award for "Stupidest Arguments Ever." I mean seriously, who fights about having a purse on a box that is not even going to be moved for like a week? My dad- I MEAN, what were we talking about again?

And now you guys are probably like o god shut the hell up.

One last point, please.

Okay let me cry first.

All right.

On a better, if it is better, note, my friends and I are having a party tomorrow. You don't realize how much of an impact you make until you are gone (no seriously, a lot of my teachers are like, "we'll miss you, you ruined my day, blajdsklfj;39woerdfskslc"). It sort of makes me wonder what would happen if I decided to...

Anyway, we're going to watch Inception and Scott and play DDR and listen to my weird music. Yeah. You all are welcome to come and crash. :P


So let's talk about games.



What are those again?

Right, Persona 4. Dojima. Adachi. Mitsuo. I don't know.

Then there was Twilight Princess where I am in the "ice cave."

Ummm...Ace Detective? No, that's my text message alert thing.

Oh yeah, I need to check out that Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine thing...

Well, I'm going to do some physics problems, I think. Math is always a good way to get problems off your mind. Or cause more.


(man, I need to include more pictures. :P)

(I'm just in one of those moods. It's nothing, really)

Our Usual Broadcast

...will resume after a short and quite serious update.

I would like you all to please keep the people of Egypt in your thoughts/prayers. Please.

It may sound incredibly stupid coming from someone like me but...well.

Taking some sort of action, no matter how small and insignificant, is better than sitting around doing nothing.

That's just what I think.


With a little less than a week left in town-on-the-verge-of-nowhere, things are flying out of control. Like UFOs.

Report cards came out...yesterday and, much to my surprise, my GPA is...:shock: People tend to go, "o lol, ur not in -insert name of science program at school here- anymore so ur dum." Gotta love people's assumptions! But no, I'm doing great. And I'm taking the same types of courses so...yeah. :x

I've been upset for a while, both in blog and in chat and in time-not-spent-in-school.Funny story about that, actually. I decided to put my daily life in the form of the worst-drawn, chicken-scrawled, excuse for a "comic" ever.

(slight disclaimer: there's language in there but it accurately reflects what my school is like. I don't think it's too bad but...don't let little kids read it?)

Part one

Part two

It's awful, I know. But, such is the nature of my life. jk, it's okay for the most part. A little weird and out-there but okay.


Today, in cIass, my friend almost made me cry. She let me borrow her copy of:



It's so great! The customization, the endless level design, the battle music beyond words! I think Aidan would really like this game.

Okay, so she let me borrow another game. Hint: think...young adults. I know, it was a great hint.

Well, I don't have much to say otherwise. I've been watching a lot of anime. Listening to the news. Staying up all night. Preparing for February 14th (which...will hopefully not be like last year, although, it would have made a good premise for a romantic comedy movie).

That is all.


EDIT: funny story, there was a irl System Wars fight on my bus today. PS3 vs. 360. :lol: (it was my fault, actually, because I was reading a video game manual).

...what, that's not funny?

Well, you had to be there. :x

These are the facts. The facts are these.

(It is very hard to consolidate one's life in to a bunch of brown boxes, that's all that I'm saying.)

Well, in a coupla days, I'll have been on this site for 1,095 days. Maybe a little less, I dunno. I know that I will not make the time to type out a blog then (for serious) because...I'm really busy with everything and nothing. Anyway, 1,095 isn't a huge deal for me.

I first arrived at this site via a typo. And then I came back. And back. And back. I joined when I was sick. :lol: (my old blogs make me cringe. Terrible stuff.)

The first year sucked. I had no friends. And, no one will believe me, but I tried to make friends here. I really did.

Then things got better. lalalalala, flowers and roses and skipping in the sunshine.

(actually I did make some good friends eventually, you know?)

ANYWAY, this isn't a retrospective. I don't even know what this blog is. Oh! Now I remember...

My Adventures as the Zero-Hero

This is not being negative. These are the facts. The facts are these:

I am moving. It doesn't affect you guys (if you thought that would get rid of me, I...I...I don't know.) really. I'll still lurk around in the dark corners of the forums, doing nothing.

I was excited for brief moments but then reality hit me like an eighteen-wheeler on the interstate. It's something you can't control, reality.

It's sort of like being in the Neverending Story, when the Nothing is taking over everything and it's (the world) starting to disappear. The catch is, I can't go "rainbowmagicmoonflowerhippychildloveangelpeacehappiness (if you watched the movie, you should get it)." and put things back to normal. Life doesn't work like that.

In essence, I've cast into an endless gloom (I know, you guys probably think I'm always like this but...I, well, it's hard to explain. Mark it off as "dumb teen"). Losing your great-uncle/role as president/part in the play/friends since grade school can do that to a person.

Anyway, let's end this. There's enough bad stuff in the world without my dumb problems being added to the heap.

I just can't focus on anything right now.

Winter Anime


Wandering Son (Horo Musuko)

This show is really pretty. And serious. I liked how they incorporated the Clair de Lune into this because that piano piece is amazing (one reviewer mistakenly called it the Moonlight Sonata. BAH.) The basic premise is about gender identity and stuff. I dunno. I'm still a little confused after watching the first episode but maybe in time I'll get it?

OP Theme


Fractale (Furakutaru)

Does anyone here know what a fractale is? Show of hands?

...okay. :|

The art design reminds me of a Miyazaki movie. The plot has a lot of promise (now doesn't that sound fancy?). It seems to be about an artificial world with a dark side. Like we haven't heard that one before. If you live in North America, they stopped the streaming because of illegal distribution and the like. fffff, this always happens.


I packed up my XBOX and stuff. Yeah.

Oh, I've been playing Twilight Princess! Magical grapes, smart-mouthed imps, pot-bellies, the adventures continue day after day!

That's it.

My sister is telling lies about me, so I have to go now.

Enjoy the cold (?) weather?


Procrastination. I have finally hit that time of year (too early! :cry: ) where things seem to be in a slump. Maybe it doesn't affect any of you, but I have absolutely no interest in doing anything. Except sleeping. Or playing endless hours of Wind Waker (shut up). It happens every. single. year.

So, let's talk about something that no one really cares about. :P My dull, tedious, and generally average life:

(give yourself one point for every time I put myself down. It may make reading my blog easier.)

-I failed another math test! Because I am just that stupid. But it was higher than last time...

-I decided to drop out of AP Government. Yeah, I'm just checking off all of these "rebel without a cause boxes." Next thing you know I will be riding my bike at night without a helmet and listening to disco and saying "Aw, heck."Oh wait...

-I bought about $40 in music over the last two months. WHAT. WHAT. The worst part is...I've listened to all of it at least 20 times. [/I have no life]

-All of these bullet points start with "I."

-Advice time: so there is this friend of mine who is okay sometimes but she's pretty abusive. Like to me. And she still wants to be friends and hang out. I love my life.

-After hearing a story about a man who stole people's eyeballs, I...I don't know.

-Check out my new avatar! Yes, it looks washed out but it's intentional. And it looks like me! jk

(I was going to include a jab at my appearance but fadkjl, I'm not going to)

-My foot just feel asleep.

Here are some pictures to comment on, for no real reason.

stay clean

I wear these all the time (but not right now and it's sort of bothering me). It reminds me to "stay clean," whatever the hell that means. For the most part it works. [/yeah, I'm cryptic]

you are weird

Look at this lovely picture of my carpet! Oh yeah, and an old sketchpad thing. I filled it up.

See, I like to decorate all of my agenda/sketch/journal books with random stuff. Like a collage. It's so dorky. :cry:

By adding pictures to my blog, I incorporated GS Blog Strategy No.876: Pictures give people something to comment on.

(and I am guilty of this. So there. It's only directed at me. I'm not trying to insult anyone.)

Well, I apologize for the poor quality of the blog. Next time. Next time.

(there are typos/grammar errors too. Geez.)

a dance sequence makes everything better?!

What is this?

Well, it's almost the end of the first day of the new year. (New Year?) New decade. I'm not sure what I think about this.

So! I was happy to see my extended family again. Between stealing oranges (which turned out to taste like a mixture of "Lysol, vinegar, and ???"), listening to 80s music (j;akfdsl), and the "flower farm," it was just...well...

My grandparents want us to move down there. I wouldn't mind, honestly. Okay, so there's a fairly high crime rate , but the weather is nice and it's probably better than "a place that people don't even know exists." Really.

Going to see the Grand Canyon (AGAIN!) was also pretty cool.

I guess you could say Christmas went alright. We did one of those "white elephant" gift exchanges. Go and google it.

Most of it was money, so I went out and bought a lot of stuff (on sale). Paying full-price is really overrated. Saving money, for me, is half the fun of buying something. ...aaand that probably didn't make sense.

I got a bunch of new clothing (because you can *never* have too many clothes :roll: ), some shoes, makeup (which I will probably never use), games...boooks...and then I have a pile of cookies (no joke) from my various friends. Looking at it makes me feel mildly nauseated.


Let's talk about movies. The holidays are a great time for watching movies.

I watched Back to the Futureabout 20 times over the holidays. Well, a lot. It was on TV all the time and then I have a videocassette (what in the world are those, twilight?!) so... "You are my density." :lol: Much to my surprise, my cousin had never seen it! How can you watch Ferris Bueller and not watch Back to the Future? I don't get it.

Then there was Harry Potter: afkdsjf;lkjdfakedsl Part One. I didn't grow up with it 'cos my parents were *those* parents, if you get what I mean. But I read middle school. The last book was the weakest, IMO. I've only seen one of the movies... BUT ANYWAY. It was good. Of course...towards the end...this happened:

(if you have not read the books/seen the movie, major spoiler. Seriously)

[spoiler] My brother and I were in tears during Dobby's funeral. See, if I were a HP character, I would be a Death Eater, I think, because I don't think House Elves are people. :x Well, just Dobby. He annoyed the hell out of me. :lol: But anyway, we were laughing during that part. Yeah, I'm evil. Go ahead and write me hate letters. [/spoiler]

My cousin was horrified afterwards, as were my aunt and uncle.

Then last night I watched (500) Days of Summer. That was depressing. I mean, yeah, a lot of it made me smile/feel awkward (I'm stalking- starving. I'm starving.), but...:cry: I did see the twist coming (if it was a twist?). The music was great (I can't get it out of my head). The main characters were cute. I don't know what else to say.

I guess that's it. I think I watched some random romantic comedy. Maybe.


Wow, this is turning out to be a text wall.

Yet more talking that turns into a New Year's Reflection

(some text was here earlier, if you managed to read it, whatever. I didn't feel like it added anything , so I deleted it.)

Hey, I'm not a social person, anyway. We don't need to talk about my various failings in that area. You guys know that I don't fit in. It's not like I try to be "cool" by not being "cool"- I just...I seem to be on a different frequency that other people. I told my dad once and then later he used it as a joke.

Do I have any New Year's resolutions? Well, losing weight is always a good one. Being a better daughter/whatever is another. Shutting up in English is yet another. Being more thankful for the good friends I have is another/ things in general. I dunno. I'm not good at these things.

(isn't all this teenage emotion great? You could write a book about it! :P)

what is this

My beach. Seriously. It's about five minutes from my house.

Well, this blog is about to take a negative turn (or a really tired one) , so happy New year everyone. I think I'm still on the wrong time. :lol:

Also, today is my birthday, if you didn't know already. Whoa. I'm old.

Snowfall, Rainfall, that time of year

(the following is a song. I'm not sure what the tune is though)

Who is still in school when everyone else is not?

Who is working until the last possible moment?

Who is testing all the time?

Just kidding. It's not me. :P


So, this is probably my last blog of the year (UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY. j/k, I was hatched from an egg , so I don't have a birthday). I'm leaving next week btw. !!! I know, late notice. I haven't even packed yet. And I'm getting in at one in the morning because the time is different over there. "Over where?" ARIZONA. D: I have family there.

Ffff, the season creeps up on you like a zombie.


Our student directed one acts (SDOA-SODA-UBOA...:cry: ) have gotten off to what I think might be the worst way possible. Every rehearsal we get some new bad news. I'm not being negative- it's the truth. I can't talk about it...because I can't, but it's just pretty depressing.

I got the best director out of the three. The cast is mostly okay except for these two guys, one of whom is a total moron who makes remarks that are offensive to basically anyone with a functioning brain and the other guy cannot read his lines. Let me spell this out: He. Cannot. Say. His. LINES. :x But other than them, it's been cool. This girl was gone the other day, so this kid with a minor role filled in for her , and he was amazing. :lol:

So maybe it's not so bad after all. And btw, I am the villain. Obviously.


Oh! The other day, I started to realize that my life is the plot of one of those high school movies. People might have pointed it out in the past, but I'm slow to catch on sometimes. Anyway, the point of this is, I've been working on a soundtrack complied of random songs that fit my life. Not original but stuff I hear on the radio. Stuff that cheers me up. Stuff I listened to during the dark hours of my chemistry homework.Motivational songs. Depressing songs. THAT ONE SONG THAT GOT STUCK IN MY HEAD. The empty feeling song.Old-schooling it?!The lame, predictable song that plays when the heroine goes to the dance and SHOCK, everyone realizes, wow she's so cool. You know how those movies go. :roll:

I think you guys get the idea. :lol: (if someone clicked all the links, I will give them...a drawing.) Some of it is cheesy, some of it's great, some of it's WTF. Just like my life.

(hahaha, it's so sad that I had to resort to talking about this. How dorky is that?)

---- a little over a month, I'll have been here for three years. Three freaking years. I think that's a record for me. And , of course, I'll have to do that list of friends. :P How can I not? It would go against TRADITION (not again, I know).

I should start now:

anonymous885: You are so creepy. I don't know who you are , and I don't know why you insist on stalking me, but it is the most flattering thing ever. Please, don't ever stop (well that sounds wrong).


Man, this blog is winding down into that usual pattern of nonsense. See you guys next year. :P Or on MSN, if I don't disappear on you or fall asleep or realize that I have to do homework or study or...


I drew this on a picture that I made for my friend. Merry Christmakahkwanzoxingdayzeveprohibition and a Happy bir-NEW YEAR.


A holiday greeting which encompasses most of what goes on in December.

WARNING- this blog is pretty negative and a bit cynical, sarcastic, maybe upsetting? I really don't want to spoil people's holidays, especially because my problems are so dumb, but I need to talk about things. I'm sorry.

It's that time of year where you are obliged to spend time with family. And, if you're one of those church-going people (like I am!!! SHOCK. :shock: ), you sing incoherent Christmas songs. ...wait, I think that's just my church.

Honestly, I fail at things religion related. I can't debate to save my life and , as a result, people are like, "omg u crazy fanatic." Or, if they share my beliefs (and are in my age group), "omg u can't be religious. u dye your hair and have multiple piercings and like anime."

The same goes for politics btw. I don't have a view because every time I say something...uh, well, never mind.

Two subjects that I hate talking about.

So, once again, I'm writing one of those disjointed blogs. It doesn't really have a point or meaning , but I'm getting that feeling that if I don't talk...I'm gonna explode. Or something.

(oh teenagers, they are just too funny)


I get this feeling I'm going to write a huge text wall.


As much as I like the holiday season (it's that time of year when the world falls in love after all), sometimes it gets to be a bit much.

From the family side, "Let's be together- all the time."

From the (IRL) friend side, "I feel obliged to give you a gift so what do you want?"

From the academic side, "I know you don't have nearly enough to do with the holiday season, so we're gonna have lots of projects and state testing."

The academic part is basically my fault; lately my parents have been giving me grief about my academic load.

"You took too many courses. We could've taken a trip to New York this fall but oh no, you would have fallen behind. You know you can drop AP courses halfway through the year, right? You need to have a balance and spend time with your family."

I know I'm really negative about my family. But honestly, it sort of bothers me how they pretend to accept who I am. I mean, to be really honest here, if they learned about me having this account, well...




... would not be a good thing. I'm not even joking here. My face is 100% serious right now.

I feel like there's something wrong with me, you know?

Once this person was like, "Well if you get a boyfriend, I'm sure you'll be more well-balanced." :lol: I wasn't sure whether to get angry or laugh. See, I don't do romantic relationships. Ever. Half is because my parents hate the idea of dating and I can't go against TRADITION. And half is because I'm that girl who's too scary/weird. No, really.

But don't worry about me. I am okay.


that was negative. Let's talk about my "surprisingly good acting skillz." :P (this guy said that about me the other day when I was in call-backs. I thought it was funny , but this girl I know got pretty mad. She was like, "What kind of an insult is that supposed to be?! Just call her GOOD.")

The list of people in the one-acts (directed by the senior (citizens) go up tomorrow. I have a feeling that I will, once again, play the villain. Don't worry, I haven't played villains my whole life. Once I was God in a burning bush. True story.


And here is a picture of me:

(more pictures will have to wait- it takes forever and a day to upload stuff to Photobucket. :roll: )

But wait, there's nothing here!

-You opened the treasure chest...and it was empty-


(So who is this freaky girl? It couldn't possibly be...!)


(and yeah, I'm aware I look like...crap. I don't sleep well a lot + I've been sick)

That's enough from me for now.


Invalid Topic

What do you do when you have a project in every cIass (no joke) and impending deadlines? procrastinate.


Today this guy from H20 (some American band) came to talk at our school. Apparently he graduated in 1988. It was an okay assembly. We were joking about having someone go up and pull a Kanye West (during the Q&A time). Basically the whole point was "Don't do drugs." Okay. I get it.

I guess I shouldn't really say anymore on this.

(I wish I had gotten a t-shirt. Better yet, I wish they had performed. :x That would have been interesting.)


I realize I get intimidated by people a lot. Even here (not directed at anyone), there are people who I feel are just "so cool." I'm not cool enough to be friends with them...

Have I said this before? Maybe, I guess.


Ever since Mr_Jenkins was cool enough to show off his sketchbook a couple of weeks back, I was thinking, "Maybe I should show mine off too." As soon as I find the time to upload everything or make a video, you guys will be treated to my art. ...or lack of. :P

I've thought about making a vlog or posting a picture too. *shudder* My face...

I told my friend today, "Yeah, I use a picture of ducks for my Facebook profile because I was afraid having my real face up there for too long- might break a monitor or something." :lol: I like to make jokes at my own expense, don't worry.

But this is not "letstalkaboutwhattwilightlookslikeSPOT" , it is GAMEspot.

So let's talk about movies.


-We were learning about Pavlov's technique in psychology the other day , and it made me think of this clip.

-I wish there was another season of Baccano!

-I've been playing The World Ends with You with the intention of getting 100% (for once). It's been interesting, to say the least.

-I finished reading Fruits Basket this morning (at the risk of running late for the bus). adfljksjk;ladsf, I don't know what to say.

-The other day our school went to see Cinderella at this dinner theatre thing. It was sort of cute, because Cinderella and the prince were boyfriend and girlfriend in real life. I also said something there which was perfectly in character with how much of a dork I am.

"Okay, so we take the smoke machine, put it in the lobby so no one can see anything. Knock out the waiters. Take the gallon of ice-cream, the good stuff, not that sherbet nonsense. We take the chocolate syrup and we pour...*pause* 18 feet. It needs to be drowning in the stuff. Then, we get that bowl of whipped cream, dump the whole thing on top. Then we break into the kitchen, find their maraschino cherries and pour them all over the top so it looks like it's running in blood. *evil laugh*"

I think I made one of my friends choke on her soda a couple of times. I'm not really that funny though...


(terrible quality...I know. :/)


(I think this might be old but whatever)