It's been an entire month since I moved here.
I dunno if it's big enough to blog about, but I feel the need to write something and fill in that "awkward new kid feeling."
Today was a lot like my first day, actually. We learned nothing in psych (except...I'm starting to notice that my teacher knows a lot of, umm, interesting stories. I sort of wonder where he gets all of this information. Oh well.), watched tv in government....the usual stuff.
My family continues to disapprove of my course-load from afar and tear down what little self-esteem I manage to gather. And my mom, well...
Speaking of mothers, my mom is on facebook, so if you're not my friend anymore...that's why. She flipped out when she saw that my profile said "Interested In: Men." Basically it was like, "omg twilight, what are you doing. stop selling yourself to guys. you're too young for that sort of thing." And then my dad was like, "o lol, it doesn't matter, she's too socially awkward to talk to guys anyway." Anyway, if she overreacts to that...yeah. It's kind of depressing, to be honest.
But enough about family. I just needed to talk about this. My parents are the masters of insensitivty (hence why I can be a jerk sometimes. I'm sorry, in advance, for anything that I say. :|).
Fun fact: I sit with cool people at lunch! According to a kid on my bus, at least. He told my brother (yes, my brother rides my bus. No, it is not cool. Yes, it is weird and embarassing and I always have to be on my best behavior because he's a prat), "yeah, twilight sits with the cool kids at lunch." I sort of freaked out about that. Am I moving up in life? Will I have success? Will I get the "standard typical new kid falls from grace" plot twist? Stay tuned!
So let's talk about people. Lunch is the key social point at my school. That is where social links are made and broken. Where you sit at lunch is WHO YOU ARE. Now that I've over-emphasized my point using all-caps, let's go into detail.
Or not.
I've sat in the cafeteria (never more), in the hallway by the art room (where the cool kids sit), and in the art room (which is so amazing- when I went in there, they were playing the Beatles in the background). Well, those are the main locations. I'm sure the expansion pack is coming soon.
Speaking of stuff that's cool, you guys should really check out Neko Case. I'm just saying. This guy from one of my cIasses was looking through my brand name mp3 player the other day, and was like, "Oh, you like the New Pornographers? Have you heard any of Neko Case's individual stuff?" I thought about it in the past, but I never felt motivated to look her up (until I talked to this guy- draw whatever conclusion you want from this). But nomg, her music is so comforting. She has such a beautiful voice.
(and I use this song to help me get to sleep. Because I can't sleep that well. And my mom gets mad at me for that. Oh, I said I wouldn't talk about my family anymore, didn't I?)
Now that I'm done geeking out about that, I don't have much else to say. This blog is sort of like a rerun.
I guess it's time to get back to taking that Physics test.
(gaming-wise: Personal 4 (Persona in real life, in essence. and the game too, although I mostly just laugh whenever your relationship with someone intensifies after having a dream about them. And Kou Ichijou. "I loooooveee them balls," indeed), Chrono Trigger (OH GREAT FIENDLORD), and Tayles of the Abyss (-waits for the inevitable cake remark-).
See you all around. Or not. I dunno.
NEXT TIME: I talk about social links more, tell weird stories, fall asleep halfway through the blog, compare people to people at my school. Huh.
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