I just got back test results for my math class. It seems that once again, I will be suffering, I mean, WORKING on a retest packet. What have I gotten myself into? For the most part, I am passing the freakin' class. But I suck at test-taking. My restest grades always end up as 90s or 95s. I'm not a moron, just (as I have said many a time) lazy. Which is why I will "mysteriously" disappear for the next few days.
On a brighter note, my favorite (only favorite) fanfiction got a small update today. In case you're interesting (and have a lot of time to burn, the stories are addictive) it's called "One Hundred Tiny Missions" and it features everyone's favorite dark-haired minions. That's right everyone, it's the CIA. *cough, cough* Turks *cough, cough* The story is availible on the slightly disturbing website: fanfiction.net . I detest how so many of the "writers" try to pair Cloud and Sephiroth. Not a big fan of it. Zack and Palmer are sooooo much better together. Hahahahaha, just joking. But really...it don't know why people insist on continuing stuff like this. Well actually I do and I won't go into detail right now.
On an even BRIGHTER NOTE, tommorrow is the day I take lessons with my sadistic piano teacher. As a result, I now hate anything that resembles a song written in the key of "g" (g for genisis, crap, why do I always work the darn fellow into my blog?) And then there's cleaning out the cow pen with a girl who wears designer clothes. Ain't life shiny?
DISCLAIMER: This entire post was written by someone who got three hours of sleep last night. If I sound slightly drugged, that's a side of effect of my sleepiness. I don't function well on small amounts of sleep (caffiene helps only slightly and even then its iffy)
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