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Crap. Not again...

I just got back test results for my math class. It seems that once again, I will be suffering, I mean, WORKING on a retest packet. What have I gotten myself into? For the most part, I am passing the freakin' class. But I suck at test-taking. My restest grades always end up as 90s or 95s. I'm not a moron, just (as I have said many a time) lazy. Which is why I will "mysteriously" disappear for the next few days.

On a brighter note, my favorite (only favorite) fanfiction got a small update today. In case you're interesting (and have a lot of time to burn, the stories are addictive) it's called "One Hundred Tiny Missions" and it features everyone's favorite dark-haired minions. That's right everyone, it's the CIA. *cough, cough* Turks *cough, cough* The story is availible on the slightly disturbing website: . I detest how so many of the "writers" try to pair Cloud and Sephiroth. Not a big fan of it. Zack and Palmer are sooooo much better together. Hahahahaha, just joking. But don't know why people insist on continuing stuff like this. Well actually I do and I won't go into detail right now.

On an even BRIGHTER NOTE, tommorrow is the day I take lessons with my sadistic piano teacher. As a result, I now hate anything that resembles a song written in the key of "g" (g for genisis, crap, why do I always work the darn fellow into my blog?) And then there's cleaning out the cow pen with a girl who wears designer clothes. Ain't life shiny?


DISCLAIMER: This entire post was written by someone who got three hours of sleep last night. If I sound slightly drugged, that's a side of effect of my sleepiness. I don't function well on small amounts of sleep (caffiene helps only slightly and even then its iffy)

(hopefully) Buried in Snow

I just looked outside the window of my torture chamber...errr room and the best thing I've seen in ages: snow!!! It just stopped as soon as I started typing this though. It does that all the time though: I'll finish what I've done and then it stops. Nope it's not superstition: I could base it in fact but I'm too lazy.

On the side of gaming, when I started playing FFVII again on (concidentally) the 14th I just gave up in despair. My party is hopelessly underleveled. Although that's the truth about most of my RPG games. My party was murdered in XII by the Wyrm King of the Sand. Or something like that. I don't really care. The stupid thing destroyed my 2 and 1/2 hours of leveling up. Curse it.


Happy !@#%!^* Valentines Day...

Disclaimer: The following may contain angry stuff about Valentine's Day. If you are easily angered about this sort of stuff, leave now. Yeah, I know that didn't make sense. You've been warned...

Okay, so tommorrow, I will not be online. I probably will lock myself in my room and listen to loud ayaka songs that are NOT about love. Why, you may ask? It. Is. The. Cursed. Day. Of. Love. I. Hate. It. I wish I could work on Saturdays, sigh. that would be so nice. The chickens and cows and pigs won't terrorize me about my lack of a boyfriend. They won't kiss and act all dopey. Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against love...when it's done right. It feels like "love" is being sold as some sort of product and not an actual result of genuine affection towards another person. According to everyone, love has to be about kissing and holding hands and saying stuff that sounds retarded. Yeah, that's part of it. Part of love is just enjoying time with someone, laughing and not turning it into some sort of make-out session. You know? You can love your family! You can love your friends! Hell, you can even love your stupid mutt! So why is love sold as some sort of over-sexed adolesecent thing? Huh?!?! HUH!?!?!?!?! That's what I want to know. Sigh. This needs to stop.

"Love is patient, love is kind, it doesn't boast, it doesn't say hurtful things. There are three things , right? Faith , hope and love. But you know what? The greatest of the three is love. Not the Hollywood love. Real, true, genuine Love."


Oh yeah, almost forgot. No mean comments. This is supposed to be an angry rant. Try to sympathize, 'kay?

Who is Sephiroth? *rolls eyes*

??? Ha, today I once again drove my brother insane with talking about Final Fantasy. I was looking online at the Yahoo Auctions for Japan and all I could come up with (I was looking for CDs) were cosplay costumes. My brother is reading over my shoulder and then he says to me, "Who is Se-phee-roth?". ...I started laughing and he went, "What, what is it?" Being the incredibly helpful person that I am, I just rolled my eyes. It's immature and ridiculous but it works. He went off muttering about Shining Force. Dang, I hate that game. I could devote my entire blog to ranting about it. I'll let you know that usually I love most games (except racing and simulation, blech. :P ). But this evil. The music is bad, the plot is bad and I die with laughter when someone tries to be serious and/or dies. It's worse than American Idol. For me, that's pretty bad.

ANYWAY, on the bright side, I went outside for a run today with my insane dog. Yup, good times. I really love getting my arm yanked out of my socket.


I'm a girl! NOT A GUY!!!

Just to clear things up for the few of you who even bother reading my blog (if indeed anyone does), I am a girl. NOT a guy. Yeah I know that most of the people (at least what it seems like to me) are guys but I am female. Sadly, I am also single. :( So I hate Valentine's Day. DESPISE IT. Utterly and completely loathe it!!! Don't even speak to me about it!!!

Anyway, on a somewhat funny note, today during a play rehearsal for my drama class, all of my friends were talking about how fat they were. It was horribly ironic because they're all skinnier than me (NOT THAT I'M FAT:evil: ) This one girl has really skinny legs and she was all like, "OMG! Like, my legs are so large." *hack, hack* It was funny. And incredibly stupid. There was this guy sitting behind them and he gave me this look like, "Don't you think that this is as stupid as I think it is?" It was really stupid. I keep repeating myself but it's true.

So, today I also lent my friend (not boyfriend) borrow my game. He was like, "But I don't have a memory card." I'm letting him borrow it. He's strange. We have an odd relationship like he's the Plastic Fist to my Rusty Fist. A senior girl is the Iron Fist. Totally random, but funny.


Wait a second!

I just remembered something! I forgot to add it to my previous post. Eh, might as well start a new one. Why is it that in almost all of Reno's pictures, he's sticking out his tongue? Doesn't it get tiring after a while? That's the deep question of the month ladies and gents, a free obnoxious comment to the winner.


No more Crisis Core! I beat it at last!

I have beaten it. Crisis Core is over. Well, for the most part. I'm still in a state of shock over the ending. Very, very, very stupidly, I didn't beat all the missions and just went on to fight the final boss which is HARD. Very HARD. Almost, but not quite Dark Cloud HARD (like from FFIII). It took me about 15 tries. And that's just an estimate. But it was worth it. The ending scenes were really, really cool, not to mention depressing. :( I don't think I'll ever watch that hidden scene in FFVII the same way again. *cough, cough* Oops. Well, on the bright side, I can beat it again with all my stuff! And I won't have to listen to LOVELESS, even though now it's starting to grow on me. Sigh.

Okay that above part was sort of confusing, I know. I am, as a person, confusing. And comma-happy. But I think I should wrap this up for now.


My life as I know it may be over.

Crap. Crap. CRAP! I am so freakin' stupid (someone, keep a tally of how many times I say that.). Last night, I told my friend (who is a gossip, sorry but it's true) who I...uh wanted to go out with. She almost hyperventilated. And I have a bad feeling about it. Thankfully she's distracted with plans of giving her boyfriend a kiss. *breathes sigh of relief* I still feel this sense of terror though. Oh well, I need to make mistakes so that I can learn. Like that's ever helped me.

I'm getting LOVELESS stuck in my head. "My soul hath endure tormet to find the end of the journey in my own salvation." It's not helping me to have these stupid lines floating around in my head. Curse you Genisis! Not only does your stupid poetry get stuck in my head, but it stays! And you've killed me in your ultimate form 5 times! -_- Someday, someday...

Speaking of FFVII (I LOVE IT.), I've been replaying from the beginning. My new goal is to see if I can get Cloud picked as Don Corneo's "special someone". Heh, heh, heh, this should be good.


Depression hurts; Cymbalta can help

Okay, that title has little or nothing to do with this post. The depression part yeah, but Cymbalta? I pulled it off a TV commercial (not that I like watching TV; most of it sucks). I feel so utterly helpless. At school, there's this guy who take a perverse pleasure in torturing me. He tried to hit me (or as he claims "my hot chocolate") with a rubber band. In the face. Personally, I think of him as (drumroll, please) the........................-censored-. All the mothers (except mine) eat up his, "I didn't do anything" crap. If I was a snitch, then he would torture me even more. I don't snitch. I deal with my problems. Even if "dealing" is just running away. Did you ever see the Crisis Core opening sequence? Yeah, that's my life, running down the tracks away from the problems that exsist in my life. But this isn't a soap opera; it's a blog so I'll shut up on the life buisness.

Nothing new, I hacked away at Crisis Core today. Still haven't beaten Genisis into the pile of ash he deserves to be. Sigh. He is so annoying. "My soul hath endured torment to find the end of the journey in my own salvation." :/ Yeah, what kind of self-respecting guy recites poetry? Well, I can imagine Cecil might...but Genisis? For the god's sake, he's SUPPOSED TO BE A SOLDIER. A REAL MAN NOT SOME POETRY RECITING FREAK. Not cool. Guys are not supposed to love and recite poetry all the time. It's weird. No guy I know does that. Strangely enough, they'll willing wear kilts though. I think kilts are sort of cool.

Now to answer my deep question: Is Cecil REALLY a guy? No. And neither is Genisis.


The Turks and other odd anomalies

I think today would be a good day to talk about the Turks. Yes, the dark-suited crazy dudes (and Elena or Cissnei). Ever since I was a small child, I thought it would be cool to be a Turk. Except when I was little it wasn't a Turk; it was a Pokemon trainer. NEVERTHELESS, when I turned 12 I found out about Final Fantasy. Then it went from Lord of the Rings exile to Turk. Why Turks, you might ask? They're cool. And when I was little I had a crush on Reno. My friend thinks that's hilarious. She calls Reno (and I quote), "a gay red-haired freak. OMG, he is just so hideous." ...Which is weird. I don't make fun of her weird Dylan Sprouse or the Disney freaks crushes. Even though they are sooo much lamer and weird than Reno. At least he's a dumb lovable freak unlike the Sprouse twins. They're just dumb freaks.

Ahem. I believe that is over now. So, I got back my first two semester grades back and...I got a B! Yes! It's better than an F, that's for sure. Now, I'm floating around in a bubble of happiness. I have a feeling that it's going to pop soon.

So after all that randomness above, I am going to embark on a deep journey to answer one of the most thought-provoking questions of all time: "Why do so many guys in Final Fantasy look like girls? Is Cecil Harvey REALLY a guy or is that just what they want you to think?" All this and more, next time.
