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2 posts in a week?!?! Am I crazy?!

Wow. This is so weird being able to write a second post this week. Usually I'm so swamped I forget about it. Sort of strange for me.

My idiot cat is trying to climb the boxes in the closet...I'll be right back. Whew, that animal is so stupid, she almost got herself stuck in the closet forever. I kicked her out so I could type in peace. Having an animal is somewhat overrated.

Nothing new on the game-playing front, I haven't had the time. My PSP is just calling my name right now. But I have to work some more so that I won't have my grades constantly slipping. I do want to be a doctor someday. Cloud Stife and co. will just have to wait until the weekend. :( Which makes me sort of sad. I was listening to "Opening and Bombing Mission" last night and it just brought back some memories of first hearing it in the game. Which was ages ago. My friend had it when I was a kid and I saw it but never played it.

Thanks to American Idol (boo, hiss!), my gameplay hours are getting cut shorter!! I hate that show!! This person who couldn't sing got in because she wore a freakin' bikini! And she was a model! I DESPISE models. They think they're so awesome 'cause they walk around in ugly clothes that no one else can wear and have robotic faces. Yeah, whatever, most of them aren't pretty anyway. Beauty shouldn't be judged by how skinny and blond someone is. That's pretty screwed up, don't you think? It's always girls who suffer because of guys beauty standards. How many times has somebody cried in the dark becuase they're too fat or pimply or whatever for the guy they like? Guys think that we have it easy but that's not true. Far from it. I'm not putting guys down, they just need to try to wrap their minds around stuff like that. I dunno, maybe I'm just some crazy chick on the Internet. It's funny how fast my thought process goes. From games to a rant on the modeling agencies.



EASY! SO EASY! I wasn't the only one who thought that though. Mostly the smart people agreed with me. I'm never sure whether to classify myself as "dumb" or "smart." Oh well. That doesn't matter much. I'm relieved they're over and in a way, *gulps* scared. That means Finals are next. I better start studying now!

Onto better things! I finally started Crisis Core (the thing is with Final Fantasy X is that I have a lot of save files. So I'm picking up at the one before *SPOILERS* that certain scene in the woods. Oh wait, that wasn't a spoiler.) and it's great. Not as good as it's namesake but very good. I loved the new remix of Sephiroth's theme. It was appropriate for the game. Next thing you know, I'll be quoting LOVELESS. -_- Yeah it's been drilled into my head. "Ripple form on the water's surface. The wandering soul knows no rest."

Well, I have to go. Schoolwork calls.

"For even if the morrow seems barren of promise....nothing shall forestall my return."


Being my usual disagreable self

I've noticed something recently. Maybe it's just because of the bad case of pneumonia I had. Or maybe I've noticed it all along. I'm not a touchy-feely person. You know, the people who HAVE to touch everything (and everyone). I hate getting hugs or stuff like that. The same goes for doctor's appointments. *shudders* It just creeps me out. The thing is, most of the people at my church (yeah I go. I don't like it there.) are touchy-feely. I made a bet with my friend that someone would touch my pigtails (it was the style I felt like wearing that day. I was going for a cutie-manga girl look) on Sunday and lo and behold! They did. It's not like I could just say, " GET THE &*%! OFF ME!!!" Well I could...*evil grin* but then I'd be grounded forever. Ha, it's funny though.

On to more important things though! For Christmas, I got some great games. Final Fantasy VIII and IX and...CRISIS CORE! OMG! Sorry, I'm just obsessed with it right now. VIII is more boring then I thought it would be and I haven't started IX. I probably won't until I beat X.

Bah, that's about it. I'm going to study for my midterm now or I'll fail and never return!


Merry -fill in the blank with the holiday you celebrate-

Sigh. Look at the above for your "holiday" greeting. I don't feel like inadvertantly offending anyone (I have too much of that going on in real life; I don't need it here). I celebrate Christmas personally. Ha. Merry Christmas to me. That all is in a somewhat sarcastic tone. I'm kinda mad 'cause my crazy aunt is gonna be in town the day after Christmas. That means I won't be able to play video game without criticism. I'm just feeling depressed 'cause of that and my grandpa died 5 years ago. Yeah. You'd think I'd have gotten over it by now...but no. He was the greatest guy , always teasing me about my boyfriend (I'm a girl, in case ya didn't know), giving me money randomly, and letting me use his cable tv pretty much all the time. And I was an ungrateful little brat. *sigh* I was a kid when he died. Heck, I'm still a kid now. It's just he died the night of this freakin' concert. I was singing Joy to the World while he was dying! It just hurts a lot, y'know? Didn't help that I had friends who were kids too and didn't understand or tried to but failed. Sigh. I sound exactly how an angtsy teen should sound. I hate stereotypes.

But on a somewhat brighter note, only two days left 'til the big day. Like I care at all. And on that somewhat bright note, I bid you farewell.

Happy New Year


To Study or not to study, that's what old Will was trying to say...

I'm keeping it brief tonight. Last Saturday, I snagged a cheap copy of FFXII. This may sound blasphemous but...I like it. A lot. Possibly even more than VII. And now I'm probably going to flunk out of my math class. Woo-freakin'-hoo.

Let's see, I started the obsession a little bit after meeting our good friend and local sky pirate, Balthier. The guy is just so lovable.:oops:Heh, pretend I didn't say that. Now I feel COMPELLED to see what happens next. It isn't my fault. Now I have to warn my friend's too late and he gets obsessed too.

Speaking of obsession. Distant Worlds (THE Final Fantasy concert) is coming to a city near me! Only less than six months to go! I'll be the one in the black t-shirt.


The Lifestream *SPOILERS*

Listen to this: I didn't think I'd cry. Not one bit. But okay, I didn't cry until the ddend when the finality of the situation hit me. What am I talking about, you may ask yourself (or you may think I'm mad). Another warning, this post includes SPOILERS so I'm telling you now even though this spoiler is known by almost everyone.

I was playing FFVII the other day and I was in the Temple of the Ancients after fighting the Demon Wall (a rip-off of a FFIV boss how lame). Then I went through a confusing cutscene where Cloud beat up Aerith (meanie!). Then I dug up a Lunar Harp. I was having fun. Then I went to this place past some weird forest and I was hit by deja vu. The place looked familiar. But I shook the uneasy feeling from my stomach. This place I was in was apparently some old capital abandoned long ago. After going through a scene where the party rests for a while , you then go to the next location. An underground castle. It was so amazing , even though the graphics were dated it was just awesome. But my stomach started feeling worse and worse. Then it hit me: This place is where Aeris...dies!

Next I went through a confusing scene where Cloud tries to kill Aeris and is stopped. Then from the ceiling comes..Sephiroth? I close my eyes not wanting to look and hear the sickening "shing" of the sword going through Aeris. My mouth went dry. I couldn't breath. Then I go through this banter between Sephiroth and Cloud, bla, bla, bla and fight JENOVA something or another. Still not crying. Then after the battle Tifa and Barrett (my member of choice sadly) look at Aerith. When Cloud picked up Aerith and brought her to the Lifestream, I cried my eyes out. I couldn't stop. It was heartbreaking to see an innocent die. What did she ever do to anyone? It was shocking eventhough I knew the outcome.


PS-This was waaaay too long a post

Hmm, that's a question that keeps me up at night

Just a quick warning: This post WILL include *SPOILERS* for the PS1 game FFVII (look it up yourself!)

Now that that's out of the way...what keeps you up at night? NO, not in that way, just questions that cause you great inner turmoil. Like, what is the meaning of life? Or: Does he/she really like me? Or is it just my imagination? I'll tell you what keeps me up: Who does Reno like?!?!

The other day, I was playing FFVII and I walked into this area surronded by forest (Gongaga, not like it matters) and guess who I saw! The Turks! I found Reno and Rude talking about who they liked! What is up with that? As far as I know, guys usually don't really talk about who they like, do they? It's us girls who do that (at least me and my friends do; they don't understand why I like RPGS so much...). And of course, the whole situation is horribly ironic because of what Elena says:"I think it's so stupid how those two are always talking about who they like. Don't they have anything better to do?" (not an exact quote but whatever!). Rude admits (this is before Elena comes in) that he like Tifa (no way! I thought he liked Elena! Actually, I thought RENO liked Elena. How confusing) but you never find out who Reno likes. WHO DOES HE LIKE?!!?! (sorry I'm using lot's of caps)

Sigh. Sorry for taking up so much time, just had to get this off my chest and onto the Internet.


Nothing, nothing at all!

Wow. Believe it or not, I finally snagged myself a copy of Final Fantasy VII. In ENGLISH! You may wonder how I got the money required. To tell the truth, I spent a fair amount of money, but nothing crazy. So now, I need to get myself a memory card. And it goes on and on and on...

Speaking of the glorious FFVII, I like it alright (from what I've played which is about 4 hours into the game). It's made enough of an impact to cause me to be very absent-minded and tired. Very tired. My whole opinion will be spelled out later next year.

*yawns* Back to working on my writing assignment. I still can't think of anything...


Thoughts on the starting of my classes

Busy, busy , busy, there's no other word for it... My classes have started and whew! I really wish I could drop history. The books (for lack of a more intelligent term) sucks. It's biased and full of useless info. Give me a picture book any day!

Ahem. On the other side, I just got myself a (used) PS2! It's great, but annoying since I can never play it without an audience. Get this straight: I'm not a people person. I like to be left alone when I game. In fact, that's one of the few times I have alone. But enough whining. Except for about not being able to find a cheap copy of FFVII.

I am not going to spend fifty dollars on something that should be twenty. No matter how good everyone says it is. I made that mistake with Zelda and I am not doing that again. I have a certain amount of money to spend on games and 50 dollars is too much. I'm just going to have to learn Japanese...
