@gleencross: The Fallout series has ALWAYS been about a post nuclear apocalypse in the US. Period. Even before in the game that spawned Fallout called Wasteland.
It dealt with what happened after for the survivors. It was made by developers in the US.
Could they have done other countries. Yes. But then again this isn't what Fallout is. (and never has been)
I could turn your comment to the side by saying what's so special about Portugal or wherever you hail from? Would people be interested in Fallout Madrid? Rio de Janeiro? I think you get my point.
I wouldn't expect a developer from another country to develop a game based on someplace they've never been. (However that's a generalized statement and I know for fact developers do research trips to other countries for inspiration).
However you mentioned Metro (made by Ukrainians), Stalker series (also made by Ukrainians) both games based in Russia.
Surprised? You shouldn't be.
You make what you know.
I wouldn't expect to see Fallout London, Paris, Montreal anytime soon and neither should you.
Been saying it for awhile as a fan of the original, they should either finish their trilogy off or remake Deus Ex 1, and make a better Invisible War after that. There's so much life left in that franchise if they do it right. Mankind divided was good, but missing something, it feel very limited in scope. Plus the story was very...shallow, and didn't move the overall story for Jensen in any decent way with growth.
I don't feel that it's bad they're going to be away from it for awhile, apparently they need time away to come back fresh to it.
@kachal: Except if I remember correctly, Cliffy B just recently accused Epic of stealing back that same talent you mentioned. So when he's left with a hollow shell of the talent pool he stole away to begin with, where was there left to go?
I don't care either, way the world of gaming can use a break from Mr. Bleszinski (at least I know I sure can). If he wants to come back and show he's still got it, then show it with an awesome project, not with preening and attitude.
@Xristophoros: Funny part is though @Bread_or_Decide he came up with a well thought out, rational argument without being rude or judgemental and you batted off his counter-point off with "oh, you must be a hater and part of the mob mentality"
I weep for the future if someone like Xristophoros can write a well thought out, respectful argument and you don't consider his points because you're being close minded. That is just sad.
We get it you played it, found some merit in it, but it doesn't dismiss the fact of what he said and what Konami is today.
I'd suggest re-reading his comments objectively and re-considering what he said. 'Nuff said.
Kudos to Xristophoros for one of the best posts I've read in a long time and even more so taking the time to respond in a manner like this, big props for that. ;-)
@Vodoo: I'd agree with your point if it was 100% TRUE. Which it is not.
Sony: Buy a digital PS1 game for instance. I can play this on PS3>PSP>Vita with one license. (for as many systems fall within that license and use that account) They also do Cross Buy (which has been a great initiative for those who own different platforms).
Microsoft: Buy a OG Xbox/360 title. With the new BC program on XBO I can play those titles with one license.
The catch, one account which unifies my purchases.
At this point there is NO REASON why Nintendo can't do that as well, they made an "attempt" during the Wii>WiiU VC by allowing you to purchase (for a reduced price of course) license to play on the new system (because they must be benevolent). But only on one system. Period.
Now THIS, this is just stupid, the Switch can do any/all VC games and they still have a unified account that was created during the Wii U/3DS era that you can use with your Switch. However, they cannot fathom allowing one license to allow you to play the game you bought on multiple machines.
Where's the profit in that?
That does not compute for Nintendo. They'll nickle and dime everyone for anything they can, the Nintendo who used to give away full games back in the GC era (and/or for pre-ordering games) no longer exists, because that doesn't help the bottom line. Nintendo is looking into Cross Buy, but being very slow in rolling it out and not for bigger titles that they think they'd lose money on.
For them nothing exists but the bottom line these days (look no further then the stunted release of Amiibos & the NES Classic, they were very sheepish when they released both of those) .
@xenomorphalien: Apparently everyone has different expectations, I don't like seeing so many sequels. Where's all of the new IP (or older IP we haven't seen in years).
I'm tempering my expectations, but I'm glad some people are excited for what's leaked out so far. I'm not one of them.
uncle5555's comments