@diskotheque @vault-boy OK, I will alter my phrasing somewhat because you are correct, what I said was wrong because I didn't fully explain myself. I believe their isn't enough justification in releasing an inferior copy of a game instead of rereleasing the original. If they actually improved upon the game as a whole it would be different, but I believe that if it is significantly inferior that it fails to justify itself as a product that is good for the consumer.
@Infinity_Gauntl @vault-boy Ya, I'm going to try to keep this civil but what? Seriously, what? I mean you can disagree with my opinion, but justifying something and making up for something are COMPLETELY different, in fact that are almost opposite. If I am justifying something I am sticking with a belief or action. If I am making up for something I am showing that I don't believe with my original belief anymore and am trying to make reparations for it. I'm sorry but saying they are the same thing is factually wrong, and it is as black and white as that.
@Wingus-T-Dingus CoD fans ask for new ones all the time. Assassins Creed fans ask for new ones too. Its still milking the franchise.
Also, Tom never said that the new Zelda is bad, he said it isn't as good as people make it out to be, which in my opinion it isn't. The controls are inferior to what can be done with a traditional controller, the game has a lot of backtracking, etc. etc. etc. but it is still a good game. I believe it and so does as (otherwise he wouldn't have given it a 7.5/10 AKA a 'good').
@rushiosan Well its not like he is saying that nostalgia is the only problem with gaming and that modern gaming is the most progressive and greatest moment in gaming history. He is saying nostalgia shouldn't be used as a crutch. I can't speak for him but I'm guessing that, like most of us, Tom's feathers are often ruffled by the modern gaming industry more than they aren't and just because he is talking about this problem right now doesn't mean he doesn't acknowledge other problems the industry has.
@snxx No, he is saying that he is trapped by nostalgia like everyone else. However, when he writes a review it seems to me that he does his best to put nostalgia aside (which nobody can do it completely) and reviews the game for its own merits. Claiming that he is trying to put himself on a pedestal while trying to act humble seems like a pretty big assumption to make. I'm not saying I know if he is or not, it just doesn't seem like it and he is right, MANY people are blinded by nostalgia and Skyward Sword is a great example. I love Zelda (OoT is still my favorite game of all time) but while Skyward Sword is definitely a good game, its not anywhere near what many people claimed it was, and its 93 on Metacritic is, in my opinion, a score based very heavily on nostalgia. In fact a 7.5 is probably what I would have given the game, its good, really good to be honest, but its definitely not great.
@diskotheque I personally disagree with what your saying, mostly because your missing what he said about the game being inferior to what was being remade. (From his perspective) the platforming, combat and difficulty where all not as good as they where in the original, and the remake, instead of focusing on what made the original good (aka the platforming, combat and difficulty) they tossed them aside (or at least did a bad job with them) and instead focused on the things that where nice but also where with what made the original such a loved game (visuals, audio, etc). If that is true, than I would probably agree with Tom, if a remake is inferior to the original than there really isn't any justification for it to even exist.
@Infinity_Gauntl He isn't trying to make up for his review, he is justifying it. Either you didn't read anything but the title or you simply misunderstood what he is saying.
@HonorOfGod @bankai_456 @sonyfreak456 Well, on Android their isn't really any censorship of what can and cannot be put on the system in terms of apps, on iOS their is a shit ton of that. But, on the other hand if you jailbreak your iOS device you can add programs similar to the ones on Android (albeit much poorly made ones) and Apple's firmware is so laughably bad that they make it easy to do as well.
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