While I think that people are being entitled little shits about this, but I will admit Nintendo does owe something to every person who owns a Wii U and that's some actual good games. Not for free, just good games.
That's a pretty good deal, especially for a game that is gonna need all the graphics power you can throw at it. Still, I'm fine with what I got, so I'll just pick up Arkham Origins on the Summer Sale
@mucking_foron @Kristhomas123 I've always found AMD to be best until your spending $300+ on a card (which I think is insane, at least on my income :P) so right now I'm rocking a 7790 and a FX4100 CPU and I'm pretty damn happy with it. Might upgrade in ~3 years, and I'll probably do it when I can get as awesome a deal as my 7790 (FC3 Blood Dragon, Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite free on a $130 card with $25 mail in rebate baby!) but right now I'm loving it and AMD.
@kmanworld 6850 on max? What games are you playing my friend. I got a 7790 and I still can't pull that off on some of my really demanding games. Still, gotta love them graphics...
@deadly_yank33 @vault-boy I'm sorry, I'm up for spirited debate and conversation, but if you honestly believe that Microsoft doesn't care about the pre-order of its next platform than I doubt I can get anything intelligent out of you. I assume your a fanboy who can't accept that its looking bleak for Microsoft (I mean come on... MS not caring about getting their asses handed to them in pre-orders? Seriously?) but I can't speak for you or your motives. I just know I really don't care about them or about any of the new consoles (unless Nintendo gets their heads out of their asses and make some new IP).
@deadly_yank33 No Sony is selling their systems cheaper because they know most dedicated gamers don't want motion controls (this isn't an opinion, this is a blatant fact. Most serious gamers have little to no interest in motion controls at this point) and decided to not make their motion controller mandatory therefore letting them lower the price, and that, along with their other business strategies has been working because the PS4 is selling exponentially more pre-orders than the Xbox 1 (once again, that is a fact, feel free to Google it). You can pick whichever console you want, I have no stake in any console, but there is no opinion involved in saying the Xbox isn't doing as well as the PS4 and this is probably one of the many reasons why.
@deadly_yank33 @vault-boy Well Sony's logic seems to be doing pretty well, they have been outselling Xbones 4 to 1. I'm not saying don't like the Xbox, I'm just saying it is undeniable Microsoft is getting whooped by Sony at this moment in time and it is my belief this is a part of it. Will MS turn around and catch up? Don't know. Don't care. I don't use consoles anymore anyways, I like to be able to upgrade when I want to and not when I am forced to so I hopped ship to PC, so I'm about as unbiased as it gets being completely apathetic to who wins and who doesn't this gen.
@FinzFan4life @vault-boy Well considering the PS4 is outselling the Xbone 4 to 1 I'd say my assumptions are pretty sound. Granted, this isn't just because Microsoft is bundling in the Kinnect but also because, while all companies aren't in gaming for the games but rather for the money, Microsoft has made it extremely obvious in the last couple of months and seems to be one of the most anti-consumer companies I can think off.
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