Personally speaking I think it’s a smart move on SEGA’s behalf (or whoever is controlling the strings.) to release an HD remaster.
Let’s face it, there’s going to be a lot of hype surrounding this game (alright Ninja, calm down. We’re not talking FF7Remake or GTA hype ok?) but for a large majority of the gaming community this will in fact be their first Shenmue experience. That is IF they pick it up.
Making a remaster, although it probably will be pretty rough considering these are games from 1999 and 2001, is still a smart move as it will get people up to speed as well as serve as a swift reminder of what transpired in the earlier chapters before diving in.
I’m hoping the remasters are done really well and that gamers show it some love as it might help translate into a better experience in regards to funding for Shenmue 3 (more money put into various components of development.).
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find that mirror I buried under my cherry tree out back.
I’m so out of touch with reality (I refer to myself in the 3rd person for goodness sake.) that I’m not sure me saying “I’ve never heard of her” means anything. I’m sure getting older also has something to do with that too.
@someoneelse: LOL. I totally understand. Articles about Kojima can have that affect on people hence why I said earlier there seems to be a "love-hate" aura around anything to do with him. I can understand where both sides are coming from with their respective praise and criticisms especially, as you alluded to, when one takes into consideration their magnitude in relation to "real problems/issues" that we as people (and ninjas ;) ) face in everyday life.
After all... it's just videogames, right? lol.
Happy New Year to you too and I hope you have a great 2017.
Sounds like somebody's got a chip on their shoulder lol. ;)
Listen, I more or less agree with what you are saying but at the same time its not like what he did was easy. Or was it? Perhaps to us outsiders it was no big deal, but I would like to believe, like I mentioned before, that anytime someone invests a substantial amount of time, energy, and resources into something over an extended period of time that just walking away from it isn't exactly as easy as one may think.
There’s probably no greater person that has endured such a love hate scenario with the gaming community, at least in relation to the opinions and critiques of gamers.
Sure, we can all laugh and make jokes about things Kojima has said or done in the past, heck even his odd quirky behaviour as well as its translation into many pieces of his work, but there’s one thing we as a collective whole as gamers… as people, can’t deny.
What Kojima did was very hard.
That’s it, plain and simple. Having to “walk away” from something you spent the majority of your life intertwined with, something that whenever your name was mentioned the next thought in people’s minds was that of your work you immersed yourself in for countless days, months… Hell, years. And then to have the mindset to let it all go and start again from scratch, from… ZERO… (That last one’s for you MGS fans ;) )
Regardless of what anyone thinks personally of him, that right there is worthy of at least some small amount of respect.
Kojima should have just made a statue with the logo KONAMI under a giant middle finger. I'm almost positive fans would buy that, if not at least Guillermo del Toro.
Sounds like he at least has a sense of humor which is always a good thing. A little odd that he would tweet that on Christmas of all days though. Seems Konami has occupied a substantial amount of real estate in his mind. I know it has in any fan of the metal gear and silent hill series.
So who's the more hated videogame developer now? Konami or EA?
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