I think this is part of the reason Microsoft has decided to release the Scorpio. They realize they are so far behind PS4 sales that there is no point in trying to catch up (but wait, isn’t that what the PS3 did with the 360?).
It’s like they see the writing on the wall and instead of investing in a lengthy and long battle they’ve forgone that war in favor of starting a “New Gen,” one in which they know they will be the first one out of the gate with the latest and greatest hardware.
While this may sound good from a business perspective I personally think that a lot of Xboxone supporters will be frustrated with this decision, especially as the Scorpio’s launch draws closer.
-“I mean, c’mon. I buy a relatively brand new console and in only a few years you’re dropping another one. One that regardless of what YOU say is more than likely going to make my piece of hardware staring back from the T.V. obsolete.”-
I’m sure that feeling will be in a few Xbox supporters heads in the near future and I can totally sympathize with why. They invested their hard earned dollars in something that they hoped would be given attention and support, not something that would be ditched in a relatively short amount of time for something “better.”
“But Ninja, they said they would still support the Xboxone with new titles even though the Scorpio will be out.”
…Right lol.
I won’t insult the intelligence of everyone on here by pointing out the obvious but to those out there that pose that question all I have to say is, well…what do you expect them to say?
That might be one of the weakest lineups ever for a launch if Zelda was not thrown into the fray and even then its still nothing to write home about.
At least Reggie acknowledges the mistakes in terms of games/releases with the Wii-U but weak lineups like this do very little to quell the doubt looming in my head over the overall success of the Switch.
I'm really hoping Reggie isn't just saying what he thinks people "want to hear" when Nintendo really has no intentions of fulfilling that promise. A continuous funnel of great games is key but at the same time that is a very subjective thing (what some consider great games other consider garbage.).
Perhaps I would feel more confident in Reggie's words if we had more news of 3rd party developers with new AAA titles chiming in with their support for the Switch rather than the opposite (I believe 2k just announced that Nintendo was making it "difficult" for them so Borderlands 3 is unlikely.).
Don't get me wrong, people will buy the Switch day 1 just for Zelda but whether or not they keep playing on their new console is the real question.
Hopefully Reggie's words aren't just that... words.
I can’t help but feel that there is something that the gaming media is not picking up on in regards to how the Switch will handle game storage. It seems completely unreasonable in this day and age to have one game on a new console utilize half of its storage capacity in one go, and if so then that is just completely absurd. (Insert “I want to believe meme” here lol.)
Then again, perhaps this is all part of Nintendo’s strategy. They seemed more than adamant about boasting about the importance/relevance of their “brand new” microSDXC cards. Perhaps they figure they can undermine the total memory on the hardware (and thus lower costs in production initially.) and then make a substantial profit off of accessories such as the “memory cards” and peripherals.
I know, I know… Ninja, take off the tin foil hat.
Perhaps I am looking too far into it but it wouldn’t be the first time a company tried a tactic like this. After all, this is business we are talking about. Not a love of videogames, not a measure of quality, but rather a higher profit margin coming in at the end of the day. Every company is based on this ideal so it should come as no surprise to anyone that Nintendo is no different.
This might also possibly be another reason as to why Nintendo didn’t want to reveal too much too soon. If this last allegation is correct than I totally understand why. News like this is enough to turn off many of those out there who were on the fence about getting a Switch from the get-go.
Don’t take my word for it, just look at all the negative comments and remarks not only in this comment section but in pretty much every media site out there. It would seem gamers are more reluctant than ever about Nintendo’s new piece of hardware and after reading articles like this, well… I can’t really blame them.
Unfortunately, just because SWITCH is new, exciting, or easy for developers to make games for doesn’t necessarily equate to a studios willingness to invest time, money, and resources into it. The WII/WII U is proof of this.
I think any true hardcore gamer from back in the day does not want to see NINTENDO go down, myself included. But then again, we’re not the ones calling the shots.
There is no doubt in my mind that NINTENDO has a few games that the fans are clambering for already in pre-production at some level.
A Metroid title is inevitable at this point in NINTENDO’s future but their lack of prime 3rd party support (And I’m not talking about ports or “left-overs”.) is more troubling than anything else.
I’m sure we’ll all see the usual Mario game (cart/world/etc…), Zelda title (which has already been confirmed.) as well as a whole host of other 1st party titles synonymous with the NINTENDO brand such as Super Smash Bros, but that is still not addressing the “elephant in the room.” NINTENDO needs better 3rd party support. This “event” was clear proof of that, and this is coming from someone who grew up with NINTENDO when they “owned” the videogaming world and still holds a certain amount of respect for them.
They need AAA title 3rd party games being developed and released at THE SAME TIME as their contemporaries. Not a year later, not a port, not a dumbed down version. THE SAME TIME. If not they will never win back over all the gamers they lost over the last 15-20 years to the likes of Sony or Microsoft.
If their strategy is to hit the mainstream market like they did with the Wii (people who maybe played a videogame once in their life; not the hardcore gamers who owned a Wii.) then that is a totally different scenario entirely.
I absolutely love it when we get reports like this.
We all know that deep down whenever someone from a competing party comes out and says something like this they are really saying inside "Damn it! I hope you guys go under!"
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