@Shango4 @FuzailAhmed56 The EU PS Plus games have been way better than the U.S. If you go to the Sony blogs, you'll see that there are quite a few people have spoken up about it.
@Gunface1011 @MW2ismygame @Suikogaiden Word is, Glen Beck wants to start a utopian society somewhere. In all honesty, I would love to see this happen and subsequently watch it fall apart.
@evil-zodiark @whalesex @4-Legged-Shark @Suikogaiden I feel justified calling someone an asshole for treating other human beings differently simply because of their sexual orientation. While I understand that it is hard for some people to believe that homosexuals are not making a choice in their preference, the fact is that no one in their right mind would want to be treated like crap. It's an issue of equivocation.
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