@scatterbrain007 You know, you can hit the xbox button on your controller, swipe over to the left and click on "active downloads" to see how far along you are.
This guy absolutely gets it. I'm genuinely in fear of what the next generation of consoles will bring. Early hardware reports point to decent systems, but if that power is going to be focused on ads, media services, and worthless paid subscriptions, I'll likely quit console gaming all together.
I'm convinced that Gearbox is a one trick pony. While I find Borderlands a ton of fun to play, if you take away the loot aspects, fun co-op, and visual style, you're left with a pretty generic game with sub-par mechanics and story.
It really sucks that this game turned out the way it did because I was really hoping for a sleeper hit.
Journey was absolutely the best game of the year or any year for that matter. No other game has risen to the top of my all time favorite list like Journey has. So excited to finally see this game get top honors.
whalesex's comments