Is this another sign of EA destroying a company? They already destroyed Westwood, can it happen to BioWare? I wish both these guys the best of luck, I've loved their games for years. I hope they start afresh soon, I want more RPG goodness from them.
"Remember how you blew your load on Final Fantasy VII's opening?"
Best line in the video :D
I love the Final Fantasy series, but the recent games have been a little hit and miss for me. X and XIII are both too linear, and truth be told their stories never really interested me. XII was great, although it's story wasn't on the same level as IV, VI and VII. I hope Final Fantasy XV can bring back the dramatic story telling of IV, VI and VII, with more open ended game play and maybe an evolution of XII's battle system.Am I hoping for too much?
Great episode Danny. I adore the Zelda games, they're my all-time favourite. Kind of weird that The Wind Waker was the first game in the series that you played, but at least you finally experienced what the series is about.
I don't necessarily think the screen is bad on the 3DS. I've played the Vita quite a bit in my local game store and I wouldn't say it's superior screen affected my experience with the machine. As long as I can play games I enjoy I'll like both the 3DS and Vita equally. Nice article though.
I have an iPhone and a 3DS, and will eventually get a Vita (I'll wait a few months). I carry my iPhone around with me more often than any portable console for the simply fact that it is my phone and people need to get in touch with me. I do occasionally play a little bit of International Snooker and Doodlejump, but I've never considered games like those as compeition for full-fledged games for actual dedicated portable hardware. I had got far more enjoyment play Super Mario 3D Land on a 2 hour bus journey than I ever have done playing a game on my phone. The only reason the iPhone has been successful has come down to one thing in my opinion. Contracts. You can get phones on a contract and pay for them monthly. If you had to buy an iPhone straight away for 400 quid I bet a lot of people wouldn't have got one because it's a lot of money to fork out in one go. While you will eventually pay more for the phone over the course of a contract, the little amounts you pay a month don't really make you feel like you will. I'd argue that if you saw the actual amounts of iPhones sold at retail price, and not on contract, the figures wouldn't be all that impressive.
@Zero_Beat: It's by far the strongest piece of portable gaming tech ever made, but nobody can say whether or not it is outright the best. Have you played one, or are you going off observations?
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