I agree with what you said about motion controls completeley. I can't see why people have so much hate towards them. I've said for years now (well since the release of the Wii) that all future games consoles will use motion controls, and now the PS3 and XBox 360 are incorporating them. I hate people who say comments like ''Oh I'm a proper gamer, I use a controller not motion controls.'' as far as I'm concerned proper games enjoy playing games in all forms, proper gamers will be looking forwards to what motion controls in the future are going to offer us. It also annyos me when people say the Wii is for 'casual' gamers. No it's not it's for ALL types of gamers. I mean Mario and Zelda are arguably the last two true 'hardcore' franchises left. Just because the Wii is bringing people in to gaming who never played games before it doesn't mean it's bad or casual. I mean look at the original PlayStation, that console did exactly what the Wii is doing now, it got people to play games who never played them before. Before the PlayStation consoles were for 'nerds' or 'geeks' (if you want to call people that) but the PlayStation made it cool to play games because it made people who don't like gaming play games. The Wii is doing the exact same thing now and everybody moans. It wouldn't suprise me if 90% of the people who complain about the Wii now started playing consoles with the PlayStation, the very console which did the same as the Wii is doing now but 11 years ago.
If at some time all games become downloadable only I will stop playing video games. I'm a proper gamer, I like to buy games in a physical form. I've got nothing against downloadable content that adds on to the game I bought, I like that, but I never want to see games downloadable only. It's like some developers are scrapping manual, and that's a real shame, I'm a manual freak. Yeah I'll admit that the manual is less important now compared to what it was but it is still nice to get a manual with your games.
I personally think that the Halo series is overrated (apart from Halo: Combat Evolved, that game kicked ass and is one of my all tiem favourites) but the music in them is class. I mean listen to the music in Halo: Combat Evolved, it's pure genious.
It was the same with people when 3D gaming came in. Early 3D gaming looked very poor and people didn't like how blocky the games were and said that 2D was still better, even though achieving full 3D gaming was a massive technical achievement. But now everyone thinks that 3D gaming is ace. When all consoles are Motion Sensor gaming people will think of controller gaming just like people think of 2D gaming now, they'll think it's ancient.
And I don't like it when people totally disregard Motion Sensor gaming. Look if Sony are willing to do it then you've just got to accept that it's probably the future of gaming. I'll admit I do prefer a proper controller, but after playing Metroid Prime 3 I can also confirm that Motion Sensor gaming can be brilliant if it's done well. As a society we've all got used to gaming with a control pad, and this is really the reason alot of people don't like the Wii's controls. Gaming evolves, and we've got to accept that the controller, while it still works, is now an age old technique of playing games, and companies are trying to evolve the industry more and experiment more, and that's why Motion Seneor gaming has come in. It's just Nintendo had the guts to do it first. If Sony were against Motion Sensor gaming they would NEVER have considered it, so the fact they have considered it makes me think that they beleive it to be a good idea.
Also I want to add that I do have respect for Sony too (I mean I DO own a PS3), I don't dislike them, the only reason I think that PlayStation Move will fail is because they've released it too late, and who would get one? I mean if you had the choice what's the more logical choice; £180 for a Wii, or over £300 for a PS3 with PlayStation Move? I think anyone in their right mind would choose the Wii, simply because it's way cheaper and it's a proven Motion Sensor console.
@cookie986: That's a fair enough comment mate, I didn't mean to generalise everyone. What I mean by fanboys is someone that just like loves Sony and no one else. It's those people who I think are hypocrites. I'm not saying Sony can't go with Motion Sensor technilogy, I mean if they are even trying it then it must be the future of gaming, but they could have waited until their next console to do it, or they could have done it a few years ago if they think it'll make the console more competitive with the Wii. And I don't like people who say the Wii is rubbish because of all the rubbish party games it has. Yeah the Wii does have alot of rubbish games, but so did the original PlayStation and no one said anything about that at the time. I have all the respect in the world for Nintendo with the Wii. With it they have made a console appeal to the kind-of audience people all thought it was impossible to make a console for, the less than casual gamer. I mean they still do games for the hardcore Nintendo fans. Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Metroid Prime 3, for example, are awesome, I was especially impressed with Metroid Prime 3 because the Wii's controls work a treat on it.
@Darth_Pietrus: I'll get out of my Mario and Zelda world when Sony can produce games that are as good as those. Anyway I'm still certain the PS3 Move will be rubbish. I know the Wii isn't perfect with it's Motion Sensor controls, but that's a console built for those types of controls, the PS3 wasn't built for that type of gaming so that Move will probably just feel tacked on. Every Sony Fanboy will slag me off for stating my opinions on this, but all you Sony fanboys slagged Off Nintendo for going with Motion Sensor controls yet now you're looking forwards to it on the console you like. You're all hypocrites.
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