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#1 with_teeth26
Member since 2007 • 11660 Posts

@sargentd said:

Real question. Is this basically just a big update for CSGO. Like OW to OW2 was??

That's what it looks like to me, this doesn't look like a new game but an update For GO

I mean... its Counterstrike. it'll be a engine refresh and thats probably about it. likely some minor tweaks that will only matter if your a hardcore CS player.

but at least unlike OW2, it won't be a pathetic ploy to bring back players since its already the biggest game on Steam.

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#2 with_teeth26
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Never been a fan of CS. way too many sweaty try hards who play CS and nothing but CS and know every square inch of every map.

but hey, it'll probably be better than Valorant at least.

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#3 with_teeth26
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doesn't seem like the dev understands how GP works.. its not a demo where people will try it on there and then go buy it as well.

I guess you can hope that it being on GP will cause more people to play it, and if its good (which this game evidently is not) there will be some buzz around it and it will get picked up by non-GP subscribers ala Rocket League when it launched for free on PS Plus or whatever.

but it seems like you go the GP route for some guaranteed income, knowing that it will likely result in reduced sales because why would people buy it if they can play it on their subscription service?

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#4 with_teeth26
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I'm pretty all over the place...

lately, MW2 (2022) has been filling that role. game is surprisingly fun, coming from someone who hasn't been into CoD multiplayer in over a decade.

If i'm in the mood for something more chill, might play a bit of Call of the Wild: The Angler, or Dune Spice Wars which i've been dabbling with.

might jump into a bit of BF2042 or Rocket League is friends are playing as well.

Historically, i'd always go back to Company of Heroes 2, but I got burned out on it eventually, and the new one is not very good in its current state.

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#5 with_teeth26
Member since 2007 • 11660 Posts

interesting... I used to buy Asus stuff, had a Asus motherboard and laptop just like Bassman here but I switched to Gigabyte for my motherboard the last couple builds, and now have a Dell laptop. I've never bought Asus GPUs

so I can say that I am Asus free.

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#6 with_teeth26
Member since 2007 • 11660 Posts

@mrbojangles25 said:

I actually really liked it at release, but as time went on and I replayed it recently, I found it a bit tedious. Maybe I played it too much but I don't think it has aged well.

i'm not the only one then. this was a much more concise way of saying it though

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#7 with_teeth26
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@ghostofgolden said:

I just can’t get past the main character being played by the dude from the TV show Shameless. If you’ve seen that show… THAT dude can’t be a Jedi… Come on…

yea, its a problem lol.

not a slight on the actor, he's great in Shameless, just a very un-Jedi character. and since Shameless is the first thing I saw him in, its hard not to associate him with that character now

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#8 with_teeth26
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@davillain said:

As Hardwenzen said it best, Respawn knows how to tell a good story from Star Wars (and making a fun good combat I might add) which is why it's selling everyone's expectations despite the technical issues, it did way better than Redfall. I already beat the game on PC and I'm replaying it in NG+ as we speak. The latest patches really improved the PC version so if anyone has any doubts, it's safe to play it now.

Kudos to both EA & Respawn.

glad to hear its better on PC after some patches.

I ultimately decided to replay Fallen Order because when I first played it I never finished it, and didn't really get into it properly as I had some other stuff going on in my life at the time. actually been having a good time with the replay.

so by the time i'm done, hoping Survivor is in a good playable state.

The silver lining, is at least its a proper singleplayer game doing well, so EA should continue to fund them hopefully

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#9  Edited By with_teeth26
Member since 2007 • 11660 Posts

My opinion changed but probably not in the way you'd expect...

The short version is I kinda talked/hyped myself into liking the game at launch, but realized later on its pretty meh.

The long version:

I was a huge Witcher fan and was all aboard the hype train for 2077. I put about 60 hours into the game at launch, and at the time kinda convinced myself it was a good game as I did enjoy the story and the world, and didn't suffer as many bugs as some people. A bit of open world jank doesn't bother me too much if I can get the game running at a decent frame rate and I like the underlying game.

But upon reflection, and coming back to the game in the last few months to check it out after patches, it really was underwhelming. It completely lacks the charm and memorable characters of the Witcher games. The world just felt kinda dead and hollow once you get past the surface veneer of nice graphics. The NPC ai is still super wacky and constantly breaks immersion. Exploration for the most part doesn't feel rewarding like it did in The Witcher 3.

I started another playthrough and only made it a few hours in before realizing, I didn't really want to spend any more time with it. There are a good amount of options in the combat/encounter design, but I realized that the only one that appealed to me was the way I played it the first time, and replaying it the same way just didn't seem worthwhile.

I'm hoping CD Projekt can rebound with their next game, and I'm glad they are going back to The Witcher. They tried to become Rockstar, instead of focusing on their strengths, and it backfired.

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#10 with_teeth26
Member since 2007 • 11660 Posts

@girlusocrazy said:

I heard unlike Redfall there's actually a good game underneath there and people are just impatient. There's people out there paying for early access and paying to get the game one week early, opting in to beta rings, they want the unfinished versions on purpose because they just can't wait or maybe they feel special to see it before others.

yea, I think that is very much the case. by all accounts its a great game underneath the technical issues.

Star Wars also has a huge rabid fan base who probably grabbed it the moment positive reviews showed up