I'd believe that Bethesda would put this out after trying to get into MP stuff with Fallout 76 and Wolfenstein Young Blood. This completes the trifecta of awful games from studios known for Singleplayer.
the question is, why didn't MS get involved. being hands off only works if the devs are putting out quality games.
This is a strange situation for MS. They are blamed if the game flops for being too involved and blamed if they are not involved enough. I believe MS issue has always been too hands-off but the general gaming populous believes that they are too hands-on. If there was any game that made it clear they are hands-off is Sea of Thieves. I also believe that the reason they have been pursuing publishers is to further enable the hands-off approach. Publishers are fully functional game producers with all the systems in place. There is supposed to be nothing that is needed from MS outside of possible funding. But, the downside is that if the publisher messes up from this approach, MS would take the hit and not the publisher.
for sure, but you'd think MS would still want to check in occasionally to make sure the product being delivered under their name is up to at least some standard of quality. especially when the publisher has a recent history of some very dodgy releases.
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