is there any reason to not get a pc these days? you spend more on these other devices, controllers, and laughable prices for games.
on pc, you can still play old games, find hundreds of "exclusives" and get games on sale so often that you can't possibly play through every game you purchase because there are that many deals to be had.
how about they fix the fucking bugs. like why do my buses continue to flood into neighboring towns even after i stop sharing them, and after i turn the damn bus depot completely off, and after i demolish the bus depot??!!?!?! yeah... they only way to stop getting shit-tons of buses flooding your town is to delete all your bus stops! brilliant!
on the upside, no city is so big that it needs buses anyway. sims will walk. and cars actually produce less traffic than a conga line of buses.
i've also seen my traffic bug out at certain intersections. green light! nobody moves! forcing me to delete schools to try to fix it. because the buses are stuck there with kids in them for days, and the schools stopped teaching because the traffic jam meant no attendance.
i also saw my entire game speed pause/freeze up. time stands still regardless of what speed i set it to....
grats to maxis for making the most broken game ever.
this was a nostalgia purchase. being old school fans of this one, after installing came the realization that the in-game interface is too ancient to be a fun experience for me and my friend.
yeah. what he should have said is that a big publicly-traded publisher with shareholders has no room for a B game. they want big money, and deadlines.
B games are made with smaller teams, can take longer, have lower prices, and smaller marketing budgets, but a good B game will still bring in a big profit because of the smaller budget.
But a big publisher would find the profit too small for the hassle.
AAA budgets are a joke because they throw those big budgets at once-great franchises they've absorbed and then produce annual crap titles and expect to gain massive profit simply from pre-order sales and expensive marketing campaign, not based on the quality of the game at all.
Some $60 games are worth $60, but most are simply not.
@guacadoggie it shouldnt take much time at all to mine hell for that gear set. you just need to not go there too soon. get proper gear and health pool first, and use the potion that lets you swim in lava.
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