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xhellcatx Blog

Mothers Day

So, I got my mom some flowers last week for mothers day. They werent much, just a few perennials. She likes flowers that you can plant as opposed to cut flowers.

... I want a blossoming cherry tree, but im unsure if it will make it where I am. The zone ends just barely in the county below me. I think I may get 1 and see how it does... but i cant afford it for a while :| :( They are real pretty trees tho.

Today.. just isnt such an awesome day for me. I cant really say why.. but its not happy at all.

hoo-ray for college

Well, I have been ultra extremely busy. Lots of homework, and I just started my first class in Human Services, so thats kinda exciting! ... Something I noticed though, my whole class consists of females. Sort of weird but I guess I can understand... maybe. To a degree. Maybe its just my class thats all female. Who knows?

Anyhow, my grades for my last 2 classes sucked. I really let myself down with them. I got a flippin C+ in essay writing... but I got a B+ in Critical Thinking. Everyone told me Critical Thinking was harder. Well really, I was just having a hard time focusing on my topic in Essay writing. That and it took a bit for the whole concept of APA citation guidelines to kick into and stay inside my brain. ... Late assignments dont help the grades either. .... Dont think that I gave up or anything... cause .. er.. well.. yea. I guess I kind of did. I got depressed over like everything. Im a tad lil bit better right now but eh.

Just had my first 'dating' anniversary with my boyfriend. Its been an up and down year, but we are still together, and I care for him more then any guy I have ever cared about. Everything is different with him... in a good way.

My boyfriends been pretty busy for the past few days with work and such, so that has given me some free time to spend on the xbox, after my parents go to bed (provided they do actually go to bed). I have gotten the will user or whatever on Fable 2. Yaay. Im close to owning almost all the houses and shops in bowerstone market, too. yaaay again. Im also a master blacksmith *flexes*. And my chick has a halo ^_^. I plan on doin the game all over again, and making her pure evil. After I finish of course. Then, after the Fableness, then it will probably be assassins creed (the first one). I used to have it back home, but yea. So i picked it up from walmart last time I was there... but the ex is moving back up here the 14th and hes going to be returning to me all my games and movies. Dont know what condition they will be in, and which ones he hasnt sold.. but I dont wanna open the new assassins creed till i see the old one i have, cause if its not scratched up and works fine, may as well trade the new one in for a different one. :)

Back Into The Game

*relaxing* Aaahhh. Yes. Mr XBOX it is nice to have you around again. I played Fable 2 lastnight. .... I stayed up WAY to late. My mom wouldn't let me have the TV till after she was done watching Face/Off which was 1am. I started out tired, had just taken my daughter to the ER (she has bronchitis btw.. she will be ok), and just wanted to get the system set up at least. Well. I played through childhood of Fable 2. I wont have time for myself ever if I dont take it when its available. Frustrating sometimes indeed, but I am not about to just let that machine collect dust.

I can't believe how blessed I am.... or loved or whatevers

So... I have basically gotten like 3 hrs of sleep in the last 48 hrs. I have been working on my finals, and doing the chores my parents require of me, and running off to 'save the day' for a certain someone whom im starting to hate. Well I went to wally world yesterday (on 2 hrs of sleep) with my friend Teena. She rocks. A lot. I had to find some ink for my printer... and we drove an hr to get to walmart... and guess what? They didnt have it. :| So I went over and got the Tide my mom wanted and was like "So... like 10 bux in gas, just for Tide." Just being sarcastic... and well she was like "hey i owe you something anyways." I was like "wtf you talkin bout, chicka, you owe me nothing." she was like "Well I didnt get you anything for christmas or your birthday or the girls's birthdays or christmas so im going to buy you something."

So she makes me go out to the car and wait. She finally comes out and has a huge bag in her hand. I was like "Wtf crock pot?" and shes like "No, take a look at this... its for you." And I look in the bag and there was an XBOX 360 ELITE! Has a Halo game.. (cant read what it says right now cause my brain isnt working) and a racing... motorsports 3 game, and she bought Fable 2 to go with it! She was like "now, I am gonna buy Halo 1,2, and 3, and we are going to sit around on one of these Fridays, and we will get drunk and play Halo!

Teena is awesome.

Also I would like to mention that thanks to another friend, I wont say the name tho, that cause of their generous gift of cash to me, I have been able to pay off some of my bills that have basically been giving me an ulcer, and many serious other stress related illnesses. I still have stress but it aint so much. Good bye medical bill.. and collection agency. You got your cake, now eat it. I paid off 2 collection agencies, and can now just focus on the one, and another 'surprize' that creeped up.

*yawns and stretches* i... am seepy.

So yea, last night..

Last night I had to go meet a friend at a bar to discuss possible employment with him, hes the captain of my paintball team, and well, paintball season is pretty much here, and my paintball team refs speedball, and plays scenario. So, was gonna go and talk about stuff, like dates they got lined up, and a refresher on how the pay works. My position would be Chronograph monitor, and line ref. So I was kinda stoaked about that, cause I love doin that kinda stuff.

Was leaving the bar, I only had soda lastnight. Which was kinda weird for me, normally I will have at least 1 cocktail, but meh. Just didnt want to. Walked outside to my car, and a guy started backing up while I was behind him. He whipped out real quick, hit my leg and hip, sent me flying backwards, and took off. I was not a happy camper. At least I had witnesses, but I personally have no idea who it was in the car. No CCTV at the bar, but the people who saw it happen know the guy, so they told the cops and yea, I got some muscle relaxers. No broken bones, just freakin ow.

Think I got burnout

So I have had 5 calls from my sister today. I just wanted a nice and quiet morning, my kids are at school, parents are gone to some appoitments then to visit my aunt... so it was my first morning alone in a long time. I wanted nothing more then to keep a clear mind, but of course, I am being selfish.

She texted me twice, "can you go get me some smokes, i will pay you back tonight" .... i didnt reply. "please please please" ... I didnt reply.

She called the house twice, then my cell twice and I didnt answer, she left messages "Call me back!"

Sent me a text again, "are you ok? answer me so I know your alright"

So i texted her "just woke up and feel like crap have a lot of home work to do today and no cash."

She replied "Oh well I was going to go to the casino tonight and have you come with but i guess ill just have to go on my own. need smokes!" ... I was like "i sorry" and left it at that.

Shes been calling me every day, hanging with me every day, and I just kinda need a break but dont know how to tell her I just want like a few days or a week where I can just clear my mind. Too much drama with her right now and I just need a little peace. Find my "happy place".

Lets see if it happens now....

So, I changed my blog so only my friends can see it. Maybe this will stop the thumb downing. ... jerks.

Anyways, had court today, rocked the sox off today, and won the case I was helping to win. No restraining order put on my sisters head. Was hilarious cause after court, the girl started text/harassing my sister. I lol'd cause we flamed her pretty hard. She was trying to pull off being my sisters ex husband, but we KNEW it was her cause her ex .. well he doesnt talk like that, period. So she impersonated him and said "I have an open heart and like a lot of people". So we were like, "What? An open heart, -girls name-? You mean you have open legs, and **** a lot of people." ....

Now that statement REALLY was called for, because she is claiming that at least 3 people from around town are the father of her unborn child (which we arent even sure she is pregnant at this time, cause she totally doesnt look it and she is supposed to be due in August... mmhmm. Not saying she def. isnt, but we arent sure), and one of the prospective fathers is supposed to be my sisters ex husband, hence drama, yet my sister isnt even creating the drama.

Its crazy, but we won in court anyways. Yay for us. :) Lets see what happens now... *dun dun dunnnn*

My oldest daughter thinks she can wrestle bears. .....

So my five year old thinks she can go outside and play all by herself cause she would just "wrestle the bears". .... She would in her words, "Knock it down, then kick it a few times while its down, then it would run away, then when it comes back, you punch it in the bear nose, and take off its bear paws, and kick it again and say, "NO BEAR!". .... ......... I could not help but laugh, but holy crap.

Update on my Uncle, and other news

FIRSTLY let me say this. To the sad immature people who keep giving McJugga, JustPlainLucas, and Megagene the negative feedback for their posts in my blog... quit it. Please grow up and take it elsewhere.

Secondly, my uncle is doing ok now. He went in the morning after easter, cause he was sweaty, vomiting, and he even threw up some blood. So away he went to the hospital and all they said was his blood sugar was pretty high. So home they sent him.

That night, he was taken to the hospital again, then air lifted to the hospital in minneapolis, mn, cause he was internally bleeding. He had torn his esophogus from vomiting, and was bleeding A LOT. They gave him 4 units of blood, and luckily, since it was only torn, it can repair itsself. He didnt need surgery, and should actually be on his way home today they think. So hes stable and will be alright.


Last night my uncle had taken a turn for the worse and started bleeding again badly. They have it under control now, but he will not be coming home yet. Also, his daughter, my cousin Jody, she started having extreme pains in her arms and legs, so she is in a bed next to him and they will be doing tests on her. ... *Sigh*... :(

Next on the list.... i should be getting called for a job interview Monday. :) Working at a casino! Yay tips! yay 8.00 an hr to start! ... WOO! Please please please say a prayer, or send good vibes, or positive thinking or whatever it is you do, towards the idea of me gettin a job there cause i need one so bad to take care of my kids.

Lets see.. what else.. OH! My sister in law has a pending restraining order against her, because the chick who put it on her created FALSE police reports. I know for pure fact they are false reports, because I was with her the days and times she said that she was "harassing" her. At the same time.. this chick is the same chick who threw burning hot... and i mean BURNING hot vegetable oil in my sister in law's face, sending her to the hospital, yet we cant prove that it was her, but shes been telling EVERYONE in town that it was her, yet the police wont do anything. No wonder this chick has a restraining order on her... shes scared now, specially now that she realises that I am my sister in laws, sister in law/friend. I dont do stupid things... so no worries about that. I have kids to worry about... but she will end up regretting her actions, via law enforcement and my pretty awesome way of convincing people of things.

Easter Madness

So yesterday was a really frustrating day. Woke up with the kids, they found their easter baskets and of course wanted to immediately consume all of the contents, and of course I told them No, the meanie I am, cause they needed to have a good breakfast first. So I ask them what kind of cereal they want. Fruit Loops was the answer. Then my dad says he wants chocolate malt-o-meal, and my girls will eat anything my dad is eating basically... so they said they wanted the malt o meal. Well my dads medication wont let him eat till 45 minutes after he takes it, so the girls were going to have to wait, so i told them they could have the fruit loops. My mom 'sploaded and told me i was a bad mother for not making my children malt-o-meal. ........ I was feeding my kids. It was a nutritional breakfast. ............

So im a bad mom... coming from my own mom. nice.

Oh.. and today. More bad freaking news. My uncle was rushed to the hospital by ambulance like a half hr ago. I am thinking this year is gonna suck.